Puberty of cats: castration or hormonal drugs

Puberty in a cat can come completely unexpectedly for its owners. At this stage, her behavior changes greatly, and accordingly, a special approach to the pet will be needed. Lovers of these cute and graceful animals should be prepared for problems of this kind in order to be able to help in the future.

At what age does a cat ask for a cat for the first time?

At a certain age, the cat’s body begins to prepare for reproduction; females begin to go into heat. At this moment, follicles mature in the ovaries. The animal's hormonal background changes. The hormone estrogen is released in large quantities, as a result of which the blood supply to the genital organs increases and clear vaginal discharge appears.

Puberty of a cat

The scientific name for estrus in cats is estrus. On average, it begins at the age of 6–8 months. However, this process is individual and depends on many factors, so in some females the first estrus occurs at 4 months, while in others the reproductive system matures closer to 12 months.

If your one-year-old cat still hasn't come into heat, she should be seen by a veterinarian. Sometimes during estrus, the pet exhibits almost no changes in behavior characteristic of sexual heat. This condition is called “erased estrus.” In this case, you also need to consult a specialist, since such conditions may indicate health problems.

If a female begins to walk, this does not mean that she is ready to reproduce. The first estrus is a symptom of the physiological maturity of the cat. Actual sexual maturity in cats is formed only at 18 months.

What determines the timing of the first estrus?

At what age does a teenage cat begin to ask for a cat depends on the individual characteristics of the body and some external conditions. The following factors have the strongest influence on puberty:

Oriental cat

  • Breed. It has been found that females of some breeds reach sexual maturity at an earlier age than most domestic cats. An early onset of estrus is observed in Thai, Siamese, Burmese and Oriental cats, and St. Petersburg Sphynxes. Late maturation is often observed in females of the Persian breed, Neva Masquerade, and Maine Coons.
  • Body features. More graceful and graceful females with thin bones mature faster than their stocky and large relatives.
  • The time of year when the cat was born. In females that are born in winter or spring, estrus begins in spring or summer. In animals born in the summer or autumn months, maturation takes longer.
  • Living conditions. Pets living in an apartment mature more slowly than outdoor cats.
  • Features of temperament. Mobile active cats reach sexual maturity at an earlier date. In slow, sedentary, calm females, estrus begins later.
  • Heredity. The ability to reproduce and timing of maturation also depend on genetic predisposition.

Maine Coon cats

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About the average age of cat maturation

For the first time, the physiological need for male attention arises at 6-9 months, but in many long-haired and large breeds, such as the Maine Coon, this process drags on for up to a year. And vice versa, short-haired and outbred animals born in the fall can begin to walk by spring; this is inherent in their nature.

Cats can carry, give birth and raise viable offspring without complications only at actual maturity. Therefore, you should not start mating with a cat before 1-1.5 years of age, as this can cause serious health problems.

General information

City cats are deprived of this opportunity and walk around the apartment.

The concept of “walking” in cats is directly related to the search for a sexual partner. During this period, an apartment cat throws a significant tantrum to its owners, and cats from private homes simply go on adventures and search for like-minded people.

How often do cats go for walks?

The frequency of search depends on the estrus of each individual individual. Most often, estrus occurs in early spring and late autumn, but the general rhythm always depends on age, breed, personal hormonal levels and living conditions. The first heat occurs between 9 and 12 months, but always consider your pet's breed because the first heat can occur as early as 6 or 18 months.

During the first and subsequent heats, the behavior of the animal changes, this is especially noticeable if the cat is domestic, all the time in front of the eyes and during the rutting period, he begins to give concerts to the owners due to the lack of opportunity to throw out energy for its natural purpose.

Signs that your cat is ready to go for a walk:

  • Aggression or excessive affection appears.
  • Cats begin to mark their territory, and kitties pee more often.
  • The pet meows almost non-stop, constantly trying to attract attention.
  • The genitals swell and increased secretion appears.
  • Appetite decreases.
  • The gait changes, this is especially noticeable in females - they begin to lift their butts more and walk on tiptoes of their hind legs.

The immediate frequency depends on how effective the previous “hunt” was and how stable the hormonal levels are. In an adult male cat, if there has been sexual intercourse or even pregnancy, the energy has received an adequate release and the animal is satisfied - in such cases, estrus occurs according to a standard schedule 2-3 times a year.

But if estrus did not receive any logical conclusion, or the animal did not have enough sexual partners, pregnancy did not occur or was interrupted, then the schedule of festivities may become more frequent.

If your cat begins to go for walks frequently, but you are unable to independently identify the cause of the animal’s dissatisfaction, contact your veterinarian; your pet may have a hormonal imbalance.

IMPORTANT: after giving birth, a cat usually starts leaking again within 3-4 months, so you can’t compare her festivities schedule with the cats’ schedule.

How long does a cat walk?

How many days a cat walks depends not only on its personal insatiability, but also on its breed characteristics, whether there has been at least one intercourse at all. The fact of intercourse, however, affects mainly cats - after it, the female subsides after about 2-3 days, but the cat will look for partners until its hormonal release stops.

Examples of estrus duration in the most popular cat breeds:

  • Maine Coon: the first heat occurs at the 12th month and passes quite calmly.
  • Persians: a rune bird in the matter of puberty - at 6 months the owners will have their first concert. At the same time, the breed can conceive and bear offspring only after one and a half years.
  • British breed: the first heat occurs every year and lasts from 4 to 14 days, depending on the characteristics of the body.
  • Scottish Fold: It is not for nothing that breeders recommend castration if there is no goal of further breeding, because the breed walks 4 times a year starting from 10 months.
  • Sphynxes: a difficult breed, because after the onset of a year, cats walk for a week once every 2 months. During this period, usually affectionate velor cats and seals turn into monsters, hissing and hating everything around them.
  • Siamese breed: In general they are very similar to Sphynxes, with the only requirement that the first heat be at one and a half years.

How many days a cat walks for the first time often does not depend on the breed. Estrus lasts about a week, but all other times the period varies depending on the results of the rut.

Frequency of cat walking

How long do cats recover from anesthesia after castration: how long can they sleep?

The frequency of estrus depends on many factors. If a cat gives birth regularly, her cycle will be 2-4 times a year. When she is not bred, estrus can repeat once every 2-3 months. Occasionally there are individuals that walk every 2-3 weeks.

Important! Experts categorically prohibit mating too often. It is not recommended at all during the first heat, and in the future at least a year should pass between births. Too frequent births will negatively affect the health of both the pet and its offspring. Domestic cats have different living conditions, so in this matter you should not focus on them, who give birth every season.

How many walks for the first time

When does a cat start walking for the first time? How long will this last? As a rule, the first heat occurs between 7 and 10 months. This often happens in the spring. The duration of the first heat will be an indicator of the average time of estrus throughout the cat's life. A healthy domestic cat walks for 4-7 days both the first and subsequent times.

You can't knit a cat too often

However, the duration and timing of the first heat depends on many factors. For example, outdoor cats tend to reach sexual maturity earlier than indoor cats. Their first estrus can occur at the age of 5-6 months. At the same age, a domestic cat can also go on a spree, provided that it is active, temperamental, and has a genetic predisposition to this.

Note! The onset of estrus is directly influenced by the cat’s housing conditions and nutrition.

At what age cats begin to walk is a purely individual question that requires a special approach. Each animal will have its own behavioral characteristics and duration of estrus.

Frequency depending on breed

Another important factor in the question of estrus is the breed. The key factor is usually the size of the representatives of a particular breed, which will determine the frequency and duration of estrus.

Representatives of large breeds, such as the Maine Coon, can go out for the first time at the age of 12 or even 16 months. This is due to their large size and is not a deviation from the norm. The time will come, and a big cat will begin to flow just like any other.

Important! Representatives of small breeds are often distinguished by early puberty. For them it can begin at four months. At this age, a cat is able to bear and give birth to kittens, but her body is not yet ready for this.

Representatives of such elegant breeds as the British Fold or Scottish cat exhibit particularly interesting behavior during the period of heat. They tend to neglect the entire female half of the house, and follow the heels of men. A British or Scottish man will greet men especially joyfully, constantly rubbing up against them, while completely ignoring women. This is a breed feature that has not yet found a scientific explanation.

At what age can you walk with a kitten?

Our house is located on the main road. If he rushes out of the main door, he could immediately get hit by a car if he runs out onto the road. If he jumps out of the door into the garden and runs through the neighbors, he may get lost. And now I don’t know what to do. He meows and wants to go outside, but I'm afraid. Cats die on our road almost every year.

I would walk him on a leash. While our cat was little, this is exactly what they did. Afterwards we hung the net on the balcony and since then our cat has been walking on the balcony. It's warm now and that's why the door to the balcony doesn't close. We are not afraid that it will go somewhere from the balcony. He has a high scratching post there and he walks like this almost all day.

And then he brings a tick, I sit and pull it out, then a living mouse, crunching with appetite, mouse intestines on the carpets. And he yells to let him out, it’s impossible to listen.

One week is not enough to get used to it, we kept ours at home for 4 months, then released him. At first he didn’t go that far, he ran in the garden and went home to the toilet too)))). Then I got used to it and now it happens and goes away for a day. But we live in the village, we have fields behind the fence, so there is little danger for him.

We have fields behind the fence, so there is little danger for him

I want to upset you, because that’s where she’s more dangerous.

They could chop it up there with a mower; on the road there is a chance that they will see it and have time to react.

I myself have a cat that walks on its own, but we live in a village on the outskirts of a dead-end street, but one day, a moronic farmer almost chopped up our cat, she was sitting in the grass, heard a tractor, ran home, and the tractor followed her. there is no way to stop, it’s clear that the grass is moving, and I ran along the edge of the field and blocked the cat so that in the tall grass it would know where it was running.

Now I always try to close it at home when the hay is cut.

The farmer who mows our field always asks if the cat is at home or not, but he is also strange and leaves late at night, so I usually manage to lock the cat up, but I shredded the neighbor’s cat right behind our house, she couldn’t do it and he finished her off with a shovel.

Maybe the vehicle has the opportunity to install a special fence, or at least cover the terrace/balcony with a net.

I would like something like this for myself, I wouldn’t have to worry all the time, but I can’t do that, my house is in the middle of a field, it would look dicey if I surrounded everything with a net, like in a prison. in a hedge, the net doesn't look so wild.

Secondly, you write that your house is located on the main road. What chance does a baby have of survival if he ends up on this road? None!

This can be done without registration.

Take care of your baby.

It’s all my children who want to take the kitten outside to play with it, it’s me who needs to fight with the children now. They love to have a kitten in their bed sleeping with them. And if he goes outside, then there can be no talk of any more bed. In my homeland, I also had cats in my apartment, so we didn’t even know what a veterinarian was, there were no diseases, there were fleas, I don’t know where, but I got rid of them with products that I bought in a pet store.


Ways to calm your cat

The modern world is progressing, and people have come up with many ways to ease the period of estrus, both for themselves and for their pet. The most popular and accessible ones will be discussed in more detail in this section.


How many days before vaccination should a cat be given anthelmintic?

When resorting to tablets, the owner must be aware of the risk he is putting his pet’s health at. Hormonal drugs are difficult to tolerate even by people, not to mention animals. But if you still decide to buy tablets, you should consult a veterinarian. He will help you choose the right drug, determine the quantity and dosage.


Today, sterilization is the safest and most humane way to make life easier for both yourself and your cat. This method is suitable for owners who do not plan to breed a cat for breeding purposes. Medicine has reached such heights that sterilization is no longer a dangerous operation. Another advantage is the increase in the life expectancy of the pet.

Important! It is best to carry out the operation before the first heat.

Cat after sterilization

By the time a cat's first heat begins, the owner must prepare. To avoid any unpleasant surprises, you need to familiarize yourself with all the information about estrus in cats. Animals live by obeying their instincts, and owners should not forget that they are responsible for those they have tamed.

What to do

For the owner, there are the following ways to solve the problem of estrus in a pet:

  • Sterilize to protect against pregnancy forever. In this case, there is a risk of hormonal imbalance and suppuration of the sutures.
  • Use contraceptives. They will dull arousal, but there is a danger of harm to health from taking hormonal drugs.
  • Connect with a male. After the birth of kittens, the cat will become calmer and will walk less.
  • Distract from sensations during heat. Buy new toys, pay more attention.

If the owner is in doubt about what to do with the pet, it is worth contacting a veterinarian for advice. This will help avoid new health problems.


Traditional medicine is an effective way to eliminate the symptoms of estrus in cats. For different animals, the degree of their impact on the body will vary. Nevertheless, veterinarians recommend giving preference to safe folk remedies.

The following methods are most often used, which provide greater peace of mind to the cat during the “walking” period:

  • Wetting wool with water. When a cat has gone on a spree, owners can periodically wet its fur with water. This will calm her down for a while. If the restless state does not go away, it means that the instinct turned out to be stronger.
  • Taking an infusion or decoction of soothing herbs: peppermint, chamomile and linden. These plants have a calming effect on the nervous system, eliminate some problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and also promote more restful sleep.
  • Attention from the owner. Increased attention will help distract your cat from worrying. You should gently caress the animal , but you should try not to put pressure on the sacrum and lower back area.
    You should speak in a calm and even voice. You should not allow the tone to rise: any pet is sensitive to the timbre of its owner’s voice.
  • New toy. During this period, the cat has more energy, and it needs to be used up. Therefore, the owners should interest their pet in something, for example, a new toy. Give preference to active games, so that your pet needs to run a lot and jump high.
  • Separate room for animals. So that the owners do not get irritated by the behavior of their pet, you can lock it in the room. You should first take care of the availability of food and drink, toys and your favorite bed.

In addition to those listed, some cat owners use other effective methods. Recommendations from veterinarians will help in choosing ways to distract the animal from changes in its body.

The possibility of a cat being near the cat should be excluded: the animals will definitely mate. If several individuals of different sexes live in the house, they should be isolated from each other.

You can make a “thermal bed” for your cat. To do this, you should place a warm heating pad in the bed - this will help calm the animal. The top of the bed is covered with a warm blanket or blanket.

based on herbal raw materials also effectively eliminate the symptoms of estrus.
They are offered in tablet, drink, or even spray form. The latter affect the nervous system through the air, eliminating the most obvious manifestations of anxiety. Such diffusers (for example Feliway) have shown high efficiency even on several animals in the same room. Medicines based on natural ingredients will help eliminate unwanted changes in behavior.

An example is also the drug “Cat Bayun”, which contains soothing herbs. It can even be given to pregnant animals: without having a negative effect on the embryo, the drug weakens spasms and eliminates the feeling of fear. Medicines with a natural composition that are similar in effect and affordable are offered for sale. They have positive reviews from cat owners (for example, Russian Fitex or imported Relax Easy Travel).

If the animal is not purebred and the owners do not seek to obtain offspring from it, the most gentle and effective method will be to sterilize the cat.

Cats, like other mammals, begin puberty at a certain age. It just happens in its own way. Before taking a kitten into your home, you need to find out at what age cats begin to walk, how their behavior changes, and how male pets tolerate this period.

This is interesting: Wallpaper that cats don't fight

How to help your pet

During the period of heat, the pet cannot control its actions, and its behavior at this time is not confirmation of a bad character. You need to treat this period with understanding. It is in your power to help the animal.

Continue to take care of your pet as before: give food and water, even if he refuses. Do not scold for marks and heart-rending screams - the animal still will not understand you and will definitely not stop its actions. Do not lock him in dark rooms and do not refuse attention. If you live in an apartment, keep the doors and windows closed, because the animal will try to escape outside.

Try not to injure your pet during this period: postpone trips to the veterinarian, meeting new pets, and even bathing.

If you plan to breed the breed, consult your veterinarian about when the first mating can take place. Usually 1-2 cycles should pass, and after that mating occurs.

The only reliable way to stop binge drinking and get rid of the painful period is sterilization or castration.

How many days does a cat walk?

One of the main questions that arises for cat owners is how long do they walk? There is no clear answer to this question, since many factors influence the duration of estrus .

The duration of the period depends on:

  • Age;
  • Time spent without a cat;
  • Living conditions;
  • Environment, weather, time of year;
  • Nutritional features;
  • The physical condition of the cat;
  • The nature of the pet's body.

In pets, estrus most often lasts from 5 to 10 days. The first estrus may be short-lived . With age, the duration increases, as the pet’s hormonal background forms and changes. In different breeds, a duration of up to 20 days can be observed.

Estrus requires constant monitoring by the breeder. You need to know how long your pet normally goes into heat.

If deviations occur and the heat lasts too long, this may indicate the presence of an ovarian cyst or tumor. A visit to the veterinarian is required to undergo an ultrasound examination.

How long to wait before going outside?

Adult cats

How long to wait before letting your cat outside depends on the cat's personality and how quickly she calms down. You may be tempted to let your cat outside as soon as possible, but it's usually best to wait 2-3 to 4-6 weeks after you first bring her home. This will give them enough time to get comfortable in their new environment.

© shutterstock


For kittens, the time frame is slightly different. We recommend releasing your kitten with controlled access to the outdoors when he is about 4 months old, has been neutered, has had all his vaccinations, and is fully settled in your home. You should also make sure your kitten is comfortable enough in the house first, as going outside can be a little scary to begin with.

If your new cat or kitten seems restless and frequently sits or waits by the back door, paces, scratches or paws in the door area, contact your local veterinarian for more advice on when to let your cat outside.

How does estrus proceed?

Estrus is manifested by a whole complex of behavioral reactions. The most striking signal of its beginning is the calling cry of the female, with which she tries to attract the male. However, estrus is not limited to just the external manifestation of sexual heat. This is a complex process that takes place in several stages, which is controlled at the hormonal level.

Periods of the estrous cycle

The estrus process in cats is divided into four stages. Each of them lasts a certain time and has its own distinctive features:

  • Proestrus. This is the first stage, which lasts up to 4 days. Proestrus is characterized by restlessness. The pet rubs against interior items, becomes more affectionate, obsessively demands that the owner stroke it, and makes quiet sounds.
  • Estrus. The duration of this stage is about 10 days. Estrus is indicated by louder meows. The female actively seeks a male for mating; when stroking, she presses herself to the floor, tucks her hind legs and extends her tail. If it is necessary for a female to become pregnant, she is brought together with a cat at this time.
  • Metestrus. During this period, the cat's sex drive decreases. If fertilization has occurred, then she becomes indifferent to males, and sometimes even shows aggression towards them. The duration of metestrus is from 3 to 12 days.
  • Anestrus. The last stage of estrus. The sexual hunt ends, the pet's behavior becomes the same.

Signs of estrus

When a female walks, you can notice this by characteristic signs. They manifest themselves most clearly in the second stage of estrus. However, the beginning of the process of sexual hunting can also be determined by some changes:

  • the pet often visits the tray;
  • there is a change in mood, an affectionate cat may suddenly become aggressive;
  • appetite decreases and sometimes disappears completely;
  • vaginal discharge appears.

High levels of hormones affect the behavior of the female. During the active phase of estrus, the following symptoms can be observed:

  • Obsessive affection. The pet literally does not leave the owner, constantly rubs against his legs, and demands attention.
  • Mating positions. At any touch, the cat takes a pose indicating its readiness to mate. She bends and lifts her hindquarters, extending her tail.
  • Screams. Luring the cat, the female screams loudly. Screams during sexual hunting cannot be confused with anything.
  • The desire to get out of the house. Following the sexual instinct, the animal strives to go outside the apartment to find a partner.

Duration of estrus in cats

The active period of estrus usually lasts from 5 to 10 days. The duration of the process depends on age, breed, season, health and living conditions. The first heat may be faster. In adult cats, hormonal levels change, which is why estrus lasts longer.

If the owner carefully observes his pet, he can accurately determine how many days the estrus lasted. In the future, the duration will remain the same. This information is necessary for breeders who breed purebred animals.

Prolonged estrus may be a sign of ovarian disease, cyst formation or tumor. An ultrasound scan at a veterinary clinic will help clarify the diagnosis and identify the problem.

Heat frequency

The average frequency of estrus in cats is from 2 to 4 times a year. The frequency of ovulation is influenced by physiology, genetics and the presence of previous pregnancies. Typically, females who have given birth walk less often. They go into heat once every 3-4 months, sometimes once every six months. After childbirth, sexual desire resumes in about a month. Cats that have not given birth ask for a cat every month. With age, the frequency of estrus decreases, it occurs faster, and the symptoms become less pronounced.

Castration of cats

Castration is a surgical procedure aimed at removing the gonads. Veterinarians advise castration of cats aged 8 months to 1 year.

A castrated cat stops marking territorial boundaries, his aggressive state and screams during sexual desire disappear, and the risk of developing infectious and genitourinary diseases is significantly reduced.

One of the significant disadvantages of performing an operation to remove the gonads is the development of metabolic disorders in the animal body.

There is a statement that castration leads to the onset of urolithiasis. In fact, there is no direct connection between castration and the formation of stones in the urinary system. But with metabolic disorders and obesity, this disease develops often. You can prevent obesity in a neutered cat by choosing the right diet.

Adorable pictures prove that cats are cats, no matter how big they are

When you see big cats acting like house cats, you will want one as a pet. Look how many similarities there are between carnivores and their tiny domesticated cousins!

If you want to see a white tiger play with a giant ball, your wish will be granted.

Felines sit in boxes out of an instinctive desire to hide from predators. But the jaguar is a predator, so why should it sit in a cardboard box?

The answer is simple: he wants a cozy place to sleep. A cardboard box is a luxury for the jaguars at the zoo.

Like domestic cats, tigers spend about 16-20 hours sleeping and lying in the shade every day. Don't wake the tiger on his cardboard bed!

This could very well be the lion's throne, at least until the female returns with food.

This is the only ball that can withstand the sharp fangs of a tiger. Isn't Zabu an adorable big cat?

This lion seems to want to play with the photographer. How can you say no to those kitten eyes? If you can handle about 270kg of fur and claws, then you know what to do next.

Some cats will do anything to get their food. A white tiger named Mohan stands like a man to get his share of milk. Standing, he is as tall as the worker!

Cats stand to appear larger. Domestic cats try to ward off predators while standing. Big cats like Mohan most likely want to feel like they are on an equal footing with their guardian.

Amazing photo of a zookeeper giving a lion a paw massage. And he trusts the 250 kg lion so much that he is also ready to brush the mane and wash the lion.

The zookeeper has built this relationship over many years, and most people can't massage a lion that easily. Look how happy the big kitten is!

Precautions when letting a kitten outside

Some veterinarians do not recommend releasing a kitten unless it is spayed. In fact, an uncastrated man runs the risk of running away and never returning if he senses an aroused pussy in the neighborhood... Watch: How Long Can a Cat Run Away?

A period of 6 to 7 months is recommended. sterilize a woman and from 5 months what can we do to castrate a male kitten .

On the other hand, if your kitten gets lost, he will need to be identified. Therefore, in order for the kitten to go outside on its own, it will need to be stitched. I also recommend putting a collar on him with your contact information (see shock collar recommended ).

Finally, when the kitten begins to go outside, it is recommended to treat it for parasites (see my article Natural Flea Control ).


What determines the maturation of an animal?

It is worth noting that it is impossible to say with absolute certainty that a cat begins to walk at 8 months , since, like in people, in cats this process occurs with individual characteristics, in which age is not the main indicator. It’s easier to focus on some general rules:

  • The age of maturation depends on the breed, some of them cause earlier or later onset of sexual heat;
  • This factor is also influenced by the structure of the skeleton; more fragile and graceful animals are earlier ready for reproduction;
  • The time of birth also influences puberty; a cat reaches sexual maturity from a winter or spring litter as early as the next season, while later-born animals may take a little longer to mature;
  • Cats kept in the most comfortable conditions are ready to give birth to offspring much earlier;
  • An animal that finds itself in an environment consisting mainly of adult animals will itself mature faster;
  • In many animals, the early search for satisfaction of their needs is explained by a common genetic predisposition.

In any case, when the age gets closer to a year, any animal will already begin to show signs indicating the onset of childbearing age.

Duration of estrus period

You also need to be prepared for the fact that the cat can go for walks several times a year, regardless of its age . But in the winter-spring period (February-April) she manifests her desires more actively, and in the autumn (October-November), they are not clearly expressed or fade away altogether.

How long does this period last? When a cat reaches sexual maturity, she may go into heat for about 10 days and then stop, but if she is not given a male cat or other measures are not taken, it will most likely start again after 14 days.

If your pet asks for a walk and makes the life of those around you simply unbearable, you should not be angry with the animal, it is also not at all easy for him during this period. This is a call of nature, which is not at all easy to overcome, but with the help of the owner, she will be able to cope with the problem and continue to live an ordinary and carefree life.


How does a cat perceive its owner?

How does a cat perceive its owner?

. Many cats live in our apartments from childhood, if not from birth. And they seem to like it. They perceive our apartment as their lair. Everything here is familiar, safe, warm and cozy. There is no need to think about food, the owner goes hunting himself, butchers and serves it himself. Sometimes you can afford to steal a tasty morsel from the owner’s plate. The main thing is to grab the prey and quickly hide. Otherwise, life with the owner is reminiscent of a cat’s childhood, close to its mother.

Of course, sometimes you have to share the territory even with a dog, but still, it is much safer than being on the street without the protection of the owner.

All cats eventually become similar to their owners, even in appearance. The more you love your cat, the more similarities there are between you.

If the cat is happy and trusts its owner, then it lies on his chest, purrs and slightly releases its claws. This is how kittens instinctively stimulate their mother's milk production. At the very climax of pleasure, cats may even lightly suck on your ear or fingertips.

Cats enjoy playing with their owner. For kittens, games serve as training, but for an adult cat they simply provide entertainment and exercise. In addition, cats are so playful that they can jump until exhaustion and run after a bow on a string, a sunbeam, or a laser beam.

An adult domestic cat no longer regards its owner as a parent. For her, a person is a protector, provider and helper. Some cats become so accustomed to their owner that they even refuse to eat when separated. You should take this into account if you need to leave.

When my daughter, mother and I moved to a new apartment, we left our cat to the new owners (my brother). Before that, we lived together, and they really liked the cat. And although we came to visit them every day, and stroked and played with our cat for a long time, he still withered away before our eyes. He lost weight, barely ate and no longer wanted to play.

For some reason, the cat loved me more than anyone else, but we didn’t notice it before. For the sake of the cat's health, we somehow came to a common agreement that the cat should live with me. In gratitude for your understanding, my favorite one slept with me and never left my side for the remaining 15 years.

A domestic cat is not always and not everyone is allowed to stroke itself. This is a very important sign. As a child, only the mother stroked (licked) the kitten. Then only the owner was allowed to do this. There are such jealous cats that not only do they not allow strangers to pet them, but they can also bite and scratch anyone who approaches their owner.

A good owner for a cat is not just a protector, friend and provider, it is for her a kind of deity who is always nearby and will never leave her in trouble. So try to behave towards cats like a deity or at least like a human being. The absence of the owner frightens the cat, even if she doesn’t show it in any way.

You can't punish a cat! Any punishment causes fear and mistrust in her. Cats do not know how to connect cause and effect. That is why they cannot be taught what they do not understand and fear.

Manifestations of physical maturity

Once they reach puberty, cats begin to behave much more aggressively than male cats. This is expressed in loud screams at night, damage to furniture and wallpaper, and marks throughout the habitat of an animal that has reached a dangerous age. During the period of estrus, the urine of an animal acquires a very pungent and unpleasant odor , it is almost impossible to get rid of it - these are very clear signs of the cat’s puberty. In addition, the beast constantly updates its marks.

The behavior of an animal depends quite strongly on the presence of competitors near it. The more aggressors around, the more nervous the cat began to behave. He hisses and grumbles threateningly, his games resemble hunting.

A loud voice is one way to show rivals who is boss in the house, especially if two animals are in a one-on-one duel.

It should be noted that in addition to being a threat to competitors, cat cries may not be a very good sign. This behavior may be a consequence of the formation of kidney stones in the pet , and not because it has reached a certain age. The sharp edges painfully wound the animal from the inside, causing it to literally scream in pain. That is why any pet’s complaints should be treated carefully and not confuse estrus with a serious problem.

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Risks of taking a kitten outside too early

The environment outside the home can be dangerous for an underage kitten. Indeed, if your kitten is not ready to go outside, leaving him outside poses many risks:

After all, outside the home, a kitten can become infected with many diseases. However, if kittens receive antibodies from breast milk at birth, they will disappear after 6 weeks. And a 2-month-old kitten is therefore very fragile and vulnerable.

Therefore, it is recommended not to release the kitten until the last revaccination. at about 3 months of age .

“Vulnerable” places of Scottish folds

Scottish Fold is classified as an undemanding strong breed. But every artificial species has “vulnerable” places.

What problems do owners of fold-eared cats encounter?

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In adulthood, problems with the development of bone and cartilage tissue begin.
  • Cats easily gain excess weight as a result of a sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet. This gives impetus to liver and heart dysfunction, and the risk of serious problems increases.
  • The ear is the weakest point of the Scottish Folds. Responsible owners of fold-eared cats regularly inspect their pets' ears and clean them of dirt and wax. Otherwise, an inflammatory process appears and enters the chronic stage.
  • Long-haired cats suffer from the appearance of dense mats due to insufficient coat care. This reduces mobility and negatively affects muscle tissue throughout the body.

There are diseases that are most often inherited by Folds.

What diseases do cat owners face:

  • Osteochondrodysplasia. Health problems can be identified by lameness and hardening of the tail.
  • Osteoarthritis is joint stiffness.
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a problem with the functioning of the heart.
  • Polycystic kidney disease.

Important! If crossed incorrectly, the risk of bone problems increases.

What to do if a cat yells when it wants a cat?

A cat that wants a cat makes everyone in the house nervous. She screams so loudly that it is impossible to ignore her screams. Often the owners do not even manage to fall asleep. What to do in this case? There are several ways to solve the problem:

  • castration;
  • use of special drugs;
  • mating with a cat.

The choice of method depends on the breeder's plans. If the animal is not intended to reproduce, castration is the best solution. Otherwise, unwanted symptoms can be combated with sedatives or hormonal drugs, if mating is not planned during this period.

Sedatives for cats

The safest for cats' health are sedatives. They help reduce the female's arousal and reduce the intensity of estrus symptoms. To correct your pet’s behavior, the following medications are used:

  • "Cat Baiyun". Available in tablets and liquid form. It is used in cases where cats are stressed, as well as to suppress sexual heat.
  • "Fitex". A sedative in drops. The medicine is based on extracts of various plants that have an anti-stress effect.
  • Cat mint. The smell of this herb calms cats. It can be placed in places where the animal spends most of its time. Catnip is also available in spray form.
  • "Stop stress." A powerful sedative for cats. Available in tablets and drops. The medicine quickly suppresses sexual desire and reduces the cat's activity.

Hormonal drugs: pros and cons

To eliminate the symptoms of estrus, many breeders buy hormonal medications for cats. The most popular in this group are the following:

  • "Covinan";
  • "Sex Barrier";
  • "CounterSex Neo";
  • "Stop sex."

The drugs quickly suppress natural instincts, as they change the hormonal levels in the pets’ body, but they cannot be given for a long time. According to some veterinarians, as a result of abuse of these drugs, animals develop malignant tumors in the uterus, ovaries, and mammary glands. Some cats are diagnosed with pyometra after using hormonal medications.

Castration of a cat

During castration, a female's ovaries and uterus are removed. It is no longer possible to restore reproductive function after surgery. Such cats cannot become pregnant. However, if castration was carried out during the period of estrus, then sexual desire may persist for some time after the procedure. This is due to the action of hormones that remain in the blood.

Veterinarians recommend castrating cats before their first estrus. The surgery not only prevents cat behavior, but also prevents cancer of the reproductive organs. In addition, spayed females live longer than cats that give birth.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Modern materials allow you to apply sutures that do not need to be removed later. For 3–5 days, the pet must be carefully monitored, its jumping and movements must be controlled so that the seams do not come apart. When the animal recovers, its behavior will be the same. The cat will never suffer from hormonal surges again.

Puberty in a cat can come completely unexpectedly for its owners. At this stage, her behavior changes greatly, and accordingly, a special approach to the pet will be needed. Lovers of these cute and graceful animals should be prepared for problems of this kind in order to be able to help in the future.

Alternative ways to resolve the heat issue

Modern pharmacology can offer pet owners to discourage their animals from any desire to flirt with the opposite sex, preserving their reproductive function. In this case, it is proposed to use two types of drops:

If the animal is not valuable as a breeder, it is better not to torture it and castrate the cat. Unlike people, animals do not grieve over the loss of the opportunity to bear offspring, so the pet will not receive any mental trauma, but only peace for itself and its owners.


Mr. Cat recommends: how to determine the onset of heat

The onset of puberty is marked by a combination of signs, including:

  • changes in behavior from affectionate to aggressive;
  • a shrill meow resembling a cry of pain;
  • frequent licking of the genitals;
  • increasing the frequency of trips to the toilet, marking the territory;
  • decreased appetite;
  • the desire to find a male in the house or outside it;
  • falling on the front paws and lifting the tail;
  • rolling on the floor, playfulness.

Before estrus, the cat begins to walk more, becomes gentle and demands affection.

If such symptoms are not detected until a year or later, the cause may be the so-called “erased estrus”, which is the basis for a trip to the veterinarian.

When should you let your cat outside for the first time?

Chances are your cat will want to go for a walk in the garden and beyond.
Our tips will help your cat safely explore the environment when you let her out for the first time and return home again. It's best to make sure your cat is settled indoors and comfortable around you before you begin taking your cat outside or letting him outside for the first time.

Some cats will immediately want to go outside regularly, but some less confident cats, kittens, or cats who may not have gone outside before may want to increase the amount of time they spend outside.

It is important to allow your cat to walk outdoors at a time convenient for her. We do not recommend using a harness, and you should not pick up your cat and take it outside. Both of these situations can potentially cause stress in your cat and may cause them to associate this negative feeling with going outside.

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