Why do cats groom each other and then fight?

Cats are clean animals, but due to their special constitution, they simply cannot lick some areas of their fur. In this case, a cohabitant comes to the rescue, who is also not against mutual “cleaning”.

This explains the fact that when a cat is stroked in places that are not difficult to lick, he sometimes begins to get angry, show aggression and dissatisfaction, but if you scratch behind the ear or under the neck - so please!

Social connection

In 2004, a study was conducted on social interaction between stray cats. Scientists have noticed that allogrooming is typical for cats that already have established relationships with each other. “Strangers” did not show such behavior - in other words, the cats did not want to care for other animals that were unfamiliar to them, which is quite logical.

The researchers also concluded that those affected by allogrooming tend to be very friendly, purring, and tilting or turning their heads. They can expose the back of their head or the top of their head, that is, those parts of the body that are difficult to care for independently. This behavior may be motivated by a need for help regarding hygiene.

Why do cats lick themselves?

Most often, cats, of course, lick themselves. According to various reports, cats devote from 30 to fifty percent of their time to personal hygiene - in other words, virtually constantly, if the cat does not sleep or eat, it washes itself.

In addition to the fact that cats routinely keep their own fur clean, licking has several other necessary functions for them. With the help of licking, they regulate their own body temperature: they moisten their fur with saliva, the evaporation of which cools the body... and relieves stress. Licking also stimulates blood circulation.

There is another well-known trait of cats - licking wounds. If something hurts a cat, not necessarily on the surface of the body, she will lick this area. From time to time, obsessive licking can cause even more damage than was previously present, so it is always necessary to pay attention to how your pet is licking itself, and, if necessary, take it to the veterinarian.

Licking is associated with higher rank

Another, earlier study found that in most cases, higher-ranking cats groom lower-ranking ones. In this case, most often those animals that are licked sit or lie, while those caring for them take higher positions - standing or sitting upright. A cat, without resorting to fights and other aggressive actions, can show its dominance by licking another.

Maintaining high status

Another finding is that cats of higher status in the pack are more likely to lick less respected cats, and not vice versa. The hypothesis is that perhaps dominant individuals secure their position in this way, which is a safer way compared to fighting.

photo: catster.com

How to stop a cat from licking

If your cat is an avid licker, you can stop her by addressing any health or stress issues that are causing her to lick.

As we've already learned, cats need to lick themselves for many healthy reasons, but there are also many unhealthy habits that can arise from it.

The main thing to look for is whether your cat licks for a very long time or if she licks very frequently throughout the day. If you can positively determine that she is licking an area of ​​her body that is causing her pain, you should resolve the compulsive licking by treating the injury.

Outside of medical reasons, to reduce the amount of licking your cat does, you will have to reduce the amount of stress in her life.

Please take steps to create a safe area for them in your home, free from loud noises and stressors. Make sure your cat gets enough exercise throughout the day. After a few weeks of this regimen, check to see if your cat is licking less frequently.

Ringworm and fungi

Ringworm in animals appears as small patches of baldness. In this case, scabs or erosion may be present on the skin, but this depends on the causative agent of the disease.

Quite often, the reason that an animal licks itself more often than usual is a fungal infection. It is impossible to identify the fungus without special equipment, but dry skin and flaking can help you suspect the disease. It is these symptoms that cause discomfort to the cat, in response to which he constantly licks himself, itches and chews his fur.

Upon careful examination, you will notice the following signs on the skin:

Why do cats lick toys?

Some cats even lick their toys, mostly soft ones or those covered with fur or feathers. Most often, this is done by cats that were “disliked” in childhood - taken away from their mother early and placed, for example, in a shelter or in a family without pets. They can suck on parts of the toy, thus making up for the lack of communication with their mother in childhood.

Licking toys also indicates a highly developed maternal instinct in cats. Sometimes a cat even has an object specially chosen by her, which she considers her baby: she carries it in her teeth and hides it in the house.

Natural reflex

It is important to know that licking is a natural and unconditioned reflex of absolutely all cats. Intense nose licking occurs at the sight of food


While you are serving food, the cat is constantly swallowing and licking, and this is considered normal.

During sleep, cats may often lick their lips due to the fact that their nose dries out due to dulling of the receptors.

Thirst can also cause licking. The cat must have 24/7 access to water. In hot weather, it needs to be changed several times a day. This is especially true for pets who eat only dry food.

The stress suffered can also be expressed in intense licking of the muzzle, paws or sides. Initially, it may seem that she is itching from fleas. Emotions and various shocks play an important role in the life of tailed pets, and can negatively affect their well-being and behavior.

Maternal instinct

The licking of her kittens by a mother cat indicates not only the maintenance of hygiene of the babies, but also other things necessary for the life of the cubs:

  • eliminating the characteristic odor that can attract predators;
  • stimulating proper breathing;
  • facilitating bowel movements and urination in kittens;
  • direction of the crumbs to the nipples;
  • training in this procedure.

By three weeks, kittens can already lick themselves. Then they begin to lick their brothers and sisters, strengthening family ties. A cat can continue to lick its babies even into adulthood. Scientists have noticed that the children of unscrupulous mothers who poorly cared for their brood grow up to be the same slobs.

Help with grooming

Moreover, cats often “ask” their neighbors to help them with grooming. Usually these are parts of the body that are difficult for them to reach.

Have you noticed that people mostly pet and scratch cats on the head or neck area? These are the places that cats most often help each other lick. That is why, if a person begins to stroke other parts of his pet’s body, this often causes discontent and aggression. Scientists working on this issue also came to this conclusion.

Why do cats lick other animals?

Cats, especially those that live in the same territory, can also lick each other - and there are several reasons that explain this behavior. Firstly, licking other animals is aimed at establishing social bonds with them - and it can really indicate the sympathy of one pet for another. Or maybe not talk. Sometimes in a cat pack, the dominant animals lick the outsiders, thus asserting their status among other animals in the pride.

Secondly, cats often help each other with hygiene. One cat may even ask the other to help with grooming. You may notice that cats most often lick each other's necks or heads—precisely those places that are impossible or difficult to wash on their own.

Thirdly, licking other pets is directly related to the maternal instinct of cats. All cats lick their newborn kittens. This, first of all, helps them stay clean, because kittens obviously cannot take care of themselves in the first weeks of life. In addition, by licking, the cat seems to hide the smell of a newborn kitten, which can attract predators. Licking is also an element of training - already from the fourth week of life, kittens begin to wash themselves.


It may seem strange at first how a cat licks everything around it, but this is a completely normal practice. Below are a few reasons why your cat may lick anything she can find and the meaning behind this behavior.

© shutterstock

  1. Cats are incredible groomers . Veterinarians tell us that cats spend up to 50% of their waking hours grooming themselves. They are very clean animals and their vigilant licking routine allows them to remove any food or debris from their fur. This will make them smell nice on their own, without the need for any water baths.
  2. Cats use licking as a way to cope . Some cats go too far and develop compulsive licking. Cats who do this often lick to cope with stress. If you find that you have an anxious cat, she may need to take anti-anxiety medications to relieve stress in a healthier way.
  3. Cats lick to bond with other cats . Cats begin to lick from the moment they are born. Mother cats lick their kittens to make sure they are breathing after birth. This grooming practice carries over into the cat's adult life. The most common areas for cats to groom another cat are around the ears and top of the head as a sign of affection, as these areas make it difficult for them to lick themselves.
  4. Cats lick inanimate objects to better understand what the object is . Cats have many sensory glands on their tongues and rely heavily on their sense of taste and smell to make sense of the world around them. If you notice your cat licking a random object around your house, there's a good chance he's trying to use the taste and smell of that object to recognize what it's made of. Additionally, your cat may lick an object that smells or tastes good.
  5. Your cat has dry skin . When cats constantly lick a certain area of ​​their body, it is most likely because that area is causing them discomfort. Just like humans, cats can sometimes develop dry patches of skin during cold winter weather.
  6. Your cat may have allergies . If you notice that your cat begins to lick excessively when sitting on the grass or when she is near a certain plant, she may have an allergy. Often, what they are allergic to causes an allergic reaction, resulting in irritated or itchy skin. They may try to relieve their allergies by licking.

How can I stop my cat from constantly licking?

To stop your cat from constantly licking:

  • Stop them from continuing this behavior.
  • Start by removing any intangible items from your home that they frequently lick.
  • If you cannot remove the items, spray them with a special pet spray, which should have a bitter taste and discourage your cat from continuing to lick.

To occupy their licking time, try providing safer alternatives such as non-toxic pet toys and spend time cuddling with them instead. If you distract your cat during times when she is most likely to want to lick, you can encourage her to stop this bad behavior.

Licking due to possible diseases

Why does a cat trample with its paws: the main reasons and what does it mean?
In some cases, the obsessive attention of cats may be associated with hidden diseases. They cannot talk about feeling unwell or painful; they use petting and meowing. Some owners are alarmed by the cat's dramatically changed behavior, and they go to the veterinary clinic for a consultation, where the disease is discovered.

At the vet


Blood-sucking parasites cause discomfort and unpleasant sensations, an obsessive desire to scratch the itchy place.

The cat, focusing on its own feelings, sincerely believes that the owner has similar problems. The worries result in attempts to clean the hair and skin of household members from fleas - they do not know how to wash thoroughly without missing anything and the cat comes to the rescue.


Clinical signs of certain infectious pathologies include dermatological rashes and obsessive itching. Certain areas of the skin itch every minute and cause discomfort. The suffering animal is treating not only himself, but also the entire family. In difficult cases, surrounding objects are treated.


Allergic reactions in furry pets are caused by:

  • improperly selected diet, changing the usual food;
  • human shampoo or soap;
  • cosmetics;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • air fresheners and other fragrances.

Persistent discomfort forces the pet to carefully care for its coat, not forgetting about the skin and hair of its owners.

Is it normal for cats to lick everything?

No, the cat does not lick everything in sight. Cats are indeed great lickers for personal hygiene and grooming other cats, but there is cause for concern if they are licking inanimate objects around the house.

If you notice your cat licking everything, know that the condition is usually treatable and your cat can overcome compulsive licking with some work. Changes should be made to your cat's diet and home environment to reduce compulsive licking behavior.

Expressing affection and care

Usually, the first thing a kitten feels is the touch of its mother's tongue. In the future, cats lick each other to show love. These animals are very clean, so mutual washing is a whole cat ritual. Consequently, by licking a person’s hands and face, a cat recognizes him as a relative.

Despite the fact that affection is not the most common reason for licking the owner, such behavior is a variant of the norm. If dogs lick their owner for a long time, then cats are less emotional and more often limit themselves to a single touch of the tongue. Experts note that this behavior especially often manifests itself after sterilization, when the animal’s level of aggressiveness drops. The early separation of a kitten from its mother, when a person is involved in feeding it, has a similar effect. Some experts believe that this serves to form the habit of licking and even sucking the owner’s hands already in adulthood.

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