dream red cat
Why do you dream of a red kitten: complete interpretation from dream books
Felines appear in night visions to warn the sleeper about all sorts of troubles. Little fluffy balls
Diaphragmatic hernia, hiatal hernia
Signs Diagnosis Treatment The diaphragm is the muscular partition between the chest and abdominal cavity.
Jacobs disease in cats
A cat's lower lip is swollen: causes and treatment methods
Having noticed a small ulcer in the area of ​​the upper or lower lip of his pet, the owner rarely
Asian tabby
History of the Asian Tabby Breed The Asian Tabby originated in England. Its origin story began in
How to transport a cat on a train: detailed instructions and basic rules
Legislative regulation If you are not allowed on a train with an animal, two points are considered.
Hidden danger or why you shouldn’t hug cats
Is it possible to hug cats and cats in principle? The answer is simple - of course, you can
Blue British
British Shorthair cat: all about the breed, photo
Country of origin Great Britain Dimensions weight – 5-9 kg, height – 30-45 cm, body length
Cats sniffing each other Photo
Scabies in cats and cats - what it looks like, symptoms and signs of the disease, what medications to treat scabies in a cat
Among various health problems, scabies in cats occupies a special place. Complex of dermatological pathologies
A cat bleeds after castration: causes, dangers, first aid
Every day, in all veterinary clinics, more than one thousand operations to castrate pets are performed.
Osteochondrodysplasia of Scottish cats: symptoms, treatment, prognosis
Dangerous osteochondrodysplasia of Scottish fold cats is not a death sentence!
Symptoms and signs Scottish Fold kittens are resistant to hereditary diseases, develop well, are playful and
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