Treatment of otitis in cats: forms of the disease, causes, symptoms, prevention
Symptoms of otitis Causes of otitis in cats Parasitic otitis Bacterial otitis Immune-related otitis Otitis,
cryptorchidism in a cat
What is cryptorchidism in cats and what are the treatment methods?
March 3, 2021 Cryptorchidism in dogs is essentially the same as in cats.
Stress in cats: triggers, signs and treatments. Nervous system of a domestic cat Neurological diseases of cats symptoms
Cats behave differently from other animals, although their nervous system is structured something like this
What does a cat think about and how does it perceive us, people. Do we know anything?
Cats think that people are big cats. There is an opinion that cats represent
Is subcutaneous mite in cats a dangerous parasite?jpg
Subcutaneous mites in cats, infection, diagnosis and treatment
What will you learn from the article The causative agent of demodicosis in cats is the subcutaneous mite Routes of infection Group
Gastritis in cats: symptoms, types and nuances of treatment
Victoria Rashidovna Khazimulina veterinarian Petstory Our pets have to deal with pathologies such as
How a cat behaves before giving birth: yelling and other changes in behavior
8644Administration Giving birth to a pet has always been a very important event. To avoid various complications
cat CP
How to treat acute kidney failure in cats
Reading time: 5 minute(s) If your pet is showing signs of kidney failure,
Kitten sitting on a blanket
To what age do male cats grow - features of growing up
To organize proper and complete care for animals, it is necessary to take into account their physiological characteristics in
the cat scratches his ears
The cat constantly scratches its ears and shakes its head: reasons and treatment
If a cat scratches its ears and shakes its head, this does not always indicate that the pet is sick.
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