Causes of fecal incontinence in cats and what to do if a problem occurs?
Fecal incontinence occurs when a cat loses control over bowel movements. For this reason, cats may
When should you induce vomiting in a cat and how to do it at home?
A purulent formation on the gum is popularly called gumboil. Very often it is treated
Castration VS sterilization: expert opinion
Castration of cats and sterilization of cats: pros and cons
Contrary to popular belief, the terms castration and sterilization are in no way related to the gender of the animal
If there is no appetite and lethargy, you should take the animal to the veterinarian
Why does a cat bleed from the eyes and what should be done in this case?
The term hyphema describes the presence of blood in the anterior chamber of the eye - what to do if you
Why does a cat stick out its tongue? Expert says
Probably every owner of a furry purr has at least once observed a picture of his pet sitting or
Discharge in a cat before birth: signs of normality and abnormalities
(Be the first to vote!) 5589564 07/01/2021 owner reviews Lately you have noticed that your furry
Cat sneezes: causes and treatment
Why does a small kitten sneeze: dangerous and non-dangerous reasons
If your cat sneezes, you shouldn’t shrug it off and assume that it’s
Vomiting in a cat
The cat doesn’t eat, only drinks water and vomits, what to do: symptoms and treatment, what causes it and how to help
Save the article: There is hardly a single owner who has not observed such a phenomenon
Top 5 reasons why a cat has hair loss on its belly and how to stop it. Let's figure it out together.
Any cat owner would like their pet's coat to always look healthy and
How can you tell if your cat is constipated and how can you treat it at home?
Almost everyone periodically faces such a not very pleasant illness as constipation in a cat.
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