Do cats fart: the structure of internal organs, features of the stomach, choice of food and explanations from the veterinarian

People pass gas from time to time, and this is considered normal. Gas formation occurs in the intestines of animals, as in humans. What are the features of this process? Is it typical for cats? Can they fart? How often do you pass gas and what should it normally smell like? What can cause increased gas formation in a kitten or adult animal? Is it dangerous? What to do if your pet constantly farts?

Do they fart or not?

Owners often have a question: “Can cats fart?” Cats fart, and this is a completely normal process of life. However, this happens very rarely. If your cat farts too often, you should pay attention to your pet's health.

During the digestion of food, gases are formed in the cat's intestines. Gases can also form in the stomach due to the action of carbohydrates. Unlike dogs, cats can form a sufficient amount of carbohydrates themselves. Therefore, their increased content in food can cause increased gas formation in the cat’s stomach.

Reasons for cats damaging flowers

Cats can chew flowers either when they are completely isolated from the street or when they have free access to walks. This factor is practically irrelevant regarding damage to plants on windowsills by cats.

The main reasons why a cat eats indoor flowers are as follows:

play - by nature, cats are very inquisitive, and therefore, if a plant interests them, they begin to play with it. First, pets touch the flower with their paw, and then with their tooth.

If this does not cause any unpleasant sensations, then the cat, playing with the plant as prey, begins to torment it and gnaw the leaves; attempts to attract attention are not uncommon; when an animal lacks attention from its owner, it, like small children, tries to do something for which it is scolded, as this forces the person to pay attention to their four-legged friend. Attention deficit is a common reason why a cat eats flowers and at the same time in front of the owner; indigestion - outdoor cats can eat grass, but domestic cats begin to chew on indoor plants due to the fact that they need to stimulate their intestines

Its slow peristalsis not only causes constipation, but also threatens the appearance of obstruction, which poses a threat to the life of the cat; cleansing from parasites - flowers, when a cat eats them in large quantities, act on the stomach as a stimulant of vomiting. In this case, together with the contents of the stomach, worm eggs and the parasites themselves are removed from the body; lack of vitamins in the body - the cat will not wait for vitamin deficiency to go too far and cause disruption in the functioning of internal organs. Nature tells the animal that it needs to restore the level of essential substances in the body, and therefore the pet begins to actively eat flowers; mental disorders in which the cat has a desire to chew everything, including plants. At the same time, the cat begins to eat ropes, rags and other things that are not suitable for food. Plants in such a situation are simply one of the components of the pet’s strange menu. In this case, the animal develops intestinal obstruction, and without treatment the cat dies.

It is also worth considering that there are certain plants that cats love, such as valerian and catnip. They attract animals like a drug, and they will not leave the plant until they completely eat it. Since such flowers are not grown on windowsills, the problem usually arises in free-roaming cats.

Why does a cat fart?

A phenomenon that is perceived from people with hostility, misunderstanding, and sometimes with concern for their health, is perceived with affection from cute pets. When a cat farts, we even want to laugh. But why does a cat fart? Perhaps there is no reason to laugh, but is this a warning to us, the owners, that the animal is not in good health? Or is the problem not so serious that you need to worry about it? Let's look at the reasons why a cat farts. And we will understand how to act and what the cat needs.

Kitten farts a lot

Sometimes kittens fart a lot, especially young kittens who are just starting to switch to wet food or switching from milk to food. Learning how to eat a new food usually causes cats to swallow too much air, which turns into gas in their stomach.

However, excessive farting outside of these normal transitions may be a cause for concern. If your kitten starts farting a lot, you can check his diet to make sure it doesn't include dairy products.

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It is also not recommended to give your kitten milk, as lactose intolerance increases rapidly in cats. Cow's milk also doesn't provide a good balance of nutrients and fats for growing kittens, which can cause them to gain too much weight and have other health problems besides farting.

Excessive farting in your kitty may also mean there is too much fiber in their diet, which can often be corrected by switching to a different brand of food.

The last common reason why a kitten farts is digestive problems. They range from digestive disorders to food allergies and can usually only be diagnosed and properly treated by a qualified veterinarian. If you suspect your kitten is having digestive problems or is farting too much, it is important to take him to the vet as soon as possible.

These problems may be more important if your cat farts frequently and also suffers from diarrhea or constipation. You should take your cat to the vet immediately if she experiences these symptoms, especially if they also seem uncomfortable.

Danger of flatulence

Bloating, excessive formation and accumulation of gases can cause flatulence. If a cat hiccups, farts, or belches, we can conclude that there is a malfunction in the digestive system. Due to flatulence, a cat may begin to vomit, diarrhea, cramps, and the abdominal wall may be deformed, which is very dangerous for the animal’s body.

If a cat with such problems continues to eat food, this leads to its incomplete digestion. Food gets stuck in the intestines and begins to rot. The result of this may be intoxication of the animal's body. If your cat's farts smell rotten, this is an important reason to immediately contact a veterinarian.

Diseases leading to flatulence

Unfortunately, the problem of frequent farting in a cat cannot always be solved by simply changing its diet. If you have serious health problems, you cannot do without treatment.

Flatulence can be caused by diseases such as inflammation and intestinal cancer, viruses and parasites in the intestines, intestinal obstruction, and pancreatic diseases.

If the cat begins to suffer from pain when touching the abdomen, bloating, loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting, a visit to the veterinarian should not be postponed. In addition, the owner should be alert to bloody feces and severe salivation.

The fact that a cat has serious health problems is indicated by its behavior, weakness, dullness and even hair loss, and not just flatulence and unpleasant odors. These symptoms are enough to take the animal to the veterinary clinic.

When to go to the vet

If your cat farts frequently and there is an unpleasant odor from the gases, then this is a good reason to visit the veterinary clinic. Self-medication in this case will do more harm than good. Without diagnostics and tests, it is difficult to determine the source of dysfunction and select medications.

Veterinarians advise not to ignore flatulence in pets: it is better to be safe than to carry out long-term therapy for a sick pet. If a cat farts once, then this is a normal reaction of her body; with prolonged gas formation, professional help is needed.

What is it like for a cat without fur?

Wild cats are clear on this issue. They either live in warm regions, or are equipped with dense wool with abundant undercoat. But how are things going with domestic “mini-lions”? The fashionable breeds today are Sphynxes - hairless cats that do not have any fur. Their skin is warm or even hot to the touch, and their body temperature is quite high by human standards.

Despite the lack of a fur coat, sphinxes tolerate the cold quite well - it is still their natural origin that affects them, and not the result of genetic engineering. However, you should not test their strength and let them go for a walk in the cold. If the cat likes to go for walks, then it is recommended to dress him in clothes; this should also be done after bathing the pet and when it is cool in the house.

How can you understand that the Sphinx is freezing? Your paws began to tremble, your ears became cold, which means it’s time to end your walk. No matter how warm a sweater or overalls are, it cannot completely replace a natural “fur coat,” and a naked pet begins to freeze faster than cats with fur.

At what temperature does a hairless cat begin to freeze? Already at +10°C the pet feels uncomfortable, let alone at sub-zero temperatures.

The structure of the digestive system

The digestive system of cats consists of the oral cavity, pharynx, stomach, small and large intestines. The pancreas, duodenum and gallbladder also take part in the digestion process.

An adult cat has 30 teeth in its mouth. The tongue is covered with small, rough papillae, thanks to which the cat can lap up all sorts of liquids. Thanks to saliva, the digestion process begins in the oral cavity. Next, the cat pushes food into the esophagus, which can stretch if necessary.

The food then enters the stomach, where it is digested with the help of gastric juice. From the stomach, food enters the small intestine, where it is finally digested with the help of a pancreatic enzyme.

The processed compressed waste is excreted through the large intestine. It also serves to form beneficial microorganisms and bacteria.

Diagnostic methods

To detect cancer of the digestive tract, laboratory tests and instrumental diagnostics are used.
In many ways, the examination plan depends on the location, size and type of cancer. Most gastrointestinal tumors do not have specific tumor markers that detect cancer at an early stage, so the doctor takes into account the first signs in adults, typical complaints and data obtained from imaging. Typically, tumors are first discovered during endoscopic examination (fibrogastroscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy), supplementing the study by taking a biopsy of a suspicious area with histological, genetic and histochemical tests.

Features of the stomach

A cat's stomach is single-chamber. The inside is lined with a mucous membrane that produces gastric juice. There are two openings from the stomach: one opens into the esophagus, and the other opens into the small intestine.

The cat's stomach serves to store food and control the rate at which food enters the intestines and secretes enzymes necessary for the digestion process. Mixing and grinding of food occurs in it. With muscle movements, it directs food into the small intestine.

When food enters the stomach, its bottom relaxes to reduce intragastric pressure. The smell and taste of food causes the secretion of gastric juice. Digested food is sent to the intestines, and its undigested part remains in the stomach. The more caloric a food is, the slower it is digested.

Normal or pathological?

So, the dog is chewing grass because there is something wrong with his stomach or intestines. Maybe the day before guests came to your house and fed your dog sausage, or the children gave your pet a couple of candies. Maybe the hooligan stole something from a bucket or picked it up on the street. And the next day the dog eats grass and burps, suffers from vomiting and/or diarrhea. Run to the doctor?

Again, depending on the circumstances. If the dog has vomited or become weak once, but otherwise everything is unchanged - active, good appetite, normal temperature, good reactions, etc. - give your pet a charcoal tablet or a spoonful of enterosgel. These products will safely bind toxins and gently remove them from the body. But if your dog constantly eats grass several times a week, be sure to get tested. Perhaps the culprit is an incorrect diet. Maybe it’s a chronic illness that is not yet aggravated by obvious symptoms.

How do gases form in the intestines of animals, does this happen in cats?

Gas is a byproduct of digestion. They are formed in the intestines of every animal and are the result of the vital activity of bacteria in the intestines. During the digestion of food, microorganisms secrete enzymes that convert the substances absorbed from it into vitamins and other components necessary for the body.

In the process of breaking down food by anaerobic bacteria, a certain amount of gases is formed, which are partially absorbed by them and partially remain in the intestines. If the animal’s body functions without failures, a small amount is absorbed into the bloodstream, while most leaves the body through the rectum.

These substances consist of:

  • oxygen;
  • nitrogen;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • hydrogen;
  • a small amount of methane.

The components of intestinal gases are odorless. It appears due to substances containing sulfur, which are secreted by bacteria that live in the large intestine. Cats, like any other animal, produce gases in their bodies.

Why does the kitten fart so much?

A small amount of gas every now and then is standard for most cats, so it may not be too much of a concern if you start noticing your kitty farting from time to time. We've all been there, the kitten doesn't react well to a new food and the litter box has a bit of an extra stench. But if your kitten seems to be constantly farting, it could be much more worrisome. So now you're wondering why does my kitty fart so much?

Your kitten farts so much because she swallows too much air while eating. The air passes through their intestines and turns into gas. Other common problems include dairy-based foods, possible hairballs, or kitten foods that have too much fiber in their diet.

All of these problems can lead to excessive gas, but there are other causes as well.

Possible causes of flatulence

If you are wondering “do cats fart”, then you are probably interested in the reason for this phenomenon. The reason for the increased formation of gases in the stomach can be a sudden transition of the animal to another food. It is worth remembering that if an animal eats one type of dry food, then abruptly switching it to another can be very harmful to the body. New food should be introduced into the diet gradually so that the body gets used to it.

Another reason may be swallowing air while eating. This is due to the fact that the cat's bowl is too low or high, which is why the animal is forced to take an uncomfortable position while eating. Rapid absorption of food can also lead to swallowing air: this is typical for kittens and young individuals.

The increased content of carbohydrates in food is one of the main reasons for the formation of gases in the stomach. Flatulence is also possible as a result of an allergic reaction to some food component. Very allergenic are cheap foods that contain a large number of various chemical additives that cause addiction in the animal.

Increased gas formation can be caused by inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines. Congenital pathologies or injuries received during life can disrupt the functioning of the digestive system.

A common cause of flatulence in street animals is viral infection. Another reason for increased gas formation can be dysbacteriosis. A change in the number of microorganisms in the stomach can occur after an animal takes antibiotics or due to inflammatory processes in the body.


Preventive measures should be aimed at preventing the causes of increased gas formation.

Preventive actions:

  1. Adjusting the diet, switching to food with less fiber.
  2. Gradual transfer to another type of nutrition.
  3. Gradual introduction of a new brand of food.
  4. Reducing the volume of a single portion while increasing the frequency of feeding.
  5. Encouraging your pet's active lifestyle.
  6. Eliminate competition during feeding.
  7. Create a quiet, isolated environment for each animal to eat.
  8. Switch to high-protein brands of food with a low percentage of carbohydrates.
  9. Keep garbage out of reach of cats.
  10. Self-walking ban. Controlling what your cat picks up on the street.
  11. Excluding foods that cause increased gas formation from the cat's diet.
  12. To prevent the accumulation of bezoars in the cat's intestines, regularly feed the animal malt paste.
  13. Follow your veterinarian's recommended deworming schedule.

What foods should not be included in a cat's diet?

Eliminate these foods from your cat's diet to prevent flatulence.

  1. Milk. One of the most common misconceptions about cat nutrition is that they all need to drink milk. This is wrong! Many cats are lactose intolerant. Milk intolerance in cats increases with age. Milk can cause stomach upset and excessive gas build-up in your pet's intestines.
  2. Dairy products. Cheeses, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, kefir can cause flatulence, since the cat’s body is not able to properly process and assimilate such complex products.
  3. Canned fish. Canned tuna and other fish can cause serious health problems for your pet, including poisoning. Canned fish causes the smell of animal urine and feces to change to unpleasant.
  4. Garlic. Garlic is famous for its excellent anthelmintic effect, but it should not be given to cats in any form. Garlic can cause a number of health problems for your cat, so avoid getting it in your pet's food.
  5. Cereal products. Do not forget that cats are carnivores and they should eat mainly meat. A diet high in wheat, corn and soy is irritating to cats' digestive systems and is very difficult to digest.
  6. Fat and fatty foods. Cats should eat lean meat, not fat trimmings. Therefore, no fat in your pet’s diet, because fatty foods cause indigestion and flatulence.
  7. Bread and bakery products. Yeast, which is found in baked goods, is also dangerous to the health of cats. Yeast causes fermentation and excessive gas production, which distends the cat's stomach.
  8. Food that has expired. Avoid feeding your cats table scraps and especially stale food. What can harm your health will also harm the health of your pet.

Problems with increased gas formation in most cases can be solved by reviewing the diet and diet, as well as being careful about what the cat eats. But if gas has become a chronic problem and is causing discomfort and suffering to your animal, do not delay a visit to the veterinarian.


What causes increased gas formation?

The following reasons will tell you why a cat farts and why the intestines do not function normally:

  • Individual intolerance. Allergies are associated with a negative reaction of the body to certain foods. Most often these are gluten, milk sugar, and artificial ingredients in dry and liquid food. A striking example is budget food. Cheap formulations add elements that cause addiction in the animal, which then farts, suffers from gas and colic.
  • Constipation. If a pet cannot empty its intestines or fart, this will inevitably lead to gas formation and other processes that cause discomfort to the cat.
  • Limitation of intestinal functions. The pathology of the inability of the intestines to process food is most often a congenital problem. Other factors include injury or previous stomach illnesses. An accurate diagnosis can only be made with long-term observation by a doctor.
  • Dysbacteriosis. For normal functioning, the stomach and intestines will need positive microorganisms. Their deficiency leads to decreased immunity and problems with flatulence, when the animal farts constantly. Bacteria are destroyed due to active use of antibiotics or through toxicity.
  • Viral infection. If a cat goes outside and does this more than once a day, catching the virus is easier than ever. The most common is parvovirus, found in every second street reveler, for whom farting becomes the norm.
  • Inflammatory process. Diarrhea, vomiting, and bad breath will help identify the presence of inflammation. Flatulence in such diseases is a side effect, signaling that it is time for your pet to see a veterinarian.

In addition to diseases, you should also know about the natural reasons why a cat farts a lot.

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Firstly, this is an increased amount of carbohydrates in the body. According to regulations, food for adults should not contain more than 15% carbohydrate particles. Moreover, it is better if these are so-called fast carbohydrates, the digestion and processing of which will not cause problems in the intestines and will not lead to farting.

Secondly, we must not forget about the rules for organizing a place to eat for a cat. When the bowl is too low or high, the cat is forced into an awkward position. This leads to air entering the stomach and natural gas formation, farting. If an animal farts and constantly faces such problems, there is a high risk of critical disruption of digestive processes.

Those who skimp on pet food face this problem more often. The cat farts very often, which is a consequence of exposure to artificial ingredients and flavoring additives that negatively affect the stomach, intestines and the body as a whole. Branded formulations are prepared from natural meat and include the entire vitamin complex aimed at strengthening the immune system.

According to doctors' studies, the main reason that a furry animal farts is swallowing air. Diseases and poor quality of feed take second place. But flatulence is always an individual indicator, although in a healthy cat gases pass out within two hours after eating and in most cases unnoticed by others.

A cat may also swallow air due to its own clumsiness. This is a common problem for kittens who want to eat constantly and try to empty the bowl as quickly as possible. Young cats fart more often. A plastic ball will help moderate the ardor. In this case, the kitten will have to select food and move the ball with its nose, which will significantly slow down its eating.

Changing your diet

Improper feeding is one of the main sources of indigestion and gas in a cat. A lack or excess amount of food, an incorrectly selected diet, and eating waste from the master’s table provoke gastrointestinal dysfunction. Mature pets are in a subgroup at increased risk for the disease, and their weakened bodies require a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals.

Note! Good expensive food has a high price, but does not harm animals. They are categorized by age, activity level and body weight. They cannot overfeed or underfeed your furry pet.

Why are cheap options not suitable? They have added foreign components - legumes, soybeans, corn. For a carnivorous predator, they are foreign and are poorly digested in the gastrointestinal tract. Artificial flavor enhancers and other flavorings become a favorable source of proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

You cannot buy food according to your pet’s taste preferences. If earlier he avoided foods that were dangerous to health, now manufacturers manage to lull his vigilance with third-party additives. Inexpensive food is made from components that attract attention and interest the animal. The result of saving is a storm in the stomach due to active fermentation.

Manufacturers of branded mixtures indicate on the packaging the constituent ingredients: proteins, a mixture of poultry, beef, rabbit and other animals, vegetable fats. They do not contain soy, corn and other components that increase the weight of the feed.

Does my cat pass gas after feeding? They can be caused by disruption of the feeding schedule. Three meals a day are allowed; the best option is morning breakfast and evening dinner. If an animal has access to food all day, overeating results in flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms.

Important! A hungry pet is not able to patiently wait for the time when a careless owner remembers his responsibilities. He starts looking for food in trash cans, on the table, and tries to escape into the street. This behavior is not the result of curiosity, but a problem that leads to serious illness.

Hungry cats often look in the trash

What to do if a cat farts?

First of all, it is necessary to properly arrange the place for eating. The animal should have a relaxed posture while eating: do not pull its head too low or high, do not throw it to the side.

It is worth taking care of proper nutrition for your pet. Cheap food can be addictive in cats, and they also contain strong allergens. Problems can also arise when feeding an animal with natural food, because under no circumstances should you simply feed a cat fish or cutlets from the table. Natural food must be properly balanced.

If the above measures do not change the situation, and the cat still farts often, you should take him to the veterinarian. Don’t forget that timely measures can save your pet’s life.

Physical exercise

The health of not only humans, but also their pets depends on physical activity. Veterinarians recommend visiting a pet store and purchasing special devices that help cats diversify their dull pastime indoors.

The climbing structure is safe; individual models can be rebuilt according to the principle of a children's construction set. It will keep your pet occupied for many hours, will increase its agility, strength, and relieve excess weight.

Toys - mice, balls, bags of catnip - will allow the animal to realize its hunting instincts. Chasing the elusive ball will arouse interest and improve the functioning of internal organs. You should not purchase toys from dubious places; toys made from toxic substances or poorly processed with sharp seams can cause serious damage to health.

Every cat should have its own toys

Important! In the absence of free material resources, you can use tennis balls, golf balls, and ping pong balls as a simulator. The owner must be able to determine the appropriate size devices: the cat can swallow toys that are too small, or they will accidentally fall into the windpipe.

Clinical picture

Of course, when a cat constantly passes gas, the diagnosis is quite simple. But it’s still worth remembering that there are other clinical signs that directly indicate flatulence:

  • Vomit.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Rumbling in the stomach, also known as borborygmy. Occurs when intestinal gas bubbles begin to “roll” in the intestines.
  • Copious release of gases through the anus. Sometimes the smell is so strong that it is impossible to be in the same room with the animal.
  • Muscle spasms causing severe pain. It is impossible to touch the stomach of a sick cat, since the animal reacts to such attempts very inadequately and aggressively.

In addition, the stomach of a sick pet noticeably swells and feels like a drum . The muscles become very tense. The cat cannot lie or sit quietly, constantly fidgets, and sometimes howls in pain. A pet in this state refuses food, and thirst may persist.

When is grass dangerous?

There is nothing wrong with a dog wanting to chew grass. But this. only if you choose the right place for a walk. Everything that grows on the sides of roads, on lawns, accumulates a lot of toxins, heavy metals, and may contain excrement of sick animals. Plant leaves may contain parasites that can cause an infectious disease. When walking your pet in public gardens or on country lawns, you need to make sure that the vegetation on them is not treated with herbicides or pesticides. While walking in the forest or in a field, there is a chance that your pet will grab a poisonous plant and get poisoned.

Veterinarian advice

Veterinarians have concluded that the most common reason cats fart is swallowing air when eating. The second most important reason is poor quality feed. Economy-segment food is now widely available on the market, and many owners feed it to their pets, thereby causing severe harm to the body. Low-quality food is especially harmful for kittens: the animal’s body is not yet formed and it is very important that it receives all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

It is worth noting that various diseases are also a common cause of flatulence, which only a veterinarian can identify. You shouldn’t leave things to chance if you have doubts about your pet’s well-being.

At the appointment, the veterinarian must do an external examination and palpate the abdomen. The animal's blood should be taken for tests. An x-ray or ultrasound may also be needed. It is these actions that can help determine the cause of flatulence and take the necessary measures in time.

Why does the kitten fart?

We've already discussed some of the common reasons why kittens fart, but there's another reason worth touching on. If your cat is very young, especially if you rescued her or a cat who is separated from her mother too early, your kitten's farting may be explained by gut flora that is still setting up their digestive system.

Cats typically pass on some of their digestive bacteria during birth, nursing, grooming, and other grooming activities. But young cats may not immediately develop a full digestive flora, which can cause increased flatulence for a while until the right bacteria appear to colonize their intestines. This may be the reason why younger kittens fart frequently.

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However, it is still recommended that you take your kitten to the vet even if you suspect this is the cause of his farting, as your vet can give you some advice on how to support your cat and make sure she is still getting adequate nutrition. nutrition. Your veterinarian can also help rule out other, more problematic causes of excessive gas and farting in kittens.

Causes, symptoms and diagnosis

Having noticed that flatulence constantly bothers your cat, you should not go to extremes, come up with terrible diagnoses, and even less self-medicate. Let’s immediately say that flatulence can occur for hundreds of reasons; we will give the most common ones. So, increased gas production can be associated with a number of ailments or abnormalities in the body’s functioning:

  • Constipation - a cat cannot empty its intestines in a timely manner for some reason.
  • Allergies or individual intolerances – cats may be intolerant to certain substances, such as milk sugar or gluten. Against the background of immunity, a four-legged animal can happily consume harmful foods, and then suffer from gases.
  • The inability of the intestines to properly digest food can be due to a number of reasons, from paresis and insufficient peristalsis to metabolic disorders. Such a problem can only be identified by long-term monitoring of the condition of the cat.
  • Dysbacteriosis is a condition caused by an insufficient number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines of an animal. Friendly microorganisms may be destroyed by antibiotic treatment or replaced by other microorganisms.
  • Intestinal inflammation is infectious or bacterial - typical signs: diarrhea, vomiting, frequent belching, bad breath.
  • Intestinal viruses, such as parvovirus.
  • New growths in the intestines, including benign ones.
  • Other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to illness, flatulence can be associated with aspects of care. After analyzing the points below, you will understand why a cat farts:

  • A diet high in carbohydrates - the cat’s menu should contain fast carbohydrates, but according to generally accepted rules, no more than 13-20% of the total food (for adult cats).
  • Incorrect body position while eating food or water - when the bowl is low and uncomfortable and the cat has to take an unnatural position while eating, this leads to swallowing air. A similar situation occurs if the bowl slides on the floor while eating. A small amount of swallowed air is released in the form of belching. If a cat constantly swallows air, this leads to poor digestion and the development of severe flatulence.

The volume of accumulated gases is a very individual indicator. In some cats, flatulence is almost unnoticeable (gases pass for up to 2 hours), while for others it brings noticeable inconvenience: vomiting, diarrhea, severe gurgling in the intestines and, as a result, cramps. It has been established that the main factor in the development of flatulence is swallowing air, followed by swallowing food too quickly.

The problem of swallowing air can be solved relatively easily - purchase a non-slip mat or stand for the bowl. It is more difficult to fight flatulence if it is caused by the fermentation process. If you suspect that the cause of gas accumulation is insufficient quality care, you will find instructions for action in the next section.

If everything is fine with your diet and you are sure of it, you need to go to the clinic and conduct a series of examinations:

  • Examination of the cat and palpation of the peritoneum.
  • Complete blood test, including kidney and liver parameters.
  • Urine and stool analysis.
  • Ultrasound and, if necessary, X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity with contrast.

Before contacting the clinic, we recommend that you take a detailed history of the animal. Try to write down in detail everything related to the daily routine, diet, activity and characteristics of caring for your pet. Long-haired cats may suffer from hair clumping in the stomach, if you did not give your ward any preventive medications, this should be indicated in the anamnesis.

Bloating in a cat due to flatulence

So that you have no doubt that your cat really has flatulence and not some other disease, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the characteristic symptoms of this disorder. So, the cat behaves restlessly, meows pitifully and tries to attract your attention, or, on the contrary, hides in a dark corner and sits there, showing no signs of life.

How to deal with flatulence

If the cat owner is confident that he is buying high-quality food, monitoring the hygiene of the eating area and caring for the animal properly, he should contact a veterinarian. Experts will conduct a number of studies :

  • Visual inspection . The doctor palpates the peritoneum and examines the hair and body. Some neoplasms and the consequences of internal diseases appear on the coat, which loses its former fluffiness and shine.
  • Blood analysis . Helps clarify liver and kidney parameters, get an idea of ​​immunity and possible stomach problems. Along with this, stool and urine analysis is taken.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics . This includes an x-ray examination. It is necessary when there is a suspicion of third-party formations inside the abdominal cavity and intestines that interfere with bowel movements and contribute to constipation and gas formation.

Preliminary preparation will help make the veterinarian’s task easier and understand why the cat farts and passes gas. You should create a detailed daily routine, describe the activity and subtleties of caring for your pet. Long-haired cats require periodic brushing. When self-grooming, the pet swallows hair, which remains in the intestines and interferes with the natural processes of digestion.

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How to choose the right food?

A very common cause of flatulence is improperly selected food. Do not forget that a cat is not a person, and therefore you should not feed it from your table. The cat's food must be properly balanced and contain the required amount of vitamins and minerals. Premium species can boast of a good composition.

Cheap economy-class food most often does not contain normal meat, but includes by-products (production waste). In addition, they contain additives that are addictive.

If you decide to feed your cat natural food, you need to consult a veterinarian to create a properly balanced diet. It is worth remembering that a cat's diet should contain 35% protein, 35% carbohydrates and 30% fat. Cat food must contain meat and meat by-products, grains and vegetables. All this should be boiled and minced through a meat grinder into a homogeneous mass. You should use fish carefully, because its excess in the diet can cause urolithiasis, especially in sterilized animals.

Thus, the answer to the question “do cats fart” is clear: yes, they fart. And this is a completely normal process. However, do not forget that if a cat farts frequently, this is a good reason to consult a doctor.


Most often, increased gas formation is associated with errors in the cat’s diet. You need to feed her in small portions, fresh food. Correctly plan your pet’s diet or feed it with ready-made balanced food. Eliminate milk, bread and spices from your diet. Cats must receive meat, but not fat or chicken (duck) skin.

If gas formation is excessive and causes anxiety for your pet, you can give him enterosorbent in a children's dosage or simethicone preparations (Simethicone, Espumisan). And take him to the clinic for a consultation to rule out serious pathologies of the digestive system.

Treatment is carried out depending on the cause of the pathology. These can be anthelmintics, antibiotics and antimycotics. If intestinal ulcers form, surgery may be indicated. In mild cases, veterinarians prescribe drugs that regulate intestinal microflora and carminative drugs. If necessary, a gas tube can be inserted.


Scientists have discovered farting fish

If it seems strange that serious scientists in Scotland are publishing a study on herring farts, what about the fact that they were practically outdone by Swedish scientists who discovered the same phenomenon? This is what great minds do. Bob Batty of the Scottish Association of Ocean Sciences was quite surprised when, together with two researchers from Canada - Ben Wilson and Larry Dill - he made this discovery.

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Thanks to him, they received the “Ig Nobel Prize” (a humorous imitation of the Nobel Prize) for incredible things in biology. The Ig Nobel laureates' tour of the UK begins today, and Betty and Wilson will take part in it. Dr Batty, who works at an ocean science center near Oban, and his colleagues were studying whether herring could recognize the sounds made by predators, as whales and dolphins can do.

Using infrared lighting, video cameras and underwater microphones, they studied the herring's behavior throughout the day. “We heard these rattling sounds, which only happened at night, whenever we saw tiny gas bubbles appearing near the tail of the fish,” says Batty. “We also found that the fish released more bubbles the more they were near them. other fish.

In other words, they like to fart in company,” says Wilson. As Betty explains, after analyzing the gas bubbles using chromatography, they determined that it was air that the herring had captured from the surface - this had nothing to do with intestinal bloating. He believes that for herrings, farting is a way of nocturnal communication and a way to maintain the integrity of the school.

During the daytime, they exchange visual information, for example, by reflecting light from mirrored scales. Herring and its relatives release bubbles of gas when they are attacked, but the activity discovered by Dr. Batty and his colleagues serves a slightly different purpose. To the average person, this discovery seems to add little to scientific knowledge, but it is not useless.

As Dr. Batty points out, in sonar surveys, oceanographers who are trying to determine the number and size of fish detect air bubbles, so information about when and how much air is released is of interest to them. Why did the farting herring interest the Swedes? Swedish navy sailors heard strange noises of unknown origin and feared they might be coming from a Russian submarine, so they asked scientists to investigate.

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As a result, another scientific work appeared, confirming that the herring of the Baltic Sea is no better, it also behaves indecently.

Weaning a cat from eating plants

Methods of raising a cat directly depend on the reason why he got into the habit of tasting plants. Of course, if your pet is fascinated by flowers due to vitamin deficiency or helminthic infestation, smearing the leaves with repellent aromas is unlikely to solve the problem.

Educational measures should in no case include elements of violence

Therefore, before taking decisive action, it is advisable to carefully understand the prerequisites for such unacceptable behavior. It would be a good idea to play it safe and take your pet for a consultation to a veterinary clinic in order to immediately reject physiological causes.

Useful tips

If all possible pathologies are excluded, then educational measures can begin:

  1. One of the easiest ways to wean a cat from eating plants is to refuse such weaning. If your cat's body requires leaves, then provide them to him. Pet stores sell special grass that will be an excellent substitute for flowers dear to the owner’s heart. You can, of course, pick greens in the nearest park or forest, but such grass is not always safe, and, moreover, is only available in warm seasons;

Grass designed specifically for cats can be easily purchased at any nearby pet store.

Hanging flowers have a greater chance of a peaceful life

Cats do not like the crunch of shells and avoid contact with them.

Cats can smell citrus from afar and avoid its source.

The need for unusual taste sensations occurs when there is a lack of certain substances in the body.

In addition to orange peels and essential oils, there are other methods of influencing a cat’s sense of smell. You can make a pet-repellent mixture yourself using the recipes presented below.

Preparing repellents from improvised means

Final thoughts

Let's face it, dog farting is just a natural part of life and a common occurrence when you're a caregiver. The only time you need to worry is if these farts become an extremely regular and everyday occurrence. None of us want our dogs to be unhealthy, so find the cause of the problem as soon as possible. After all, our job is to make sure our pets are healthy, happy, and enjoying life with us—and that they have as few unpleasant odors as possible.

Article author: Becca Trigg . An all-around animal lover who absolutely loves writing and researching all things dog! Over the past few years, I have been able to gain extensive knowledge about pets; especially joint health and oral hygiene. When I'm not typing in the office, you can find me sitting in the village pub or growing chillies.

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