Vaccine against infections "Nobivak" - reliable protection for cats

Types of drug

The immunoprophylactic vaccine “Nobivak” is available in several forms:

  • "Rabies" (Rabies), for the prevention of rabies;
  • Tricat Trio, panleukemia, calicivirus and rhinotracheitis caused by a virus;
  • “BB” (Bb), bordetellosis;
  • "Forcat" (Forcat), for the prevention of chlamydia;
  • Nobivac Diluent, sterile diluent for dry vaccines.

This diversity allows the drug to be used strictly selectively, in strict accordance with the task at hand - to protect tailed pets from specific diseases.

— Intervet International BV (Netherlands), a world leader in the production of animal products to protect the health of small domestic and farm animals.

High-quality veterinary and vaccination products of this brand meet the standards of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and are approved by Rosselkhoznadzor of the Russian Federation.

Storage conditions, price and analogues

The medicine can only be stored in a dark, cool and dry place. You also need to make sure that small children and pets cannot get close to the drug. Diluted, unused medication must be disposed of, and the bottles must be treated with boiling water beforehand. The maximum shelf life is 2 years and 9 months.

The cost of Nobivac Tricat Trio may vary depending on the region of purchase, as well as the specific retail outlet. The average price in Russia is 500−550 rubles.

There are also well-proven vaccine analogues:

  1. MERIAL Quadricate.
  2. NARVAK Multifel-4.

Pets should be treated like family members, so you need to take care of their health. Timely diagnosis, comprehensive treatment and preventive vaccinations will protect your cat from serious diseases.

Kitten vaccination

The optimal period for vaccination with Rabies and Tricat Trio vaccines is from 9 to 12 weeks of life. Veterinarians point out that the active production of stable antibodies to a specific pathology in the body occurs best during this period.

Owners must be clearly aware: after the first vaccination, full immunity does not form in the animal’s body - this is possible only after the second injection. Therefore, it is impossible to violate the vaccination schedule for kittens, otherwise they will not develop a specific norm against a number of fatal infections.

Read. Vaccine against rotavirus infection: vaccination schedule, instructions, complications

During the time between vaccinations, it is necessary to protect the cat from contact with foreign animals. To maintain immunity, the vaccination process must be renewed annually.

Vaccine analogues

On the pharmacological market of veterinary drugs, there are a number of vaccines similar in composition and action to Nobivak. Veterinarians and professional breeders recommend the use of complex vaccines that promote the formation of immunity against several dangerous infectious diseases at once.

Analogues of the Nobivak group of vaccines are:

  • Merial (Quadricate);
  • Merial (Purevax);
  • Narvak (Multifel);
  • Veterinary Animal Center (Vakderm).

It is important to remember that no vaccine provides an absolute guarantee that an animal will not become infected with an infectious disease. Vaccination is a preventive measure, but not a curative one . Therefore, in addition to routine immunization, it is necessary to protect your pet from contact with known sick and street animals in order to prevent the possibility of infection.


The anti-rabies pharmaceutical drug Rabies, being a type of the Nobivak vaccine series, is intended to form stable immunity in cats to the rabies pathogen.

The vaccination material of the drug is a strain of the Pasteur RIV virus inactivated by B-propiolactone, the introduction of which to animals reliably and for a long time, up to 3 years, eliminates infection with this deadly disease.

The bottle contains a single dose (1.0 ml) of rabies serum. The dosage form is an injection suspension of different colors: from pale pink to crimson or from light yellow to dark yellow. The formation of loose sediment is acceptable and can be removed by shaking. Administration of "Rabies" is carried out by injection subcutaneously or intramuscularly. After a single use, immunity appears within 21 days.

Reviews about vaccines

Tricat is an exceptional drug, I took it for my pet and gave the injection myself. It is better, of course, to consult a specialist, but having the experience of raising two children, I have already gotten the hang of giving injections on my own. The drug is well tolerated, the result leaves no doubt. The price is satisfactory. Availability 5+. Please note that before admission the animal was in good spirits for about a week, appetite and stool condition should also be good.


I prefer to vaccinate basic infections (panleukopenia, calicivirus and herpes virus) with Nobivak. And their own rage. Price, prevalence on the market, again I love live non-adjuvanted vaccines, everything has always been the same. According to experience, all protect against panleukopenia equally well. Calicivirus is too variable in nature, so anything can happen. No vaccines protect against rhinotracheitis. Only the conditions of detention, the number of animals, their nutrition, condition, their own immunity and many other factors. Those. an animal (vaccinated or not) may or may not have clinical manifestations (exacerbations, primary infection), but the virus will “sit” in it.


Our veterinarian used the inactivated Nobivac Rabies vaccine against animal rabies. Immunity after vaccination “increases” for 21 days. It turns out that in dogs and cats it lasts for three years. Although our veterinarian said that it is still better to do it annually. I think it’s better to listen to him, especially since the vaccine is relatively inexpensive. We vaccinated both our Yorkies and both cats. Our Yorkies are four years old. The cats are one 10 years old, the other 12 years old. By the way, we never vaccinated cats, because we thought that since they don’t go outside, there’s no need. As I wrote above, I was very mistaken. My only concern was how the cats’ bodies might react to vaccinations, since they are no longer young girls. At the time of writing this review, two full days have passed since the vaccinations. Cats and dogs feel great, Tttt: good appetite, cheerful mood. I think there is nothing to fear anymore.


"Tricket Trio"

Nobivac Tricat Trio gives excellent results in preventing the most common infections that affect cats.

  1. Calicivirus is characterized by acute inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, oral cavity, and conjunctiva. Tiny whiskers under 12 months of age are most susceptible.
  2. Viral rhinotracheitis is an acute disease of the eyes and respiratory system, causing mortality in up to 20% of infected animals.
  3. Panleukopenia (feline distemper) is dangerous because it sharply reduces the content of leukocytes in the blood and affects the gastrointestinal tract of cats. The mortality rate from this infection is frighteningly high - more than 90%.

Read. Bubo-Kok: preparation for vaccination, reaction to the vaccine

The immunobiological agent "Nobivak Triket Trio" includes strain G 2620A, F9, MW-1 - inactivated viruses of rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis, panleukopenia, respectively.

The Tricat Trio form is a porous mass obtained by lyophilization and a solvent for injection.

The dry light pink pharmaceutical drug “Nobivak Triket Trio” is packaged in evacuated glass bottles - 0.5 cm³; transparent colorless solution - into 1.0 ml bottles. When diluting Tricat Trio there should be no flakes or sediment.

The immunobiological vaccine "Nobivak Triket" is administered subcutaneously. In rare cases, mild side effects are possible - swelling of the injection site, a slight rise in body temperature. However, such symptoms do not cause any consequences in kittens.

The immune response to infection with rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia is formed after re-vaccination after 10 days. The presence of antibodies to calicivirus and rhinotracheitis persists for a year, and to panleukopenia - for 3 years.

Nobivak vaccine

Probably the most popular, cheap and easily accessible vaccine is Nobivak, produced by the Dutch manufacturer. The chance of side effects and negative effects on the animal’s body with this drug is minimal, provided that everything was done correctly.
Despite the fact that the vaccine is live, that is, it contains a live virus, the risk of developing a full-fledged disease is minimized. At the same time, the activity of the virus is quite enough for the body to produce the necessary antibodies against it.

Another advantage of the Nobivak vaccine for cats is that its effect lasts quite a long time: the next vaccination will be needed only after a year.

Which Nobivak to choose

Depending on the diseases from which you want to protect the cat, its lifestyle and age, the type of vaccine is selected. It is best to consult a veterinarian in advance. There are four types of Nobivac in total, and two of them are necessary for domestic cats too. The drug is sold in packages containing 5 to 10 ampoules. Together with the ampoules containing the vaccine powder, a solvent – ​​liquid for injection – is sold.

Types of Nobivac

  • Tricat Trio
  • Rabies
  • BB
  • Forket

Below we will look at how they differ from each other.

Nobivac Triquet Trio

Pink powder with a red tint.
Before administration, it must be diluted with a special solution for injection. Injected under the skin. Used to create immunity against the most common diseases, such as calicivirosis, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia and viral rhinotracheitis.

This vaccine is equally necessary for cats that walk outside and those that stay at home.

Nobivac Rabies

The most important vaccine is used to prevent and create immunity against rabies.
It is very important to vaccinate a cat with it, because rabies can also be transmitted to people. Release form: light yellow or light pink powder. It is also necessary to dilute the solution. Injected subcutaneously or into a muscle.

Before vaccination, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a veterinarian, since it is strictly forbidden to vaccinate animals that are sick or weakened for some reason . Equally necessary for all cats.

Nobivak VV

The only type of Nobivac that is not administered by injection.
A white homogeneous substance, after dissolution, is administered to the pet through the nose. Possible reactions: sneezing, coughing, nasal discharge. It goes away on its own in a few hours and does not require treatment. With its help, immunity against bordetellosis is created.

This vaccine can be given to kittens from 1 month of age.

Nobivak Forket

This pale pink powder, diluted with a special liquid, saves you from calicivirus, panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis and chlamydia.

The selection of the drug for vaccination is carried out by a veterinarian based on the animal’s history and current condition.

Instructions for use

For the Nobivak vaccine, regardless of its type, there are general rules for use, transportation and storage. It is very important to observe the expiration date and storage conditions. Vaccine vials must be constantly stored at a temperature of 2°-7°C. If you deviate from these values, the drug significantly loses effectiveness.

An unopened bottle can be stored for a maximum of 3 years. Open at room temperature – 30 minutes. It is very important to carry out vaccination under sterile conditions: sterile disposable syringe, rubber gloves. The drug is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The exception is Nobivac IV, which is administered nasally. One ampoule is used for one vaccination.

Very important: your pet must be prepared in advance for the procedure. He must be examined by a veterinarian, and ten days before the vaccine is administered, he must be given medication against worms and other parasites. If there is more than one pet in the family, then everyone needs to be vaccinated at once.


The animal must be healthy and full of strength, this is the most important thing. If you experience fever, vomiting or other atypical symptoms, it is better not to vaccinate. It is also necessary to know whether he has allergic reactions to the components of the administered drug. Nobivak BB can be used from one month of a kitten’s life, all other types - from two months.

Nobivac is safe to use even for pregnant or lactating cats.

Nobivac safety

The product containing attenuated strains of pathogens is actively used for administration to cats of all breeds of different ages.

The attractiveness of this modern immunoprophylactic agent is that:

  • the pharmaceutical drug causes rapid formation of immunity to the three most dangerous cat diseases;
  • characterized by a high level of safety;
  • the produced antigens are characterized by long-term activity.

After the introduction of any type of the Nobivak series, complications do not arise. The following fact should be especially emphasized: although vaccinations with this drug are given mainly to small kittens, their body, despite age-related vulnerability, can easily cope with the effects of a harmless drug.

Read. Types of vaccines, their classification and methods of administration

Possible side effects and contraindications

Manufacturers, of course, claim that their drug is completely safe for pets, provided all recommendations are followed. But the possibility of individual intolerance to the drug cannot be excluded.

There may also be side effects that you should be aware of in advance:

  1. Slight increase in body temperature. In a normal state, this indicator is in the range of 38-39 degrees for an animal.
  2. Decreased physical activity, severe weakness.
  3. The formation of slight swelling at the injection site.

If side effects occur, treatment is often not required, and all unpleasant symptoms will go away within a few days. But if there is even a slight suspicion of an allergic reaction, then the cat must be urgently taken to a veterinary clinic.

You also need to remember about contraindications:

  1. Any diseases, including parasitic ones. If your pet has worms, the vaccine is strictly forbidden to use.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period. At this time, you can use the drug with the permission of a veterinarian, but only with extreme caution.
  3. The kitten is less than 2 months old.
  4. Period of teething.
  5. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Simultaneous use of another vaccine. The only exception in this regard is Nobivak Rabies.

It must be remembered that the vaccine can only be administered to a completely healthy cat. If the pet is already sick, then the injection can lead to the death of the animal.

Instructions for use

  1. More than a week before vaccination, animals are dewormed.
  2. Before vaccinating, you need to have your cats examined by a veterinarian.
  3. Only healthy animals are vaccinated. Fever, lethargy, vomiting and other symptoms of poor physical condition of cats are the reason for the vaccination to be withdrawn.
  4. You should refrain from vaccinating cats if they have hypersensitivity to the vaccine ingredients.
  5. Simultaneous administration of Tricat Trio and Rabies is acceptable, but they should not be combined in the same syringe.
  6. It is not recommended to vaccinate cats during pregnancy and lactation.
  7. Vaccine injections are prohibited for animals under 8 weeks of age.
  8. After the injection, pets should be provided with medical supervision for 3 days.

When working with the vaccine, personal preventative measures are as follows:

  • the person conducting the vaccination must wear special clothing;
  • it is necessary to have personal protective equipment;
  • In case of accidental contact of the drug with the skin or mucous membranes, the corresponding area of ​​the body is washed with running water.

Rules for using the vaccine

Before carrying out preventive vaccination, it is necessary to drive away worms from the cat a month in advance, using special anthelmintic drugs that can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or veterinary clinic. It is equally important to treat the coat against ectoparasites - fleas, lice eaters, ticks.

Only clinically healthy animals are allowed to be vaccinated. It is strictly forbidden to vaccinate weakened, sick, exhausted cats, pregnant, lactating cats, as well as small kittens until they are 2-2.5 months old. Until this moment, babies receive protective antibodies from the milk of their mother cat. There are no other contraindications for the use of Nobivac Triket Trio in the instructions.

Cats must be vaccinated by a veterinary medicine specialist.

Before preventive vaccination, animals must undergo a comprehensive examination at a veterinary clinic. If there are no contraindications, exacerbations of chronic pathologies, infections, the animal is vaccinated.

Before administering the veterinary drug, a solvent is injected into the bottle with the dry component using a sterile syringe, and then shaken for several seconds. until a homogeneous injection solution is obtained. Fill the spirz with the vaccine, inject it subcutaneously into the fold on the withers (between the shoulder blades), after pre-treating the skin with 70% alcohol. After three to four weeks, re-immunization is carried out.

In the future, for preventive purposes, cats are revaccinated with the same vaccine. The vaccination schedule is drawn up by a veterinarian on an individual basis.

Vaccination is carried out only to clinically healthy animals

When administering the injection solution, you should strictly follow the rules of asepsis and avoid contamination of the vaccine even with a minimal amount of alcohol. If the bottle is damaged or the contents of the drug come into contact with the skin, you must immediately wash your hands with soap.

Consumer Opinion

Reviews from many cat owners coincide with the professional conclusions of veterinarians:

  • these are safe and effective remedies for animals against a number of terrible diseases;
  • the majority of pets tolerate vaccination very well;
  • negative reactions to vaccination are extremely rare and short-lived;
  • ease of use allows cat owners to vaccinate them themselves;
  • Thanks to affordable prices, drugs are available to the entire population.

Buy Nobivak

You can buy the Nobivak vaccine for cats in specialized veterinary pharmacies. The price of the Nobivak line of products for cats varies depending on the city and the type of medicine. The most budget option is to buy Nobivak Rabies, 10 bottles of which will cost about 150 rubles, the rest (Tricket Troy, Forcat, Dukat and Diluent solvent) cost around 400 rubles per package (110 pcs.). The most expensive in this line remains Nobivak Bb, for a package of which you will need to pay more than 500 rubles. The package contains 5 ampoules of medicine and 5 ampoules of solvent.

Full composition

The drug Nobivak Triquet Trio for cats has a combined composition:

  • Attenuated feline rhinotracheitis virus strain G 2620;
  • Attenuated calicivirosis virus F9;
  • Attenuated panleukopenia virus MW-
  • Hydrolyzed gelatin;
  • Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate;
  • Pancreatic casein hydrolysate;
  • Sorbitol.

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The vaccine also comes with a sterile solvent, Nobivak Diluent, which has the following composition :

  • Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate – 0.31 mg;
  • Potassium dihydrogen phosphate – 0.21 mg;
  • Sterile water for injection – 1 ml.

The pH value of the solvent ranges from 7.2 to 7.4.

The dry vaccine and the solvent are perfectly matched to each other, so when mixed, no sediment of any kind is formed.

Precautions for vaccination

Before vaccinating cats, it is necessary to take the following measures::

  • Wear protective clothing, mask, gloves;
  • Immobilize the cat as much as possible;
  • Disinfect the injection site;
  • Make sure that the drug does not come into contact with human skin or mucous membranes.

If the vaccine does get on exposed skin, wash it with plenty of warm water and then wash thoroughly with soap. If the drug has been administered to a person, immediately contact the clinic for timely help.

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