Why does a cat stick out its tongue? Expert says

Language functions

To understand why a cat sticks out its tongue, you first need to understand what functions this muscular organ performs. A cat's tongue performs a number of important functions:

  • helps in the process of swallowing, nutrition;
  • allows you to recognize the taste of food;
  • allows for hygiene procedures.

In its normal state, the tongue is located in the mouth. But there are times when the owner complains that the cat constantly sticks his tongue out. But this phenomenon is not always considered pathological. There are also physiological reasons why a cat sticks out the tip of its tongue.

What to do

If you suspect that the kitten has a specific facial expression because it is sick, you need to visit a veterinarian and strictly follow his instructions. Don’t worry that you will bother the specialist unnecessarily. An examination is never superfluous, and it is much better to know for sure that everything is fine with the cat than to cause the disease to develop.

We figured out why cats stick out the tip of their tongue, and now you can easily understand when a tongue sticking out causes a smile, and when it is a menacing symptom. If you have any doubts, it is better to see a veterinarian.

Normal conditions

In what cases is a protruding tongue considered normal? Cats usually do not show this part of their body. It is considered normal if the tip of the kittens’ tongue remains protruding when they, having played enough, fall asleep from fatigue.

Adult animals may simply forget to retract the “natural sponge” back after washing. It happens that a cat sticks out the tip of its tongue and freezes for a while in this position. Then he definitely puts it in his mouth.

The protruding tongue of an animal that is in a relaxed state or in sleep is also normal. At this moment, the organ lengthens somewhat and does not fit completely in the mouth. After active play, the cat may pant frequently for some time. In this case, the tip of the tongue sticks out. This helps saturate the tissues with oxygen.

The cause of the protruding tip of the tongue is heat. Animals do not have sebaceous glands, which is how they protect themselves from overheating. Some pets can tease their owners. If this short-term phenomenon (especially during the game) is not accompanied by other alarming symptoms, then it is normal.

Natural "refrigerator"

A cat's tongue is simply indispensable in hot weather.
By licking the surface of the fur coat, the purr reduces the air gap between the skin and the surface of the fur, thereby promoting better cooling of the body. When it becomes completely unbearable, the animal sticks out its tongue and begins to breathe quickly. Moisture evaporating from the surface of the tongue helps further reduce body temperature. Many of us have cats or cats living at home. Some are purebred, some are not. However, for all representatives of the cat family, we take this fact for granted, without even thinking about the nature of this phenomenon. Why do cats have rough tongues? Why do they need such a language and what functions does it perform? Let's answer these questions.

Physiological reasons

Sometimes a protruding tongue is explained by simple physiology. In these cases there is nothing to worry about.


You can often see a cat sitting with its tongue hanging out after a long wash. Perhaps this is how she relaxes her muscles or meditates.


When a cat sleeps, the muscles of the tongue are relaxed and it naturally lengthens. Therefore, the animal’s mouth is half open and the tip of this muscular organ protrudes from it.

Stressful situations

Many animals, when in an excited state, are characterized by rapid breathing. The protruding tongue facilitates the passage of oxygen to the respiratory tract.


Both dogs and cats, when they are hot, breathe heavily with their tongues hanging out. And this is a physiological norm - this is how they cool down. After all, they have practically no sweat glands; a small amount of them is located only on the pads of their paws.

Sexual rut

A protruding tongue can be seen in a male when he is excitedly “courting” a female, and this is also considered a physiological norm.


During the birth of kittens, the cat breathes heavily, constantly licks itself, forgetting to remove its tongue. At this point in her life, this is an absolutely normal sign, as she is very tense, tired, and may have a fever.


Some pets get motion sickness from riding in a car. A sign of impending nausea and vomiting can be the tip of the tongue sticking out of the mouth.

The same situation occurs with a pet after anesthesia, for example, after sterilization or castration. But here general muscle weakness joins nausea.


A certain frequency of vibration of sound waves causes reflex yawning and the effect of protruding the tongue in cats. For example, if you run your finger over the teeth of a fine-toothed comb or tear off some tape.

Infectious diseases

Serious infectious diseases, such as rhinotracheitis, calcivirosis, are accompanied by fever, sneezing and runny nose, which causes protrusion. Calicievirosis is distinguished by ulcers on the animal's tongue and discharge from the nose. Ulcers in the mouth, salivation, and nasal discharge accompany the disease rhinotracheitis. Flat-faced cat breeds – Persians – are especially susceptible to it.


In stressful situations, cats often begin to actively lick themselves or simply stick out their tongues and breathe like a dog. This is natural behavior of the animal.

Functional brain disorders

Cats are prone to nervous disorders. Alarming symptoms include: convulsions, strabismus, protruding, urinary and fecal incontinence. A fallen tip is also one of the signs of a pet's imminent death.


Not all cats have a correct bite from birth. Some breeds have structural features of the lower jaw, for example, it can protrude forward. This leads to the fact that the teeth do not cover the tongue, and it can easily penetrate outward.

Note! Treatment of a problem bite will be needed if the pet experiences serious discomfort due to an incorrect tongue arcade.

Inflammation in the mouth

Inflammatory processes in the mouth, its mucous membrane, can push the purr to stick out its tongue to relieve pain. Such symptoms occur with stomatitis.

Abyssinian cats are susceptible to gingivitis.

The main cause of gingivitis is poor diet and lack of oral hygiene.

To avoid oral problems, cats need to have their teeth brushed every one to two weeks. The kitten must be accustomed to this procedure after three to four months.

Additional symptoms

The reasons why a cat opens its mouth and breathes like a dog with its tongue hanging out are:

  • Physiological, when rapid breathing is caused by natural processes in the body.
  • Pathological, in which the cat breathes with its mouth open due to illness or injury.

Sometimes, during difficulty breathing, the pet may experience pain. Externally, this manifests itself as the following signs:

  • the cat looks excited and scared;
  • the muzzle is stretched out in an unusual grimace;
  • pupils dilated;
  • the tail is pressed to the body;
  • mustache pressed;
  • the animal is aggressive.

Heavy belly breathing is a sign that your cat is not feeling well. It looks as if the pet is trying to inhale air with its stomach and push it out when exhaling. This type of breathing is called abdominal.

Normally, the abdominal muscles should not be used. When healthy, there is a vacuum in the sternum around the lungs. It allows the lungs to expand when inhaling.

In addition to belly breathing, lethargy, aggression and the inability to stand up are dangerous symptoms.

In case of injury or serious illness, air (pneumothorax) or liquid (hydrothorax) may enter the chest cavity, which is why the lungs cannot expand normally and take in air when inhaling.

The compensatory functions of the body are involved: the diaphragm is included in the inhalation process, so it is carried out by the “stomach”.

This condition is extremely life-threatening for the pet and requires urgent hospitalization to a veterinary clinic.

Shortness of breath in cats always indicates that the animal is unhealthy and requires increased attention from the owner.

The cause can be both chronic and acute conditions:

  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • progressive anemia;
  • recent operations under anesthesia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Heavy breathing with an open mouth occurs due to oxygen starvation of the body. In this state, you can notice a pose that is not typical for the cat’s normal behavior. It looks like this: the pet spreads its front legs wide, stretches its head and neck (trying to straighten the trachea), opens its mouth and breathes with shortness of breath.

This condition indicates that oxygen from the inhaled air is not delivered to the organs and tissues of the body. As a result, hypoxia occurs - a serious, life-threatening condition.

Another cause of open-mouth breathing is a cat in shock. This is a severe circulatory disorder, also leading to hypoxia. This condition can occur due to injury, allergic reaction and intoxication of the body.

Sometimes a cat may pant heavily after exercise.

Heavy breathing with your tongue hanging out also indicates oxygen starvation. Sometimes such a reaction occurs in a cat after active physical activity. In this case, a blue tongue may appear. After resting a little, the cat returns to normal and all symptoms disappear.

This condition indicates heart failure and requires consultation with a specialist.

Whatever the cause, cough and shortness of breath cannot diagnose the disease. In this case, the complex clinical picture should be considered. When collecting information about the disease, not a single symptom should be discarded.

To make a diagnosis, you should pay attention to:

  • general condition (depression, lethargy, anxiety);
  • food intake (reduced or the animal refuses it completely);
  • drinking water (increased thirst may indicate diabetes, and choking is an additional symptom from dry mucous membranes);
  • temperature indicators (an increase in general temperature may indicate inflammatory processes in the lungs and bronchi);
  • nasal discharge (mucous, purulent);
  • discharge from the eyes (viral rhinotracheitis, toxoplasmosis);
  • diarrhea or constipation (bacterial or viral infection, toxoplasmosis, toxocariasis).

Wheezing when breathing

Wheezing when breathing can be dry and wet (squelching). To hear better, you need to use a stethoscope or at least put your ear to your chest.

The cause of inflammatory processes can be either hypothermia or overheating of the animal. At this moment, the body’s resistance decreases, and the virulence of microorganisms increases.

Dry wheezing indicates initial inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs. At this moment, the mucous membranes are dry, and their friction is expressed by wheezing, and the cough is manifested by barking sounds. After some time, exudate begins to ooze out and the wheezing becomes moist. At this time, expectoration occurs.

The cough becomes softer, in this case they call it a wet cough. The inflammatory process is always accompanied by an increase in body temperature, depression, and refusal to feed. Initially mucous discharge begins to flow from the nasal openings, and then fibrinous and purulent. The nostrils become covered with dried crusts, which make breathing even more difficult.

We suggest you read: What to do if your cat has yellow teeth

Difficulty breathing and wheezing can occur with viral rhinotracheitis. In this case, a whole complex of symptoms is recorded. However, all of them may not be typical, so diagnosis should be carried out by a specialist.

The owner, when he sees a cat coughing violently and showing signs of suffocation, is very often at a loss.

A cough and a tongue outstretched in a cat cannot be a diagnostic symptom, it’s just something that makes the animal feel better. This is often how cats cough during an asthmatic attack. Rapid bronchospasm makes breathing difficult, and the animal reacts by coughing. After a few minutes, the spasm gives way to relaxation and the animal calms down.

If this happens for the first time, there is no need to be afraid, but you should consult a doctor.

Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing during sleep has the same causes as all others. However, if the cat sleeps separately from the owner, then monitor how often her exacerbation becomes difficult.

While awake, the cat often licks nasal discharge with its tongue and this makes it impossible for them to dry out. During sleep, crusts block the nasal passages, and this can cause difficulty breathing.

It’s a completely different matter if the shortness of breath is so severe that the cat wakes up the whole family at night. Immediate contact to the clinic for a full examination is the best method of help.

Health problems that cause cats to stick out their tongues and not put them away


The most dangerous health problem that causes cats to stick out their tongues is heart failure.

The tongue will stick out of the mouth after physical activity (games, hunting), stress or in the heat. The cat will breathe like a dog.

The mucous membranes of the oral cavity may be pale or bluish, or may be of normal color. This condition usually indicates feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This disease requires patience from owners, since the animal will have to be given medications for the rest of its life and regularly visit a veterinary cardiologist.

Certain breeds of cats are prone to the disease - British, Scottish, Maine Coon and Siamese-Oriental breeds, but, unfortunately, any cat can get sick. It’s just that in these breeds, cardiac problems are registered somewhat more often and are inherited.


Another reason for protruding tongue is its swelling, which occurs with some viral diseases, for example, with rhinotracheitis and calicivirus, as well as with stomatitis and gingivitis.

These viral diseases are dangerous for kittens; adult animals get sick rarely and, as a rule, in a mild form.

You can’t do without a veterinarian: mild illness does not mean that the cat does not need treatment, and stomatitis and gingivitis will not go away on their own.

Trauma, neurology and pathological causes

It happens that cats get a jaw injury and cannot close their mouth. In addition to injury, this can result from damage to the nerve responsible for opening and closing the mouth, or to the central nervous system: cerebral stroke, poisoning.

With severe lesions, the cat will not be able to remove its tongue from its mouth when touched. A simple test will allow you to distinguish normality from pathology: if a cat can remove its tongue, it will definitely retract it, as soon as you put your finger on it. If it doesn’t work, it’s better not to delay your visit to the clinic.

Some representatives of brachycephalic breeds - British, Persian, Scottish - constantly stick out their tongues. Dishonest breeders claim that this is the breed norm, but no, this is a breed defect. The lower jaw of such a brood is too short, so not everything that should be in the mouth fits there.

In this case, you need to carefully monitor your teeth and visit the dentist: problems with bite often lead to the build-up of tartar, which can result in early tooth loss. From the reproduction of animals with malocclusion, it is concluded that this defect is inherited by the offspring.

Oral problems

Unfortunately, a cat does not always stick out its tongue for harmless reasons. This may be a symptom of oral pathologies or jaw dysfunction. Among them:

  • fracture, bruise or dislocation of the jaw bone;
  • dental diseases (gingivitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis), in which the tongue swells, the cat experiences pain and tries to alleviate its condition by sticking it out;
  • various tumors located in the oral cavity.

Ulcers, cracks and other lesions of the mucous membrane may be of a secondary nature. That is, it is a symptom of organ diseases that have nothing to do with the oral cavity. For example, acute renal failure, uremia, serious viral infection. If a cat suddenly begins to stick out its tongue, while the mucous membrane in its mouth is damaged, the situation cannot be left unattended. Veterinarian assistance is needed.

Why do cats stick out their tongues?

In addition to hygiene, a cat's tongue is designed to draw in water (literally) and swallow food. You've probably heard that cats can have fur in their stomach. This is a consequence of grooming and it “haunts” all cats.

Since the cat understands that there is no need to swallow fur, but the structure of the tongue does not allow it to be spat out, a protruding tongue most often indicates an attempt to get rid of a foreign object in the mouth.

Most often, cats breathe with their mouth open and tongue hanging out when:

  • Stress.
  • Hot weather.
  • In case of poisoning.
  • For respiratory infections.

The cat accidentally stuck out its tongue

Situation: a cat is playing or washing itself, something attracts its attention, it freezes, but forgets to stick its tongue. At the same time, the expression on the pet’s face is “frozen” and confused.

The situation is absolutely typical and safe for a cat.

Research has shown that cats “forget to pick up their tongue” for a reason. There is a scientific explanation for this behavior and even a name - the Flemen reaction. The Flehmen reaction occurs when a cat is busy collecting and analyzing information from the environment, most often smell.

The molecules “stick” to the tongue, after which the information they carry is analyzed by the vomeronasal organ (Jacobson’s organ). Jacobson's organ helps a cat navigate its environment, but scientists believe that its main purpose is to detect and analyze pheromones (sex hormones).

Cat sticks out tongue in sleep

When the cat is completely relaxed, he may loosen his jaw causing the tip of his tongue to protrude from his mouth. This also happens during sleep. In brachycephalic cats (with flat faces), the tongue “falls out” more often.

The cat sticks out its tongue constantly

If your cat sticks out its tongue quickly and often, it is most likely trying to get rid of an unpleasant smell or taste. In case of suspicious behavior, you must:

  • Sniff the cat's mouth - an unpleasant smell indicates problems with the teeth or digestive tract.
  • Examine your teeth - you should be alert to dark spots, excessive tartar, food or foreign objects stuck between the teeth.
  • Examine the gums for redness, hemorrhages, and injuries.
  • The roof of the mouth and the area under the tongue - contact your veterinarian if you notice red spots or sores.

Cats, like humans, can develop dementia as they age. Frequent tongue protruding and a tongue constantly sticking out of the mouth (if there are front teeth) is considered one of the signs of age-related dementia.

The cat sticks out its tongue and drools

When a cat drools, it instinctively licks itself. Drooling may occur for the following reasons:

  • Excitation. Many active cats drool during communication and petting - this is a variant of the norm.
  • Dental diseases.
  • Gum diseases.

There is another reason - improper functioning of the salivary glands. This happens in case of physical damage to the gland - a splinter, a puncture. Cats often injure their salivary glands if their food contains bones, especially fish bones.

Cat sticks out tongue due to pain or discomfort

Pain caused by gum or dental disease causes the cat to open its mouth and stick out its tongue. The most common oral diseases in cats are:

  • Accumulation of tartar. Leads to periodontal disease and tooth decay. It can only be eliminated in a veterinary clinic.
  • Plaque. Leads to the development of gum inflammation - gingivitis. To prevent plaque accumulation, cats prone to this disease need to brush their teeth regularly.
  • Damage to bone and/or soft tissue of teeth. This condition is called periodontitis. Once bacteria enters the root of the tooth, a dental abscess develops. Periodontitis always develops if a cat breaks a tooth and does not receive the necessary help.

One of the most dangerous conditions is considered to be inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth. This disease is called stomatitis, it is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the tissues of the gums, tongue, cheeks and palate. With stomatitis, a cat drools, refuses to eat, keeps its tongue constantly sticking out, and has difficulty breathing because the tongue and throat swell.

Causes for concern

If mom and dad notice that the baby is constantly opening his mouth, sticking out his tongue, you need to visit a specialist. Let's talk about the most common ailments that accompany the “bad habit.”

Frenum defects

About a third of all newborns have a short frenulum. This pathology is called ankyloglossia. It occurs much more often in boys than in girls. A mucous membrane connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth. It is either not attached correctly (starting from the middle) or is less than 8 mm in size. Causes of pathology:

  • mother's age (over 35 years);
  • diseases and stress during pregnancy.

If the pediatrician diagnoses ankyloglossia, a minor cosmetic surgery is performed and the frenulum is trimmed. The newborn does not feel pain, the process is not accompanied by anesthesia. Timely intervention will help avoid problems with breastfeeding, speech defects, and discomfort for the baby.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Most often these include gastritis, constipation, and high acidity. Thus, a reaction to early introduced complementary foods may occur. There is no need to panic, but if you notice that colic and bloating are accompanied by mouth opening, see your pediatrician.

With otitis media, sinusitis, and rhinitis, the nasal sinuses are clogged with mucus. The baby is forced to breathe through his mouth. This is especially noticeable during sleep. If you observe that, in addition to opening the mouth, the baby:

  • watery discharge from the nose appeared;
  • sneezing does not stop;
  • noises are heard when breathing;
  • increased temperature;
  • there were difficulties with feeding;
  • a cough developed.

Most likely, the child involuntarily pulls his hands towards the sore spot (nose, ear). Don't hesitate to see a doctor. Inflammatory processes not only cause pain and discomfort to the baby, but can also lead to irreversible loss of smell and hearing. Contact an ENT specialist, he will quickly make a diagnosis based on an external examination and analysis of mucosal secretions.

Muscle weakness

If a newborn periodically opens his mouth in his sleep in the absence of other symptoms, there is no need to sound the alarm until the child is six months old. The phenomenon is not a serious pathology; as a rule, it goes away on its own. The habit should not be left unattended. This may lead to increased salivation in the future. The disease is treated with massage courses, sometimes with injections of drugs for tone.


Thyroid dysfunction. In addition to prolapse of the uvula, jaundice, an increase in body weight and head circumference are added. Appetite may be reduced. Drowsiness and constipation are noted. The child cries hoarsely. It is necessary to show the baby to an endocrinologist. He will take the necessary tests (blood for the hormones TSH, T4, biochemical urine), perform an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, and palpate it.

Facial muscle atrophy

With pathology, the child experiences the so-called “flaccid child syndrome.” Normal muscle tension, including facial muscles, decreases, as a result of which the tongue falls out during sleep. The baby's face resembles a mask. He does not smile or grimace, like most healthy children of this age. The skin is dry, with spider veins. The screams are sluggish, weak, muffled. Strabismus may develop. Additionally observed:

  • drooping eyelids;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • excessive swelling of the lips;
  • absence of natural folds on the skin.

The reasons are:

  • congenital partial loss of skin;
  • birthmarks;
  • hemiatrophy of the facial skin.

Consultation with a pediatrician is required. He conducts an external examination, palpation, collects the mother’s pregnancy history, takes the necessary blood tests, and examines the lists of medications that were given to the baby. MRI and CT are used as additional diagnostics. The disease is treated with medication. Massage is often prescribed.


A whitish coating on the gums, the surface of the tongue, and on the mucous membrane of the cheeks indicates a possible thrush. The Candida parasite provokes unpleasant sensations and causes discomfort. To make this clear to the parents, the child opens his mouth every now and then. Associated symptoms include loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, and frequent crying. Causes:

  • weak immunity;
  • dry indoor microclimate;
  • mother's illness.

Diseases can be provoked by frequent regurgitation, mechanical injuries to the mucous membrane, and treatment with hormones. This is an inflammatory process that requires immediate treatment. The pediatrician takes a swab from the oral cavity, identifies the growth of fungal flora, and prescribes antibiotics and antifungal drugs. It is recommended to increase the humidity in your child's bedroom using a humidifier.


Small ulcers affect the inner surface of the cheeks and gums, causing pain and injury. Therefore, the child tries to stick out his tongue. The disease occurs due to:

  • injuries to the mucous membrane (in newborns it is thin and easily damaged);
  • exposure to germs (with a pacifier, toy);
  • low immunity;
  • underdevelopment of the aseptic properties of saliva.

With stomatitis, in addition to opening the mouth during sleep, the child experiences:

  • ulcers and white plaque on the gums;
  • swelling and redness of the mouth;
  • increased body temperature;
  • bad breath;
  • restless sleep.

First of all, you need to show the baby to the pediatrician. Depending on the advanced stage of the disease, he may additionally refer you to a pediatric dentist, immunologist, or infectious disease specialist. To diagnose the disease and exclude the possibility of other diseases, a smear is taken from the baby’s oral cavity. Treatment is carried out with medication, with accompanying treatment of the mucous membrane with decoctions and special ointments.

If a child constantly opens his mouth in his sleep and has difficulty breathing through his nose, it is necessary to show him to an ENT doctor

Intracranial pressure, like blood pressure, fluctuates depending on the toddler’s activity and time of day. But there are pathologies in which overestimated values ​​of the indicator are observed. These include:

  • tumors;
  • hematomas;
  • inflammation of the brain and central nervous system;
  • injuries;
  • improper circulation of lymph in the cerebral cortex.

Non-professional doctors often make this diagnosis. But it is important to understand that this is not an independent disease that can be cured with pills. A neurologist is consulted, who prescribes an ultrasound or MRI with contrast to identify the cause. If there have been injuries, there is a suspicion of a tumor, the child has suffered a severe infection, his mouth is constantly opening, his fontanel is protruding, his skull circumference is larger than normal, it is necessary to urgently visit a doctor.


Disturbance in the supply of neural signals from the brain to the facial muscles. As a result, the tongue often falls out of the mouth; its structure is loose. The child not only controls the organ poorly. Parents notice that the child does not want to roll over, does not try to get up, and does not sit well. He draws his legs in and hangs by his arms.

  • general drowsiness;
  • poorly developed sucking reflex;
  • slow weight gain;
  • lack of emotions.

Hypotonia can be caused by incorrect delivery. For consultation they are referred to a pediatrician or neurologist. The diagnosis is made on the basis of ultrasound. The necessary medications and vitamins (calcium, magnesium) are prescribed, in addition, physiotherapy (massage courses) is prescribed. Constant monitoring by a specialist is required to completely overcome the disease.

We hope that thanks to our material you have figured out the reasons for your baby’s tongue sticking out. In most cases, this habit does not mean anything, it is how the child learns about the world or is shown to the parents something. But if you notice alarming accompanying symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. Be healthy!

  1. Orange coating on the tongue causes - ProfiMed

Warning signs

We must not forget that such actions by a cat can mean diseases of the respiratory system, oral cavity or other parts of the body. Only a veterinarian can accurately determine the cause of this behavior.

A cat may have a protruding tongue if he has sinusitis, rhinitis, or has contracted pneumonia. Such diseases can be dangerous not only for humans, but also for animals. Fluid flowing from the nose, heavy breathing and a protruding tongue can be prerequisites for the onset of health problems. You cannot start treatment on your own; your pet’s condition may worsen sharply.

When heart failure occurs, there is a lack of air in the body, which is also life-threatening. If the cat moves little and lies with its tongue hanging out, and its breathing is rare and labored, you should sound the alarm and go to the doctor. Even small deviations in the proper functioning of the heart will affect breathing, because these two systems are closely connected.

Foam vomiting, nausea, bloating, frequent coughing are likely prerequisites for poisoning.

You should pay attention to the following symptoms, if they occur, you should immediately contact the clinic:

  1. if the animal has difficulty breathing;
  2. sudden aggression;
  3. poor appetite, problems eating food;
  4. swollen mucous membranes.

Blood circulation may be impaired after injuries to the skull, jaw, infection or stroke. Most of these diseases do not go away without leaving a trace and limit the movement of certain muscles or the entire body.

A proper treatment program drawn up by a veterinarian will remove the remaining consequences of past diseases. Only those cats that are at an advanced age are less likely to recover


The cause may be stress in cats. We will look at the symptoms and treatment below.

If the pet is stressed, the tongue will stick out. For example, when driving a car, if the cat is afraid, then the tongue will hang out the whole way. Fear, nervous shock, negative emotions are the reasons that cause stress in cats. When an animal is nervous, the following symptoms appear:

  • tongue sticking out;
  • the cat is shaking;
  • the pet is trying to hide;
  • meows constantly.

If the cat is scared, the symptoms may recur. Therefore, the animal requires treatment. He needs to be provided with complete rest. If necessary, the veterinarian will prescribe sedatives.

Functional brain disorders

Veterinarians identify the causes that lead to disruption of the brain and nervous system:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • past infectious diseases;
  • stroke.

The above reasons lead to a lack of coordination: the cat cannot independently control movements or control muscles. So he sticks out his tongue.

Veterinarians offer a small test that helps make sure that your cat has no neurological problems. If the animal sticks out its tongue, you need to touch it a little. If there are no neurological problems, the cat will quickly hide its tongue. If the actions do not bring results, we can talk about a pathological signal from the body.

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