How to properly give a cat a pill and escape its teeth - step-by-step instructions

Helminths And worms are parasitic worms that cause parasites in humans and animals. Parasite eggs can be in the ground, on grass, in rivers and lakes, in raw animal products, on poorly washed fruits, etc.

You don’t have to let a cat outside, however, this does not guarantee that the animal will not become infected with helminths. Cat worms easily spread to people, and children are especially often infected with them.

A domestic cat can get worm eggs from our clothes or from outdoor shoes. A large number of varieties of worms present in the body of domestic animals can also cause harm to us. Kittens and cats can experience any type of helminths; parasites can settle in the intestines, lungs and other organs. As a rule, tapeworms or roundworms appear in the body of cats.

The only option to protect your pet from infection is to worm him regularly, without ignoring his protection from fleas.

At the Murkosha shelter, animals undergo mandatory preventive measures and, if necessary, undergo treatment for parasites.

Read more: “Treatment for parasites”

Deworming of domestic cats in our shelter is a set of special measures that are aimed at cleansing the animal’s body of eggs and larvae of worms and preventing the appearance of parasites.

Helminths infect the mucous membranes of various organs of the cat and live off their tissues and blood. Any parasites that infect an animal release substances during their life processes that can cause poisoning. Worms in a cat can cause weakness and decreased immunity over time. At an advanced stage, intestinal rupture may occur, and this can be fatal.

What are worms (helminths)

Helminths are a whole group of parasitic worms that can live in the body of humans or animals and cause helminthiasis - parasitic diseases. Worms destroy the body of their host from the inside, absorbing useful substances and releasing toxic toxins in the process of their life.

There are more than 30 types of helminths: round, flat, tape, flukes... All of them can parasitize a cat’s body, but the most common are the following:

  • tapeworms (cestodes) - parasitize the cat's intestines. They can reach up to 70 cm in length. Their entire body consists of many segments in which new larvae are constantly formed;
  • Roundworms (roundworms) are the most common in cats. They can live in all organs of the animal, but most often accumulate in the small intestine and can cause blockage of the bile ducts and intestines, which is deadly for the cat. They have a very strong toxic effect on the animal’s body;
  • nematodes - small white worms that feed on blood; are less common than others. Nematodes attach to the blood vessels of the intestine and in severe cases cause anemia, internal bleeding, and can lead to the death of the animal.

All helminths that parasitize cats can also parasitize humans. Children are especially likely to “adopt” worms from cats.

Regardless of the degree of infection, worms deplete and weaken the cat’s body. A sick animal must be treated, as well as regular infection prevention, since it is very easy for a cat, even a domestic one, to “catch” worms.

Complications after deworming a cat

Deworming can only be harmful if the procedure is performed incorrectly or the medications are not suitable for the cat. As a result, complications may appear:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • severe diarrhea, vomiting;
  • dyspnea;
  • problems with stool (up to intestinal failure);
  • allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • congenital defects in the next generation of kittens;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • breathing problems (even stopping);
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • foaming at the mouth.

If worming is missed according to schedule and the degree of parasite infestation is high, this will lead to the death of the pet. A fatal outcome can also occur in a cat that is severely weakened by the disease and suffers from multiple organ failure. Sometimes it is impossible to save a cat even in a hospital setting.

Cats need to be dewormed (dewormed) regularly, even for pets. A timely and correctly performed procedure will help protect the cat from the appearance of parasites, intoxication of the body, dysfunction of internal organs, and sometimes even save its life.

Danger of worms

The body of an infected animal is destroyed by worms in two directions.

Firstly, worms cause mechanical damage to the organs in which they are localized (and this can be not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also blood vessels, lungs and even the heart): trying to gain a foothold on internal organs or migrating, the parasites scratch them with their chitinous shells and jaws at attachment points.

Secondly, worms poison the animal. During their life, they release substances that cause intoxication in the cat’s body. As a result, cats' immunity decreases and their metabolism is disrupted. In advanced cases, the infected organs decay, and diseases of the nervous system occur, including paralysis of the hind limbs.

Since worms parasitize the cat’s body, a considerable part of the nutrients from the food is not absorbed by the animal, but goes to the worms. All this leads to a weakening of the body as a whole, cats begin to get sick more often and recover more slowly. Infected animals are more susceptible to infections not only because of weakened immunity, but also because of internal organs injured by worms.

Dead parasites in the process of their decomposition also poison the cat’s body.

Features of cat behavior

Normal behavior for a cat is to refuse medications. If a cat actively resists attempts to feed it tablets, then this indicates its health. Passive behavior and calm use of medicine are a sign of illness.

If the owner has little experience and finds it difficult to feed the cat a tablet, then it can be replaced with drops, a suspension or even an injection. At the pharmacy, you can ask whether the medicine prescribed for your pet is available in other forms.

The younger the animal, the easier it is to give medicine. It seems that it will be more difficult to get a pill into their small mouth, but kittens are more flexible than adult animals.

If a cat is regularly given anthelmintic drugs from infancy, then with an adult animal there will be less hassle in this matter in the future.

How does a cat become infected with worms?

No matter how creepy it may sound, helminths and their larvae are everywhere: on the ground, on the grass, in any park or garden, in any soil and even in water, not to mention raw meat, fish and unwashed vegetables. In addition, many pest animals such as rodents are either themselves infected with worms or are carriers of parasites.

If your cat regularly goes outside, then he almost certainly has worms. But even if you have a domestic cat, she can pick up the infection very easily: we all constantly bring worm eggs into the house on our shoes (and sometimes on our hands!), so for a cat to become infected, it is often enough to walk on the dirty floor in the hallway or sniff the owner's shoes, and then lick your paws or nose.

Another source of danger is insects. Cats often hunt flies that fly into the room, and when they catch their prey, they eat it with pleasure. But flies and mosquitoes are intermediate links in the transfer of helminth eggs.

Often, infection with worms occurs due to eating raw meat or fish, especially river fish. However, pre-freezing and washing meat is not a panacea.

In kittens, infection with worms can occur from the mother or through consumption of mother's milk, or even at the stage of intrauterine development. In addition, cats become infected from each other through contact with infected animals. So if you have several cats, and one of them has worms, you need to treat all of them at the same time.

Additional ideas

  1. The animal should not be wrapped in a blanket. You can try to do it without using force. You can put it on the table and turn it away from you. The main thing is not to show the cat the medicine in advance.
  2. Before giving your cat deworming medicine, you need to prepare everything first. The tablet must be removed from the blister and, if necessary, crushed. When administering the drug, every second will count.
  3. In order to properly open your pet's mouth, you need to insert your finger between the front teeth. Then firmly but painlessly press on the lower jaw.
  4. To make the cat more flexible, you can hold it by the withers.
  5. Never let your cat go until she licks her lips. If she licks her lips, then this is a sign that she has swallowed the medicine.
  6. Deworming tablets, which have an extremely unpleasant odor and taste, can be kept in the refrigerator before use. Cold can reduce odor and eliminate bitterness at least for the duration of taking the product.

How to tell if a cat has worms

Signs of helminth infection manifest differently in different animals. This depends on the age and immunity of the cat, as well as the degree of worm infestation. Sometimes symptoms may not appear at all, and sometimes they can be confused with infectious diseases.

The most common signs that cause suspicion are:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders - the cat suffers from constipation, alternating with diarrhea, and often vomits after eating. The tummy is swollen and seems tightly stuffed. Due to general intoxication of the body, loss of appetite occurs (but sometimes appetite is significantly increased). In any case, the animal is exhausted;
  • dull fur, festering eyes - the presence of parasites almost always affects the appearance of the cat. The fur becomes faded and as if disheveled, and sometimes begins to fall out. The eyes also lose their healthy shine, appear dull, pus constantly accumulates in the corners, and nasal discharge may begin;
  • itching in the anal area - you can notice if the cat begins to “crawl” on the floor. Often irritation occurs around the sphincter, hair begins to fall out, and a small rash appears;
  • blood in the stool - most often appears in advanced cases, with a strong degree of infection. Sometimes you can see parts of worms;
  • fleas – the presence of fleas in an animal’s fur is an almost 100% guarantee that it also has worms. When licking, larvae of tapeworms, carried by fleas, enter the cat’s body, and now the pet is already infected.

It should be remembered that neither the presence nor the absence of these symptoms can absolutely reliably answer the question of whether a cat has worms. At the slightest suspicion, the animal must be taken to the veterinarian in order to accurately determine the cause of the pet’s ailment by conducting laboratory tests. In addition, it is necessary to give your cat anthelmintic drugs quarterly to prevent helminthiasis.

How to determine whether you need to deworm

An adult and strong animal has a high resistance to helminths, so determining the presence of worms can be quite difficult. The main symptoms of infection of a pet with endoparasites are:

  • the appearance of lethargy and fatigue;
  • signs of the presence of helminths or their eggs in feces;
  • intestinal disorder characterized by alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • the presence of severe bloating and increased density in the abdominal area;
  • refusal to eat;
  • the appearance of vomiting;
  • hair loss or dullness;
  • manifestations of restlessness and severe nervousness.

The symptoms of infestation of a pet with worms are very similar to the appearance of signs of other, very dangerous and quite serious cat diseases, so the need to carry out anthelmintic measures must necessarily be supported not only by external manifestations, but also by test results.

This is interesting! A veterinary examination of a pet, confirming the need for deworming, includes not only standard tests, but also a diagnostic examination of the animal by a specialized doctor.

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Rules for taking medications for worms

Before choosing a deworming drug for your pet, it is necessary to find out by taking tests from a veterinarian what kind of worms the animal is infected with. The veterinarian will prescribe a specific medication and treatment regimen.

As a preventive measure, animals can be given complex-action drugs once a quarter. Pets are also given worming 7-10 days before vaccination!

Before you administer the medicine yourself, you must read the instructions for the medicine. You should not use several different anthelmintic drugs at the same time - the active ingredients may be incompatible with each other!

Folk remedies

Preference should be given to low-toxic folk remedies when treating pregnant cats, pets weakened by diseases, and small kittens. It is these products that are characterized by the most gentle effect on the body and are a safe alternative to chemical drugs. However, in this case, you need to remember that the process of getting rid of helminths will be lengthy:

  • Using garlic is the most effective and affordable option for ridding your pet of worms. Crushed garlic cloves are mixed into the animal's food for a week. If your pet refuses such a “treat,” then a good alternative would be to use an enema based on garlic tincture;
  • the use of tansy and wormwood is an equally effective way to deworm a cat. In this case, a tincture is used, for the production of which a tablespoon of crushed plants is poured with a quarter liter of boiling water, cooled at room temperature for an hour and filtered. The infusion is given to the pet in the morning, for one week, an hour before giving food;
  • Using carrot juice is a convenient and quite effective way to get rid of helminths. Freshly squeezed juice is administered to the pet using an enema, once a day, for a week and a half;
  • the use of pumpkin seeds to make a tincture is one of the most popular and affordable ways to rid an animal of any type of worms. To prepare your own folk remedy, just peel the pumpkin seeds, chop them, add water at room temperature, leave and strain. You need to add a little honey to the filtered infusion. The product is given to the pet half an hour before meals or used to perform enemas;
  • the use of a herbal infusion based on tansy flowers, wormwood, peppermint, buckthorn bark and wild carrot seeds is highly effective. A couple of tablespoons of the mixture are poured into a quarter liter of boiling water, after which it is infused to room temperature, filtered and given to the animal three times a day for three days.

One of the very affordable ways to deworm any pet, including a cat, is to use folk remedies based on onions. It is enough to chop one small onion and pour the pulp with a glass of boiled water at room temperature. The product is used on an empty stomach, early in the morning, for a week.

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There are many modern effective anthelmintic drugs. They differ in their spectrum of action: some drugs kill only one type of parasite, while most act in a complex manner.

Based on the form of use, anti-worm medications are divided into several groups, and here you will have to experimentally find out which option is best for your pet.

Most often you can buy tablets in pet stores, such as:

  • Drontal, cestal - acts on round and tapeworms, one tablet is given per 4 kg of animal weight;
  • Milbemax/Milprazone is a complex-action drug that is destructive to both adult worms and their larvae; effective not only against worms that have settled in the intestines, but also in blood vessels and the heart;
  • Dirofen - has a pronounced complex effect, but is especially effective against nematodes and tapeworms; It is also available in the form of a suspension and paste.

When giving medicine, under no circumstances should you frighten the animal, squeeze it, or hold it forcibly. Gentle stroking of the withers and neck will calm the pet, and then you can gently open its mouth and quickly place a pre-prepared tablet on the root of the tongue. After this, you need to close your mouth and, trying to hold her head up, lightly stroke her neck, encouraging her to make a swallowing movement.

If your pet stubbornly spits out the tablet, you can crush the drug and either mix it with your favorite cat treat, or dilute it with water and carefully inject it into the mouth from a syringe (without a needle!).


Suspensions are more convenient for use. Included with the medicine is an atraumatic syringe, with which it is not only easy to measure the required amount of the medicine, but also to quickly give the medicine to the cat. The main thing is to also try to get it on the root of the tongue so that the pet swallows the suspension.

The most common suspensions are Prasitel, Prazicide and Dirofen. Prazitel has a complex effect, killing parasites at any stage of development. Another advantage of this suspension is the absence of any taste.

Drops on the withers

Another type of anthelmintic drugs is drops on the withers: Stroghold. The medicine according to the dosage is applied to the withers of the animal, after a few days the procedure is repeated.

How to give anthelmintics to a kitten

A kitten can only be given anti-worm medication from three weeks of age. After the first deworming, it is necessary to repeat the procedure 10 days later.

As a rule, it is easier for a kitten to carry out such activities than for an adult animal.

  • The medicine in tablet form can be crushed to form a powder, which should be carefully poured from a piece of paper into the baby’s mouth. It is better to keep the kitten on your lap while lying on its back.
  • Second option: the tablet is diluted with a small amount of water. Give from an insulin syringe, from which the needle must first be removed.
  • It is easier to administer the suspension to a kitten together. One carefully holds the baby so that he does not twitch. And the second, raising his upper lip, gradually injects the medicine from the side. Then you need to stroke the animal’s neck from top to bottom.

Prevention of helminthic infestations

It's no secret that any disease (including feline helminthiasis) is easier to prevent than to treat. In addition, it should be remembered that the helminths that infect cats can easily infect humans. To do this, it is not at all necessary to kiss the purr: there are worm larvae on the fur of sick animals. So you need to protect your cat from a dangerous disease, including for your own safety.

To prevent helminthic infestations in cats it is necessary:

  • keep the house clean: regularly wash the floor at the front door, clean door mats, put shoes out of reach of the cat;
  • wash your hands before cuddling your cat after returning home from the street;
  • do not feed your cat raw meat or fish; it is also better to give boiled or filtered water;
  • keep your pet's toilet clean: excrement must be removed immediately, and not only change the filler, but also wash the tray itself;
  • If possible, do not let the cat go outside;
  • install mosquito nets on the windows to prevent flies and mosquitoes from entering the apartment;
  • every three months to prevent infection, use anti-parasite products (not only worms, but also fleas and ticks).

Following these simple rules will reduce to a minimum the likelihood of a cat (and therefore its owners) becoming infected with worms.

Preventive measures for the appearance of parasites

Worms can appear even in the healthiest cat, so prevention won’t hurt:

  • make sure your cat does not suffer from fleas;
  • remove raw foods from the animal’s diet;
  • regularly replace the filler in the pot, do not forget to disinfect the tray;
  • keep your shoes out of reach of your pet;
  • adhere to basic hygiene rules - wash your hands thoroughly after interacting with your cat, do not allow licking of the face;
  • It is necessary to deworm pets 4 times a year; if a cat walks outside, deworming should be carried out more often;
  • Parasite prevention should be done 2 weeks before vaccinations.

This point must be taken into account, since vaccination is the receipt by the animal’s body of a certain set of weak viruses. The cat’s immune system processes the received funds for some time. If parasites are present, the animal’s immunity is already weakened. Therefore, the cat’s body will not be able to properly resist the viruses introduced with the vaccination, that is, the vaccination will lose its effect. In addition, vaccination can cause illness or poor health of the animal.

If you have taken several cats or kittens into your home, prevent and treat helminths for all animals at the same time. Products used for humans should not be used to treat cats.

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