How to stop a cat from shitting in the wrong place



If the cat begins to shit anywhere, the pet refuses to go to the toilet in the litter box, and is looking for a secluded place to relieve itself, then it is very important to establish the root cause of this behavior. Cats are naturally very clean creatures, but if you do not instill in your pet useful, correct behavioral skills, the cute creature can cause a lot of problems. Compared to the stench, the specific aroma of kitten urine, and damaged personal belongings, the rest of the furry purr’s antics will seem like cute pranks. Faced with a similar problem, here are some tips that will help you wean your cat from shitting anywhere.

Peeing in the tray and pooping next to it - what is the reason?

Tailed fluffies know how to surprise with their ingenuity and skills, but sometimes their owners receive truly unpleasant surprises from them. Although cats are considered one of the cleanest animals, they also have strange embarrassments - the pet relieves itself in the tray, but prefers to poop by.

Why does this happen, is it worth punishing this cat, or should we first figure out what motivates her to commit such an atypical act? The main reasons for this behavior in cats:

  • various diseases;
  • prolonged constipation;
  • instincts;
  • preference for certain toilet fillers;
  • psychological problems;
  • cleanliness issues.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, the reason that a cat pees in the litter box and poops past it is the absolute cleanliness of the animal. Some cats are so protective of their cleanliness that they will not go into a litter box that is not regularly treated with antiseptic agents.

If a cat pees in the litter box and poops past it, the first thing the owner is recommended to do is to carefully ensure that the toilet is always clean and does not contain foreign, unpleasant odors. To do this, just treat the tray with vinegar.

Lesions of the central nervous system

Unclean behavior can be a symptom of cognitive disorders - hydrocephalus in kittens, brain tumors and senile dementia (in older animals) or other damage to the cerebral cortex (cyst, ischemic encephalopathy).

In diseases of the central nervous system, there may be convulsions accompanied by involuntary urination. If, after your absence, you can detect urine, saliva and other unknown traces in the cat's resting areas, this may be a sign of seizure activity.

Cat owners may confuse urinary incontinence with unclean behavior (often people do not see, but simply feel that the bed linen smells unpleasant).

Neurological deficits can lead to loss of conscious urinary control (continuous leakage of urine throughout the day or leakage due to an overfilled bladder that the animal cannot empty on its own).

Such diseases begin to be diagnosed only when there are additional symptoms indicating damage to the central nervous system, or when all other possible causes have already been excluded.

We exclude medicine

If the tray is always clean and smells quite pleasant, then why does the animal still not change its habit of ignoring it, defecating past it, as if out of spite? In this case, it is worth observing the animal, perhaps the development of various diseases is to blame.

The most common cause of strange cat behavior is the presence of frequent constipation in the pet. The cat begins to associate his toilet with unpleasant, uncomfortable sensations, which is why he prefers not to go to it.

Another reason for this behavior is related to the age of the cat - quite often older cats develop a disease such as arthritis. Due to joint pain and stiffness, they are simply unable to perch on a tray with high sides.

In addition, there are also psychological factors, for example, when the owner uses a closed house as a cat litter box. Of course, it looks interesting and aesthetically pleasing, it traps odors, but in most cases cats feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable in such houses, so they prefer to ignore it.

Why does the cat shit everywhere?

If the smell of cat urine is unpleasant, then the “aroma” of the marks of an uncastrated cat plunges owners into horror. When cat urine that is not collected in time begins to decompose, the decomposition product, thiols, begins to float in the air. It is this substance that gives the tags such an impossible smell.

There are enough reasons why a cat shits on your territory in the wrong place:

  • the animal sees you as the head of the pack, and wants to prove that it is competitive;
  • Kotofey sees himself as a leader, and with his “fragrant” marks makes others feel like they are in second or even tenth place;
  • an animal disease that affects physiology: a sick pet does not control its urination;
  • an inconveniently located tray or a new “unsuccessful” filler;
  • resentment developing into cat's revenge. This may be associated with punishment or a feeling of loneliness, abandonment;
  • a new home in which the cat is not used to the proper toilet.

In searching for the reason, do not forget that the cat also has its own feelings and character, which may be the key to answering the question of why it defecates anywhere.

We stop the cat from shitting anywhere

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//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> To make life in an apartment comfortable, you must find a way to wean an adult cat from shitting . It doesn’t matter whether it’s an Oriental, an exotic or a mongrel yard cat, but as soon as the animal tries to settle in the wrong place, you immediately need to grab it by the scruff of the neck and lift it up. The cat will immediately put its tail between its legs! Do you feel it? Do you feel how the self-esteem of the mustachioed would-be leader is falling? Leave the guilty creature alone, and immediately eliminate the consequences: if this is a liquid crime, then there are many tips on how to remove the smell. If this is something more significant, then, having removed the pile, they immediately wipe the marks with their things - this is how the owner signs his own autograph.

Now you need to figure out how to stop your cat from shitting on the bed and other areas not intended for the cat’s urination.

Remedies for weaning a cat from shitting

The most effective remedy is castration, but this is at first glance. But in fact, the operation will change the chemical composition of the urine, which will not smell any more pleasant. But we warn you, there are rare cases when this method does not help.

The tray should always be kept clean and fresh. Often, this immediately and permanently solves an unpleasant problem.

Carpets and beds will need to be treated with specialized compounds, preferably with a strong odor.

In addition to the use of chemicals and physical impact, the cat needs to be educated and trained to use the litter box.

The isolation method is used for the cat - the animal is left in the toilet room for 2-3 days, not forgetting to bring it fresh food and drink, and regularly communicate with the pet. The cat is allowed to walk around the house 2-3 times a day for a short time.

If the cause is physiological, then the problem is solved by a veterinarian.

Folk remedies for weaning a cat from shitting

Traditional methods work well to stop a cat from crapping in the apartment . The main thing is to remember that poking an animal with its nose into a pile or puddle is a great way to provoke revenge and a strong desire to repeat hooliganism again.

Try, as soon as you notice that the fluffy is settling down on the bed or carpet, spray water from a sprinkler into its face. A couple more lessons like this, and a reflex will develop - this area is not suitable for a toilet. Don't forget to change the bed and scold your pet loudly. Breeds that are especially sensitive to the mood of the owner, such as Manx or Burmese, will not want to repeat the experiment.

You can clap your hands every time you sit down on the toilet in the wrong place, which will also develop the reflex that the owner needs.

Other methods include placing citrus fruits or garlic in the cat's favorite places.

You need to try each method, and you will definitely find the most suitable one for your cat.

Manifestation of cat instincts

Some pets' natural instincts are so pronounced that they cannot relieve themselves of small and large needs in one place.

This is explained by the fact that cats associate the process of urination with the process of marking their territory, which is why they begin to walk past the litter box when defecating.

How to get out of this situation? It is recommended to place two litter boxes for your pet, but not next to each other (this arrangement of toilets will not solve the problem), but at some distance - these can be different corners of the same room, and sometimes even different rooms. Only trial and error will help you achieve the ideal placement of two toilets.

How to stop shitting in flowers and on the carpet?

Some pets perceive a pot with soil as a litter box. But animal urine can lead to the death of the flower, so you need to wean yourself from the habit of peeing in a pot. You can do it like this:

  • Place a piece of lemon near the flowers, the smell of which will distract;
  • Make window sills slippery using bags. It will be more difficult for the cat to reach, and she will change her mind about marking near the potty;
  • Equip the windowsill with a mini-fence;
  • Stick a few toothpicks or matches into the ground near the flowers.

But the most popular place for cats to relieve themselves is the carpet. In this case, you need to wash it well and get rid of the smell. This is best done by dry cleaning, although you can also do it yourself. Various disinfectants or vinegar are suitable for this. It is also recommended to treat the carpet with essential oils, such as orange or bergamot. Smells are also particularly repulsive to cats.

Wrong filler

Cats are self-sufficient and fastidious animals. Often the reason that a pet categorically refuses to go to the litter tray is that the owner does not like the litter chosen by the owner. At the same time, even in the filler he doesn’t like, he will still write.

This is explained by the fact that the animal spends much less time on the process of urination than on defecation. Therefore, if the cat is uncomfortable with its paws immersed in the litter for some time, it will walk past the tray. It is easy to solve this problem - just change the type of cat litter.


When a cat relieves itself, at this moment it is as unprotected as possible, therefore, if it is uncomfortable on the tray, there is no feeling of security, it will prefer to ignore trips to its toilet. To save space, owners often place cat litter boxes in too secluded, dark places, such as niches. Or the tray is squeezed into the tight space between the bathroom washing machine and the wall.

If your pet feels uncomfortable on the tray, don’t be surprised that he will simply start to ignore it.

The cat litter box should be located so that the cat has several approaches to it, and from different sides. In addition, there should be enough space around it.

Transportation, house change

Cats become strongly attached to territory and, when moving to a new habitat, can change their habits of being clean.

Therefore, try to prepare the animal for moving in advance, minimize stress during transportation, and also try to ensure that the new home has everything necessary: ​​scratching posts, trays, vertical spaces (the ability to jump somewhere high and observe the territory from above), hiding places, bowls with food and water.

Punishing an animal that is stressed will worsen the symptoms and may persist for a long time.

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