How to trim a cat's claws: tools, step-by-step instructions, complications

In the article, we told you why it is necessary to trim your cat’s claws, how to prepare your pet, and what tools are needed. You will also learn how to trim nails correctly, how often and what complications may arise.

A caring housewife may wonder whether her cat's nails need to be trimmed. However, by that time all the furniture may have been chewed off for a long time, so study this issue in advance. In the article we told you whether they need to be cut? Who is not recommended to have a haircut? They also answered questions about what tools can be used to trim a cat’s claws and how to prepare for the first operation.

- What about my manicure?

Do I need to trim my cat's claws?

Claws are needed to climb trees, run and cling to surfaces. In wild animals they wear down on their own due to high activity. What about pets? Pets move much less, rarely walk outside the house and walk on soft surfaces. Our pets begin to damage the furniture and scratch everything. In addition, a cat's fifth claw is located on the back of the front paws just above the toes and never scratches against anything. In older individuals, it can even pierce the skin!

In most cases, nail trimming is not necessary. To determine whether your cat needs this operation, you should focus on the regrowth of the plate. The structure of all animals is individual, rely on the structure of your pet’s paws.

When should a kitten's claws be trimmed?

In what cases does a kitten need this procedure?

When does a kitten need to have its nails trimmed?

Overly frisky babies can scratch their mother's nipples when feeding. This is dangerous for the cat because she can get mastitis, so it is worth carrying out the procedure to protect the mother.

Examine the front paws to understand where to cut the kitten's claws. If they are devoid of pigment, then pink blood vessels can be seen underneath them, reaching almost to their tips. If the vessel does not reach the tip, then the claw is too long, so you can safely cut without fear of touching it.

As the claw grows, the vessel also lengthens. If you cut it to the same length next time, you may damage the vessel. You need to trim the claw so that it is a little longer than usual, and cut it again in a couple of weeks.

Trimming stages

Castration of dogs: at what age and is it necessary?

Haircut consists of several stages. Compliance with them will allow the procedure to be carried out correctly and not harm the pet. It is necessary not only to correctly choose the place where the incision will be made, but also to select the right tool.

Reference! If the cat has a violent temperament, it is better to carry out the procedure with several people rather than alone. Then everything will go faster, and the owner will reduce the risk of being scratched and bitten.

Selecting a location

You can't just take a claw and cut where you want. In this area the animal has many nerve endings and blood vessels that form the pulp. If it is damaged, blood will begin to flow from the nail area, and the pet will be in pain. Therefore, you should choose the right place. It is permissible to remove no more than 2 mm of the stratum corneum, cutting off only its upper part. If the owner is not sure that he can cope, it is worth contacting specialists. The first procedure must be carried out carefully, acting with extreme caution.

Using a nail clipper

There are several different tools available to carry out the procedure. One of these is a nail clipper. The principle of its operation is similar to nail scissors. At the ends of the tool there are special cutouts located vertically. They help to quickly and safely remove part of the nail.

When using a nail clipper, proceed as follows:

  • With your left hand, carefully take the cat's paw and lightly press on the pad. This will allow the animal to release its claws;
  • Take the tool with your right hand and cut off a maximum of 2 mm from the tip. It is better to be careful and cut a little than to harm your pet and hurt him;
  • Using a nail clipper, you need to place your nail between the cutouts of the tool and bring the ends together.

The more carefully and calmly everything goes, the more likely it is that next time the pet will resist and be less nervous.

Anti-scratch for cats

Can I cut my hair with regular scissors?

It has already been noted that there are special tools for trimming claws. Some people wonder whether it is possible to use ordinary scissors to perform the procedure, and if not, then why? By deciding to do this, the owner risks harming the animal. It is strictly forbidden to use standard scissors and other tools from a regular manicure set. Especially if the objects are not sharp, but blunt. They can split the claws, cutting will take a long time and the cat may be hurt.

Important! The only exception is the sanding file. It can be used to treat the animal’s nails after the procedure.

You can purchase special tools for cats at pet stores or veterinary pharmacies.

What tools can you use to trim a cat's claws?

Trimming with nail scissors is a bad idea. People use them because the human nail plate is thin and flat. The structure of cat claws is different. The tool causes delamination. It is better to use nail clippers to trim animals.

Using this tool helps you trim your cat's nails painlessly. Externally, nail clippers resemble tweezers or pliers. There are 2 varieties: sickle-shaped and guillotine. Their choice is large, so each owner can choose the best option for him.


Blisters are a tool that looks like nail scissors, but has blades curved at the ends.


Secateurs are equipped with a spring, which is located between the handles. It has a limiter, so you can only trim the outer length.

Guillotines – suitable for cats with thick nail plates. The tool looks like a cigar cutter. To cut a claw with it, you need to place it in a special hole at the end of the scissors. You need to move from bottom to top so as not to crush the claws. If your pet is still small, then it is better to carry out the procedure using pruners or a blister. It is dangerous to trim fragile claws with a guillotine.


When choosing a tool, you should focus on the type of structure of the nail plate. The main condition that must be observed is high-quality materials. It is better to spend money on buying a high quality nail clipper than to put your pet at risk. Before the procedure, the device must be treated with an alcohol solution to avoid infection.

You can also buy an electric trimmer. He sharpens his claws quickly, but the cat may be scared by the buzzing sound.

Electric trimmer

At what age does a kitten get used to grooming?

Many owners are interested in the question of at what age can kittens’ nails be trimmed. It is worth accustoming the animal to such procedures from the first months of life. Then, when the pet grows up, it will not be nervous and afraid at the sight of the wire cutters.

At what age are British cats neutered?

The first time you can trim a kitten’s nails is at the age of 3-4 months. It is during this period that the claws begin to actively grow and interfere with the pet. One of the advantages of carrying out the procedure in childhood is that the baby will perceive all manipulations as a game and everything will go easily. And when he grows up, the procedure will already be familiar to him, which will avoid the animal’s aggressive reaction to what is happening.

Kittens' claws have not yet fully strengthened. The procedure will have to be carried out several times a month.

Reference! Before using instruments, it is recommended to wipe them with alcohol to maintain sterility.

The process of trimming a cat's claws

How to prepare a cat for the first procedure?

Preparing for the first procedure

It is difficult for adults to get used to various changes, so you need to get acquainted with the instrument from childhood. The nail clipper should become a familiar thing in the house for the animal. To do this, you need to let your pet smell the instrument and play with it so that it does not cause him fear.

When the pet is in a good mood, you need to take it in your arms and press on its fingertips. The pet will get used to it and in the future will not be afraid when its paws are touched.

Once your pet gets used to it, you can perform a simulated haircut.

The cat is placed in the owner's arms. They take his paws in their hands one by one. At first she may break out of your hands, but after the second or third time she will get used to it. Talk to your pet and distract him with something interesting, and after the procedure treat him with something tasty. This will ensure that the cat has a positive reaction. Carry out a few more of these “rehearsals”, and then you can start trimming the claws for real.

After the procedure, the pet is treated to food

There is no need to distract the cat from its business to carry out the procedure. And also you can’t hit or shout at her. However, it is worth being persistent. It is best to ask someone for help, so that one person holds the cat and the other does the haircut. If your pet is struggling violently, you can wrap him in a towel.

The process of getting used to cutting hair

This procedure is not new, and it is quite successfully provided by specialists in animal salons and veterinary clinics. But, of course, you can do a haircut at home with your own hands. First you need to decide whether you need to trim your cat’s claws and why you should do it. If sharp paws cause a lot of inconvenience, then you can use special means to solve the problem. If the procedure is carried out skillfully, there will be no harm to the animal.

Kitten with claws

Reference! There are special anti-scratch products for cats. These are multi-colored nail overlays that help reduce damage from sharp claws. You should try this option before cutting your hair. And if that doesn’t help, you can arm yourself with scissors.

Carrying out the procedure yourself is very difficult. Especially if we are talking about an adult cat and its owner’s lack of such experience. The animal does not really like this process. Therefore, the pet will begin to resist in every possible way. To reduce stress for your pet, he should be accustomed to grooming from a young age. But even if the cat is an adult, it also takes time for him to get used to such a regular ritual. The owner needs maximum patience.

Important! Some people prefer to give the animal sedatives before the procedure. This does not benefit the pet. It is better to spend more effort and safely accustom him to a haircut.

Ideally, acquaintance with the procedure should be carried out in childhood. You don’t have to trim your kitten’s claws, but it’s worth showing him the tools and features of the process.

First you need to pick up the kitten. You need to speak to him softly and affectionately. He needs to be seated comfortably on his knees and shown the instrument. Let the baby study it. Afterwards, you need to press the pad on the paw so that the animal releases its claws. You need to touch the nail with the tool, but do not cut it, just click it. Repeat with all claws on the front and hind legs. The baby will be scared for the first time. It's important to calm him down. Regular repetition of such a ritual will allow the kitten to get used to it and worry less when everything happens for real.

An adult cat should be trained in the same way. But more difficulties may arise. This is due to the fact that the baby is happy to do any activity with the owner, he is interested and curious about everything. When an animal grows up, it develops its own habits and mood characteristics. The owner will have to adapt to the adult. An irritated or upset animal is clearly not in the mood for accustoming to any process and will interfere with the owner in every possible way.

Teaching a kitten to trim its nails

Step-by-step instructions - how to trim a cat's claws

Trimming a cat's claws

If you have finally decided to carry out the procedure, then step-by-step instructions on how to properly trim a cat’s claws will help you:

  1. Prepare the place. Take out the alcohol solution, napkins and cotton pads in advance in case of injury. Treat the nail clipper with an antiseptic and disinfect your hands to prevent infection.
  2. Make sure your cat is calm.
  3. Place her on your lap. It is advisable to wrap the cat in a towel so that it does not scratch you or jump out of your hands.
  4. Take the foot in your hands and fix it firmly. Expose the claws by applying gentle pressure to the pad.
  5. Decide where you will cut your hair. The cut line should be at the very edge of the claw, its white part, without pink nerve endings. The correct cut location is shown in the photo.

How to choose the right place to cut

  1. Bring the nail clipper to the paw and click it if the cat does not show concern. If she is scared, first calm the animal down and then try again.
  2. Trim the very edge of the claw at the correct angle: along the growth line, holding the scissors from bottom to top, so that the trimmed claw does not differ in shape from the untrimmed one. You need to cut off the very edge.
  3. To prevent your cat from associating nail trimming with something bad, feed her her favorite food.

To better understand the topic, watch an educational video on how to properly trim a cat’s claws at home.

How to cut your hair correctly

You can start trimming your kitten's nails as early as 2-3 months of age. At this time they are still soft, by six months the claws harden. A convenient time for cutting is after feeding and playing. The kitten wants to sleep and will not resist, so the procedure will be harmless for both the animal and its owner.


To accustom a kitten, during games and petting, gently stroke its paws, massage the pads, lightly pressing on them and stimulating the appearance of claws.

For the procedure, it is best to purchase a special nail clipper, but you can also use regular nail scissors or tweezers. Scissors are not always convenient - trimming hard nails on adult pets will require effort. It is not recommended to use scissors with rounded ends, as they can injure the paw pads.

In addition to scissors, you need to prepare a nail file, a cotton pad and oxygen peroxide - they will be needed in case of possible injuries to disinfect and stop bleeding.

If the kitten has been accustomed to the procedure since childhood, you can handle it alone; if it actively resists, it is better to attract an assistant to calm and hold the cat to avoid injury. Particularly active ones can be swaddled during cosmetic procedures, but if the cat desperately resists, it is better to postpone the manipulation or have it done in a veterinary clinic.


On the front paws, you need to trim the claws at least twice a month; on the hind paws, once is enough.

Before work, disinfect tools and wash your hands thoroughly. Choose a bright place in the room, calm the cat, then take its paw in your left hand, press on the pad: the pet will release its claws. Please note that in cats, blood vessels and nerve endings are located very close to the regrown part of the claw, so trimming should be carried out no closer than 2 mm to the pink part of the claw. If the claws are too hard, you can lightly file the edge.

At the pet store you can buy a special tool for caring for cat claws - a nail clipper. It has a curved shape and makes the procedure safe. There are several types of nail clippers:

  • special nail clippers-scissors. They cover the perimeter of the claw and prevent damage.
  • forceps. They have a limiter that does not allow cutting off too much of the claw, and they make a high-quality cut, eliminating the delamination of the claw plate;
  • “guillotine” – must be used with caution, since it is difficult to control the manipulation;
  • electric grinder. A professional tool for groomers and veterinarians.

It is most convenient to use forceps, directing their movement at an angle, so that after trimming the claw has a sharp end, similar to an “arrow”. Before doing this, carefully examine the claw to determine where the blood vessel is located. If it is accidentally damaged, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide.

After manipulation, lightly polish the sharp edges of the claw with a nail file. After the procedure, be sure to pet your pet and treat him with his favorite treat. Then he will develop a good instinct, and the cat will not perceive the following manipulations as something unpleasant.


Some breeds require more frequent nail trimming. In Persians and Sphynxes they grow much faster, so you should regularly inspect your pet’s paws and decide whether to cut it or not.⁠

It is difficult to accustom some animals to hygiene procedures. It is not always possible to calm them down with affection or treats. Sometimes aggression during trimming a pet's nails is explained by the fact that he was once hurt. As a result, an instinct has developed, so it is recommended to either cut such animals together or carry out cosmetic manipulations in a veterinary clinic. Specialists know how to find an approach to any animal and will trim the claws of even the most obstinate cat.

How often is nail trimming done?

The frequency of haircuts is individual for each cat. All animals have different activity levels, so you need to determine the frequency of trimming yourself. Active animals that often walk outside, run and climb trees practically do not need this procedure. Their claws wear down on their own.

If your pet doesn't go outside, its nails will wear down more slowly. In this case, a haircut needs to be done. For some, it is enough to trim once a month, for others – every 2-3 weeks.

Cats with low physical activity have their nails trimmed more often.

Color also affects the speed of growth. Light colored claws grow faster.

If your pet participates in exhibitions, you need to trim its nails every time before the event.

Why do you need to cut your hair?

Nature has taken care of every living creature, and a cat’s claws were not given for beauty. In natural habitats, claws help a cat hunt for prey and escape from stronger opponents. With the help of its claws, the animal easily climbs a tree, escaping the dog and other enemies. But why do they need a domestic cat, who sees the whole world only from the apartment window?

Many owners believe that claws only bother a cat. And you can’t count how many troubles they cause for owners of furry pets:

  • cling to carpets, curtains, upholstered furniture;
  • During games, they can accidentally or deliberately scratch or injure a person.

Untrained cats often mistake a sofa, armchairs or carpet for a scratching post. And even if you place scratching posts in every room, the pet will leave marks of sharp claws on the furniture. There is only one way out - trim the claws so that they are not so sharp.

For animals participating in exhibitions, trimming their nails is a mandatory procedure. It is also recommended to do this:

  • before mating;
  • a visit to the veterinarian.

Small kittens, although they still have softer claws than adult cats, are also recommended to trim them so as not to injure the mother cat during feeding, and at the same time accustom them to manipulation. The sooner this is started, the less resistance the owner will encounter from the pet later during cosmetic procedures.


In no case should the claws of cats that have the opportunity to walk outside be trimmed: this can deprive them of the ability to defend themselves, which can lead to serious injuries and even death of the pet.

How to trim the nails of an aggressive cat?

Each cat has its own temperament. If your pet is calm and docile, you are very lucky. But there are aggressive and nervous individuals that you have to find an approach to. Most likely, the animal will claw, bite and break out of your hands. What to do if the cat doesn't give in?

Aggressive cat

You can't yell at a cat or hit it. Such behavior on the part of the owners will only frighten her, and she will subsequently avoid the procedure.

Take the cat in your arms, hug her, caress her. You should not make sudden movements so that she does not get scared. Be kind and gentle with your pet.

It is not recommended to trim your cat's claws alone. Ask a family member to help you. To prevent your cat from scratching or injuring you during the procedure, you can wrap it in a blanket or towel.

If the animal is very scared during grooming, the procedure should be rescheduled.

Possible complications after cutting nails

Complications after haircut

Cats are afraid of being groomed, so their behavior is often unpredictable. The pet may begin to break free from your hands and run away. There is a high probability of accidentally touching a nerve ending, and in this case blood may bleed. But there's no need to be nervous. It is important to react in time and provide first aid. There should always be disinfectants in the house. If there is a cut, you need to treat the paw with an antiseptic, anoint it with iodine and sprinkle it with talcum powder.

If the bleeding does not stop for a long time, contact your veterinarian.

Nail trimming depending on breed

How to trim a cat's claws: options at home

Veterinarians say that the condition of the nails and the rate of their growth directly depends on the specific breed of the animal. And this factor influences the cutting process. Persian cats often experience delamination of the horny area and rapid growth of claws. Therefore, experts advise carrying out the procedure for this breed several times a month. The condition of the nails is also affected by the age of the pet. In mature years, an abnormal growth of the claws sometimes occurs. Because of this, it is recommended to trim them only under the supervision of a specialist. Additionally, a change in diet may be prescribed to strengthen the nails.

Based on these features, it is worth considering the procedure based on the characteristics of the animal’s breed.

Claw clippers

Haircut for the sphinx

The Thai Sphynx's claws grow quite quickly. And the main feature is the frequency of the procedure. You will have to cut off the claws several times a month. The process consists of several steps:

  • you need to choose the right moment. It is best when the animal is a little tired and about to fall asleep. It is difficult for a pet in this state to actively resist; he will be relaxed. You need to handle it calmly, without sharp or loud sounds;
  • a suitable place with good lighting is selected in advance. It is necessary to place everything that is required in the process there. Of course, it is important to act carefully so as not to injure your paws. But just in case, it’s worth keeping hydrogen peroxide nearby to treat wounds;
  • The sphinx sits on the owner's lap. Gently press on the pads of the paws so that the claws appear. In good lighting, the border where the vessels begin is clearly visible. Only white areas can be removed. Anything that has a pink tint should not be touched;
  • At an angle of 90 degrees, a small part of the nail is removed with the selected tool.

Reference! If the plate begins to peel, you should carefully file it with a file and remove it.

If it was not possible to avoid injury and blood appears, it is recommended to apply a piece of cloth or cotton wool soaked in peroxide. If bleeding is severe, it is important to contact your veterinarian quickly.

Trimming a Brit's nails

And others

A British cat needs to have the procedure done every 3 weeks. You should also inspect the animal's claws. Each pet is individual and some representatives of the British breed may have slower nail growth. Therefore, trimming will need to be done once a month.

Owners of Scots are lucky in that representatives of this breed are intelligent. Therefore, problems with training to carry out hygienic procedures rarely arise. The claws of the Scots are quite transparent and the border between the blood vessels and dead areas is clearly visible. This makes the cutting process easier.

What happens if you don't cut your hair on time?

If your pet's nails grow short, trimming is not necessary. They start to get in the way when they dig into the paw pads. You can notice this in their behavior. The animal will become slow, calm and inactive. In such cases, they often chew their paws, trying to remove the interfering claw.

If you notice that your cat is feeling uncomfortable, it's worth checking its paws. Long nails need to be cut using a nail clipper.

In advanced situations, you need to go to the veterinary clinic and consult with a veterinarian.

Trimming your cat's claws is easy! It is enough to have the necessary tools and disinfectants. It is better to do this in time than to put your pet in danger. Proceed carefully and carefully, and study the information about this procedure in detail.

Individual approach to haircut frequency

Trimming should be done as needed, as soon as the nails are back to their previous size. Many factors influence the growth rate, including the individual characteristics of the pet. Some only need a haircut once a month, while others need it every two weeks. It depends on the breed of the cat and its genetics.


If the claws grow slowly, it is enough to trim them once a month. Before the procedure, you should definitely examine the condition of your nails. For many breeds, monthly care is enough and there is no need to increase the number of procedures every few weeks.

Once every one and a half to two weeks

In Persian cats and Sphynxes, marigolds are characterized by a rapid growth rate and strong stratification. For this reason, they should be treated every two weeks.

If your pet's claws are black, it is difficult to see the border between the blood vessels and the dead area. Therefore, they should be trimmed minimally. It is better to carry out the procedure every 1.5 weeks, cutting off a small amount of the nail, rather than injuring your pet’s paw.

Sometimes pets cause a lot of trouble to their owners. Those with sharp claws tend to sharpen them on furniture, walls and other objects. Regular nail trimming can solve the problem. When carrying out the procedure independently, the owner must act as carefully as possible, use only special, clean tools and take into account the cat’s mood. Otherwise, the pet will get angry and use its claws.

Surgical method of removal

This method is only suitable for cats living at home. Even if you sometimes go to the country with your pet, and the cat is outside, surgical removal is not suitable for you. In case of danger, the cat will not be able to fend for itself. For cats and kittens that periodically spend time outdoors, it is important to be able to protect themselves from other animals and climb a tree.

The procedure is carried out only among young individuals. It takes time to get used to life without claws, and older animals have a hard time getting used to changes.

Surgical removal has contraindications, so it is worth finding out in advance whether your pet has chronic diseases.

Covers for claws

Anti-scratch for cats

An alternative way is to purchase special covers. Anti-scratch caps are silicone caps made of soft plastic, which are attached using special glue. It is completely harmless and will not cause any discomfort to your pet.

The advantage of this method is that the cat will continue to scratch the furniture, but there will be no destruction. Besides, she won't be able to hurt her child.

Additional Tips

By taking your pet into your home, you have taken responsibility for its health. Timely trimming of claws is part of pet care. To keep your cat healthy, it is important to know the following rules:

  1. Monitor the condition of your paws. All pets are individual. To determine whether your pet needs nail trimming, you need to examine it periodically.
  2. Have iodine, antiseptic and zinc-based powder so that in case of a cut, disinfect the wound.
  3. Buy a nail clipper. These include pruners, blisters, guillotines and trimmers.
  4. Carry out the procedure if the pet feels safe.
  5. Talk to him while cutting his hair and distract him with something interesting.
  6. If you doubt your abilities, you should contact a veterinary clinic.

Treat your pets with tenderness and care so that they feel your love.

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