Pros and cons of Now food as the basis of a cat's diet

  • Posted by Maria
  • Date: August 31, 2018

Nowadays, most owners feed their pets with industrial food, because natural food for animals is not table scraps, but a large amount of meat, issued according to strict rules, plus special additives. Dry food is not only convenient, but should theoretically provide the animal with all the necessary substances. But this cannot be said about every food.

  • 2 Composition analysis
    2.1 Table: comparison of the required amount of nutrients in the diet of adult cats and kittens and the content of these substances in Now food
  • 2.2 Video: review of Now food
  • 3 Feed evaluation
      3.1 Feedback from cat owners
  • 4 Cost of feed
  • What is Now food?

    Today there are several classes of food on sale: economy, premium, super premium and holistic. The difference between them concerns primarily price and composition. Now food is a representative of the holistic class.

    Now is produced by the Canadian company Petcurean pet nutrition, which is also the author of three other lines of holistic food: Go, Gather and Summit.

    The Petcurean website contains information about the company and its products

    There are several types of food in the Now line for cats:

    • Now kitten - for kittens from 5 weeks to one year, it can also be given to pregnant and lactating cats. It is prepared using fresh meat and contains sufficient amounts of Omega 3 and 6 fats;
    • Now Fresh Adult - for adult cats;
    • Now Fish is a food for cats with sensitive digestion, which contains three types of fish and fresh vegetables. The cat's body always reacts very well to it;
    • Now Senior - food for cats over 7 years old. Its composition is aimed at maintaining a healthy weight in older cats prone to weight gain and neutered cats. It has reduced fat content and increased the percentage of fiber for better digestion.

    The Petcurean website presents the entire line of cat food

    You can also choose the composition of the food - with poultry (turkey and duck) or fish (salmon and trout).

    NOW Fresh cat food review

    NOW Fresh cat food is a holistic cat food produced by Petcurean in Canada.
    The motto of this brand is “Minimum processing - maximum benefit.” The main part of the food is fresh boneless meat (no by-products). High standards and strict enforcement combined with class guarantee the highest quality. If you have any doubts about whether you can feed your cat only dry food, you definitely can. [adsense]

    Other holistic foods:

    • Applaws cat food - review and testimonials (UK);
    • Acana cat food - reviews and review (Canadian);
    • Grandorf cat food - reviews, composition, price (Belgian).

    Composition of Now cat food

    Let's look at the composition of Now food using the Fresh Grain Free Kitten option (for kittens) as an example. The first ingredient is turkey fillet. Other sources of protein include fresh whole eggs, salmon fillet, and duck fillet. Since there are no rich sources of plant proteins, it is likely that almost all of the 33% protein indicated in the analysis comes from meat.

    The food is grain-free, so the sources of carbohydrates are potatoes and peas. The cat's body will obtain fatty acids from canola oil and coconut oil. It also contains a lot of vegetables, fruits, berries and various additives that act as sources of certain nutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.).

    Now Fresh food contains natural flavoring and a natural antioxidant (dry rosemary).

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Among the advantages of this brand of food:

    • high quality natural ingredients;
    • very rich composition, has everything cats and cats need;
    • no artificial flavors or preservatives;
    • completely grain-free composition;
    • fresh fruits, vegetables and berries (natural sources of vitamins).

    Disadvantages of NOW food:

    • Not available in all pet stores, but you can definitely buy it online;
    • quite high price (you have to pay for quality).

    Composition analysis

    A food that claims to be in the holistic class must have an impeccable composition. Let's look at the ingredients of Now Adult food.

    • Like all cat food from this company, it is grain-free. This sets them apart from products from other manufacturers. Even Hills and Royal Canin recommended by veterinarians always contain corn and corn starch or flour in the first place. Since cats are carnivores, they do not need grain crops at all. Moreover, their intestines are shorter than those of herbivores and are not designed to digest such food, so cats may become constipated from a large amount of grain in their food;
    • Like all Now foods, it does not contain gluten and chicken - the two foods that most often cause allergies in cats;
    • Turkey fillet comes first in this food; trout, salmon and herring fillets take the first place in Now Fish food. During production, raw meat was used, and not “dehydrated animal proteins”, as in lower-class feeds, which can mean any by-products and waste;
    • the next places are occupied by potatoes and peas, which are sources of carbohydrates, that is, energy for the animal;
    • Next comes canola oil - it is obtained from rapeseed seeds of the Canola variety. It is a source of Omega-3 and Omega-6, as well as vitamin E. A little further in the composition is coconut oil, which is valuable for the same ingredients. Moreover, it should be noted that the oils are preserved in a natural way, without the use of chemicals;
    • Also, the top five ingredients include eggs, which are highly recommended to be included in a cat’s diet. Along with meat and fish, they are a source of protein, and essential amino acids are necessary for animal health. Phosphorus, calcium and magnesium contained in eggs have a beneficial effect on joints, bones and blood vessels. This is especially useful for the growing organism of large breed cats;
    • towards the end of the composition there are vegetables and fruits, among which there are many exotic ingredients such as papaya, pineapple and grapefruit. In the wild, cats naturally do not eat these fruits. There will be no harm from these products in the composition, especially since they are contained there in minute quantities, but perhaps a certain amount of vitamins will enter the animal’s body;
    • Taurine is an amino acid that cats primarily obtain from meat. Strengthens the immune system, improves vision and coat condition, normalizes the functioning of the liver, kidneys and heart;
    • aitamines A, E, C, D-3 and group B, minerals;
    • L-Lysine is another amino acid that strengthens the immune system, musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system;
    • chicory is a source of oligosaccharides that promote the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines;
    • dried seaweed is a source of iodine and has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and metabolism. However, do not forget that algae can change the color of the fur. If you notice that your cat has turned brown, it is better to avoid food containing algae or liver. Although this is more relevant for breeders whose cats participate in exhibitions, owners of light-colored cats are also unlikely to like this effect;
    • Yucca Schidigera extract is added to reduce the smell of cat waste products;
    • Rosemary extract is a natural preservative.

    Meat comes first in Now adults food

    Below the composition on the package is an analysis of the ingredients.

    • proteins - 31%. Growing cats need 30% protein, adults 25–30%. An increased amount can put too much strain on the kidneys, so there is no need to strive for a high percentage of protein in the feed;
    • fats - 18%. Adult cats need approximately 15–20% fat, young cats - 20%. No longer necessary to avoid gaining excess weight.
    • Fiber - 2.5%. Cats need approximately 3% fiber in their food. Older cats and animals suffering from excess weight and constipation need higher amounts of it;
    • humidity - 10%. Don't forget that dry food's own moisture content will never be enough! A cat sitting on a drying mat should always have access to water. If your animal does not recognize liquid, then you can soak the dry food with water, obtaining some kind of canned food;
    • ash - 6.5%. When they see the word “ash”, many buyers think that the food is of poor quality, since waste is added to it. In fact, the ash content of the feed shows the content of inorganic substances in the feed, that residue that does not burn, that is, minerals;
    • phosphorus, magnesium, taurine, fatty acids, lactobacilli - all these are useful substances.

    Table: comparison of the required amount of nutrients in the diet of adult cats and kittens and the content of these substances in Now food

    IngredientsNutrition for an adult catKitten nutritionFeed Now
    Total proteinat least 30%no less than 34%31%
    Common fatsat least 18%at least 20%18%
    Total fiberno more than 5%no more than 3%2,5%
    Humidityno more than 10%no more than 10%10%
    Ashno more than 6%no more than 6%6,5%
    Magnesiumno more than 0.09%no more than 0.1%0,09%
    Taurinenot less than 0.19%not less than 0.18%0,24%
    Fatty acidnot less than 3.5%not less than 3.5%0,45%

    Video: Now food review

    Conclusions about NOW Fresh food

    Reviews about Now cat food are overwhelmingly positive, and its composition does not raise any complaints. Therefore, the Murlo website can recommend it as the main diet for your cats.

    Price of Now Fresh cat food

    • Dry cat food Now Fresh 0.23 kg - about 260 rubles;
    • Now Fresh dry food for cats 1.82 kg - from 1520 to 1730 rubles;
    • Dry cat food Nau 3.63 kg - from 2250 to 2540 rubles;
    • Dry food Nau Fresh for cats 7.26 kg - from 3800 to 4260 rubles.

    NOW cat food can be purchased at these prices as of spring 2022. Although the prices indicated are indicative and may differ depending on the store and option.

    Feed evaluation


    • Meat is in first place, and not in the form of dehydrated proteins, but fillet. As stated on the packaging, the meat was raised without added hormones;
    • there are no grains, but fiber is present, which should have a beneficial effect on digestion;
    • an adult cat weighing three to four kilograms needs only 40–55 g of food per day, which, firstly, indicates a fairly high protein content in it, and secondly, it is economical;
    • contains useful vitamins and microelements; contains essential amino acids;
    • balanced in composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
    • natural preservatives, does not contain impurities and pests;
    • the taste of the food will not deteriorate by the end of its shelf life;
    • quite widespread;
    • Competitive price - on par with premium foods and cheaper than many other holistic foods.


    • contains pesticides in trace (extremely insignificant) quantities;
    • flavorings are present.

    Veterinarians' opinions on Now food vary widely. Some say they are too high in fruits and vegetables for a cat's diet, but others recommend this food to their patients and give it to their cats themselves. Most experts agree that Now foods are well balanced and can be the basis of a cat's diet.

    Personally, I have twice encountered a sharply negative attitude towards holistics in general and Now food in particular. One veterinarian argued that holistic foods are not subject to such aggressive processing as other foods, and due to this they contain hormones and antibiotics. However, Now does not contain hormones, and gentle processing allows you to retain more nutrients. Another veterinarian said that according to her personal statistics, cats whose owners feed them holistic food are more likely to develop urolithiasis, but there was no evidence or scientific explanation for this.

    There are definitely more advantages. Does this mean that the food is useful for absolutely all cats without exception? Of course not, animals with liver, kidney or intestinal diseases, as well as individual intolerance to some components, should eat food specially selected by a veterinarian.

    Feedback from cat owners

    I noticed that the cat eats more of this food. She asks less and doesn’t pester everyone around her)) After a month of using the food, her fur became as if it were plush. Everyone who knows my cat has noticed improvements in her fur.


    We have been feeding on it from the very beginning (about a year), when it first appeared in Russia. Before this we tried all the holistic methods. At the moment I don’t want to change anything. The wool is super!!!


    My cat really likes the food, she has been eating it with an enviable appetite for several years now. I often hear that cats find Now Natural appetizing. It smells really delicious - for cats, and very strong.

    Olga Leprechaun

    Now cat food - reviews

    Elena writes about NAU Natural food (Now Fresh) Hi all! Before this food I tried two options, but they didn’t work - the little one had problems with the toilet. When we tried Now food, our digestion returned to normal and no more problems! The cat eats the food appetizingly, is in excellent health - has good fur, is active, and is growing before our eyes. I buy food in an online store; our supermarkets only have Whiskas, but there is no pet store nearby. Excellent health to your pets, and I recommend Now food!


    Review of NOW cat food, written by Marina from Moscow. I used to buy many different brands, even or by reading the ingredients, but somehow I read an article on the Internet about classes of cat food. After reading the ingredients on the packaging of those foods, I was horrified that my cat could even walk after such diets. After that, I feed Romka (that’s my cat’s name) only good food. At first I tried the Acana brand, but the cat didn’t eat it very willingly. When the packaging ran out, I decided to try another one - NOW Senior.

    This brand is only available in a few places in the city, but you can go for good food. I am very pleased with the composition - all natural. With this food, the cat has become more active, they even bought a laser to play with him - he runs after him like he was shot))) Also in Romki, the fur has improved and the poop no longer has such a terrible smell. By the way, NOW food sells out much slower than the cheap ones I used to buy, so as a result the price is not as much higher as it seems.

    Interesting things about cats:

    • The smartest cats in the world (top 10 breeds with photos and interesting facts);
    • Neva Masquerade cat photo and price (+ video, character, care);
    • Photos of Maine Coon cats (as well as description, video, care).

    Review of NOW Natural food , writes Inna. I've been looking for good food for my cat for a long time. First I tried Royal Canin, Pronature, then 1st Choice and Acana. The last two were suitable, but in the first I didn’t really like the presence of a preservative in the composition, and somehow the second was not in the store, the saleswoman recommended taking NOW Natural as an alternative. A large package lasts for more than two months, the cat eats about 50 grams a day (we even bought a special cup to measure portions). Health is excellent, the cat is active and her weight is fine. In general, I recommend the food.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    For such nutrition, only selected products are used.
    Now holistic food for cats has the following advantages:

    • High quality components.
    • High content of substances useful for cats.
    • No grains that can cause allergies.
    • Natural preservatives.

    Among the disadvantages, veterinarians see the content of tomatoes in the Nau Natural food, which contain solanine, which is toxic to cats. It is not recommended to give food to your pet in large quantities due to the content of broccoli, since the vegetable contains isothiocyanates that are harmful to the animal’s body. It is also questionable to include peas in the composition, which causes bloating in the cat. If problems still arise due to the food, you can replace it with Go.

    ( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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