All headings » Cats » Mating cats and cats  

A titled sire is a special pride of its owner. A cat is a breed improver, and a potent cat that “pulls the blanket over itself” is a particularly valuable specimen. The producer's task is to improve the quality of the cat in the litter.

The choice of producer must be approached carefully, taking into account the quality of the livestock obtained from him. Therefore, it makes sense to track his descendants through cat shows and evaluate their quality. However, it is worth remembering that even the most luxurious cat may not be genetically compatible with your cat. Therefore, it is not in vain that they say - the cat is in a poke. Until you breed animals, you cannot determine how suitable the animals are for each other. When choosing a cat, it is useful to calculate the colors of future kittens in advance. To do this, you can contact a felinologist-curator of the breed. If you do not find the manufacturer you need here, then start searching on the Internet. Find out the conditions for mating, but remember that when mating with a cat, you need to take a copy of his pedigree.

The catalog of cats includes only those producers of the PCA system that have a valid breeding assessment

(in open class and above it is valid for 2 years). If your cat is not in the catalog, then perhaps his breeding assessment has expired and in order to renew his admission to breeding, he must be registered at the nearest PCA cat show in on-line format.


Total cats in the catalog: 148
Cats shown:
Pages: 1
2 3 … 14 15 »
Abyssinian catsBengal cats
Burmese catsBritish cats and straights
Burmese catsBurmilla cats
Devon Rex catsDon Sphynx
European ShorthairCanadian Sphynx
Cornish Rex catsKurilian Bobtail
MunchkinMaine Coon cats
Oriental catsPersian cats
Petersburg SphinxRagdoll cats
Siberian catsScottish fold cats
Scottish Fold HariScottish Fold Straight Hari
Thai catsFlappig cats
Flappig straight catsExotic cats

If your cat is purebred

Your pet is a high breed, has a pedigree and permission to breed.
She must also have all her age-appropriate vaccinations. To receive a referral for mating, breeding assessments will be required, which can be obtained at any cat show. A minimum of two grades is required. For the first mating, a cat only needs to receive a rating of at least “very good.” If she has grades in the junior class, they are valid for one mating for one year, CAC grades in the open class are valid for two years, the title certificate received is always valid.

After all the documents have been collected, you can start looking for a partner. First of all, you need to contact the club where the cat is a member. If the club couldn’t help you, you’ll have to search on your own.

These could be advertisements at exhibitions, in newspapers, or on special websites. When searching on your own, it is important to consider the following points:

Study documents and pedigrees carefully. Make sure there are no close relationships. If you have discovered a relationship at the level of great-great-grandparents, consult with an experienced felinologist whether this mating is worth carrying out and what breed type the offspring will be. If the connections are at a closer level, it is better to refuse mating, since there is a high probability of giving birth to weak and underdeveloped kittens.

The partner must be absolutely healthy. Check your veterinary passport with vaccinations. They must be made no more than a year ago. Pay attention to the appearance of the animal. He should be cheerful, his coat should be shiny, and his nose should be wet and cool.

Consider your partner's experience. If your cat and the chosen cat are not untied, most likely they will not succeed. It is better if one of the partners already has experience.

If you are the owner of a white cat, under no circumstances choose a white cat. The gene for white color is very related to the gene for deafness. If both parents are white, the likelihood of having deaf kittens is very high.

Choose a breeding partner who is similar in appearance to your cat. Don't try to choose the opposite. Once a partner has been selected, get a referral for mating from your club and agree on the terms with the cat’s owner.

How does mating occur in cats?

The cat is brought to the cat on the 3-6th day of estrus and mating lasts 2-3 days. Animals are left in a separate room where nothing will interfere with the process. Mating is always preceded by a courtship ritual.

The cat gets to know the cat, sniffs her, purrs loudly, carefully approaching his partner. The cat does not allow the male to approach her, hisses at him, and drives him away with her paw. From the outside it may seem that the cat is not at all happy with the cat. In fact, it is part of the courtship ritual.

When the cat moves to a safe distance, the cat begins to flirt with its partner and purrs invitingly. To encourage the gentleman, she takes characteristic poses - lifts her tail, raises her croup and falls on her front paws. When the cat tries to approach, the cat runs away. Everything starts from the beginning. This “game” can last for hours and days.

When the cat has had enough of playing, she becomes less obstinate and allows the male to mount. The cat jumps on the partner from behind, holds her by the scruff of the neck with his teeth and clasps her sides with all four paws. The cat helps its partner - it removes its tail and presses itself to the floor.

When the male's attempts are successful, ejaculation occurs. The cat freezes for a while from a few seconds to 4 minutes and purrs contentedly. This is the moment of the partner’s highest arousal - the cat’s pupils dilate as much as possible.

After this, the female throws off the gentleman and hits him hard with her paw, releasing her claws. At this moment, the cat screams loudly - the keratinized spines on the cat’s genitals cause pain.

After copulation, the animals lose interest in each other and begin personal hygiene. After a pause, the process may be repeated. Owners usually do not take the cat right away; they give the pets the opportunity to copulate several times. This increases the cat's chances of becoming pregnant.

Mating rules

To get the desired result, experienced breeders and veterinarians recommend following these rules:

  • Mating always takes place in the cat's territory;
  • the cat is brought to the male’s house on the 3rd-6th day of estrus, when her appearance shows her readiness for mating;
  • the cat in the new home is left in a carrier for some time so that it has time to get used to the new smells and the presence of the cat;
  • after the cat and cat have sniffed each other through the carrier, they are released into an empty room and left there;
  • the cat's owner must be able to look after the couple;
  • if the female has lost signs of estrus due to severe stress, she is left to live next to the cat for a while or taken home until she resumes estrus;
  • The cat owner should not unnecessarily interfere in the process, shout at the animals, or try to speed up the mating process.


If you're a cat owner, be prepared for a few hectic days and sleepless nights. Stay calm and control your emotions, even if you are tired of noisy animal mating games.

Knitting problems and ways to solve them

A male and female cat do not always succeed in mating the first time. Animals may refuse mating or carry it out without full coitus. First you need to try to identify and eliminate the problem that is bothering your pets.

The cat has problems

  1. An unusual environment, the cat feels more confident in its own territory.
  2. Lack of experience and “immaturity.” The cat makes characteristic movements, but cannot penetrate.
  3. A ring of fur has accumulated around the head of the penis and interferes with coitus. You need to help the cat remove the disturbing fur.
  4. Critically low testosterone levels. Insufficient levels of sex hormones lead to failure.
  5. Season. A cat's sexual activity may be reduced in winter.
  6. Bad experience. It happens that a cat was once severely scratched by a cat of a certain color and now he avoids females similar to her.
  7. The cat didn't like his partner. Psychological problems are not alien to animals; an overly aggressive “bride” can frighten a partner and discourage him from mating.


  • Give the cat and cat the opportunity to be alone for an extended period of time.
  • Separate the animals from time to time to increase their interest in each other.
  • Mix inexperienced cats only with “untied” cats.

Problems in cats

  1. Error in choosing the breeding day. Keep a diary to know exactly what stage of estrus your cat is at.
  2. Stress. The cat being taken to the cat is stressed. The new environment in which she is placed only intensifies these experiences.
  3. Negative experience. If the cat has already mated, she may have negative memories.
  4. Estrus occurs without ovulation. This happens when there are hormonal disorders in the body due to illness or taking contraceptives.
  5. The cat does not like the place to which it was brought or its partner.


  • If the cat allows you, hold the cat to help him perform coitus.
  • Find another partner. A cat may not allow one male to approach, but will be favorable towards another.
  • Leave the animals alone in a quiet room for several hours.

Cat behavior after mating

The cat does not calm down immediately after mating. The first days after copulation, she may continue to meow invitingly, ask the cat and show concern. The cat's hormonal background gradually changes over the course of several days after a successful mating. Don't worry - it will go away in a couple of days.

It happens that upon returning home, the cat gets bored, hides in the far corner, behaves lethargically and often sleeps. All this is the consequences of the stress experienced during the trip to the “groom”. Some cats refuse to eat for the first 2 days - this is also a passing condition. There is no need to force feed her. It is important to ensure that the animal always has fresh water.

How often can you knit a cat?

Veterinarians and breeders disagree on this issue. Some believe that cats can mate through heat. The latter allow only 3 matings in two years. Every owner should act responsibly and not exhaust their cat with numerous pregnancies and births.

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