The first days of a kitten in a new home: problems of adaptation

You have decided to take a cat home. And now the baby is reserved or has already been purchased - and the question becomes, how many days will it take for the kitten to adapt to a new home, what to do in the first days, what is needed to keep it healthy and happy? After all, you don’t know at all how to deal with small kittens, what they can and can’t do, how a kitten can get used to a new home. In fact, this is not difficult in most cases, but you need to prepare for everything correctly. After all, moving a kitten to a new family is a lot of stress.

Moving a kitten to a new home

Today the cat industry is developed to such an extent that carrying a kitten down the street or in a car in your hands is not comme il faut. Buy a large carrier that will later fit for an adult animal. That is, the carrier should be spacious enough so that your, then adult, pet can be there at full height. This carrier will serve you well, because you will use it to carry your animal to the veterinarian, and perhaps even travel together.

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If you are bringing a kitten to your home during the cold season, make sure that the carrier is warm, for example, put a warm towel in it (you can carry it to the breeder’s house in your bosom to warm it up). And if it’s really cold outside, you need to go by car.

Carrying will minimize the kitten's stress, because it will be protected from all sides and will not have to sit in the arms of a stranger.

Errors during training

It is easier to accustom a kitten to a new place of residence than an adult animal. A number of common mistakes lead to the fact that a cat’s adaptation to a new place is very difficult and difficult. During this period, many little things that seem insignificant to a person turn out to be important for the animal during this period.

The main mistakes that prevent you from accustoming a cat to a new home are:

  • ignoring the cat - after moving, she needs the maximum amount of attention so that she does not experience fear from loneliness, hiding in corners;
  • getting rid of old things familiar to the animal - having lost them, the cat experiences great confusion;
  • introducing new animals at the same time as the cat moves to a new home - first you need to accustom your pet to it and only after that introduce new ones. The exception is cases when it is necessary to save the life of a four-legged animal, which has to be urgently introduced into the family;
  • punishing a cat for incorrect behavior - often a cat gets lost in a new place and cannot immediately remember where its tray is or where its scratching post hangs. The owner should not punish an animal that experiences severe stress after moving, but must calmly accustom it to changes. To do this, you just need to remind the cat where his toilet or scratching post is, taking him to them when the need is noticed. The cat gets used to everything new gradually. Soon the pet will remember everything itself;
  • strangers in the house in the next 3-5 days after relocating a cat - for an animal, even a very sociable one, the presence of strangers in the house becomes an additional shock and prevents the owners from accustoming it to its new home. Therefore, you should try to provide your pet with a calm environment at first.

If the cat is very emotional, then it is recommended to give it a sedative, such as “Cat Bayun”, in the first days after changing its place of residence, strictly following the instructions.

Dangers of your home

A small kitten in a new home can face many dangers that people don't even notice. Do you know what could be a threat in your apartment?

  • open windows through which he could fall out;
  • doors with which it can be pinched (up to a spinal fracture);
  • falling objects;
  • small and sharp objects;
  • toilet and space under the bathtub;
  • wires that he can chew;
  • poisonous plants;
  • drafts;
  • bin;
  • working burners on the stove;
  • boiling water;
  • household chemicals;
  • washing machine.

In general, there are many dangers. Walk around the apartment and analyze everything. First, remove dangerous objects from the room in which the kitten will live for the first days.

Kitten room: where to start?

How many days it takes a kitten to adapt to a new home will also depend on your preparation. By the time the kitten moves into your home, the following things should already be prepared:

  • sunbed;
  • scratching post;
  • toys;
  • towels;
  • tray, scoop and litter (it is better if the toilet comes with litter);
  • food bowls;
  • hygiene products (odor remover, wool cleaning wipes, shampoo);
  • food for kittens (find out first what the breeder fed the kitten - in the first days you will have to serve the usual food);
  • a handful of sand taken from the breeder from the parent's tray (to quickly orient the new resident where the toilet is) and a toy or towel soaked in the smell of the mother (you can first bring yours to the breeder so that he can have it for a while).

In the first days of a new home, it is better to limit it to one room. You need to put all the utensils there. That is, the new resident will only go to the litter box, sleep and eat there. Just don't place the tray next to food.

Limiting space is a great way to minimize stress after a move and the answer to the question of how to help a kitten get used to a new home and find his way around a new place is easier to remember. After he gets comfortable in one room, the space needs to be gradually expanded and, over time, the tray and bowls of food should be moved to new places.

Isolation from other pets

If you already have pets, they need to be isolated before the new owner arrives. Or rather, isolate the kitten itself in a separate room. Because if, due to the appearance of a new animal, you remove the old one to a separate room, it may dislike the newcomer because it will associate with him a restriction of its own freedom. It is better not to have contact with another animal on the first day. By the way, with children too.

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What should the filler be?

Today, in almost every pet store you can buy mineral, wood, corn, silica gel and even paper fillers with a color indicator. In general, they all cope with their function, so the final choice depends on the personal preferences of the owner and the animal. But at the stage of potty training, it is worth paying attention to some important points.

It is recommended to use a litter that produces little or no dust, as it may cause discomfort to the kitten if inhaled. It is also not recommended to start toilet training with clumping mineral litter because your pet will almost certainly taste it and this can cause severe constipation.

Neither you nor the kitten may like the silica gel filler either, since it rustles quite loudly when instilled. Fine corn litter sometimes sticks even to dry paws and spreads throughout the house.

It is better not to buy litter with a smell, as a strong fragrance can scare off the animal and it will begin to look for an alternative place for the toilet.

Therefore, it is better to buy pressed sawdust as the first filler, and later, if you want, try other options.

If your kitten is just beginning to toilet train, it makes sense to leave some wet litter or excrement in the litter box as a reminder of where the toilet is in the house.

Once the animal gets used to it, everything will need to be cleaned up, since a dirty potty can cause puddles and piles in inappropriate places. It is enough to remove the used litter from the tray with a scoop 1-2 times a day and add a new one in its place, plus wash the container once a week with warm water and a mild detergent without a strong odor.

If you have a double litter box, remove feces from it regularly. If possible, wash the screen after each use of the toilet. Well, make sure the filler is clean.

The toilet seat should first be cleaned and washed in the same way as a regular tray. If you use a toilet training system with rings, you will soon have nothing left to clean. The diameter of its rings gradually increases and eventually the animal will learn to use the toilet without a nozzle.

How quickly does a kitten get used to its new home?

In the first couple of days, and especially nights, a kitten in a new home may feel lonely and scared. Moving to a new family can be accompanied by screaming and crying. Therefore, it is better to pick up a kitten from the breeder on the eve of the weekend, that is, before those days when you can give your undivided attention to the new tenant.

Kitten's first day in a new family

If it’s the kitten’s first day in a new home, it should be surrounded with discreet and unobtrusive care, because this is the most difficult period of adaptation. The kitten's behavior these days is usually timid, he is afraid of everything. Therefore, it is necessary to isolate the new animal from other pets, children, and anything that brings even more stress than a new home. The first victory over stress will be that the kitten began to eat and went to the toilet (most likely not there, but there is no need to scold him for this yet). Most likely, he goes to the toilet for a small need, and for a big need - only after a few days. This can be considered a second big victory.

Kitten's first night in a new home

The first hours of a kitten in a new home are very important. His future attitude towards your family will depend on them. Therefore, approach the issue as responsibly as possible.

If you have something with the scent of your kitten's previous family, you can wipe it on various objects in the room to help your pet feel more confident around familiar smells. Also pour a handful of litter taken from the breeder into the tray for the litter that the mother used.

When you come home with your new baby, place the carrier in the middle of the room and open the door. Do not sit opposite the cat and do not coo with him, do not call him to come out. Let him sit as long as he wants. It usually takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours until the kitten comes out on its own. At this time, let it be quiet and no commotion around, and let there be a bowl of treats and toys nearby.

After the kitten has climbed out of the carrier (sometimes it helps that people have left the room and he feels emboldened to explore the territory), do not pick up the animal. You can be nearby and speak very quietly and gently to the murkot, but nothing more. If he himself shows interest in you and goes into your arms, then you can pet him. But most often, a young cat or cat experiences confusion in a new place for the first few hours, during which they slowly walk on half-bent legs and sniff the room. Don't interfere - let him get comfortable. If the poor thing hides in a corner or under a closet, let it sit there: eventually it will come out on its own, because curiosity will get the better of it.

See how it happens with brave kittens...

...and among cowardly kittens.

First week

How long it takes kittens to get used to their new home depends on their mental strength, age, your efforts and knowledge. But usually this process takes from 1 to 3 weeks.

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On the second or third day, it will seem to you that the kitten has completely settled down. He no longer walks on bent legs, but communicates with his family and eats calmly. But this is an illusion: the stress has not yet subsided. Therefore, in the first days, do not bathe the kitten under any circumstances (unless it is taken from the street), because bathing is another big stress. And don't do anything else that might make your stress worse.

Your third big victory can be celebrated when this miracle begins to rush around the apartment like mad, playing with toys, and with all its appearance shows that it has already become completely insolent.

Another victory is when the cat comes to your lap and starts purring, showing with all its appearance that it likes your hugs. Grabbing a murkot yourself if he doesn’t want to is strictly contraindicated. True, with certain breeds of cats, for example, British and some representatives of Scottish, this wonderful moment can be waited for a very long time, because... they simply don't like being held. Nothing personal - just breed quality.

A kitten's life in a new home is largely determined by how others treat it, as well as previous experiences with people and other animals. If he was offended, it will take longer to start trusting people. If he was treated well, he will get used to you quickly. How long it takes a kitten to get used to a new home also depends on other factors: mental characteristics, age, the presence of other pets in the house, etc. But you can speed up the process by following the tips described above.

Mr. Cat Explains: Meeting Other Pets

If there is a big cat in the house, and the owners take a kitten into the house, then before they are in close proximity, it is worth preparing a separate room for the baby, to which the access of the adult is temporarily limited.

When the cat gets used to the smell of the new tenant, it is allowed into the room. In this case, it will be better to hold the kitten in your arms.

At first, animals may hiss at each other. This is a normal reaction. The final acquaintance will be established in a few days.

If there is a dog in the house, but never a cat, then you need to evaluate how friendly it is towards other animals. This can be found out while walking. With a complacent attitude, the principle of acquaintance is the same as for an adult cat and a kitten - the animals are placed in different rooms, gradually reducing the distances between them.

In addition to dogs and cats, there may be fish, birds, hamsters and other animals in the house. When deciding to take a kitten into your home, you should remember that the predator instincts inherent in it by nature prevail over others. Therefore, it is important to ensure the safety of both the baby and those he wants to try. The outcome of such a neighborhood depends entirely on the patience and kindness of the owner.

How to help a kitten adapt to a new home: possible problems

The first days of a kitten in a new home rarely go smoothly, but quickly enough everything returns to normal. But it is also possible that problems may arise after the kitten has moved to a new home. Their occurrence is more likely the sooner the baby is separated from his mother. If a kitten finds itself in a new home at 1 month old, then difficulties await you. At this age, he still needs to eat his mother's milk, and if he is weaned early, problems with digestion will begin. Also, the mother should teach him to use a scratching post, go to the litter box, not let out his claws while playing, etc. As a rule, a kitten learns this only by 2-2.5 months. You can wean him from his mother at about 2.5-3 months. Let's look at the most common problems associated with adaptation.

Kitten is afraid of new home

In the first hours, everything will be unusual for the baby: furniture, smells, sounds, people... Therefore, he can walk on end, sneak around on half-bent legs, and hide. This is a normal reaction, but the owner can take care in advance of how to calm the kitten in the new home.

First, you need to “settle” the smell of his family there. As we said, you can ask the breeder to give you sand from the mother's litter tray, as well as the kitten's favorite toy or bedding. This way he will hear familiar smells in his new home and will calm down faster.

A more radical method of how to accustom a kitten to a new home faster is to use a special veterinary drug based on cat pheromones. However, this method, although not harmful, is resorted to only in cases where adaptation goes very badly. There is no need to resort to this method right away.

Kitten screams in new home

If a kitten constantly meows or squeaks in its new home, this means that it is afraid and is looking for its mother. In the first days, this is completely acceptable behavior; there is no need to worry too much. But if this lasts a long time, then you can also try a pheromone-based drug.

Kitten crying in new home

Some owners notice that the kitten is crying with tears in her eyes. These are not the same tears as people have because of frustration. This is a sign that the animal’s immunity has decreased due to stress and it contracted an infection on the way or in the breeder’s house. Often these tears go away on their own within a couple of weeks. But if the infection is severe or the stress is excessive and prolonged, veterinary help may be needed. Keep the animal's condition under control.

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Kitten won't eat in new home

If the kitten does not eat in its new home for the first hours or day, this is normal. If he has not eaten for more than a day, this indicates excessive stress. Usually there are no problems with eating in a new place, because this is one of the basic instincts. Do not force the animal to eat, but make sure it drinks water.

Kitten doesn't go to the toilet

More often the problem arises not with food, but with the toilet. Usually in the first days the kitten experiences such confusion that it does not go into the litter box much, but, as a rule, pees. True, at first he does this in the wrong places due to the fact that he has not yet remembered where the tray is. If you want to properly train your kitten to use the litter box, check out this article. And if there are problems with stool, read in a separate article why the kitten does not poop and how to fix it.

Kitten hiding in new home

Sometimes a kitten's stress during a move is so great that it finds some secluded place and hides all the time. What should the owner do in such a situation? How to adapt a kitten to a new home?

There is no need to forcefully pull it out - this will only make the situation worse. Let him sit and don’t pay attention to the kitten. Let him come out on his own. As a rule, kittens adopted from a breeder stop hiding within 24 hours. In any case, they come out when a bowl of food or water is placed near them.

But animals from a shelter and those taken from the street may have a longer adaptation period. These can hide, for example, behind a sofa or in the bathroom for several days. Then it is important to make sure that there is food and water near them. If time drags on and the animal still does not come out, try a pheromone-based drug to eliminate stress.

The kitten hisses and bites

Rarely does a situation arise when a kitten is brought to a new home, and he is so afraid that he rushes at everyone and hisses. Hissing is a normal defensive reaction that should subside over time. In this case, the kitten may walk on end. But the fact that the kitten bites and rushes makes you wary. If he does this when you approach him yourself, then this indicates great fear and aggression caused by fear. But, if he attacks himself and does it not in a playful way, but in all seriousness, this is already a deviation that needs diagnosis and correction by an animal psychologist.

The kitten is sick

When stressed, the animal's immunity sharply decreases. This often causes it to develop viral, bacterial and other infections. If in the first days or weeks of a kitten’s stay in a new family, it suddenly begins to develop a runny nose, conjunctivitis, diarrhea and other troubles, there is nothing surprising in this. He could have become infected from pets already in your home, who themselves had long ago defeated the infection, but remained its carriers. He himself could be a hidden carrier of viruses and bacteria. He could have picked up an infection along the way. You could bring the infection from the street on your clothes. There are plenty of options.

If the kitten is sick, you need to contact a veterinarian who will prescribe treatment. After all, the infection can be serious. But even if not, the body still needs help to recover in conditions of weakened immunity.

First stage

The first stage of acquaintance requires caution, since the cat can attack a person and scratch him. The first step is to conduct an inspection in a friendly and respectful manner. To find out the cat's mood, place a palm above its head. If he nuzzles or purrs, he allows himself to be petted.

If the cat rubs against his legs and purrs, then perhaps he is bored and wants attention. Unconditional trust is evidenced by the fact that the animal sits comfortably on the person's lap.

Next, they ensure that the cat climbs onto its knees. Then they carefully teach her to limit her movements and lift her into her arms. At first, to avoid injuries in the form of scratches and bites, wear long sleeves and do not walk with bare legs or bare feet.

READ Information about the fox: what does it look like, where does it live, what does it eat, how long does it live?

To communicate with your cat, you need to choose a specific time - for example, 20.00 after dinner and 7.00 before work. The new resident is treated with respect, they knock on the door every time before entering the room where he lives. When entering a room, do not make sudden movements. When cleaning, feeding and changing water, they have a calm conversation with the cat.

When the cat begins to calmly perceive the presence of the new owner, you can spend some time with her - for example, 30-60 minutes, for example, reading a book. And the cat is offered toys that are sold in a pet store.

The cat should not be given a reason to be aggressive. Human touch and fear can cause inappropriate behavior. Another common method is to try to lure the animal towards you with treats. Once the cat is on your lap, you can pet it and give it a treat. But at the same time, the animal cannot be restrained by force. Another way is to smear your hands with a product with a pleasant smell for cats - for example, valerian.

Fear of touch takes a long time to heal, but the new owner must be patient. At first, the cat is not picked up and contact is not required if the animal seeks privacy. Light touches are only possible if the pet itself approaches the person.

Nervous excitement should always be a signal to stop contact. And it manifests itself like this:

  • the tail trembles;
  • ears drooped towards the head;
  • shoulders and limbs tense;
  • pupils are dilated.

You should not immediately try to pick up the cat, as this will most likely result in injuries - bites and scratches.

First, the cat is accustomed to your hand by placing it palm down on the floor; you can place the cat’s favorite toy nearby. You need to wait until the cat comes up and rubs itself on your arm or leg. In this way, she wants to make sure that the object present is not dangerous. If a person initiates contact, the animal may respond with an attack.

If the pet has given the go-ahead, the palm is slowly raised to eye level and held in this position for a while. Then they begin slow stroking. You need to stop before the cat gets tired of close contact with a person.

You should not drive away a cat if it climbs onto your lap, even when there is no time for tenderness. Then it will be more difficult to achieve such trusting behavior.

Address unwanted behavior immediately

Despite the fact that you want to provide your cat with maximum comfort in the first days, you need to start correcting his behavior right away. After all, if you don’t raise your cat right away and prohibit unwanted behavior, then he simply won’t understand what the problem is: suddenly what was possible at first has become impossible.

Among the undesirable actions of a kitten are chewing wires, going to the toilet past the litter box, climbing curtains, damaging flowers, sleeping in the owners’ bed (unless, of course, they themselves plan to continue sleeping with the cat), damaging various surfaces with their claws, walking on the dining table . Make your own list.

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However, there is no need to scold for these actions. It’s enough just to monitor the cat and, when he does something inappropriate, correct him. That is, for example, pick him up immediately from the scene of a future crime, distract him with something.

Sometimes corrective behavior is enough to create a habit. So, for example, I taught the cat not to walk on the keyboard of my laptop, simply directing its procession with my hands in the right direction (she had a rookery behind the laptop) - as a result, now the cat always walks around my laptop, and if it does walk on it, it doesn’t steps on the keys.

How to gain a cat's trust

If a cat has not trusted its new owner for quite a long time, there are several ways to establish contact with the pet:

1) Don't insist on communication. Cats are quite capricious animals and do not tolerate unnecessary encroachment on their personal space. Try holding out your hand to your pet first, let him gradually get used to your smell and become interested in you.

2) Use your gaze to reassure the cat that you are not a threat to her. Lie down next to your pet when he is in a relaxed state. Look at the cat and when she looks at you

answer, slowly close your eyes and open them again, doing this several times. Wait for the cat to do the same.

3) Pay attention to the animal's body language. If the cat is actively wagging its tail, something is wrong, try stroking it differently. If a cat wrinkles something with its paws, for example your clothes, it means that it is happy and affectionate. As a sign of affection, cats may lick or bite their owner's hand.

Read more about this: Why does a cat lick a person?

4) Many cats like to have their fur brushed. They perceive it as affection, making them feel safe and comfortable.

5) If you are not confident in your abilities or the case with a “non-contact” cat is particularly advanced, you can resort to the services of an animal psychologist. A competent specialist will give individual advice for adapting a cat with character to a new owner.

Read about an animal psychologist: Who is an animal psychologist and why is he needed?

What will change with the arrival of a kitten?

Before purchasing a kitten, you must understand that having one in your home will change your life. It's a lot like having kids. Perhaps he will become the center of your home universe, push your ego aside, cause a lot of trouble, but also a lot of pleasant moments. The main thing is to remember that this is a new family member who, if everything goes well, will live with you for 15-20 years, that is, a good part of your life. Therefore, from the very first days, treat him in such a way that these years will be pleasant for everyone in your family.

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Why cats don't want to be held

Inexperienced owners believe that if they have established contact with the cat who lives at home, then everything will go like clockwork with the homeless one. But they are wrong.

Every cat, even once domestic, treats humans with caution. When meeting, he usually hides in a far corner and does not allow anyone to approach him.

There is no need to try to fish him out of a secluded place, since it takes time for him to get used to the surrounding smells in a new home.

In an unfamiliar place, due to stress, the cat first huddles in a corner


The reluctance to communicate closely with humans may be inherent in the character of the animal. Some individuals behave independently. Those with the harshest dispositions avoid contact with humans altogether.

Fearfulness and withdrawal are two other character traits that can cause reluctance to sit on your hands.

Shy cats don't want to be handled for a long time


Siberian cats are among the most peaceful

But the peculiarity of the British and lop-eared breeds is that they refuse to sit on their hands. Therefore, if you find such a cat on the street (this also happens), there is no need to persist. It is enough to establish a trusting relationship.


The cat refuses the hands of the owner in the following cases:

kittens are very active, and their attention is easily distracted by more interesting things; the owner smells of citrus fruits, alcohol, seasonings, hygiene and cosmetic products, and washing powder; grievances experienced in the past - beatings, bullying; fear of loss of balance and heights; non-recognition of other family members other than the one who tamed him; fear of sharp sounds, screaming; if children who do not know how to handle an animal pick it up, they squeeze it and offend it; sudden movements and pinching are made.

Cats don't like the smell of laundry detergent lingering on freshly washed laundry.

The likelihood that a cat will be picked up increases in a calm atmosphere. When teaching a dog to hold hands, the environment in the house should be as calm as possible. A scandal, the sound of a TV on, loud shouts will cause fear and disrupt plans to pacify.

It is more difficult to tame a kitten in a troubled family

The kitten is positioned with its tail facing itself. Then they take it by the skin on the back of the neck, near the base of the neck and ears. The grip force should be moderate, not very strong. The animal is lifted and placed on the lap. If he allows, then you can stroke him, while talking affectionately and calmly.

Hand position when lifting an adult cat

You can tame a cat using the combing procedure. This is also a hygiene measure that keeps the coat and skin in good condition.

It happens that a cat is afraid of heights. Then, picking him up, place one palm under the armpits and hold the hind limbs with the other. Thanks to such support, the cat will not feel weightless, and the fear will pass.


A proper move for an animal must begin with proper transportation.


If you have a flight ahead, you can take the cat into the cabin or transfer it to the luggage compartment as special cargo. The choice of transportation in this case depends on the weight of the pet. According to airline rules, no more than 5 animals can be in the cabin, so when purchasing a ticket, be sure to indicate that you are flying with a tailed “passenger.”

For transportation in the cabin, the weight of the animal must not exceed 8 kg; a carrying bag with a hard bottom or a special container is also required. You must also be prepared to present the following documents: veterinary passport, microchipping certificate and F1 veterinary certificate. For transportation in the cargo compartment, you also need a container with an information plate (breed, nickname, age, vaccination information, name and phone number of the owner). You can arrange such a sign at the reception desk.


When purchasing a train ticket, please note that sleeping animals are not allowed in luxury carriages. Also, access of purring passengers is prohibited in some types of compartments

The requirements for having a veterinary passport and other certificates are constantly changing, but we still advise you to take all the necessary documents with you.

It will not be superfluous to have the animal microchipped - the chip will help to find the animal if it accidentally jumps out at a bus stop, as well as preventive measures against worms (after all, on the road the animal is exposed to many risks). Don't forget to take with you a carrier, diapers, harness, favorite food and necessary medications.

Signs of approaching labor

Signs of impending labor in cats can appear either the day before birth or one to two hours before it. It depends on the characteristics of each cat’s body. In cats giving birth for the first time, symptoms begin earlier because the animal’s body takes more time to adjust.

Signs of imminent labor are as follows:

The animal loses its appetite, it drinks a lot - this is how the body prepares for lambing; Manifestation of lethargy - the cat spends almost all of its time in the place that it has chosen for birth; The active movement of the abdomen is noticeable, since the kittens move energetically before the onset of contractions, taking the most convenient position for passing the birth canal. If there are many kittens or they are large, then such a movement can begin two days before birth; The cat actively licks the genital slit, because... vaginal discharge appears

She maintains cleanliness as this is important to prevent infection; The removal of a plug that covered the uterus during pregnancy. If the plug comes out, labor will begin within one to two hours; Rectal temperature drops to 37 degrees (this prevents bleeding after childbirth and during the process); The appearance of colostrum - when you press on the nipples, a white drop appears; The cat hunches over, screams and tries to hide - this behavior is possible 4-6 hours before the onset of labor due to the appearance of false contractions

They prepare the appearance of kittens, but do not open the uterus. False contractions help determine the appearance of real contractions.

Down with the parasites!

Most animals in the country roam freely. Therefore, upon arrival home, it is necessary to take preventive measures to rid your pet of parasites that he could have brought from the dacha: helminths (worms), fleas and ticks.


Flea and tick prevention is a must! Even if you haven’t seen parasites on your pet, this doesn’t mean they don’t exist. And it will be very difficult to get rid of fleas that have sneaked into the apartment unnoticed: they will settle in baseboards, carpets, upholstered furniture, occasionally feeding on the blood of animals living in the apartment. Fleas carry helminth eggs and can cause many skin diseases.

Anthelmintic drugs exist in different forms: in the form of tablets, suspensions and drops on the withers. The medicine is calculated depending on body weight and is given according to the instructions. If, after taking the drug, you find helminths in your animal’s feces, the drug must be given again after two weeks. All animals in the house are dewormed at the same time.

Flea and tick treatment is also required for all free-living pets. Dogs for which a tick attack is fraught with a serious disease - piroplasmosis - are treated from early spring to late autumn. In cats, preventive treatments for external parasites are usually carried out before going to the country, at the country house and even after arriving home. The drugs (they come in the form of drops on the withers, tablets, collars, aerosols) are used strictly according to the instructions. For example, most drops on the withers last 1 month. Animals should not be washed a few days before treatment and a couple of days after it.

What means can you use to remove fleas from an animal?

More details

We help you get comfortable

It often happens that furry friends in a new home prefer to sleep with their owners. To wean yourself off this, experts recommend immediately upon arrival that you find a secluded and cozy place for your pet to sleep. You can lure him with catnip from the store.

If renovations in a new home are in full swing, it is better to hold off on transporting your pet. Cats don’t like mess, and will probably be hostile to new, untidy housing.

To make it easier for the animal, you can move some things from the old apartment. They store odors that will help you quickly get used to your new home. It is advisable to transport the old tray, bed and favorite toys. It is necessary to create an atmosphere and conditions in the house that are as similar as possible to the old ones. The ideal option is to arrange the furniture in the same way as in an old house.

Reasons for unsuccessful training

If you were unable to house train your cat, you may have made mistakes. The most common is poor choice of location. Experiment, move the house from one place to another, then you will be able to find a zone that is comfortable for the cat. Some pets perceive the installation of housing directly on their favorite place with aggression; in such cases, it makes sense to place the structure in close proximity.

The next mistake is incorrect selection of sizes and design. When buying a home for a kitten, do not forget that it will grow up. At a minimum, the cat should fit comfortably, lying on its side.

Another miscalculation is the instability of the house and the unpleasant smell inside. It is necessary to securely secure the structure; use catnip spray to eliminate unpleasant odors.

It is possible that the pet needs more time to get used to an unusual object. Show patience and love, and your efforts will be crowned with success. How best to accustom a cat to its own house, everyone must decide for themselves. The character of the pet and its habits, which are known only to the owner, are taken into account. Don't forget about endurance and perseverance. Don't get annoyed and upset if everything doesn't work out as quickly as you wanted. As a result, the pet will appreciate your efforts and love, comfort and safety of the new home.

Why do cats run away from a new apartment to an old one?

It often happens that cats, having gotten used to the old apartment, return to it, escaping from the new one. They feel more familiar with the old territory, which has already been marked by them.

Especially if the previous apartment or house is located nearby. But even if it is located far away, this is not a problem for cats; they can easily cover long distances.

Fortunately, not everyone faces this problem. Many owners move frequently and their pets do not experience discomfort. As a rule, this is expressed in a special attachment to the owner.

But there are cats that have problems with orientation, so it’s not only difficult to go looking for an old apartment, but it’s also easy to find your floor in an already familiar house.

Several ways that can help your pet not remember his previous place of residence

Let's start with the old folk method. Which, frankly, is highly doubtful. Allegedly, you need to smear the cat’s paws with oil and in the process of licking them, her craving for the old house will decrease.

Another way is to keep the cat indoors for a week. Then she will get used to it and will want to run back. Of course, all these tips apply to those pets who are used to walking on their own. That is, which the owners let out into the street.

After a week, it is best to release her at the moment when she asks to eat. Thus, she will quickly return home, since the feeling of hunger will force her to look for the easiest ways to get food.

With each subsequent day you can release it, increasing the interval before feeding. Sooner or later the cat will get used to all this.

How does a cat behave in a new apartment?

After a cat has been introduced into a new home, it will immediately begin to walk around its new property. Even if at this moment there is already another pet in the apartment, walking around the territory will be a priority for the cat. Information will be read using smells from various objects and after he has sniffed everything, he will be interested in other pets.

Favorite places for cats are the so-called recreation areas. That is, where she spends a lot of time relaxing. She marks such places with scratches, leaving furrows on our wallpaper and furniture. Well, if it’s a cat, then it will mark its territory in the usual way for them, spraying its marks on vertical surfaces.

Moving with a cat to a village, dacha or rural area

The cat constantly walks around such vast areas and their area can be equal to one square kilometer. For cats, especially during the mating season, this area grows several times larger.

Cats' territories may overlap. In this case, when walking around, they try to keep a decent distance from each other. Or better yet, they prefer not to meet at all.


You shouldn’t worry too much that your cat will be able to run away to the old apartment when moving. Because, basically, this only applies to those pets that are allowed to go for walks. But for them, we have already given the above tips on how to accustom a cat to a new home.

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