The cat is drooling from his mouth: reasons, what to do? Why does a cat drool when you pet it?

Why do cats drool from their mouths?

Cats themselves are very clean, so they have the habit of licking themselves, that is, cleaning themselves. In addition, they do not really like water, so many owners, in order not to injure the pet and it does not go outside, do not consider it necessary to bathe it. Bathing more than once a month can be harmful to the animal's hair, as it washes away the protective lipid layer.

That is why frequent licking is useful for a cat, it concerns cleanliness, but can provoke intestinal volvulus and various blockages in the organs of the digestive and respiratory systems. Often cats suffer from the fact that they have a gag reflex in order to remove lumps from the esophagus in a piece of fur that cause intestinal obstruction.

Why do cats drool from their mouths?

  • Adeno- or enterovirus diseases. The cat may get sick, catch a cold or catch the intestinal flu. It is possible that an increased amount of secretion may be released. This is due to irritation, damage to the throat, root of the tongue, tonsils, as a result of which an increased amount of secretion is released. The body seems to be trying to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms with the help of mucus and copious amounts of fluid.
  • Intestinal disorders. With dysbacteriosis, or gastritis, an ulcer produces an increased amount of secretion.
  • Often saliva drips from the mouth when the thyroid gland is malfunctioning. Indeed, with insufficient or excessive secretion of thyroid hormones, sweating increases, there are problems with hair, and drooling also increases.


Sore throat and pharyngitis: what is the difference?

The general condition of the patient with acute tonsillitis or tonsillitis can be confused with the symptoms of pharyngitis. If the disease is diagnosed incorrectly, then treatment of pharyngitis in adults will not have any effect. And the acute form of the pathology can develop into a chronic one.

Unfortunately, many patients self-medicate and start using medications without a doctor’s specific prescription. This is extremely contraindicated! It is better to take care of your health in time and seek help from an experienced otolaryngologist.

It is important to remember that during pharyngitis, the larynx becomes inflamed, and during tonsillitis, the tonsils become inflamed. During a sore throat, it is always painful to swallow, and the pain intensifies even more when eating food. With pharyngitis, the opposite happens - while eating warm food or warm drinks, the sore throat decreases.

During the development of a sore throat, there is no cough or sore throat, only a sore throat and sometimes the formation of a white coating. With pharyngitis, there is a sore throat, as well as noise, pain, or congestion in the ears. The difficulty in distinguishing between these two diseases is further complicated by the fact that one patient can simultaneously develop both pathologies, since they are caused by the same pathogen.

The cat is drooling from his mouth: reasons

What is considered normal? In general, normally, the owner should not pay any attention to the secretion of the pet; it should be invisible. If there is a wet chest, everything near the muzzle is also wet, the secretion drips onto the tummy, the cat constantly wipes itself on the furniture, the whole bed is also wet, that is a reason for concern. Out of the blue, there should not be copious secretion. This is a sign of an existing pathology. Below we will look at the most common of them.

The cat is drooling from his mouth, reasons:

  • Worms. With helminthic infestation, an increase in secretion is actually observed. This especially happens if the cat does not have intestinal worms, but lung worms. There may be a cough and increased secretion.
  • Poisoning . Of course, domestic cats eat the food provided by the owner. Accordingly, the likelihood of poisoning is reduced to a minimum. However, cats themselves are very curious, so they may inadvertently try homemade chemicals or lick off a dangerous liquid. Because of this, poisoning may occur. Along with a huge concentration of saliva, vomiting, nausea, bowel dysfunction, and diarrhea are also observed. When infected with adenoviruses, snot is produced, as well as a severe cough.


Why is the cat drooling and sticking out its tongue?

Similar symptoms appear with serious illnesses and pathologies present in the cat. A protruding tongue is a sign of choking and the presence of a hairball in the throat or esophagus. The cat may wheeze and breathe heavily.

The cat is drooling and sticking out his tongue:

  • Diabetes. The functioning of the entire body is disrupted, so there may be increased sweating, excessive secretion of sebum, which is why the hair looks like icicles, and increased secretion production.
  • Oncological diseases. It could be cancer of the throat or esophagus. The cat can drink a lot of liquid to try to push the foreign object in the digestive and respiratory system, but this cannot be done.
  • The main reason is the presence of foreign objects in the esophagus. That is, a cat can swallow a hairball, which is why there is a cough and increased secretion. The cat is trying to get back what he ate.
  • Another common cause of drooling in cats is rabies. This is a dangerous disease with clear symptoms. The cat can be very restless. The disease should be suspected in case of contact with sick pets. If not, then there is nothing to worry about.


Bottom line

Cat drooling is a fairly common occurrence, but usually not life-threatening. Often this problem appears due to the curiosity of animals and the inattention of their owners. Contacting a medical specialist will solve all the issues and cope with the problem of excessive salivation.

The cat owner is required to be attentive and take good care of the pet. During the period of illness, the animal suffers, so it needs not only treatment, but also care and love. This costs nothing to a person, but it helps a lot for a sick pet.

The cat is drooling and has bad breath

If, along with copious secretion, a cat has a rotten breath, this is due to the problem of changing baby teeth. Please note that if the gums are red and inflamed, it makes sense to go to the vet.

The cat is drooling and has bad breath:

  • Baby teeth may not always fall out on their own, so they need to be removed to make life easier for the cat. Excessive secretion of saliva and an unpleasant odor may be associated with the consumption of hard, dry food, which is not suitable in its hardness and consistency for the cat.
  • Cats are predators, so pieces of food can get stuck between their teeth and begin to rot. Along with this, there is a huge secretion, inflammation of the gums and bad breath. With a constant flow of secretion, you should definitely look at the condition of your gums and teeth.
  • If the cat is lethargic, constantly sleeps, and eats poorly, then it has problems with its teeth and gastrointestinal tract. Eating is associated with pain. Other troubles should not be ruled out.
  • Normally, a small amount of secretion should be released. If the bed is not wet and the cat does not rub its face to remove excess moisture, then everything is fine. Increased salivation can be observed due to the unconditioned reflex. That is, before eating, or under stress. Therefore, if you are going to give the animal a pill, or have taken it to the veterinarian for a haircut, then there is nothing wrong with increased secretion, the pet is so nervous.



Often the diagnosis can be made immediately after a thorough examination of the mouth and teeth. Depending on the results of the veterinarian’s examination of the cat and the collection of anamnesis, additional diagnostics may be required:

  • X-ray of the oral cavity, survey X-ray.
  • Biochemical analysis of cat blood.
  • Clinical blood test (to exclude acute inflammation and other possible pathologies).
  • Analysis for calicivirus.
  • Blood tests for chronic viral infections in cats.

If your cat is drooling, what should you do?

You should not start self-medication until a diagnosis has been made.

If your cat is drooling, what to do:

  • Cats have a very delicate sense of smell, so they rarely get poisoned by eating expired, spoiled or unsuitable food. However, it is precisely because of their keen sense of smell that cats can become poisoned by household chemicals. When using chemical solutions, the main mistake is to try to rinse the animal's stomach. If you induce vomiting in an animal by pressing on the root of the tongue, thereby trying to return the contents back, you will additionally injure the food passages and stomach.
  • The chances of recovery are significantly reduced. That is why we recommend giving your animal several tablets of activated carbon. If it is not there, Enterosgel or Smecta will do. Feed the animal with these sorbents, they will absorb all toxic substances, absorbing them and turning them into safe chemical compounds that will leave the body along with feces and urine.
  • Owners of cats with long hair have noticed that these animals more often than others suffer from blockage of the food passages with hair. That is why we advise such animals to introduce more fiber, green grass into their diet, or purchase special supplements and food. They were created for long-haired breeds not by chance, and differ significantly in their composition. Made with the addition of fiber, which helps remove hair particles from the body along with feces. The risk of intestinal blockage by wool is minimized, which means that there will be much less saliva released when the intestines or esophagus are blocked by wool.
  • Before eating, secretion is completely normal. It can stand out if the housewife is in the kitchen and uses the animal’s favorite product for cooking. This is also a reflex reaction of the body.
  • In case of intestinal diseases, it is necessary to normalize the microflora of the digestive organs, and in case of colds, cure them. Of course, take care of your dental health.
  • In any case, if you come into contact with other cats and then an increased amount of saliva appears, you should get tested for rabies and observe the animal’s behavior.


Treatment of excessive salivation in cats

As we have already said, self-medication is not acceptable! Diagnosis must be carried out by a veterinarian. After diagnosis, a treatment regimen will be prescribed, which must be strictly adhered to.

If a cat is drooling, and she is completely healthy, the causes of ptyalism are psychological or physiological in nature, then this condition quickly goes away on its own. Give your cat the opportunity to rest and sleep after suffering stress or intense physical activity.

If drooling occurs after interacting with frogs, insects, lizards, rinse your pet’s mouth and the drooling will stop. You can remove a foreign body in the oral cavity yourself using tweezers or your hands. After this, treat the oral mucosa with Chlorhexidine.

Pathological causes of hypersalivation are determined only in the clinic based on the results of diagnostic studies. The doctor examines the oral cavity to identify ulcers, tumors and wounds. If a foreign body is suspected in the esophagus, an ultrasound is performed. Stool analysis can reveal helminthic infestation. To detect somatic diseases, blood and urine tests are performed on the animal. Mucosal washes and tissue biopsies are performed if necessary.

Based on the research results, the doctor prescribes treatment. Helminthic infestation is treated with anthelmintic drugs: Selamectin, Milbemycin, Prazicide, etc. If diseases of the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract are detected, a therapeutic diet and drug therapy are prescribed. When neoplasms are detected, surgical intervention is required. Injuries and diseases of the oral cavity are treated with special ointments and drops.

Dental problems are eliminated with appropriate medications: silver nitrate, sodium fluoride. Diseased teeth are removed. Viral infections require taking antiviral drugs: Vitafed, Gamavit, Fosprenil.

The poisoned pet's stomach is washed, activated charcoal is given, and plenty of fluids are provided. If your pet is poisoned by alkali or acid, it is necessary to take special solutions in a clinic setting. Rabies is incurable - the cat must be euthanized.

Why does a cat drool when you pet him?

Please note that for some breeds, excessive salivation is normal. These are short-haired breeds, such as Sphynxes. These animals may secrete an increased amount of secretion during affection, that is, when the owner strokes them. This is considered a variant of the norm.

The cat drools when you pet him:

  • If you recently gave your animal a new drug for helminths, then increased secretion is a reaction to taking the medication. The fact is that some of the anthelmintic drugs can reduce the sensitivity of taste buds, and accordingly the animal will have profuse salivation.
  • Very often in the summer, insects are the cause of a large amount of saliva in cats. Cats are very playful and inquisitive, so they won’t let a spider or some kind of bug pass by. Some insects carry special toxic substances on their legs, which help them defend themselves in their environment and nature.
  • This is a kind of protection of small insects from birds and larger animals that eat insects. Therefore, if a cat ate a spider, toxic substances can cause an allergic reaction, irritating nerve receptors.

For cat lovers, our website has a lot of useful information:

The cat wants a cat, what to do, how to calm it down? How long does a cat want a cat?

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After an animal has eaten a spider, profuse salivation can be observed for 24 hours. If you see that the animal is restless, or, on the contrary, lethargic, does not eat anything, has diarrhea and drooling for more than a day and a half, consult a doctor immediately.

Preventive actions

How to prevent hypersalivation in your pet:

  • monitor the condition of your gums. Brush your pet’s teeth with a special brush 2 times a week, and also examine the oral cavity for the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • try to protect your cat from stress;
  • do not give the animal fish with bones;
  • feed your pet only high-quality food;
  • keep household chemicals away, do not leave bleach, building materials, etc. open;
  • avoid contact of the cat with street animals;
  • Give your pet anti-worm medications once every 3 months;
  • when removing fleas, make sure that the cat does not lick the preparation intended for topical use;
  • do not give the animal any medications without first consulting a doctor;
  • Be sure to give your cat all the necessary vaccinations;
  • Take your pet to the veterinarian once every 6 months. After all, only a specialist can recognize minor deviations from the norm at the initial stages.

To prevent hypersalivation and inflammatory processes, your cat’s teeth should be brushed 2 times a week.

To prevent increased salivation in the cat, as well as dangerous consequences for the gastrointestinal tract, I tried not to give my pet fish with bones. My favorite loved this product and even tried to steal the herring right from the table, but I either refused the cat such a delicacy, or first cleaned the fish from the bones. I also tried to feed my pet only high-quality products.

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