Papilloma in cats - 3 types of growths and ways to deal with them
Warts are skin lesions that vary in appearance, although they usually present
The cat's eye is on the side
Review of the most common eye diseases in cats
Pets are susceptible to illnesses just like people. Eye diseases in cats -
Abscess in a cat: what to do, how to treat an abscess on the cheek, paw and neck
Veterinary specialists in clinical practice often encounter various diseases that affect the skin of pets.
What are the reasons for white discharge in a cat and why a visit to the veterinarian is needed
17852Administration Often, discharge from a cat on the outer labia is not considered normal and
Gestures of cats and their meaning - what do the movements of pets indicate?
The animal's postures and gestures, such as the tongue of a cat's tail, are in most cases well understood by hobbyists.
What to do if your dog has eye injuries
7975Pavel 1 Many animal lovers are not limited to just one pet in the house. Well behaved animals
What you need to know about pathogenic intestinal protozoa!
4834Pavel Often, owners of domestic cats associate the word parasite with helminths. Actually
What to do if your cat has difficulty swallowing food? Swallowing disorder (dysphagia) in cats
If your cat is having trouble swallowing, it may be a sign of an underlying medical condition that
the cat's fang fell out
Changing teeth in kittens - at what age and how do new ones emerge?
Why did the cat lose his fang? How to help an animal? The kitten's fang fell out: what to do?
ear mites in cats
What does ear mite look like in cats and how can it be cured?
Ear mites in a kitten and in an adult cat are not so common.
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