Finding the key to a cat's heart: 10 scientifically proven life hacks to win a cat's love

Let the cat make the first move

It's hard to resist the temptation to pet a cat. This little furball seems to make you want to reach out and start scratching its fur. However, scientists say that it is best to let the cat take the initiative first.

Research shows that when you are focusing on some other activity (for example, reading a book or playing on the computer), the cat fundamentally wants to attract your attention. She is wondering what you are doing there and why you are not paying attention to her. In this, cats are very similar to girls: if you pay too much attention, they often become uninterested in you. But if you ignore them occasionally, your contact will be more productive.

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It’s the same with a cat: let her decide for herself when to start contact and when to end it. Do this trick with your cat for a few weeks and you will see her love increase.

Get your cat in a good mood

If your cat reacts aggressively to guests, a ritual of giving him a special treat will help make him friendlier. Guests will be associated with the festive Santa who brings tasty treats.

“I’m not a fan of giving out treats just for the sake of it,” Galaxy says. - Food is an all-effective remedy. I suggest you reserve one tasty “jackpot” for guests only.” In his book, he even recommends that guests ignore the cat on their first visit and wait until subsequent visits to establish trust.

Much of a cat's behavior is established during childhood. Different scientists have different views on the process of raising kittens. Some of them believe that behavior patterns emerge already in the second week of life, while others claim that there are as many as seven weeks for education. It is believed that kittens can be taken from their mother at the age of 7 weeks, and cat writer McNamee assures that they should be with their mother for at least 12-16 weeks. At this time, future owners can come to play with the kitten, and a long stay with the mother will reduce the natural level of anxiety and hostility to the world.

Say "hello" like a cat

You've probably seen how cats greet each other. No, they don’t sniff their partners’ bottoms. A cat's friendly attitude can be recognized when it touches the other cat's nose with its nose. Why don't you try it too? Just don’t need to get on all fours and nuzzle your fluffy one now. It will be enough to raise your finger. Simply reach in and extend your index finger. The kitty will certainly come closer to you to smell it. As soon as she wipes her muzzle on her finger, you can consider the greeting complete.

Such a ritual will not only bring you closer to your cat, but will also add a few points of respect from her.

Give a sedative

Changing a place of residence is a big stress for an animal. Introducing a cat to a new owner and home can be painful, especially if the pet was adopted from the street or from a shelter. Negative past experiences force animals to avoid communication with humans, and manifestations of aggression are not excluded. The cat needs time to get used to you. A sedative will help make the adaptation period less traumatic.

There is no need to be afraid to give your cat medicine. The correct dose of a correctly selected drug will suppress fear, normalize blood pressure and relax the animal. There are medicines of plant and animal origin with a mild effect. It is recommended to consult a veterinarian before use. He will determine how justified the use of sedatives is in each specific case, and will recommend the remedy and dosage.

Pet your cat only where she allows it.

For cats, where you pet her is a very important factor. If you constantly want to stroke her belly, but she doesn’t give it, it definitely won’t add love to you. If your pet wants this, he will lie down on his stomach.

Start with a light massage of the cheeks and neck. If the cat likes it, it will begin to purr, squint and lightly move its paws. If you pet in an inappropriate place, the cat will begin to wag its tail and become a little tense.

Remember: each animal's g-points are different. But if you find them in your cat, long and sincere love is guaranteed.

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How to charm a Rabbit: 5 simple rules

Are you wondering how to charm your Rabbit? Perhaps 5 rules for ideal communication with a representative of this sign will help you. So, Rabbit:

  • He doesn’t just evaluate women externally. He listens to what he is told, and very carefully. Watch your speech.
  • Prefers home gatherings to going to expensive restaurants. An invitation to dinner with friends is a great alternative to meeting in a cafe where the Rabbit feels uncomfortable.
  • Has certain artistic preferences. It is advisable to find out them before the meeting. Reciting a passage from Rabbit's favorite poem will increase your chances of getting his attention.
  • Loves the company of women. Just relax, be natural.

If your cat doesn't want to interact with you, just walk away.

There are several gestures that will allow you to understand that your cat is unhappy. For example, hissing and a desire to scratch you are the most specific hint. Twitching the tail and raising the ears are more subtle movements, but they also indicate that the cat is not in the mood for contact.

Think about it: will someone love you more if you force them to communicate against their will? Take your cat's social conditions for granted, and soon she will begin to trust and love you much more.

How to understand a Rabbit man?

The Rabbit man is a multifaceted nature. He is prone to melancholy. Such a man perceives separation from his partner painfully and may become depressed. At this moment there is no point in trying to attract his attention. The man is not ready for a new relationship.

How to understand the Rabbit? It's difficult and takes time. The chosen one must be accepted as he is. And the Rabbit is a nature with a considerable number of features. A man born under this sign is not as ideal as he might seem at the first meeting. He is not inclined to compromise and is touchy. Don't know how to understand a Rabbit man? Refer to his horoscope. Perhaps many of the nuances of his behavior will become clear.

Don't give your cat too much food

Don't think that the more and more often you feed your cat, the more she will love you. Cats are amazing animals. But still, they are animals. And all the goodies that you put in the bowl will be eaten by your pussy. Through force, to the detriment of the body, but eaten. As the French say: “To be full is to be a little hungry.” Do not overfeed your cat so that she does not immediately go to sleep in her secluded corner.

In addition to quantity, think about the quality of food. Healthy food is the key to a long life and strong friendship for your cat. Cheap food, stuffed with chemicals, can sooner or later cause diabetes, sore joints, or even banal “matts” in a cat. Obese cats groom themselves less frequently and less efficiently.


In cats, licking means caring. If you start licking your cat (yes, some people do!), she will most likely interpret this sign of affection as kindness. But keep in mind that dominant cats, on the contrary, do not like this, because... among cats, it is accepted that licking is caring for a weaker member of the family by a stronger one. One owner even invented a special device to imitate licking without the help of his own tongue, because you don’t really want to eat bacteria and fur.

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Irishman Jason O'Mara has created a plastic tongue that can be used to lick a cat.

Games are as important as food

Loss of interest not only in you, but also in everything around you is a consequence of the fact that the cat is bored from idleness and rarely moves. Of course, she will try to have fun on her own, but sooner or later she will get bored with it.

Why the cat doesn’t go to the owner when he calls him: two reasons for this behavior

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Remember that cats are, first and foremost, predators who need to release their accumulated energy somewhere. Dogs, for example, are walked twice every day. What should cats do? Perhaps because of their passive lifestyle, fluffies often choose active games rather than extraordinary feeding.

Buy a rubber ball, ball or laser. If you have forgotten the last time you entertained your cat, play briefly but often for the first 2-3 weeks. A cat that has lost its tone will lie down on the floor in a few minutes and will only carefully watch as you throw the ball and go after it yourself. Once you have practiced a little, you can increase the duration of the sessions. You will soon notice how your cat will be perceived not only as a feeding hand, but also as a loyal friend with whom you can play happily.

Control your behavior

  1. You shouldn’t be overly intrusive towards your cat, respect his wishes and don’t force him to do something he doesn’t want to do at all.
  2. Don't look your cat in the eye when you first meet him. You should not approach a cat looking straight into its eyes if you are trying to get to know it or make first contact. Wait for the cat to approach you.
  3. Don't tower over the cat. Lower your shoulders, place your hands on your knees and sit down on the floor. This way the cat will understand that you are its ally, and not a huge moving block that poses a danger.
  4. Do not make noise. Speak very quietly. Keep noisy children or dogs away during the first moments of acquaintance.
  5. Don't reach out. Once your cat gets used to your presence, you should secretly let her sniff your hand. The fingers should be relaxed or move slowly. You should not bring your hand to the cat sharply, directly to the nose, he may see this as a danger signal.
  6. Take your time. You need to be careful with your cat to avoid getting painful scratches or bites. You need to gain her trust gradually. If a previously unfriendly cat allows you to pick her up, do not rush to squeeze her and hold her by force. If he wants to leave, let him go. But you are on the right track. You can stroke the cat behind the cheeks or under the chin to teach it that human hands are not dangerous for it. Even if your cat rubs up against you, it's not necessarily an invitation to pet her immediately, says Nagelschneider. If you take the initiative too early, you may lose your cat's trust."
  7. Do not give up. "If the cat runs away, you haven't lost the game, but you have lost the round," Galaxy says. You shouldn’t give up and give up, the cat also needs someone to love and care for it, repeat careful attempts to get closer, and they will definitely bear fruit.”

Give your cat some fresh air

Have you noticed how cats begin to move their nose when you open the windows for ventilation? The fact is that no matter what kind of pet they are, the smell of the street will always attract them.

Try picking up a cat and gently standing with it on the balcony. Just be careful: any pigeon or sparrow flying past can make your pet rush after it. If you have bars on your windows, great. You can simply open the windows and sit the cat on the windowsill.

Believe me, your pet will thank you very much for such a gesture of goodwill.

Treat your cat like a wild animal

“People have been breeding dogs for more than 100 thousand years, but cats have only been with us for about five thousand years. And until the last couple of centuries, they lived in barns, not in our homes, explains Thomas McNamee, author of The Inside World of Cats. — Different breeds are not very different from each other and from their wild ancestors. You could take home a prairie cat kitten, and it would grow up to be a pretty decent pet.”

“We usually consider cats to be pets just like dogs. But cats have a sense of self-worth, just like humans. You have to get to know them slowly and remember that they are still programmed to act as independent hunters,” says Jackson Galaxy, host of the TV program “My Cat From Hell.”

Cats smell other animals on you. So try not to smell.

Cats are very dangerous. In addition, they are accustomed to defending their territory, so try not to block the exits from the room. You can also spray your shoes with pheromone spray, they will calm the animal.

Relationship between cats and your guests

In fact, it is impossible to guess how a cat will behave, which, in addition to you, also communicates with your friends. Some kittens who were cuddled with other people as children are more socialized as adults. They are not afraid of new people, often not paying attention to you when there are guests in the house.

On the other hand, isolating a kitten from strangers can develop a variety of fears in adulthood, forcing the animal to hide during the visit of uninvited guests. But these same nightmares will force her to treat you even more carefully when the possible danger is over. So think about what you want: to raise a brave or loving cat.

Respect for personal space

There are cats that cannot tolerate affection in any form. This does not mean that they do not love their owner. They just have that kind of character. Then you need to understand that the connection between the cat and you is not only affection, but also words, glances, spending time together playing and sleeping, feeding, a feeling of affection from being with each other, not necessarily in the form of hugs and caresses. Respect your cat's personal space and independence. Believe me, he will appreciate this attitude very highly.

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Keep a close eye on your cat

Once the most famous cat lover in the country, Yuri Kuklachev, was asked: “How do you manage to earn such love and respect from cats?” To this Yuri replied: “I just watch them very often.” These words do not mean that you need to constantly look at your pet and peek around the corner when he eats. No, you just need to understand what they like and what turns them off. Many cat movements are potential clues for you.

Just like a person, a cat also takes some getting used to. If you can synchronize with your cat, then without realizing it, you will earn her boundless love and trust.

Don't let children touch your pet

If there are children in the house, they are likely to complicate the cat's adaptation to the new home. At first, the pet is already in constant tension due to the unfamiliar environment. It is important for him to have personal space and a place where he can retire. The children do not understand this and chase the pet throughout the apartment. For babies, the most obvious manifestation of love is affection and games. Sometimes the cat is hugged too tightly, sometimes it is dragged by the tail, considering it fun. Children unwittingly cause pain and discomfort to the animal, so it is better to prohibit them from touching the pet. At first, any negative experience will be extremely painful. Gradually, when the pet begins to get used to the apartment and household, you can allow children to carefully touch the cat under the supervision of their parents.

Each cat is individual

You should not think that if you take home a British dog, then you need to treat him meticulously and painstakingly, and a simple mongrel needs to be given more space and time on the street. Each cat is individual and what one likes will irritate another. There is no need to lump everyone with the same brush.

Advice: before choosing a cat, think about why you are getting it. If you just want it to be, then take a calm animal. If for active games, take an energetic one.

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How to make a Rabbit man fall in love?

Rabbits are not very amorous people. They are, in a certain sense, idealists. How to make a Rabbit man fall in love? Be the only one for him. Temporary relationships, as a rule, are not of interest to such a man. He devotes a lot of time to searching for the one who is destined for him by fate itself.

How to conquer a Rabbit man? The main thing is not to disappoint your new acquaintance. Any mistake in seduction is fraught with the rupture of the beginning relationship. If you don’t know how to make a Rabbit fall in love, it is better to consult with experts in the field of astrology. They will tell you how to build communication so that it is as comfortable as possible for both and effective. After all, your goal is marriage, right?

The question of how to conquer the Rabbit is not simple and ambiguous. Men born under this sign are only partially alike. Life experiences leave their mark on everyone. This necessitates an individual approach in the program “how to marry a Rabbit.”

Try not to make noise at first

At first, the cat will be frightened by any rustle. In an unfamiliar environment, the animal perceives extraneous sounds as a potential threat. It is more difficult for a pet to get used to its owner if he behaves noisy and hectic. You should not wildly show joy at the sight of a cat and rush as fast as you can to pet it. Most likely, the animal will incorrectly evaluate manifestations of friendliness. For her, a person is a large and loud creature from whom you can expect anything. The cat will get used to its owner faster if he does not make noise in the apartment. At first, it is better to avoid using noisy equipment such as a vacuum cleaner and hair dryer. Otherwise, the cat will form an image of a formidable giant in his head with a terrible thing in his hands, and for a long time he will be wary of both the owner and electrical appliances.

Talk to your cat in a quiet, calm voice

Under no circumstances should you shout at a cat, even if it has done something mischievous. While the cat is getting used to its owner, it is important to make the communication process as non-traumatic as possible. If you frighten an animal, it may withdraw and not make contact for a long time. It is important to show your pet that he is welcome here and that there is no danger from humans. You should talk to your cat in a quiet, calm voice, then she will begin to trust you much faster.

Your pet will definitely repay you with gratitude for all your efforts; the main thing is not to force things and act carefully. Cats are smart animals that can analyze their surroundings. Seeing that no one is offending her, there is plenty of food, and her new possessions are completely safe, the purr will gradually relax and learn to trust you.

Sources: https://ak koshki.html

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