How to take a urine test from a cat? 3 ways to collect at home
Veterinarians recommend using a special filler to collect urine from cats, which is poured into a basin,
Normal and abnormal odor from a cat's mouth
Why does a cat have bad breath and how to eliminate it?
All cat lovers love to be affectionate with their pets, but sometimes this becomes impossible due to unpleasant
Why does a cat's whiskers break? The main causes of split ends - Tips
The vigilant owner saw a broken mustache - what does this mean? Surely as a child you heard
Cat's breath smells
5 most common causes of cat mouth odor
Save the article: No matter how interesting the word halitosis sounds, it means nothing more
Caring for a cat after castration. Interview with a leading rehabilitation specialist
To improve the quality of life of domestic cats suffering from dissatisfaction with sexual desire, castration is recommended. This surgical
Cats and cats: one species, but completely different natures
When choosing a pet, you should think carefully! The dog requires training and education, mandatory
The kitten has a bloated belly - the most common causes of bloating in a baby
Victoria Rashidovna Khazimulina veterinarian Petstory A kitten’s big belly can indicate such
The appearance of an eyesore in a cat: causes and treatment
Quite often, veterinary specialists are faced with diagnosing leukoma (eye sore) in patients. Pathological
Failure of a cat's hind legs
Failure of the hind legs in a cat: causes and manifestations of pathology, first aid, treatment methods
Failure of a cat’s hind legs is most often provoked by serious illnesses or previous injuries that require
Stress in cats
Stress in a cat: possible causes, symptoms, treatment
Save article: A cat's life is not always smooth sailing. Reasons that cause furry
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