Beautiful names for boys cats - rare and memorable

Cats are, for the most part, beautiful and graceful creatures. When a pet appears in the house, you want to give it an appropriate nickname, emphasizing its special qualities and independence.

Studying the existing beautiful names for boys and girls cats, it is difficult to immediately decide on the best choice. However, nothing prevents you from using your imagination and coming up with a beautiful nickname yourself, based on any principles.

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How to choose a beautiful nickname for your pet

It is believed that the name for a cat of any breed must contain hissing sounds, such as “k”, “s”, “sh”. But this only helps the kitten get used to it faster. It’s good if the nickname is short, consisting of 2–3 syllables.

If you still choose a long one, you can come up with an abbreviation to make it easier for your pet to remember it.

Of course, not everyone names a cat according to the rules. And at the same time, over time, the animal still adapts and begins to respond.

You can choose a beautiful nickname for a kitten based on different criteria:

  • in accordance with the external characteristics of the cat;
  • by his character;
  • by food preferences;
  • according to the personal interests of the owner;
  • by behavior and any other factors.

The peculiarity of a particular cat may be a loud voice, an interesting color, for example, like a tiger or a leopard, a very calm or, conversely, overly energetic disposition, etc.

Any of these differences from other pets can serve as an excellent criterion when choosing.

How to name a boy's cat: the most popular names for 2022

Can't find a name for your boy's cat? None of the names you know fit? The widest list of easy Russian names will help you find the most suitable option! On the site you will find original nicknames for a black, white and even a red pet! Cats remember nicknames with whistling and hissing sounds more easily. Remember this when choosing a name for your four-legged friend.

Also, do not forget that the pet grows and matures. Therefore, do not choose a nickname right away, being bribed by a touching little face.

It is not uncommon for Baby or Tiny to grow into seasoned cats, and a nickname left over from childhood causes dissonance among your guests. If nothing comes to your mind, then you can easily use our list.

Serious, funny, unusual, foreign nicknames for a boy's cat. You can choose an interesting name for your furry friend to suit every taste!

  • 1 Nicknames starting with the letter A
  • 2 Nicknames starting with the letter B
  • 3 Nicknames starting with the letter B
  • 4 Nicknames starting with the letter G
  • 5 Nicknames starting with the letter D
  • 6 Nicknames starting with the letter E
  • 7 Nicknames starting with the letter Z
  • 8 Nicknames starting with the letter Z
  • 9 Nicknames starting with the letter I
  • 10 Nicknames starting with the letter K
  • 11 Nicknames starting with the letter L
  • 12 Nicknames starting with the letter M
  • 13 Nicknames starting with the letter N
  • 14 Nicknames starting with the letter O
  • 15 Nicknames starting with the letter P
  • 16 Nicknames starting with the letter R
  • 17 Nicknames starting with the letter C
  • 18 Nicknames starting with the letter T
  • 19 Nicknames starting with the letter U
  • 20 Nicknames starting with the letter F
  • 21 Nicknames starting with the letter X
  • 22 Nicknames starting with the letter C
  • 23 Nicknames starting with the letter H
  • 24 Nicknames starting with the letter Sh
  • 25 Nicknames starting with the letter E
  • 26 Nicknames starting with the letter U
  • 27 Nicknames starting with the letter I
  • 28 The coolest and best
  • 29 Simple and easy
  • 30 Beautiful
  • 31 Cool and funny
  • 32 Popular
  • 33 Unusual, interesting and original
  • 34 Russians
  • 35 English
  • 36 German
  • 37 French
  • 38 Japanese
  • 39 For furry
  • 40 For black
  • 41 For white
  • 42 For the redhead
  • 43 For gray
  • 44 For a kitten

Nicknames starting with the letter A

Iceberg Askold Asterix Ajax Arthur Asclepius Ares Athos Aramis Augustus Albus Diamond

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Baksik Baxter Bruce Basalt Basilio Basil Bosco Boston Baton Biscuit Beads Bosun

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Wasabi Vincent Valdis Virus Watson Bismuth Vermouth Vitas Knight Vlas Cornflower Voltaire

Nicknames starting with the letter G

Gustav Helios Hephaestus Hussar Gizmo Guslar Horace Hans Gnawing Guinness Goofy Goliath

Nicknames starting with the letter D

Jax Dexter Dixon Deimos Dallas Descartes Jerry Jackson Jedi Deniska Joystick Dorotheus

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Esaul Yesenin Evsey Yenisei Elisey Erofey Hedgehog Eustachius Elizar Euphrates Euclid Enoch

Nicknames starting with the letter Z

Joseph Justien Flagellum Zhiwchik Zhulik Zhusik Zhorik Zhuzhik Jaco Geoffrey Georges Gicard

Nicknames starting with the letter Z

Zeus Zodiac Stargazer Sigmund Bully Ruffnut Zabulon Zenith Zephyr Zorro Zidane Zahar

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Raisin Irtysh Eastwood Emerald Joseph Iskander Ippolit Icarus Ivasik Ivashka Yogurt Yosik

Nicknames starting with the letter K

Cupcake Kuzma Croissant Karabas Cosmos Confucius Curtis Korzhik Cosine Kolbasych Kasper Castor

Nicknames starting with the letter L

Eraser Slime Buttercup Patchwork Lucius Litmus Lapis Lucien Lancelot Sleepwalker Lawrence Little Fox

Nicknames starting with the letter M

Mason Marquis Cartoon Sailor Martian Musketeer Maximus Mozart Mufasa Meowth Morsik Marcus

Nicknames starting with the letter N

Narcissus Norris Nesquik Naphthalene Neutron Nelson Thimble Nicholas Ninja Nils Nixon Nafanya

Nicknames starting with the letter O

Osin Ornet Olfi Onyx Ornes Octavius ​​Olive

Nicknames starting with the letter P

Peach Pate Pixel Pie Ottoman Plusik Potyagush Positive Pascal Paphnutius Patrician Porthos

Nicknames starting with the letter R

Ratatouille Rusik Rolex Rufus Rafinad Ramzik ​​Ramses Rasstegai Richelieu Roosevelt Russell Ritz Roll

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Traffic light Severus Sinbad Spartak Stepashka Stalker Senator Salazar Seraphim Siemens Sapphire Sultan

Nicknames starting with the letter T

Tyson Typhoon Tarzan Tigrius Tobias Thomas Times Tigrasik Trophy Timofey Tristan Twixic

Nicknames starting with the letter U

Vinegar Winston Urchun Ugolek Iron Dill Wesley Umka Urfin Ulysses Willis Ulrik

Nicknames starting with the letter F

Fantik Felix Phillips Firkun Florizel Faust Frantik Forest Fuchsik Ficus Fantomas Flintstone

Nicknames starting with the letter X

Houston Hottabych Khariton Harris Khrumstik Khrustik House Helsing Hitchcock Hacker Sherry Holmes

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Citrus Cent Candied Celsius Caesar Centurion Cerberus Citron Cynic Gypsy Cicero Tsarapych

Nicknames starting with the letter H

Cheshire Little Chernysh Cheburek Chernomor Cesarro Chaplin Charles Churchill Genghis Khan Chupa-Chups Chupik

Nicknames starting with the letter Sh

Sage Sharfik Sherkhan Shnyrik Shurshik Shostakovich Screw Schumacher Shashlik Sheriff Shket Shpuntik

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Edik Edward Euclid Elvis Einstein Edison Elbrus Anthony Aesculapius Eskimo Edelweiss Ernesto

Nicknames starting with the letter Y

Eugene Jupiter Unix Juventus Eustace Julius Yurasik Yulik YouTube User Yunets Yukos

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Yaroslav Yason Jaguar Yakhont Yantar Yashka Yarilo Yarofey Jaromir Yanchik Yasik

The coolest and the best

Britton Broderick Byron Caesar Calhoun Carlson Carter Chandler Channing Churchill

Simple and easy

Inky Yamal Jay Kesha Karma Kim Kiko Lassie Leo Leon Lex


Aria Ares Icecream Artemis Aramis Ashley Aslan Atilla Bentley Basil Beckham

Cool and funny

Aristarchus Halibut Faust Truffle Cheshire Casanova Imp Citron Sine Captain Vitas Pistachio Sparrow Tepa


Oliver Leo Milo Charlie Max Barsik Jack Simba Loki Oscar Jasper Kuzya

Unusual, interesting and original

Nefertum - god of vegetation Nun - father of all gods Onuris - god of hunting and war Osiris - god of rebirth Ptah - creator Set - god of thunderstorms and desert Thoth - god of wisdom Shesemu - patron of winemaking Shu - god of air Shai - patron of man Yah - god of the moon


Tishka Umka Felix Caesar Shustrik Edik Yunga Yasha


Harry Monty Jack Dexter Fred Simon Simba George Boomer


Arlo - unknown Arnold - ruler, strong as an eagle Bach - dweller by the stream Bernard - strong, brave, like a bear Gunther - brave warrior Dedrick - people's ruler Emmett - universal, truthful Ernie / Ernest / Ernst - serious, decisive


Thierry - ruler of nations Fernand - eternal traveler Alison - noble birth Eloi - choice Emery - power


Yoshio - life in joy Eiji - the eternal order of things Fumio - smart, learned Hibiki - echo, echo, sound Kenichi - healthy, strong, first son Yori - trust Ichiro - first child Isamu - brave, courageous Jiro - second child

For furry

Fluff Winnie the Pooh Plush Marquis Snow Chernysh

For black

Batman Black Bart Blackie Black Jack Dusk Ebony Eclipse Evil Grimalkin Focus

For white

Sugar Dumpling Seal Coconut Belomor Belchonok Albatross Belyashik

For the redhead

Adoni Amber Flame Blaze Rufus Foxy Grow

For gray

Ash (ash) Usagi (bunny) Grizzly (gray-haired) Gray (gray hair) Fog (fog) Argentum (silver) Hairo (gray)

For a kitten

Jess Silver Harry Garik Jorge Holly Hardy Noisey

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Names for kittens based on external characteristics

When a purebred cat appears in the house, it often already has a passport, which contains a long, boring name. If you wish, you can come up with a beautiful or cool nickname based on it. In any case, what is the best name for the kitten is decided by the owner himself.

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Rare and beautiful names for white male cats:

  • Whitey;
  • Cloud;
  • Sun;
  • Lotus;
  • Ivory;
  • Blizzard;
  • Casper;
  • Cotton;
  • Frosty;
  • Edelweiss.

Rare names for black cats:

  • Blake;
  • Deimos;
  • Inferno;
  • Morpheus;
  • Knight;
  • Raven;
  • Tartarus;
  • Dusk;
  • Balthazar;
  • Lord.

Suitable nicknames for a red-haired pet:

  • Apollo;
  • Brian;
  • Burgundy;
  • Vincent;
  • Helios;
  • Goldie;
  • Lyon;
  • Mars;
  • Grow;
  • Radisson;
  • Fire;
  • Phoenix;
  • Amber.

Most of the nicknames listed are of foreign (particularly British) origin. And such words usually sound more beautiful and attract attention.

Easy and beautiful nicknames

Some people like foreign nicknames, like Edward or Donald. And some of the breeders prefer short names, when a boy cat quickly responds to Duke or Seth. We recommend beautiful and easy nicknames with a Russian soul to fans of brevity.

Like these mischievous kids - Luchik and Kex:

Below are the shortest and easiest names for male cats:

  • Bucks;
  • Leopard;
  • Blik;
  • Beaver;
  • Venya;
  • Leader;
  • Crow;
  • Gift;
  • Zurg;
  • Raisin;
  • Cyrus;
  • Lump;
  • Laurel;
  • Buttercup;
  • Poppy;
  • Moment;
  • Opal;
  • Pegasus;
  • Fluff;
  • Risk;
  • Lynx;
  • North;
  • Senya;
  • Tank;
  • Barbel;
  • Filya;
  • Thomas;
  • Bumblebee;
  • Cabin boy;
  • Yar.

And the red brothers - Tim, Bim, Baby and Sonic:

Choosing a name for a cat based on its character

It is not necessary to give your cat a nickname the first time you meet him. After waiting a few days, you can get to know your pet better, determine its character and habits. Then choosing a beautiful nickname will be a little easier, perhaps it will come to the owner’s mind.

Russian nicknames for active pets:

  • Ataman;
  • Baron;
  • Brawler;
  • Turn;
  • Thunder;
  • Daemon;
  • Pirate;
  • Tyrant;
  • Shock.

Beautiful nicknames for boys cats with a calm character:

  • Boss;
  • Marquis;
  • Mister;
  • Modest;
  • Prince;
  • Sultan;
  • Tikhon;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Dandy.

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In addition to temperament, there are many criteria for choosing a suitable original nickname. These could be addictions to certain foods, favorite toys, interesting habits, and more. For example, if a cat likes to listen to music, you can call him a music lover or by the name of a performer . For a lazy cat, you can choose the nickname Lazy or Dream. Any feature can be a reason to get creative.

However, when choosing according to temperament, sometimes it will be interesting to come up with a name in reverse.

If you call a cat that is too quiet and calm Buran, this may make him a little more active. And to a robber who destroys everything around him, the nickname Marquis will give him solidity and calm his lively temper a little. It is not without reason that they say that a name makes significant changes in character, and not only in people, but also in animals.

Slavic nicknames

Let's find out what cats were called in Rus' and among other Slavic peoples. There are interesting nicknames with a Russian character and a reference to ancient times. Such original names will help you get away from boring nicknames like Vaska and Murzik and fully reflect the pet’s character.

A person who likes to sit behind the stove is the cat Cricket:

And a few more sonorous Slavic names:

  • Altyn;
  • Amethyst;
  • Master;
  • Berendey;
  • Tramp;
  • Bulat;
  • Brawler;
  • Cornflower;
  • Heather;
  • Vlasiy;
  • Dobrynya;
  • Pied Piper;
  • Malachite;
  • Honeypaw;
  • Peaceful;
  • Muromets;
  • Mukholov;
  • Rascal;
  • Putyatya;
  • Robber;
  • Ratibor;
  • Skorokhod;
  • Timoshka;
  • Tihomir;
  • It was quiet;
  • Ember;
  • Tail;
  • Sly;
  • Tsar;
  • Hawk.

Kuzma playing with a ball:

Nicknames for celebrities

The names and nicknames of many famous people (especially foreign ones) are pleasant to the ear and can be suitable as nicknames, including for cats. If the pet owner has an idol, then this is a good reason to become a little closer to him by naming the pet the same.

Nicknames for cats based on the names of popular people:

  • Arnold;
  • Benjamin;
  • Bismarck;
  • Voltaire;
  • Newton;
  • Magellan;
  • King;
  • Mao;
  • Roosevelt;
  • Picasso;
  • Einstein;
  • Churchill;
  • Gandhi;
  • Sigmund;
  • Nietzsche.

This list can be continued endlessly. But the choice of the most beautiful nickname for his cat can only be made by his owner, based on his preferences and, possibly, on the external or internal similarity of the pet (indirectly, of course) with the chosen person.

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Cool nicknames

Do you want a name that will amuse you every time? Then a cool nickname will definitely suit your pet.

Foggy loves toys

  • Dove – the color of a dove’s wing;
  • Robbie – from “robot”;
  • Gromozeka;
  • Claptrap;
  • Mokhovichok;
  • Wolfie - in honor of the mythical huge gray wolf;
  • Brain - brain, “gray matter”;
  • Payne is a special dark gray paint;
  • Iron - iron, dark gray metal;
  • Moonstone - moonstone;
  • An oyster is a marine mollusk whose shell is pale gray;
  • Scratchy is the name of a gray cat from the series "The Simpsons";
  • Sharkey is a gray shark, a popular aquatic hunter.
  • Aluminum is a metal with a grayish, smoky hue.
  • Argent, Argenta is a word used in medieval poetry to designate silver, a silvery color.
  • Selena, the Moon is the silvery satellite of the Earth.
  • Nub - “cloud”, “cloud” in Spanish.
  • Dory, Dorian - in honor of Dorian Gray.
  • Abo means "gray" in Filipino.
  • Katana means "sword", a shiny gray sword in Japanese.
  • Guinevere - wife of the legendary King Arthur
  • Mouse;
  • Lumik - from “aluminum”;
  • Goblin;
  • Griffon – “slate color”;
  • Syroezhkin.
  • Cannon – color of metal for making cannons;
  • Pebble – the color of pebbles;
  • Bronka – the color of lead;
  • Beta is the color of concrete;
  • Serusha;
  • Land;
  • Vergis - “smoky” in African;
  • Slate - the color of slate rock;
  • Mercury - the color of liquid silver metal;
  • Grimaldi - a reference to the word "gray";
  • Asteroid is a gray celestial body;
  • Steel - for cats of steel color;
  • Shella - the color of gray silk;
  • Falya - from “asphalt”;
  • Overcoat;
  • Cuckoo;
  • Mackerel - mackerel, fish with silvery scales;
  • Peppy - Pepper, pepper, grayish spice;
  • Dusty - dust, dusty color;
  • Inky is a kitten with a dark smoky color;
  • Nickel is the color of a silver coin.
  • Foggy - foggy color;
  • Pebble - gray pebbles on the beach;
  • Shad – gray shadow, kitten with a “tail”;
  • Bandito;
  • Gangster;
  • Dart;
  • Chameleon;
  • Gatsby;
  • Machete;
  • Knife – knife;
  • Monk;
  • Cardinal;
  • Zorro;
  • Zolla is a clothing brand;
  • Pebbles;
  • Land;
  • Serka;
  • Overcoat;
  • Armor;
  • Granita;
  • Willow;
  • Veil;
  • Platinum;
  • Star;
  • Bruise;
  • Gin;
  • Absinthe;
  • Sailor;
  • Bombay;
  • Pigeon;
  • Breeze;
  • Boatswain;
  • Dolphin;
  • Bell;
  • Drop;
  • Forget-me-not;
  • Blueberry;
  • Siren;
  • Sailor;
  • Blueberry;
  • Gzhelka;
  • Tequila;
  • Mermaid;
  • Blue Lagoon.

We recommend watching: 355+ cartoon names for cats and cats

Names of famous cats

An interesting and beautiful nickname can be given to a pet by a corresponding character from a cartoon, fairy tale or other work. Appearance can also play a role here if the kitten looks like one of the famous felines.

Beautiful names of famous cats:

  • Garfield;
  • Basilio;
  • Boniface;
  • Leopold;
  • Simba;
  • Felix;
  • Gribo;
  • Jonesy;
  • Sylvester;
  • Shere Khan.

In addition to literary heroes, there is a tendency to name cats the same as the names of celebrity pets. Apparently, their imagination is usually well developed, and rare beautiful nicknames are given more easily than to “mere mortals.”

Nicknames of celebrity cats:

  • Barry (John Travolta);
  • Vinny (Whoopi Goldberg);
  • Sox (Bill Clinton);
  • Alistair (Dita Von Teese);
  • Lewis (Nicolas Cage);
  • Gucci (Alexey Chumakov);
  • Philosopher (Armen Dzhigarkhanyan);
  • Georges (Anastasia Volochkova);
  • Schumacher (Victoria Bonya);
  • Kasper (Irina Dubtsova).

You can always choose something interesting and memorable for your furry pet.

And it doesn't have to be an already existing name. The lists may prompt the owner to come up with an even brighter and more beautiful option.

Inspiration from nature

To find a name for your pet, you can turn to natural phenomena. Such nicknames are suitable for both boys and girls.

Baby Star exploring the basket

  • Tornado;
  • Tornado;
  • Topaz;
  • London;
  • Fog;
  • Storm;
  • Smoked;
  • Frost;
  • Dusk.
  • Platinum;
  • Granita;
  • Fog;
  • Veil;
  • Star;
  • Dove;
  • Agatha;
  • Willow;
  • Storm;
  • Fog;
  • Heather;
  • Dawn;
  • Sky;
  • Cloud;
  • Pearl;
  • Silver;
  • Lilith;
  • Lilac;
  • Dark;
  • Storm;
  • Tundra;
  • Arctic;
  • Shadow;
  • Ember;
  • Ash;
  • Lavender;
  • Sylvester.

Interesting fact! According to popular belief, a gray cat crossing the road promises good luck in business.

Nicknames based on the owner's interests

By associating a cat's name with a topic close to the owner, you can emphasize your affection for him and add new character traits. The choice can fall on any hobby or hobby if it helps you choose a rare and beautiful name.

Examples of nicknames based on interests:

  • Ancient Greek characters: Spartacus, Prometheus, Hercules, Hercules.
  • Names of planets: Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus.
  • Sports: Champion, Chelsea, Finish, Basket, Messi.
  • Automotive: Mercedes, Volkswagen, Lexus, Ford, Dodge, Turbo.
  • Geographical: Zanzibar, Sydney, Baikal, Tibet, Amur.
  • Names from films: Terminator, Tutankhamun, Gandalf, Frodo, Dexter.

Of course, the list can be extended, but there are many such categories, and everyone has their own hobbies. You can build on this by coming up with a completely new, unusual nickname for your pet.

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Original nicknames from films and cartoons

For loving owners, we have collected the most interesting names from Russian films and cartoons. Take note of funny nicknames, like this charming saffron.

Nimble cat – Miracle Yudo:

And a few more funny cat names:

  • Bagir;
  • Velvet;
  • Hippopotamus;
  • Vazuza;
  • Basil;
  • Vasyuta;
  • Woof;
  • Gamayun;
  • Garynych;
  • Thunder;
  • Dimesha;
  • Polka dots;
  • Leo;
  • Leopold;
  • Famously;
  • Matroskin;
  • Morozko;
  • Serco;
  • Tiger;
  • Cheshire.

Name the cat after your favorite character from Russian fairy tales - Vasily Buslaev or Gavrila Aleksich.

Old Russian names and their meaning

Every owner wants to choose a name for their pet that would carry a certain meaning. A list of Old Russian names and decoding of their meanings will help with this:

  1. Yakim – complacent.
  2. Trofim is the breadwinner.
  3. Arkady is a shepherd.
  4. Vasily is royal.
  5. Askold is the owner of the spear.
  6. Stepan - wreath.
  7. Gregory is the sleepless one.
  8. Bogdan – given by God.
  9. Timothy is a God-worshipper.
  10. Angel is an angel.
  11. August is majestic.
  12. Cyrus - sir.

From the names listed above, you can make an abbreviated nickname for household use, so that it is easier for the animal to perceive it by ear.

Nicknames in honor of famous fat people

Many famous politicians, scientists and writers who left a noticeable mark on the history of mankind suffered from excess weight. Nicknames for cats in honor of famous fat cats:

  • Winston Churchill
  • Wilgelm the conqueror
  • Carlson
  • Luciano Pavarotti
  • Henry the Eighth
  • Queen Victoria
  • Ashley Graham
  • Tess Holliday
  • Amy Schumer
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • John Goodman

The seal never misses an opportunity to have lunch for the tenth time in a day.

"Famous" gray cats

Celebrities love to show off their pets. You can name your pet after a famous relative.

Tabby resting after a busy day

  • Ollie the cat by comedian Ricky Gervais.
  • Eva Longoria's cat nickname.
  • Siamese cats Frank Sinatra and Miles Davis of rap artist Snoop Dogg.
  • Kitty Perry is the cat of singer Katy Perry.
  • Ed Sheeran's Graham cat.
  • Striped beast Cairo by rapper Macklemore.
  • Tabby cat of President Abraham Lincoln.
  • Persian cat Purr Silo Green.

Nicknames for spotted or tabby cats

Plain red or black babies are great. They can be given the simplest names, not even based on their habits or character. But what if the male kitten is variegated in color, with a lot of spots or stripes?

These are also called “marble”, with a unique color. It’s not all that complicated here either. Matroskin is the simplest option, but you can move away from stereotypes and name your baby, giving in to your own fantasies.

By color

The easiest way to come up with a nickname for an animal is to pay attention to its color, for example:

  1. Suitable for ginger cats: Ryzhik, Knopa, Ryzhulya, Antoshka.
  2. With a black fur coat: Ugolek, Pharaoh, Chernysh, Othello.
  3. With a snow-white coat: Squirrel, Snowball, White.

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