When danger looms over your pet: internal bleeding in cats
Home » Useful Information Every cat owner knows that a tiny meowing lump brought into
How to draw animals: big cats, their anatomy and colors (part one)
They are big, fluffy and...deadly. They look like a larger version of pets, but in
Causes and methods of treating mastitis in cats
Alena Igorevna Goncharenko veterinarian Petstory Mastitis in a cat is a disease in which
Stress in a cat: possible causes, symptoms, treatment
Stress in cats is a common occurrence. Mustachioed pets are terrible conservatives, so
The cat doesn’t eat anything, only drinks water: the main reasons, what to do, how to help your pet
Is it dangerous if a cat refuses food because he doesn’t like it?
Brown plaque in a cat's ears: what it may indicate
If blackness appears in the ears of cats, this indicates poor ear hygiene.
cat vomiting white foam
Why does a cat vomit white foam, food, what to do if a cat is sick, she burps, what to give and how to alleviate the condition at home
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Why does a cat breathe with its mouth open like a dog in a car?
What causes this? In order to understand why a cat opens its mouth when breathing,
Inflammation of the anus in a cat: causes, symptoms and treatment methods
Cats are very hygienic animals and spend most of their day clean. Them
oncology in a cat
General and biochemical blood tests in cats: interpretation, deviations, norms
Owners, when bringing a sick cat to a veterinary clinic, are almost constantly faced with the fact that
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