Malacesia in cats. Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment regimens
Many types of yeast fungi are opportunistic microflora that constantly live on the skin and mucous membranes
Blood type incompatibility in cats
Immune response to coronavirus SARS-CoV‑2 in patients with COVID‑19
At first glance, it may seem that this topic is of interest only to biologists and
Scratched by a cat - irritation, inflammation and suppuration of the scratch: how to treat? Why do cat bites and scratches take a long time to heal? How dangerous are cat scratches for humans? Ointments for cat bites and scratches
7817Pavel 1 The number of people who prefer cats as pets increases every year. Unfortunately,
If a cat scratches its ears, how to help the animal by establishing the cause
10974Administration 1 Almost every owner who has cats has encountered a problem - the animal
Why does a cat bleed from the mouth - 5 main causes of bleeding
(Vote first!) 5589564 07/21/2021 owner reviews Bleeding from the mouth is a rare occurrence in cats,
Gloomy cat
After giving birth, the cat has bleeding on the 2-3rd day, is restless, meows and breathes quickly
Here comes a joyful moment for the owners - the birth of kittens, but this is always associated
Cat with yellow eyes: names of breeds with descriptions
Handsome guys with lantern eyes! Melanocytes play a major role in determining the color of the coat and eyes.
The cat is resting
Allergies in cats: types and symptoms, treatment and care for an allergic cat
Unfortunately, cats are susceptible to the same diseases as humans. Quite common
Treatment of liver failure in cats
Liver diseases in cats: causes, signs and symptoms
The role of the liver in the body of cats Visually detectable signs of liver disease in a cat The most dangerous
Eye drops for cats - 5 best types for pus, infection and conjunctivitis
Almost every veterinary specialist knows that the eyes of an animal are a “mirror” for which a specialist
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