photo from the site:
After castration, the cat became aggressive: reasons you didn’t know about
photo from the site: The house purr was affectionate only for the time being -
cat paralysis
The cat's hind legs have failed: what is the reason, what should I do?
Hind limb failure in a cat is a symptom that can indicate many different diseases.
The kitten is sneezing: reasons, what to do at home
Kitten sneezes - causes Sneezing is a natural defense mechanism that allows you to clear the airways. IN
Leukemia in cats: symptoms and treatment, modes of transmission, forms, treatment, is it transmitted to humans?
One of the most dangerous diseases in cats is viral leukemia, which is highly contagious.
Why and how do cats make purring sounds?
It's not entirely clear why cats purr or even how they do it, but
The cat lies on its side
For what reason did the cat's hind legs fail and what to do about it?
Sometimes pet lovers are faced with the following situation: a cat’s back legs have failed. Paralysis
cat after sterilization
What to do if the cat is lethargic after sterilization and sleeps a lot?
Many cats during estrus begin to behave inappropriately, they may rub their legs
The cat lies on its back
Colds in cats: symptoms, treatment at home
Cat flu is an inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract, which without appropriate treatment causes complications.
Instructions for use of the drug Milprazone for cats
Posted by Zoya Ivanovna Zolotareva Date: October 25, 2018 All owners of mustachioed pets want
Probing the fistula
After sterilization, a cat has a lump under the seam - why does a lump form on the stomach?
To understand why tumors appear in cats after sterilization, you need to understand what they are.
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