How to transport a cat in transport: maintaining comfort and safety

The vast majority of pets, especially those that have free access to the outdoors, feel vulnerable if they enter another territory. As a rule, animals are tied to their own territorial boundaries, feeling protected. Traveling with cats is the dream of most people, but alas, these furry predators do not really like new places and do not get positive emotions when exploring new places.

If you want to go on a trip with your pet, the owner needs to prepare carefully. When planning a long trip with an animal outside the home, you need to purchase a special container for transportation, a bowl for food and a special container for water. It is also important to consult a veterinarian about your pet's health. For some cats, due to natural characteristics and diseases of internal organs, travel is not recommended, as is long-term stay in a closed space.

Preparation for transportation

Before transporting an animal, you need to take care of its comfort and health. At these moments, the pet is not protected from infections and stress. Transportation is especially dangerous for animals that live permanently in an apartment and do not have access to the street.

Deworming and vaccination

Cats' immune systems can be attacked by infections while they are outside, so deworming should be done in advance. If your pet gets sick, you won't have to deal with multiple illnesses at once, and you will also minimize the unexpected manifestations of illnesses that stress causes, such as some types of lichen. Read about how to treat lichen in my other article.

When planning a long-distance trip, carry out the necessary procedures in advance and check the vaccination schedule so that the treatment period does not coincide with the time of travel.

Veterinarian consultation

Contact your veterinarian to find out which motion sickness tablets are available for your pet. Regardless of the choice of transport for the trip, as well as its duration, the animal may feel bouts of nausea and vomit.

If you know that your cat is impressionable, has a hard time with changing surroundings, or can be aggressive, purchase calming drops. They begin to be given approximately two weeks before the trip. Herbal medications are not addictive, but the need for their use and dosage should be clarified with your doctor.

Comfort and safety

Prepare the cat carrier in advance: check that the lock is working properly and that the lid is tight. If you have a regular plastic baby carrier, put some rags inside and buy some disposable diapers. Regardless of the duration of the trip, the call of nature has not been canceled, and during periods of stress the animal may defecate unexpectedly.

If you are planning a long trip by car or public transport, take a cat litter tray, cleaning bags and wet wipes with you to take care of your cat's hygiene.

On a trip, it is recommended to take your pet’s favorite things that smell like home: toys, bedding, dishes.

Purchase or prepare a harness and leash. During stops, you can offer your pet a walk, stretch and go to the toilet. A leash is important because a cat may try to run away and hide out of fear.

I have seen owners of large cats, in particular Maine Coons, who prefer to go grocery shopping or to the veterinary clinic, keeping their pet on a leash.

Experienced owners hang a tag on the cat's collar with its name and the owners' phone number. Such a minor detail will help save your nerves in the future.

What to do if your cat can’t get used to the car

Some cats will never be able to calm down during car rides, despite your best efforts. These cats may benefit from calming supplements and/or medications. Talk to your veterinarian about the best options for your cat.

Nutritional supplements such as Solliquin can help your cat relax without the use of pharmaceutical drugs. Check this in advance before you go on a long trip.

If supplements are ineffective, then it may be time to try stronger medications. A sedative may be the best option for the most restless cats.

Package of documents

To travel abroad you will need a package of documents for your cat. As a standard, you need an international veterinary passport, a veterinary certificate, and certificates for transportation to the countries of the European Union. The exact list of documents must be clarified in the rules of travel to a particular country.

I recommend that you clarify which documents to take with you, even if you are not planning to travel abroad, but want to travel around the country by public transport. Go to the carrier's website and read the rules.

When transporting a cat abroad, especially to participate in an exhibition, a microchipping procedure may be required. It is simple and does not require preliminary preparation. Together with the solution, a chip is introduced into the animal’s body. You can use it to identify your pet and find it if it gets lost.

To travel abroad, you must be vaccinated against rabies and recorded in your passport.

A veterinary clinic can prepare documents for transporting an animal.

Traveling with a cat on a plane

In terms of preparation and costs, this is the most difficult type of travel. First of all, you need to find out how much it will cost to fly a cat on board. It is better to choose an airline that allows the transportation of an animal weighing no more than 8-9 kg in the passenger cabin. The cargo compartment is undesirable because it has higher pressure and temperature.

When making a domestic flight, it is enough to provide a veterinary certificate about the health of the cat. It is issued at regional veterinary clinics. A veterinary passport must be presented. The certificate is valid for 3 days, so there is no point in doing it in advance.

When flying internationally, it is necessary to replace the veterinary certificate with an international certificate filled with information in English. It is processed by the state pet transportation service. It is recommended to check the entire list of nuances with representatives of the selected airline.

A cat owner who does not have a veterinary passport must obtain one no later than 30 days before travel.

What to transport your pet in

If you are planning a trip on public transport, according to the rules, you must transport your animal only in a standard-sized carrier. My experience suggests that it is best to transport cats only in a special carrier. Believe me, this is as convenient and safe as possible for both the animal and the owner.

But there have been times in my life when there was no carrier or it was broken, and then I used improvised items. An old backpack and a cloth bag came to the rescue.

For transportation in a car, it is best to use frame carriers (not fabric houses). Special seat covers are sold with a built-in frame mesh, inside which the animal is placed. Some owners attach the cat with a harness to the seat belt in the back seat if the pet is very stressed when traveling in a closed container.

How to transport a cat without a carrier

Cats are animals that react most acutely to changes in environment. An excited and frightened animal will cause a lot of trouble for the owner on the road. There are often situations when it is necessary to urgently transport a cat, but there is no special carrier at hand. For example, an animal needs to be taken to a veterinarian. How to transport a cat without a carrier?

Transportation rules

There are rules for transporting animals on public transport. Check them out before your trip. I will give general rules that apply in most CIS countries.

  • Animals cannot be transported in a reserved seat on trains. Allowed in a coupe or SV. I really liked the video about how to transport a cat on a train. I suggest you familiarize yourself with it:
  • On electric trains you can only transport a cat on a harness.
  • If your cat weighs less than 8 kg, you can take it with you on board the plane.
  • Air transportation requires veterinary control at the airport. Be prepared for this and plan your time.
  • In most metropolitan areas around the world, it is prohibited to transport animals by underground transport.

If you and your pet are planning to fly

Already during the ride you need to calm your pet: pet it, feed it, talk to it. But the most difficult question is how to transport a cat on a plane. Only some operators allow animals into the salon. According to the rules, there should be no more than two cats on the entire plane. However, some carriers allow up to 4 pets. Usually, if the cat is allowed in, it will be written directly onto your ticket.

The cat must be carried in a carrier. Airlines have two requirements for them: they must close, and the bottom must not get wet. Sometimes cats still have to survive the flight in the luggage compartment. However, don’t worry ahead of time, cats tolerate this quite easily. You just need to prepare them correctly, accustom them to the container and try to leave it alone closed in advance so that a state of panic does not set in during the flight.

Of course, traveling with a pet is a rather difficult process, but sometimes there is simply no choice, so it is best to accept the inevitable and prepare for the trip in advance. After all, your cat should definitely receive a reward for good behavior, for example, his favorite treat.

Useful tips

Additionally, I would like to share tips based on my personal experience and recommendations from experts.


Eating a large breakfast before a trip can lead to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea from stress. Offer your cat some food and water. If the trip takes a long time, take food with you and, regardless of the duration of transportation, water.

It is advisable to take homemade bowls so that the pet will be attracted to the native smell. But when this is not possible, I take folding dishes. It is very comfortable!

Not eating on the road is normal, don’t panic. Offer your cat water regularly.


Prepare your pet for the trip as far in advance as possible. When traveling by car, let the cat sniff the interior, start the engine so that the pet gets used to new sounds.

Cats shed their fur when stressed, so don't be surprised if you see a coat of fur in the salon. Buy a special cover for the interior or get ready to wash the covers.

Domestic cats have a hard time traveling on public transport because the smells and sounds are completely unfamiliar to them. I know that many owners periodically take their cat outside in their arms before a planned trip to give them the opportunity to get used to the environment.

Make regular stops if the trip takes more than 3 hours.


It is best to transport a cat in a car on the floor behind the driver's seat. Carrying by hand is a bad idea. The animal may become frightened and suddenly try to get out of the car, including through the driver's seat. This may lead to an accident. In addition, if the cat goes to the toilet, the feces will remain on the rubber mat, which is easy to clean afterwards, which cannot be said about the salon.

Pets are never transported in the trunk!

Avoid drafts and excessive heat. If you see that the cat is hot, stop and give him water. Turn on the air conditioner.

In transport there is a draft on the floor, so if possible, keep the carrier on your lap. I recommend purchasing a cooling mat for transportation.

I need to take my cat to the veterinary clinic, but I don’t have a carrier...

I'm afraid to carry it in my arms, because I'm already big and will break out. Tell me what to do?

I carried it in a travel bag with a zipper. She left a small gap, such that the cat could breathe, but could not jump out.

Yes, in the bosom - if the cat is smart, it will snuggle up to you and will not try to escape.

you can find a bag with a zipper anyway

Once upon a time I was bringing a cat from Hungary, a long time ago, in a box that he tore, I had to throw it away and put it in a suitcase, and even with things, the cat behaved quite well there, oddly enough. The moral is: anything that can be closed and opened will do. And then, by the way, I took him on the train on vacation and kept him on my shelf on a leash so that he wouldn’t jump around everywhere. Also very good.

Wrap your paws with tape and carry them

I traveled with a cat across the whole country by train, in Moscow we walked along Red Square, took the subway. We only had a harness (leash) in case the cat decided to flog in the capital). in general, you can put it in any bag, as long as the cat fits

I have a gorgeous carrier, but I carry it to the vet in my gym bag. It’s more convenient and there’s less staring.

I urgently need to buy a carrier! If there is no money for this, then the cat can be carried in a zippered bag. True, my cat almost tore this bag (when we didn’t have a carrier), but nevertheless, they brought it! But anything can happen! Better buy a carrier!


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