28 Facts You Should Know About Bengal Cats

I'll introduce you to a cat

This is Mitski, my charcoal Bengal son.
Mitski is 1 year and 4 months old. Some have known it for a long time, while others are seeing it for the first time. I thought it would be useful to share the experience of friendship between a person and a Bengal cat.

My love for cats is the same, but still, we thought that we wanted to see a new family member like us, so we settled on the Bengal breed.

I wanted the cat to be active and to have fun with him.

Cuddling is a favorite pastime, so I imagined a large cat so that I could calmly drown in his arms.

Sometimes the feeling of loneliness does not leave for several days. Bengals are cats that love to be in company, they cannot stand long separation and follow everywhere. These features of the Bengal cat are the cutest.

Such similarity forced us to choose this breed. Cats are very smart, kind and talkative.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Bengal kitten

Photo 2. Two cats with a beautiful fur coat

Photo 3. Cat on a walk

Photo 4. Light coat color

Photo 5. Pet on vacation

Photo 6. Interesting charcoal color

Features of the Bengal cat breed:

The wild Bengal cat is the predecessor of this breed. Some people believe that the domestic Bengal came from a cross between a leopard and a regular cat, but this is not true. Color is an external sign by which origin is incorrectly judged. The Far Eastern cat (or dwarf cat) is a wild animal that belongs to the subfamily of small cats. This also includes caracal, serval, cheetah, lynx, pumas, etc.

A long body, tall stature, well-developed muscles, elongated hind legs, spotted and sparkling fur are the external description of Bengals. Despite their grace and love of freedom, cats are affectionate and kind. They happily communicate, get to know each other and make new friends. They run after their person and help him get things done.

The weight of a Bengal cat is about 5-7 kg. They eat a lot and spend energy on their favorite outdoor games. The height of a Bengal cat is from 25 to 33 cm. In terms of size, it is classified as a large cat.


Breeds that have been developed by many other species are often prone to certain genetic diseases. In general, we can say about these cats that they are strong and healthy animals, but they are prone to certain ailments. The most common among them are:

  • heart disease – hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • luxation of the patella;
  • nervous system disorder - distal neuropathy.

Neutering a Bengal cat

A Bengal cat needs to be neutered in the same way as other furry cats: after puberty. This usually happens at 6 – 8 months (so the answer to the question: “when to castrate a Bengal cat” is individual for everyone). Before operations, you need to firmly make sure that the cat is completely healthy, so as not to cause serious complications later.

My cat had a hard time recovering from anesthesia after surgery. He couldn’t get to the toilet and could barely move his paws for 24 hours. When we brought Mitski home, he was not sleeping and could not sleep due to the aching pain. Only when the cat climbed onto my lap did he close his eyes and fall asleep. I had to sit in one position for several hours to make him feel better. During times of stress and pain, cats need warmth and support. I love my stinker very much, so I gave him a good rest and recuperation.

How to educate?

Adaptation to a new home and new living conditions is always considered quite difficult for any animal, especially for a kitten separated from its mother

After buying a little Bengal, it is very important to surround your pet with care and attention - the kitten should feel protected and surrounded by loving people. It’s quite simple - you just need to follow a few rules, and then the adaptation and training of the Bengal will take more than a month

On the very first day of your baby’s stay in a new place, you don’t need to constantly pick him up and offer him active games, you shouldn’t scare him. The baby must get used to the new habitat and sniff. For the first few hours, it is best to leave the animal alone and let him decide where to sit, where to go and how to spend his day.

At this moment, it is advisable to limit the space for adaptation within the boundaries of one room; a Bengali should discover all new horizons not immediately, but gradually. In the room prepared for him, you should install a bowl of food, a drinking bowl, a sleeping place, a house and a tray. Keep in mind that you should accustom your kitten to order from the very first days - after that it will be too late to do this.

Naturally, a kitten at this age is not yet accustomed to the litter box and can act out at any time. There is no need to shout at him, swear, poke him with his nose, or even spank him - training an animal to use the tray should be done calmly, so that the pet is not afraid of the owner, but understands him.

It is extremely important to arrange your own separate place for the baby - this can be a small mattress or a cat house, always in a quiet corner. Take a closer look at the animal - usually he himself chooses the place he likes, and all you have to do is arrange a sleeping area there

The choice of a kitten can be the most unexpected - some sleep with their owners, others - under the radiator, behind the TV or on the windowsill.

During the first time the Bengal is in the house, you should exclude any loud sounds, music and other factors that may frighten the cat. The more comfortable the environment, the faster he can get used to it. If there are other pets living in the apartment, then you need to get to know them gradually and very delicately. Do not forget that any animal is initially jealous of the accession of new pets, so contact with dogs or other cats should be strictly under the control of the owner.

Be sure to remove all sharp and dangerous objects. Out of habit, the baby can get hurt, and this will most likely lead to strong aggression in the pet.

Raising a kitten is impossible without establishing a trusting relationship - play with it more often, take care of it, be sure to reward it for correct behavior and call it by name

The pet should feel your constant care and realize its importance in the house. Bengals are incredibly sensitive, they easily read the intonation of their owners and even understand the meaning of individual words.

Bengal content

Now let's calculate how much is spent on needs.

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