Description of the British Blue cat breed: Character and appearance +Video

The blue British cat is the embodiment of comfort and tranquility in the house. Large with cute faces and velvet-soft fur, they charm the whole family. It is simply impossible not to love such animals with an imperturbable character, neat, affectionate and self-sufficient, unobtrusive. They resemble the famous Cheshire Cat from the children's fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" filmed in the Disney cartoon based on the story by L. Carroll.


The term tabby is usually used to describe patterned colors.
Tabby kittens look very unusual. Several different cat breeds have tabby colors, including British cats. This breed is distinguished by a huge number of different colors. There will never be two identical representatives of the breed, each is unique.

If there is a cat of this breed in the house, in any case the question will arise about the origin of the pet and its color. The symmetrical spots on the coat have clear lines with a distinctive contrasting pattern. The ancestors who passed on this coloring to today's cats lived in the wild in India, Kazakhstan and Africa.


When you look at a white British man, you have an uncontrollable desire to cuddle him. However, the animal itself does not tolerate familiarity. Although kittens do not refuse to play and caress with their owner. Adults do not like to be held. If you pet a British cat while sleeping or when she is busy doing something, the animal will most likely leave or show sharp claws. The owner can only resign himself and caress the pet with his eyes.

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Owners of white British cats often admit that they do not feel like their owners. This does not mean that animals do not need care and love. They crave attention just like other cat breeds, but they do it in their own way. A curious pet can follow a person on his heels, carefully watching what the owner is doing.

The white British cat is inherently respectable; she will rarely rush around the apartment or jump on the closet. Having accustomed the pet to the scratching post in a timely manner, the owner does not have to worry about the safety of the furniture. These cats are not annoying or mischievous. In general, British cats have an easy-going character. To prevent your pet from turning into a sofa cushion, you need to monitor its weight.

The British meow on rare occasions. As for heat or severe stress (visit to the clinic, traveling by car), some owners do not hear their cat for months. Begging for food is beneath the dignity of white British people. The most the cat will do is cast a reproachful glance towards the owner.

You should not buy a British cat for families with small children. A rare representative of this breed favors children. Children are too clingy and noisy, which can turn a cat’s life into constant stress and the search for a secluded place to sleep. The British do not like long games and persistent petting. It will be difficult to explain to children that this plush miracle is inviolable.

Russian blue

What breeds of gray cats are there? The name of some speaks for itself. For example, when you hear “Russian blue cat,” you can roughly imagine what kind of purr it is. If you still don’t know her, then now let’s talk about this mustachioed one. This is an intelligent, gentle, attentive and devoted cat, with a beautiful quiet voice. She has a long tail, neck, elongated body. The color is blue (uniform) with a silver tint. At first, she is distrustful of new acquaintances. This cat does not like to change its habitat and prefers routine. She is affectionate and playful with her owners; unfortunately, she does not establish close relationships with owners very quickly. Over time, he becomes a devoted friend.

Did you like this breed of gray cat? You can see a photo of the representative in our article. You can take a closer look at its appearance.

What to feed them

British cats are prone to obesity, which should not be allowed. Excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle will lead to poor health of animals and the development of diseases. You should not accustom them to flour and sweets, give them food from the table and allow them to beg.

The diet may consist of dry food or food prepared by you. When choosing dry food, strictly follow the instructions for choosing the amount of food. Remember, the package indicates the amount of food per day. Choose your own food for each age. The packaging indicates two numbers for the consumption rate in grams.

The first number is the amount of food for sedentary and inactive cats, the second number, on the contrary, is for active cats who walk outside for at least 3 hours. Do not mix dry food with table feeding. The fact is that dry food is made taking into account the correct balance in daily nutrition, with the addition of vitamins, nutrients, etc. If you overfeed your cat, the excess will be deposited in the form of fat on the animal’s ribs or stones will form in the genitourinary system.

When compiling your own diet, determining the daily intake will be somewhat more difficult. When developing a menu, consider the following characteristics of your pet: age, activity level, living conditions and weight. If you have a kitten, you need to feed it 2 times more often and more than a cat over 3 years old. A kitten can be compared to a small child who needs a lot of vitamins and high-calorie food, since a lot of energy is spent on its development and during play. Therefore, nothing is deposited on the ribs.

With an active lifestyle, the animal needs a lot of vitamins and nutrients consumed throughout the day. Also, the daily consumption rate should be higher than usual if the cat does not live at home during the winter, near the radiator, but in an unheated room.

Check your pet regularly for signs of excess weight. First of all, check for the presence of fat on the lower abdomen, between the hind legs. Secondly, feel the ribs. You should start worrying about the problem of obesity if you feel a fatty layer on the ribs. Another way to determine body fat is when the animal's body has acquired a square shape.

To solve the problem of obesity, gradually reduce the amount of food you eat. Cats eating dry food need to reduce the daily intake to 3-4 times over 1-2 weeks. At the same time, monitor its condition and appearance. The main thing is not to overdo it. Go see a veterinarian. He will advise what to feed a British breed cat to treat obesity. In veterinary stores you can buy special low-calorie food for the “diet” period. They will not allow the fat layer to accumulate without reducing the volume of feed given.

When creating your own diet, exclude fatty, sweet, flour products such as semolina, pasta, millet cereals, etc. Include lean beef, vegetables, dairy products and low-calorie cereals such as oatmeal, millet and corn chaff in your diet. The volume of previously consumed food is reduced to 2 times. The ideal option is a combination of diet and exercise.

Anomalies and features inherent in the British Bluepoint

The term color point is translated as colored dots (marks). The color of a cat's fur and iris is determined by the presence of a special coloring pigment (melanin), which is synthesized under the influence of tyrosinase (a copper-containing enzyme) from the amino acid tyrosine. The production of the enzyme is supervised by the C (Color) gene. When this gene is mutated, which is now designated by the symbol c, tyrosinase is not produced and, as a result, the dark coloring substance (melanin pigment) is not produced. The animal turns out to be colorless and uncolored - an albino.

Albino cats are often deaf

The Siamese gene (cs) is formed in a similar way, when the main gene C is damaged. The only difference is that the enzyme that oxidizes the amino acid acquires thermosensitive properties. It is activated and produces melanin only at certain low temperatures; at higher temperatures it does not manifest itself at all. This phenomenon is scientifically called acromelanism.

Acromelanism is a genetically determined temperature-dependent type of pigmentation with full manifestation only on the limbs, ears, tail and muzzle and with lighter colored fur on the body. It is found in Siamese and Himalayan cats, rabbits, rats and other species of domesticated animals. It is a form of albinism.

This is how the Siamese thermal effect is obtained, when the peripheral remote (cold) areas of the body with a slightly lower temperature are colored. At the same time, the pigment is almost not synthesized in the remaining warmer areas of the animal’s body. The Blue Point cat is actually gray (blue), but its color appears only on the ears, face, tail and paws.

The Siamese color can appear in varying degrees of intensity.

Newborn kittens are light, almost white, because it is warm in the womb of the mother cat, the temperature is the same and melanin is not produced. The point coloration in babies does not develop immediately. First the tail darkens, then little by little the ears, and only then the nose and paws. The mask on the face is the last to darken; during the first two months of life, only one nose of the kitten may be colored. Points begin to appear literally a few hours after birth and are finally formed only by a year, or even later.

Pointed kittens are always born completely white.

It has been noted that all pointing cats are prone to general darkening with age, while maintaining an obvious contrast between body tone and marking color.

We live in a private house and by the color of our Siamese cat we can safely judge the current time of year. In the summer, when it is warm and she often walks outside, her fur becomes lighter and even the dark areas on her face, paws and tail become less bright. In winter, the pet gets very dark, because the floor is cold, and that is where she most often lives, although she tries to lead a sofa lifestyle.

Video: cats and genes


Another point in favor of the fact that British Shorthair cats for business people is their ease of care. All you have to do is brush your pet, preferably once or twice a day. The hairs fall out and, due to the dense fur, get stuck there, causing discomfort to the animal.

During shedding, you can comb it several times a day, it won’t be unnecessary. Moreover, this process will only be a joy for the cat, and after some time he himself will run to you when he sees the brush. It is best to choose a soft bristle or rubber brush.

But this also has a negative impact because animals often swallow hairballs during brushing. This can cause indigestion, so veterinarians advise periodically giving special medications that dissolve the fur.

Pros and cons of the British cat breed

Positive traitsNegative qualities
Unusual appearanceTendency to genetic diseases
Sociability and loyalty to all family membersEars require special care
Good learning ability
Resistance to common diseases

Experts believe that it is already possible to detect the presence of genetic diseases in a British Fold cat at the age of 3-5 months. In addition, conscientious breeders adhere to recommendations regarding mating in order to improve and strengthen the breed.

In such conditions, the risk of developing pathologies is reduced to a minimum, which means that the risk of acquiring a sick animal is significantly reduced. A healthy and cheerful fold-eared cat is always joy and good mood for its owner.


Already from the name it is clear that the British cat breed came to us from England. The first representatives of the breed began to be bred at the end of the 19th century by crossing Persians with English domestic cats. The first British blue cat was shown at an exhibition held at London's Crystal Palace. She made an indelible impression on the public of that time.

Almost immediately, the breed of British cats was officially recognized and became very popular in England. Gradually, the British began to be taken to other Asian and European countries.

It is worth noting that the 130-year history of the British cat breed has seen its ups and downs. It is known that the population suffered greatly during the Second World War. But through the efforts of breeders, the breed was restored.

Now British cats of noble blue color are very popular in Russia.

By the way, they were brought to our country only in the middle of the 20th century. The average life expectancy can reach 12-15 years with proper care and feeding.

Video: Description of the breed

Blue cat

A true British Blue cat has soft, fluffy fur and is somewhat reminiscent of a teddy bear. Distinctive features include huge round eyes of amber, copper or orange color and soft short or long fur of an even gray-bluish color. In purebred cats, the hairs are colored from the base to the very tips. Often spots and impurities in color can cause culling.

The British have a powerful, strong and muscular body of medium size. Males are larger in size than cats. The legs of the British are short and dense with rounded soft paws. The tail is thick and not fluffy.

A fairly massive round head, a wide chest, a short and strong neck, wide and slightly rounded ears, very dense hair, a short and straight nose - these are the main characteristics of the appearance of the British Blue cat. Fold-eared representatives of this breed have ears tightly pressed to the head. The appearance of such cats looks especially cute and touching.

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We will learn about the treatment of ringworm in cats, discuss interesting information. We will tell you about the description of the Russian Blue cat breed:, find out the details.

British Blue cats have excellent health and are one of the natural breeds.

In addition to short-haired blue British cats, there are also long-haired ones. But in Russia they are not so common. The average weight of a representative of this breed ranges from 4 to 6 kg.

The cutest cats in the world: the appearance of the British

The British cat is the embodiment of “blue blood”. When a person says “I have a purebred cat,” then most often we imagine an imposing British cat. Their appearance has become the ideal of feline beauty for millions of people: the breed is second in popularity only to the Scottish Fold.

Britons are quite large animals. Males weigh 5-8 kg, females about 4 kg. Pedigree characteristics are most clearly manifested in cats. Their silhouette looks squat (short, strong legs), and all shapes are soft and rounded. The tail is thick and short, with a rounded tip. Cats look very harmonious and proportional.

British silver chinchilla cat

A separate song can be dedicated to the head of British cats. Those cheeks! The head looks round no matter which way you look at it. A wide skull, a pronounced massive chin - the British cat personifies strength and solidity. Round, dense cheeks give the impression that the cat is constantly smiling into its whiskers.

The British have a recognizable head shape

The large round eyes of the British have a breed feature: a bright copper color. Exceptions are allowed for certain colors: silver cats will have green eyes, while pure white cats may have blue, yellow or different colored eyes. Cats of the so-called “Siamese color” (colorpoint) always have blue eyes.

British blue cat: bright copper eyes are magnificent

British cats of a certain color have an unusual phenomenon - eyes of different colors.

British bicolor cat with heterochromia

You can read about heterochromia and see more photos of different-eyed cats HERE (the link will open in a new tab).

The fur coat of British cats is the pride of the breed, their signature feature. The short, dense coat looks plush and soft and is gentle to the touch. The secret is that the guard hair and undercoat of the British are the same length, no more than 2.4 cm, and the coat is very thick.

British color point cat

A British cat can have almost any color; to list all the color combinations would require a separate rather large article. In Russia, the most famous are the blue color, and after the advertisement of the famous cat food - the silver tabby, which is called the “Whiskas” color.

Next to a blue cat is a teenager of Whiskas color

Description of the breed

The blue British shorthair cat is one of the most popular cats in Russia at the moment. It’s very simple to answer the question “why”, just look at the photo: a large body with powerful paws, short fur of an amazing color with a thick undercoat, a regular shaped head with round large eyes of yellow shades, plush cheeks and... a smile!

Yes, it is the special structure of the faces of these aristocratic cats that creates the illusion of a friendly smile, for which they are quite justifiably compared to the Cheshire Cat from the famous Disney cartoon.

It is worth noting that two different breeds should not be confused: the British Shorthair and the Scottish Fold. A blue fold cat has quite a lot in common with a cat of the British breed, and the kittens of these breeds in the photo are very similar, but generalizing them is quite a big misconception.

If you decide to choose a blue British Shorthair kitten, then you should contact well-known nurseries in your city that specialize in breeding this breed. There you can carefully examine the kittens: touch, stroke and observe the behavior of the future pet.

First of all, the kitten must be at least 12 weeks old and have clean, plush fur, skin without damage, and mucous membranes of the eyes without swelling or redness. The animal should be playful and inquisitive; lethargy and apathy are, on the contrary, a bad sign.

  1. Exhibition kittens are classified as Show - this means that the appearance and character of the cat must ideally correspond to the standards of the breed. Such animals must easily endure travel, large crowds of people, and be able to show themselves and their character at exhibitions without embarrassment or timidity.
  2. The Breed category includes kittens for which their pedigree is very important, because animals of this class are bred for subsequent breeding. They can also participate in exhibitions, but their main criterion should be the ability to pass on the best breed qualities from generation to generation.
  3. The Peet category is assigned to the British "domestic type". Such animals may have minor defects or abnormalities, or may be too shy to be shown or posed for photographs. Of course, the presence of defects in this category is not at all necessary, but they do occur. However, the criterion for these animals is ideal adaptability to keeping a home, without losing the basic qualities of the breed.

Of course, the most important thing is that a purebred British Blue kitten must have a veterinary passport with vaccinations and a full description of the pedigree, and its breeder must have a certificate or other document confirming experience in breeding.

Origin of color

The first British cat of Blue color appeared in 1871 and took first place at a cat show. The cat was introduced by breeder Harrison Ware. The appearance of the Briton charmed fans, but only in 1950 did she gain recognition in American felinology.

For over a hundred years, breeders have worked to achieve the perfect standard of the British Blue. To achieve the result, they were mated with various breeds of cats: Persian, French, and blue Russian cat. It has been established that the recessive Blue tone is a diluted black pigment. Therefore, the color varies over a wide spectrum from dark graphite to light gray, rich blue. Now certain standards have been established for the color of the breed; according to color, it is rated up to 25 points.

Breeders have difficulties with breeding; according to the rules of genetics, this is a recessive color and two Blue parents can produce the same kittens of both sexes. When mating with other colors, it is difficult to get blue kittens.


Not only the beautiful, soft, shiny coat evokes admiration, but also the charming, large, round eyes. They are widely spaced relative to the nose, which gives them more expressiveness. The coat color of a British cat looks good in the photo in combination with their eyes, which are copper, orange, and golden.

Due to the yellow color of the eyes and the gray-blue color of the coat, the pure British cat is sometimes confused with a mixed breed from a Russian cat, but they are distinguished by the shape of the head and the full cheeks characteristic of the blue solid.



There are several subspecies of British cat colors with certain standards:

  • striped, also called brindle;
  • spotted, also called leopard print;
  • ticked;
  • marble.


The brindle color of the British cat, or the tabby color pattern, is the most common. This color is the most common. A distinctive feature is that the main color of the coloring runs along the cat’s spine. The main requirements of this type are a surprisingly clear and dense drawing of the pattern. Like other types of coloring, a mark in the form of the letter “M” is drawn on the animal’s face.


This coloring is very beautiful and unusual, the marble color shade of the drawn pattern is unique. The drawing is not interrupted or intersected. A fancy pattern in the form of a butterfly is drawn on the back of the head. The characteristic letter “M” is located on the nose. A distinctive feature is the necklace that forms on the chest of the animal.


With this type of color, it may seem that the coat has a single color, but this is only at first glance.

The coloring differs in that the part of the fur that forms the top coat resembles a layer of “dust.” The lower part of the undercoat has a color similar to the upper coat. It can be blue, chocolate, black, or other colors.

In addition to the design, color options also differ.


Brown tabby

British brown tabby cats have an amazing color throughout their body. Very black color, reminiscent of coal soot. The nose has a slightly red tint and is lined with eyeliner. A distinctive feature is the spotted tail of the animal.

Black silver

The background part of the fur has the most delicate blue color. The pads on the animal's paws are colored pink or blue. The patterns that are located throughout the body are painted in a silver shade.


The above colors can also be combined with the white color of the animal's coat. They differ in that they have approximately the same amount of tabby and white colored coats. If tabby patterns are found only on the head and tail of the animal, and the rest of the color is white, then this type of color is usually classified as a “van” type.

There are a great variety of colors that can be listed endlessly, among them such famous ones as the lilac color, which is distinguished by its rarity. A varied, detailed description will allow you to choose what the buyer needs. The gray color, quite popular in England, is also in demand.

Colors with white

The combination of any basic, patterned or tortoiseshell color with white is called the general name bicolor - these are colored spots without white fibers, with clear boundaries. There are several groups of this color:

  1. Bicolor – from 1/3 to 1/2 white – muzzle, chest, paws, belly. Colored - one or two ears, head, back, tail.
  2. Harlequin - only 5/6 white - collar, neck, chest, paws.
  3. Van – main color – white. Colored spots on the head, but the ears are white, colored tail, colored spots on the back are allowed.
  4. Tricolor, or calico, is a tortoiseshell (i.e., two-color) color with white.
  5. Mitted – is not recognized as a standard and is considered a flaw. There is little white, no more than 1/4, the head, neck, collar, belly and paws are white.

Now you know what the colors of British cats are. The table with photos helped us understand the variety of types and types of colors.

Character and behavior of shorthaired lilac British

The influence of coat color on the behavior of an animal has not been studied enough, but some practical observations are known that allow us to draw conclusions about the presence of such connections. White cats, as a rule, are docile, and black cats are obstinate, striped tabbies tend to hunt wildly, and color-point cats are secretive and even treacherous.

The character of lilac cats is within the behavioral instincts of their breed, but leans towards a more loyal view of owners and family members. Typical British Shorthairs are reserved and often seek solitude.

Cats show indifference to other pets, and in case of conflict they prefer to retire to a safe place.

Against the general psychological background of their breed, lilac-colored Britons demonstrate more softness and even delicacy. The nature of these cats does not have the habit of active games, but the lilac ones are ready to take part in general fun and can even sit for a short time in the arms of the owner.

The history of the appearance of true British colors

The main role in the formation of new colors in cats belongs to genetics. The first cats bred without any rules, since the survival of the species was the main goal. But when the cat became a pet and settled next to a person, the situation changed dramatically.

The owners wanted to make some parameters more predictable in order to get kittens with a certain coat color.

The gray-blue shade has been recognized as the main color for British Shorthair cats. The further evolution of colors began with him. The main achievements of the debut period are attributed to the English artist Harrison Weir, a great lover of British cats and a specialist who compiled the first standard of this breed.

During the selection, a line of solid colors was fixed, where, in addition to the main one (often called British), a palette of white, black, blue, cream, chocolate and red appeared. And at the end of the twentieth century, a purple tint was added to them.

British smoothhair

The smooth-haired "British" is a type of breed that Europeans call "Highlanders" and Americans call "Lowlanders."

The breed variety was recognized only in 2008. Before this, smooth-haired kittens were recognized as pets.

The main feature in the description of the breed is the medium-length coat with dry guard hairs, often lengthening from the neck to the tail.


If you decide to get a British Blue cat, get ready to interact with a friendly and affectionate pet. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their good manners, restraint and balance.

But at the same time, the British are extremely active and love to play. That's why children are especially delighted with them. Blue British cats are extremely curious and restless. They are very interested in the world around them.

Calm comes to these representatives of the animal world over the years. They become more important and sedate. The truth here is that much depends on the psychological situation in the master’s house.

Video: main features of this breed

Even blue British kittens can grow up nervous if they have aggressive owners. Unlike other breeds, Britons are extremely sensitive to people's behavior.

The character of blue British cats is finally formed by the age of three. Clean and well-mannered representatives of the breed are usually distinguished by their friendliness towards all members of the household.

They will never bite or scratch for no apparent reason. Blue British people treat other pets quite calmly. But new people cause some wariness in cats.

This is not to say that they are subject to training, but to teach cats to go to the litter box and sharpen their claws in a certain place. In the character of British cats one can notice the manifestation of leadership qualities. Animals also do not tolerate confined spaces. For example, they are extremely irritated by closed doors.

Representatives of the described breed should not be handled, as they really do not like it. But you can pet the British as much as you like.

Scientists have proven that the unusual gray-blue color has an extremely positive effect on the cardiovascular system of the human body.

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An interesting distinctive feature of the British blue cat's character is its pride. A purebred pet will never respond to the primitive “kiss-kiss”, but only to an affectionate nickname. If you forget to feed your British Blue, he won't ask for food. Rather, the cat will sit near the bowl and look intently at you.

Also, representatives of this breed can be wayward and aggressive if their owners treat them carelessly and rudely. Smart, independent, reserved and aristocratic - this is how you can characterize British blue cats.

Conclusions about the breed

The British are often called Cheshire. Big eyes and a semblance of a smile on his round face make him look like this famous character. Although perhaps it was they who served as the prototype for the legendary fairy-tale cat. This once again proves that the British Shorthair is not just an ordinary member of the cat fraternity. She is a historical and legendary creature on Earth.

Over time, plush kittens turn into noble, sedate and majestic cats, deserving a place on the virtual throne among all domestic four-legged animals.

People's sympathy for short-haired pets from Britain does not require proof. It is unconditional and limitless. And the great thing is that this love is mutual. The British cat went through considerable trials, but its representatives faithfully and devotedly remained close to humans. To this day, they continue to decorate homes with their presence, giving adults and children a lot of positive emotions.

Easy care, excellent character and healthy genetics are excellent reasons for owning a handsome thoroughbred.

Kitten toilet

In this matter you need to be persistent and patient .
The kitten needs to choose the most secluded place, for example, a bathroom or toilet. It is important that the toilet is not located near the place where the cat rests and eats. In the tray, which is selected according to the size of the cat, you need to pour a few centimeters of litter for toilets. It must be replaced frequently as it is used. It is better to wash the tray using baby soap and a sponge. If a small pet cannot immediately get used to the tray, under no circumstances should you shout or scold him. You need to put the tray in the place where it “shits” and gradually move the tray closer to the place that you have allocated for it.

The British Fold kitten does not require much hassle in keeping and caring for itself. And if you follow the simple rules of keeping it, the kitten will be active, healthy and will bring a lot of positive emotions to its owner.

British fold kittens

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