Detailed description with photos of all animals included in the Red Book of Russia

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Nature surprises with the unusual colors of animals. Bright spots on the body help in hunting, camouflage, and attract individuals of the opposite sex. We bring to your attention 11 of the most spectacular and spotted representatives of the planet, which will take your breath away.

  • 2 Hyena.
  • 3 Snow leopard.
  • 4 Leopard.
  • 5 Ocelot.
  • 6 Ladybug.
  • 7 Skunk.
  • 8 Octopus.
  • 9 Dalmatian.
  • 10 Lynx.
  • 11 Bush cat.


The giraffe's body is covered with small dark brown spots, which differ in shape, size and shade. The individual pattern of each individual resembles human fingerprints - in nature, there are no two giraffes with identical markings. The combination of patterns is passed on to the offspring from the mother.

Animals live in different areas of Africa and are attacked by predators. The pattern on the body helps giraffes to camouflage themselves in acacia bushes or near sun-bleached trees. Dark lines merge with the crown and bark; animals recognize relatives from their herd by spots and identify specific individuals.

Big panda

China's national treasure, the adorable black and white bamboo bear, has already captivated the rest of the world with its beauty and photogenicity. Despite its impressive dimensions, and the weight of the average individual is 100 kg with a height of 150 cm, this animal cannot but evoke tenderness and a smile.

A giant “teddy” bear with black spots around its eyes specializes in eating bamboo and can do this with abandon for up to 12 hours a day, eating up to 30 kg of the plant.


Small predators live in Africa and prefer to be in a pack. They are dangerous not only for mammals, but also for travelers who may encounter a hyena during their trip.

Spots on the fur help in hunting; with their help, animals externally merge with the ground and stones. The color allows them to be invisible to the victim and wait for the right moment to attack. Predators are difficult to spot in nature when they move around. There are few spotted hyenas left on the planet; the species is listed in the Red Book.


This little fox lives in the deserts of Africa. The most important asset of this charming creature is its large ears. Their size reaches 15 cm with an average body length of 30 cm and a weight of one and a half kilograms. The functionality of “locators” is very significant: they transmit the slightest rustle nearby, and also act as thermostats. Fenechs live in small flocks of 10 individuals, are omnivores and can go without water for a long time.

By the way, a smaller version of the Mozilla Firefox browser designed for mobile devices was named after this miniature fox Fennec.

Snow leopard.

Famous photographers who photograph wildlife willingly capture the predator because of its unusual color. He lives in the mountains of Central Asia and lives alone. It is difficult to meet a snow leopard in the wild, but those who wish can watch them in large zoos.

The bright spots that decorate the fur of wild cats help them hide among snow-covered rocks and stones. The color of the skin depends on the region where it lives and the time of year. In summer, the coat lightens, becomes almost white, and in winter it acquires a gray tint.


Because of its amazing wide eyes, this mammal can easily be mistaken for a creature from another planet. Even his name is translated from Latin as “ghost”. Nevertheless, the animal settled on the completely terrestrial island of Madagascar.

In addition to the interesting expression of the eyes, reminiscent of either extreme amazement or fear, the lemur also boasts a luxurious long tail. With its help, the animal communicates with its relatives and deftly balances, jumping along the branches on which it spends most of its time.


Dangerous and graceful predators are found alone in some areas of Africa and the forests of Asia. The spotted coloring covers the body from the top of the head to the tip of the tail and helps to hide from prying eyes. Leopards move slowly and carefully when stalking their future prey. Feral cats are difficult to replace among colorful shrubs, trees and rocks.

Spotted camouflage has a unique pattern, the intensity of which depends on the pigmentation characteristics. The black panther, which is a member of the leopard, also has dark spots. They do not differ, because they merge with the main color of the coat.

Polar bear

The polar bear is the largest predatory mammal on Earth. Giant individuals can reach a mass of a ton with a length of 3 meters. The animal is well adapted to the harsh conditions of the north. The thick coat protects from frost and camouflages among the endless ice and snow. The animal is also helped by a solid layer of subcutaneous fat 10 cm thick and the presence of hair on the soles of the feet, and the membranes between the toes help the bears swim well.

The predator only seems heavy and clumsy. In fact, it moves quite quickly both on land and in water.


The miniature predator has unusual spotted patterns on its body. Ocelots live in South and Central America and prefer to live alone. During the day they camouflage themselves under tree branches, and when the evening cools, they go out hunting.

Bright colors help wild cats pass unnoticed through thickets and attack prey. The spotted skin serves as a guide for the baby ocelots as they move through the terrain overgrown with bushes and tall grass.


About 70 species of reptiles live in the vast expanses of the Russian Federation. Below is a list of the most common representatives of this class.

Common viper

One of the country's most numerous venomous snakes, the common viper uses its venom to immobilize prey such as lizards, amphibians, birds and small mammals. Although its venom poses little danger to a healthy adult, the bite is very painful and requires emergency medical attention. The common viper's range extends further north than any other snake and is the only species found inside the Arctic Circle.

Viviparous lizard

Viviparous lizards are capable of both laying eggs (in warm climates) and giving birth to live young (in cold climates). Their range extends throughout Northern Asia, Central and Northern Europe. These lizards are good underwater swimmers and can also shed their tails to deceive predators. At night, viviparous lizards take refuge under logs, stones and metal sheets. They winter from October to March, usually in groups formed during warm periods.

Common snake

Widespread not only in Russia, but throughout Europe, common snakes are usually found near water, where there is shelter, food and warm morning sun. They hibernate during the cold winter months. These are quite large reptiles, with a body length of up to 2 meters. The diet of the common grass snake consists of frogs, small mammals and fish.

Brittle spindle

A species of legless lizards that looks like snakes. One way to identify brittle spindle is to see if it has eyelids. Lizards, unlike snakes, have hard eyelids.

Common copperhead

Although the copperhead is harmless to humans, reptiles and small mammals have some concerns. Like boas, copperheads hold and kill their prey by coiling themselves around it. They overwinter in groups, and after leaving their shelters, males fight for females. They push their opponents to the ground and wrap themselves around each other until one refuses to compete any further.


Skunks live in North America in small families or alone. Cute animals have an unusual black and white color. Representatives of the animal world that have light stripes on their backs have a unique ability.

Glands located under the tail secrete fluid in defense against predators. The smell is so pungent that it repels any enemy.


This adorable snow-white cute baby is a baby harp or Caspian seal. He wears his attractive fur coat only for a few weeks while he is close to his mother and feeds on her milk. By the way, its fat content is about 50%, and protein can gain 3 kg in weight every day.

For many, tears in the eyes of a baby cause special tenderness and pity, but this is only a natural ability to moisturize in dry conditions. After a few weeks, the female leaves behind a stronger female, and the process of molting and transformation into an ordinary young individual with the unremarkable name of serk begins.


Octopuses are found in all seas and oceans, except cold northern waters. They do not live in families or packs, but prefer loneliness. Shellfish can be found in shallow waters, but most are home to greater depths and coral reefs.

Octopuses change color depending on their location. The bright stripes on the body merge with the textured corals, which allows them to quietly grab prey or hide from ill-wishers.


About 30 species of amphibians have been recorded in Russia, which is less than 1% of the world's diversity.

Common toad

These toads secrete small amounts of toxins to protect them from most predators, although the poison does not stop snakes and hedgehogs. If they are lucky enough to avoid voracious predators, common toads can live up to 40 years.

lake frog

Lake frogs spend all their time directly in the water, or at a distance of several jumps from the reservoir. They are good swimmers and jumpers, often just standing in the mud, ready to jump into the water at the first sign of danger.

Crested newt

A relatively large species of newt. Females are larger than males and can reach 16 cm in length. Crested newts have gray-brown backs and sides, and are almost entirely covered in dark spots. Males are distinguished from females by the presence of a serrated crest during the breeding season.

Siberian salamander

The Siberian salamander is the only amphibian species found within the Arctic Circle. This unique amphibian is capable of replacing water inside the body with glycerol, which allows it to survive long periods of hibernation at temperatures below -35° C.


Large white dogs with dark spots attract the attention of others. The rich colors do not immediately appear on Dalmatian puppies; within 1-2 weeks the baby remains completely white.

The color of the spots depends on genetic predisposition - they can be black, brown, gray and even orange. Their color helped them blend in with nature and hunt when dogs were not yet domesticated animals.

Arctic fox

The Arctic fox, the owner of an impeccable thick white coat, has perfectly adapted to the tundra and forest-tundra zones. In such a harsh climate, the animal is unpretentious in food: it feeds mainly on rodents and fish, but will not refuse berries and herbs. Arctic fox burrows are complex labyrinths that can be used for centuries.

In winter, they lead a predominantly nomadic lifestyle and can travel thousands of kilometers in search of food.


The lynx lives in rugged coniferous forests, which are an ideal habitat. The animal is famous for the beauty of its spotted skin and tufted ears. The color of the coat helps the wild cat to hunt in the dark. It merges with the surrounding nature, tree bark and massive roots.

The lynx changes its color depending on the time of year. The color of the coat is gray, ash-white and red. The spotted coloring helps the animal peacefully enjoy sleeping on tree branches and appear invisible.

Little panda

This animal with a bright red color and a charming raccoon face has chosen to live in the southern provinces of China, as well as Bhutan and Nepal. Although the panda is classified as a carnivore, its main source of food is bamboo leaves and shoots.

The cat bear spends half the day eating food, and devotes the second to sleeping. Despite its rather clumsy appearance, the animal perfectly climbs trees, obtaining food there and hiding from danger.


Stick insect
There are animals that have learned to imitate other animals or objects. This ability to imitate gives them a huge advantage, allowing them to hide effectively. Creatures that imitate an inanimate object, such as a leaf or twig, can rest peacefully among the leaves and branches without worrying about their safety. Animals that imitate living things (a phenomenon called mimetism) often imitate animals that are more dangerous and scarier than themselves. In this way they protect themselves from predators. Here we present to your attention the best imitators.


Fallen Leaf Butterfly
This incredible miracle of evolution cannot be detected when it is hiding in a tree. These insects are strikingly reminiscent of tree leaves in appearance. They even move like a leaf when the wind blows. Some leafhoppers even have bumps along the edges, making them look even more like leaves.

Butterfly "owl's eye"

Owl's Eye Butterfly
Like many butterflies that have large eye spots on their wings, the owl's eye is designed to repel potential predators. These butterflies are hunted mainly by lizards and frogs. Spots resembling owl's eyes help butterflies save their lives.


Hoverflies are harmless insects that feed on nectar and pollen. Many hoverflies imitate more dangerous and poisonous wasps. In this way, they escape from animals that are afraid of wasps.

In the animal world, conspicuous coloration is almost always a disadvantage. However, the bright coloration can also serve as a warning to potential predators.

Brightly colored animals are more likely to be poisonous, dangerous, or unpalatable. Many unpalatable butterflies and moths are painted in bright warning colors. And it’s also better not to touch brightly colored frogs. Many harmless animals have evolved to have dangerous animal colors to help them avoid predators.

Coloration and evolution

Camouflage in Predators
Coloration is the most visible expression of an organism's genetics. After several millions of evolution, most animals have acquired the colors most suitable for their natural habitat and the role they perform in the food chain.

During evolution, color mutations could only persist if they were beneficial in some way. Almost every animal and even plant on our planet relies on its coloration to protect itself from predators, watch for prey, or attract members of the opposite sex.

Protective coloration can act in several ways: serve as protective camouflage against predators, or be used as a warning or distraction.

Gradual change in color shades

This coloration is observed in almost all highly developed animals. Upper body of dolphins, sharks, penguins, deer, cheetahs, etc. darker than the bottom. Although this coloration also helps land animals such as deer, it benefits ocean predators the most.

Sharks, dolphins and penguins have an almost white belly, which gradually turns into a dark gray or black back. Thanks to this coloration, these predators are not easy to replace, both from below against the backdrop of sunlight and from above, where their backs blend into the color of the ocean.

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