They don’t forgive the owner for this: what part of the body should cats not be touched?
Weakness in a cat's back legs is a clear sign that something is wrong. Eat
Can a cat get pregnant from a dog - how likely is the birth of offspring?
The question of whether a cat can become pregnant from a dog worries many curious owners. IN
Useful plants for cats
Lilies are dangerous to the health of cats: how to protect your pet from harmful effects
The list of household and garden plants dangerous to animals is very long. Some of them are toxic
Control of breathing rate during sleep in cats and dogs with heart disease. Why do you need to do this?
Rapid breathing - variants of the norm The normal respiratory rate of a pet ranges from 20
Why doesn’t the cat drink water at all, what to do, how to make the animal lap from the bowl?
All forms of biological life that live on our planet owe their appearance to water. Possible without
Causes of depression in cats and what to do if a cat is depressed?
Age: any Symptoms: change in behavior, atypical aggression, refusal to eat, refusal of the animal to care
Why does a cat breathe through its mouth - natural and dangerous causes of this condition
If a cat is breathing with its mouth open, there may be natural physiological or pathological reasons for this.
infusion therapy for dogs
Sodium chloride for cats – how to use the drug correctly?
July 29, 2020 Infusion therapy is one of the most important and widespread methods of supportive care.
Black and white cat looks carefully
Features of the disease and methods of treating mastitis in cats
Pets often develop various diseases throughout their lives. They are different from humans
What to do if a pregnant cat has worms?
When the owners notice that a pregnant cat has worms, they should not take any measures on their own.
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