The phenomenon of different eyes Various eyes as a phenomenon has a scientific name - heterochromia (from the Greek heteros
October 25, 2018 If a kitten refuses dry food, then it is extremely rare that there is a problem -
What will you learn from the article Types of cat food Felix (Felix) Pros: Cons: What kind of food
There is an opinion that the steppe cat is one of the very first representatives of cats. It is believed that
People at all times have been touched by one species of animal of the cat family, be it representatives
Cats, both purebred and mongrel, are predators by nature. They have everything you need
Pets are susceptible to illnesses just like people. Eye diseases in cats -
Veterinary specialists in clinical practice often encounter various diseases that affect the skin of pets.
08/31/2015 Category: Pets Author: Natalya Ivantsova Cats are very affectionate and kind creatures. They are already
17852Administration Often, discharge from a cat on the outer labia is not considered normal and