How long does pregnancy last for cats of different breeds and how to find out the period?

The most popular pets are cats. Owners of purebred pets often breed kittens. In this difficult task, you cannot rely only on nature. The expectant mother needs to create comfortable conditions and provide proper care. That is why it is extremely necessary to know how long a cat’s pregnancy lasts and to thoroughly study all the intricacies of breeding.

First signs of pregnancy in a cat

How many months can a cat become pregnant? A cat's pregnancy can occur during the first heat cycle, which usually occurs as early as 6-7 months of age. It is from this age that it is necessary to be attentive to the animal and be on the alert.

Puberty may begin earlier, depending on the breed of the pet. For example, a Scottish and extreme cat is ready to become a mother from the age of 5 months, but veterinarians do not advise starting “adult” life at such a young age. Early birth can negatively affect the health of your pet.

The favorable age for the birth of offspring is determined by weight. In order for pregnancy and childbirth to be successful and without complications, the body weight of the expectant mother must be at least 2,300 kg. Most representatives of the feline family reach this parameter by 7-8 months.

You can determine the period of puberty in a cat by a characteristic sign - estrus. This process is also reflected in her behavior: she becomes truly sexy and excited, caresses her owners, gracefully arches her back, and purrs.

Added to these changes in the animal’s behavior is a protracted “song” at night. A cat can sit under the front door for a long time waiting for its betrothed and at the first opportunity jump out into the street in search of a suitable candidate.

First pregnancy

Puberty of the female occurs on average at 7-8 months of life. In this case, the cat experiences gradually changing periods of the cycle.

  1. The arousal stage corresponds to the period of maximum readiness of the animal for conception. Changes in the genital organs occur under the influence of gonadotropic hormones. In this case, the appearance of estrus is observed, which is characterized by swelling, edema and hyperemia of the vulva, and the release of mucus from the loop. Sexual arousal is accompanied by a change in the pet’s behavior - the cat becomes restless, active, and its appetite decreases. Next, the heat stage is formed, which is characterized by the female’s readiness to mate; at this moment she looks active and restless. Ovulation is the release of a mature follicle. This process in cats has its own peculiarity - the mechanism starts only after sexual intercourse after 1-2 days.
  2. The period of inhibition indicates a decrease in sexual activity. At this moment, the cat’s estrus ends: the mucous membranes of the genital tract return to their normal state, and the secretion of mucous secretion stops.
  3. The period of equilibrium is characterized by the restoration of the cat's behavior and lack of attraction to males.

How is pregnancy progressing?

The further course of this important process is as follows:

  1. The first changes in the animal’s body will begin in the first couple of days after conception. Hormonal levels will quickly change, estrus will stop, and pregnancy will occur.
  2. Up to the first three weeks, you will determine the process by a good appetite, a tight belly, decreased activity and swollen nipples.
  3. The cat's belly will be visually noticeable already in the fifth week. It will not just be dense, but will sink significantly and grow in volume. This is especially noticeable if there are several fruits.
  4. After five weeks, the belly will expand. The lateral roundness will appear and will stick out.
  5. By the sixth week, the kittens are almost fully formed and begin to grow hair. You will only be able to see an increase in the abdomen.
  6. The kittens will become active in the seventh week and begin to move. If you gently, without pressing, put your hand on your stomach, you can feel how they move. During this period, the animal will look for a secluded place and become restless.
  7. The mammary glands will become engorged in the last week before birth, clear discharge from the genitals will appear, and activity will decrease significantly.

The most important period begins a few days before birth; the pet will need your presence. Nervousness and anxiety of the animal are clear signs of the imminent birth of kittens; the expectant mother will require the attention of the owner. Important! If a pregnant animal demands your attention, it's not just a whim. This behavior is explained by the fact that the cat perceives you as its owner and parent. The animal feels how the pregnancy is going - problematic or normal. Therefore, be patient and take utmost care.

Features of caring for a pet during a critical period

Caring for cats during pregnancy is not very difficult

Let's find out what you need to pay attention to when leaving

What do we have to do

A little physical activity is useful for the animal to maintain muscle tone.

During pregnancy, special attention is paid to the animal’s nutrition. During pregnancy in cats, they must eat properly and nutritiously. The diet must include dairy products and meat, and if she eats dry food, it is recommended to switch to super-premium food.

In the first month of gestation, the diet does not need to be changed.

During this period, it is recommended to feed food with a higher content of protein, calcium, trace elements and vitamins.

It is not recommended to increase the daily food intake for a healthy cat. The daily food intake for pregnant animals is increased only if the animal is weak.

Did you know? On August 7, 1970, a Siamese cat named Antigone, who lived in the United States, gave birth to 19 kittens at one time. The cat was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Please note that the cat should not be fed, as this can lead to a difficult birth. Cats may experience decreased appetite approximately 1-2 weeks before giving birth.

During this period, the cat's abdominal cavity is overcrowded with kittens, and the animal needs nutritious and high-calorie food. Such food should be placed in a small volume

Cats may experience a decrease in appetite approximately 1-2 weeks before giving birth. During this period, the cat's abdominal cavity is overcrowded with kittens, and the animal needs nutritious and high-calorie food. Such food should be placed in a small volume.

If your pet consumes natural products, then the daily diet should be as follows:

  • The meat must be boiled. Since raw meat may contain helminths. It is recommended to give beef, veal, pork is given less often. Meat should make up 50% of the daily diet.
  • Low-fat boiled fish.
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs (2 times a week).
  • Cereals (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat).
  • Vegetables.
  • Fruits.
  • Dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese).

  • vegetable oil;
  • vegetable puree (best beetroot).

If she eats exclusively dry food, there is nothing to worry about. Because high-quality food contains balanced nutrition, which is well suited for pregnant cats. This food already contains vitamins and minerals that the animal needs.

Did you know? Isaac Newton (the famous physicist who discovered the law of gravity) invented a door for domestic cats.

Contraindicated actions

Let's look at what actions are contraindicated for pregnant cats.

  1. It is not recommended for a cat in this position to be outside. It's best for her to be at home. The animal can become pregnant a second time, and this has a bad effect on the kittens and on the mother herself.
  2. You also need to take into account the animal’s gestational age, since childbirth should not take place on the street.
  3. There are many dangers for a pregnant cat on the street - she can climb trees or try to crawl into narrow places. And this is extremely dangerous for her, regardless of the stage of pregnancy.
  4. During this period, it is forbidden to give medications (even against fleas, ticks and worms) on your own. Medicines should be prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian after examining the animal. Self-prescribed medications can harm both kittens and the cat itself.
  5. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the animal should be prohibited from climbing onto high objects. Because of the large belly, coordination is impaired, and during a jump she can hit her stomach or fall from a height and hurt herself.
  6. Fights or squabbles with other animals are contraindicated for pets in this position. If you have several animals in the house, try to protect your pet from them and give her peace.
  7. It is contraindicated to feed the animal, as fat cats may have complications during childbirth.

How to determine pregnancy in a cat

If you didn’t keep track, and your indoor cat managed to run out into the street, now you need to figure out if she’s pregnant? This status can be determined by the following criteria:

  • the cat calms down, stops asking to go outside and showing others its tender feelings with a sexual accent;
  • increased appetite appears;
  • after some time the animal confidently gains weight;
  • The cat's nipples increase in size;
  • Some animals develop toxicosis and may vomit;
  • In the first weeks, the manifestation of aggression is also not excluded; the cat stops letting people approach it, tries to be alone and does not allow itself to be stroked again.

During the rest of the pregnancy period, the cat behaves more calmly, does not participate in active outdoor games and tries to fully conform to the image of a caring mother awaiting the birth of her furry babies.

Injections for cats from pregnancy

Not all owners want to get offspring from their pet. To prevent cat pregnancy, special injections have been developed, prescribed according to a regimen selected by the veterinarian.

The injection is given before the onset of estrus, and the effect of the hormonal agent is effective for 6 months. Afterwards, a new dose of the drug will be required.

This is a kind of sterilization, simple to use, and leaving the cat the opportunity to bear offspring after the drug wears off.

This method has disadvantages: dysfunction of the reproductive system, health complications including inflammation and cancer.

Cat pregnancy

Animals have a strong reproductive instinct, but it turns on not just when, but precisely on the most suitable days for conception. Smart nature took care of the continuation of the feline race, so in the life of pets there is a “sexual season”, called the estrus period. A cat become about once every three weeks—the body gives the owner’s pet a chance to become a mother.

Few people can resist tiny kittens, especially if they are babies from their favorite cat. The time when the babies begin to run around the house is preceded by a fairly long period of pregnancy and the birth process. An attentive owner must understand all the difficulties of the gestation period, the health of the pet and the nuances of caring for the expectant mother.

Parallel pregnancy (superfecundation)

Superfecundation is the fertilization of two or more eggs in one ovulation period by sperm from different males. This case often occurs in urban animals, since a large number of males live in a relatively small area.

As a result, one cat and several different cats may be present at the time of conception. As a result, fertilization occurs from different sets of sperm, and the animal bears a litter of kittens that are not similar to each other.

An even stranger phenomenon happens, called superfetation. This occurs if the animal becomes sexually active mid-gestation, usually in the third week. In the case of a new copulation, cats are fertilized again and bear two litters at different periods of maturation.

In this case, the two broods continue to develop one after the other, several weeks apart. As a result, two situations may arise:

  • during the birth of an early brood, a miscarriage may occur, since a later brood may not yet be fully formed;
  • in another case, both broods will be able to fully form inside the uterus, the earlier one will be successfully born, and the later one will remain inside the uterus for several more weeks. After the birth of the second litter, another problem may arise - the cat may not have enough nipples for all the kittens or there may not be enough milk, in which case the owner will have to feed some of the kittens.

Gestation period in cats

Every pet owner should know how long a cat stays pregnant. Why is it important:

  • you need to prepare for the birth of kittens, create conditions in the house for comfortable labor and living of newborns;
  • If the owner does not want to independently deliver the birth of his beloved pet, it is necessary to agree in advance with the veterinarian about the possibility of giving birth to kittens in a clinic.

How many days does a cat carry kittens: the average is 60-70 days.

From conception to birth, a cat's pregnancy is divided into six stages:

  1. The first 18-20 days pass relatively calmly, the cat does not show its new status in any way, with the exception of excessive appetite.
  2. From day 20, the second stage of pregnancy begins, lasting 10 days. The cat's belly becomes elastic, and the nipples swell noticeably. When examined in the clinic, the veterinarian can already feel the fruits.
  3. At 5 weeks of gestation, the belly grows noticeably. Prenatal kittens descend into the abdominal cavity. At this stage, you cannot palpate the cat’s belly, as this may be unsafe for future kittens.
  4. Weeks 5-6 are characterized by overly swollen sides. Babies no longer have enough space for a comfortable intrauterine existence.
  5. From 42 to 50 days are the most difficult for the animal. The cat may lose its appetite, and changes in character and behavior are possible. Aggression and anxiety are often visible. During this period, kittens already have full development, their length reaches 6-8 cm, and there is already fur on their body.
  6. The final sixth period: the babies are active, their movements in the stomach are visible even to the naked eye.

Well, and, of course, the final stage - childbirth and the birth of furry babies!

It is impossible to say unambiguously how many days a cat’s pregnancy lasts, because in these animals, like in people, these norms are relative and purely individual.

The gestation period also depends on the age of the cat, its breed and other important criteria. You need to prepare for the birth of kittens in advance, literally from the 58th day after conception you can expect an addition to the family.

Experienced breeders predict the following pregnancy periods for cats:

  • long-haired representatives bear kittens for 62-72 days;
  • Shorthaired cats have a slightly shorter gestation period, estimated to be 58-68 days.

If there are 1-2 kittens in the cat's womb, the pregnancy will be longer. You should expect an early birth if your cat has a multiple pregnancy.

The main pathologies of pregnancy that affect timing

There are cases when during pregnancy a cat is attracted to the male. At such moments, it is worth isolating your pet from sexual intercourse. If the ligament does occur, then a “double” pregnancy occurs in the womb and the cat bears two litters. There may be two scenarios for the development of events.

Sometimes during pregnancy a cat wants a cat

The first and most common is the birth of a healthy first batch and miscarriage of the second, since they did not have time to develop.

In the second case, the first kittens are born, while the second remain in the womb; the cat carries them to term and gives birth later. You need to understand that it will be impossible for one mother to feed all the kittens, and you will have to feed the rest of the animals. This happens very rarely.

False pregnancies occur in cats. Based on the signs and symptoms, you might think that the cat is pregnant, but you will not feel the movement of the embryos, and labor will not occur. Pathology appears due to hormonal disorders.

Against the background of a “spoon” (false pregnancy), ascites may develop. The exact reason is unknown, but experts think that protein metabolism is disrupted due to the play of hormones and fluid accumulates in the abdomen.

It will appear pregnant, but an x-ray will show that the cat is not pregnant.

More precise details can be revealed by ultrasound. It is impossible to cure the disease.

All problems during pregnancy can be determined by doing an ultrasound.

And another pathology is frozen pregnancy. It consists of stopping the development of embryos and their death. The reasons may be infections, hormonal imbalances, stressful conditions, injuries, neoplasms in the pelvis and abdomen.

If the tummy does not increase, and there are no tremors, appetite disappears and lethargy appears, immediately contact a specialist.

An ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous for the animal. If the embryo develops in the wrong place, the uterus may rupture, which will lead to internal bleeding and the cat will urgently need surgery.

If your cat has an unpleasant discharge, the temperature is constantly changing and obvious signs of illness and anxiety are visible, this may indicate a miscarriage. Embryos can die at a very early stage and be resorbed. They may die and leave the womb or remain in it until the end of pregnancy. It is very difficult to predict such a condition.

If a cat has any of the listed pathologies, it is best to sterilize it after treatment.


Despite the fact that it is almost impossible to immediately calculate the exact date of pregnancy, obvious signs of pregnancy in a cat can be determined already on the twentieth day.

The animal's nipples will enlarge and become bright pink. The skin around the nipples will begin to peel, this will become noticeable if you lay it on your back.

An experienced veterinarian can determine if a cat is pregnant by palpation in the third week. You should not try to palpate yourself, as this can harm the kittens and the health of your pet.

Early dates

You will notice that in the second week your pet becomes more thoughtful and melancholic. She plays less, sleeps longer, and her appetite also worsens. Already in the third week the animal may vomit. Don’t worry, this process also happens to women; in the first trimester they suffer from toxicosis.

After just five days, the vomiting goes away, and you can almost certainly determine pregnancy. Cats can also have a false pregnancy, which will go away on its own and will not require special treatment. It should be noted that if the false process occurs frequently, you should contact your veterinarian.

Late dates

Your pet will begin to gain weight in the 4-5th week, the weight will increase by one to two kilograms depending on the number of kittens. X-rays can show the skeletal structure of kittens at 44 days, but do not take an x-ray unless absolutely necessary.

The animal's taste preferences may also change and mood swings will appear. After a month and a half, the belly will increase even more, the cat will walk slowly, waddling.

After 8 weeks, the animal will begin to look for a place to give birth (“nest”), show anxiety and nervousness, during the same period you will be able to feel the active movements of the kittens by simply placing your hand on the pet’s stomach. Milk will appear in the mammary glands in the 9th week, and the animal will move less and lie down more; if there are a lot of kittens, pregnancy usually goes faster.

Important! Cats can have from one to ten kittens at a time; the reproductive organs of these animals are arranged differently: the cat’s uterus is shaped like the letter Y, it is much shorter than the human uterus and looks like a pear. Embryos are evenly attached to the processes of the uterus after fertilization, so multiple pregnancies do not harm the animal.

If the owner is against the birth of kittens

As soon as signs of pregnancy appear, sterilization is carried out. There are no safer methods of interruption. In the later stages, sterilization turns from an ordinary procedure into a complex operation that can undermine the health of the pet. In addition, many veterinarians, for ethical reasons, do not agree to operate on a cat when the embryos are no longer just tiny embryos, but almost fully formed kittens.

Other ways to terminate a pregnancy:


– the drug is administered immediately after sexual intercourse and prevents pregnancy. Side effects: uterine infections, incurable infertility, hormonal disorders, pathologies of bone marrow functioning.


– used to induce premature birth in the first half of pregnancy. After such an injection, the cat’s ovaries must be removed. Side effect: high probability of uterine infection.


– used in later stages to induce premature birth. The cat actually gives birth, but the fetuses are nonviable or dead. A traumatic and dangerous process, often ending in an emergency caesarean section.

Caring for a pregnant cat

Expert recommendations:

  • Make sure that the cat does not climb to great heights and does not make dangerous jumps;
  • do not leave alone at home for a long time, especially in the last days of pregnancy;
  • do not let the cat go outside so that the cat does not give birth outside its home;
  • create a healthy diet for your pet, consisting of natural foods rich in calcium, proteins and vitamin complexes;
  • Half of the daily requirement in a cat’s menu should be lean meat;
  • increase the number of feedings to 4-5 times;
  • if your cat eats ready-made food, choose premium varieties that contain a rich complex of beneficial microelements;
  • Make sure that there is always clean drinking water in the animal's bowl.

Following these simple care recommendations will allow your pet to safely bear offspring and give birth to healthy babies.

What should not be given to a pregnant animal?

  1. During pregnancy, a cat should not be wormed.
  2. It is also unacceptable to carry out flea baiting procedures.
  3. Do not give your pet medications and vitamin complexes without a doctor’s prescription.
  4. Don't feed your cat unhealthy foods.

Try not to touch the cat’s belly and under no circumstances press down, wanting to feel the future offspring.

Nutritional Features

Nutritional needs change throughout pregnancy. The first two weeks, when appetite increases slightly, the daily portion is increased by 10%. In this case, the entire volume of food is divided not into 2 meals, as usual, but into 4–5. From 3 to 7 weeks, the amount of feed is doubled from the original. Over the last fortnight, my appetite has decreased slightly as the fruits put pressure on my internal organs.

Pregnant cats have a good appetite

The diet should not contain foods from the human table, especially those containing chemical additives - chips, sausages, smoked meats, including fish. This is harmful to all domestic animals, and their benefits for humans are questionable.

Nomes for feeding cats

Dry or natural food?

Cat breeders have not yet come to a consensus on which food is better - industrial or natural. But they agree on one thing: if it is ready-made food, then it must be the highest quality available. Switching to a different type of diet will do more harm than good.

Cat breeders never tire of arguing about which food is best.

Dry food familiar to cats is gradually being replaced with analogues for pregnant women. If a special product cannot be found, then simply increase the portion as described above. Experienced breeders recommend special foods for pregnant cats:

Royal Canin Queen

Acana Pacifica


Josera Minette for kittens and nursing cats

These brands fall into the holistic and premium categories. They contain a sufficient amount of fat, protein, and amino acids to provide the expectant mother with energy for pregnancy and strengthen her immune system.

Kitten food is one of the options for complete nutrition for a pregnant or lactating cat.

In addition to the main diet, from time to time you can pamper your cat with natural products - meat, cottage cheese, yogurt. But then this is a delicacy, not the main food.

Many sources on cat nutrition note that it is not worth giving additional vitamins and minerals, since everything necessary is included in the product. Only a veterinarian can determine the possible need for supplements.

Natural nutrition

Breeders pay special attention to the natural nutrition of the cat. table 2

Qualitative composition of a pregnant cat's diet

Table 2. Qualitative composition of the diet of a pregnant cat.


Cats usually refuse plant foods. But if you grind it in a blender to a puree and mix it with meat products, then its taste buds can be deceived. You should not cut food into cubes, since only meat pieces will be selected from the plate.

A cat needs the following products:

  • dietary meat - chicken, veal, beef (can be raw, but only fresh and high quality);
  • sometimes - boiled fish;
  • eggs - 2 pcs. in Week;
  • low-fat dairy group - cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, cream, yogurt;
  • cereals - oatmeal, rice, buckwheat;
  • jelly, boiled cartilage.

Natural products are necessary for a pregnant cat

For constipation, give the cat beets and increase the amount of vegetable fat. But they are excluded or the dose is reduced after the condition has stabilized.

Herbal remedies for pregnant cats

Breeders recommend giving cats an infusion of raspberry leaves. It is prepared from a tablespoon of dry raw materials and a glass of boiling water, left for 15 minutes and filtered. Give a tablespoon 2 times a day from the beginning to the end of pregnancy. This will help bear healthy offspring and simplify the birth process.

In the second half of pregnancy, pre-scalded nettle leaves are added to the drink. These greens promote milk production.

Nettle decoction increases the amount of breast milk

Vitamin supplements for a pregnant cat

It is necessary to ensure the presence in the diet of vitamins A, D, E, B1, B6, B1, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine. Taurine, a sulfur-containing amino acid, is extremely important. If the diet is prepared correctly and is not monotonous, the body receives most of these elements from food. But with an unbalanced diet, vitamin preparations with the listed substances are necessary.

The following brands offer vitamin complexes for pregnant cats:

  • Beaphar (Top 10 Cat, Salvical, Irish Cal);
  • Brewers Yeast 8 in 1;
  • Anivital FeliImmun and others.

Vitamin preparations will provide vital elements

Sexual activity of cats during pregnancy

During pregnancy, cats' sexual activity decreases sharply. Due to changes in hormonal levels, they prefer not to get involved with members of the opposite sex.

Important! To protect your pet from premature birth, you should avoid any contact with cats.

Immediately after giving birth, you should wait a while with the next mating.

Pregnancy in cats usually proceeds without complications. But there are some breeds that have an increased risk of early or late births. To avoid this process, you should contact your veterinarian when pregnancy occurs. He will assess the animal’s condition and prescribe the necessary medications and nutrition. If necessary, he can come to the owner of the animal for delivery.

Post-term pregnancy

A post-term pregnancy is a pregnancy that lasts up to 70 days or more. The normal delay in labor is one week if the mother feels well. Delay does not always lead to pathologies or unhealthy kittens, but it is also not considered the norm.

Reasons for delayed birth:

  • If the offspring is expected to be small, then gestation will be longer.

With small offspring, pregnancy lasts longer

  • Also, the period may be delayed if the cat was exposed to stress in the last stages.
  • Larger and older Scottish females bear offspring longer.
  • An older cat may have a longer period if she gives birth for the first time.
  • Frozen pregnancy.
  • Hypoxia in kittens is an insufficient amount of oxygen supplied.

An ultrasound will show the exact cause of the delay.

How to determine your due date

How do you know if it’s time for a cat to give birth or not? It is not at all difficult to recognize this important point, even if the owner, for certain reasons, does not take into account the length of the pregnancy.

Before labor begins, the cat’s instinct kicks in and she begins to actively look for a cozy place to give birth to her babies. The owner may notice how the pet carries various rags, things and toys to the selected corner.

Do not forbid her to carry out this training. Also, if possible, you should not move her from the chosen place; as an expectant mother, it is better for her to know where her newborn babies will be warm and comfortable.

Additional signs of imminent labor:

  • the cat’s behavior changes, it may become aggressive or, conversely, overly affectionate;
  • the animal’s body temperature decreases to 37 degrees;
  • loss of appetite, cat refuses to eat;
  • a day before the birth process begins, the animal begins to lick itself for a long time.

Childbirth takes place within a few hours. The maximum period is 1 day. If during this time the cat was unable to give birth on its own, it is necessary to take the pet to a veterinary clinic. This measure will make the birth process easier and reduce the risk of complications.

Premature birth

Premature birth is considered any birth less than 60 days. You can save the offspring if birth occurs no earlier than 50–55 days. When labor begins a week early, kittens often die.

When can premature labor begin:

  • If a cat has more than five kittens in a litter, then labor will begin earlier.
  • If the animal catches the infection, then labor will begin prematurely.
  • The duration is also affected by the cat’s build and age. Very young cats (up to a year) give birth on the 50th day, but the offspring are most often unhealthy.
  • Small cats do not walk with a belly for more than 65 days.
  • In Scottish women, normal labor takes place in at least 60 days.
  • If a young cat gives birth early (at about 1 year), then labor takes up to 60 days. In this case, the offspring may also be unhealthy.
  • Premature labor can begin due to a sudden change in temperature.
  • Weak embryos die inside the womb, causing early labor.
  • If the cat is very scared or nervous.

If your cat’s behavior has become strange or its condition has worsened, contact the clinic, where they will do everything necessary to help. You can remove the tone of the uterus to continue pregnancy, or induce premature birth or perform a caesarean section.

Due to a stressful situation, the cat may give birth earlier or the birth may be delayed.

Possible pathologies

Although pregnancy is a physiological condition, as it develops, the load on the body also increases; the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, intestines are under attack, and pressure on the abdominal walls increases.

A healthy animal tolerates all transformations well, but under certain negative conditions, physiology can develop into pathology, which not only threatens the life of the fetus, but also complicates the course of pregnancy itself and subsequent births.

Pregnant cats may experience:

  • uterine inguinal hernia - protrusion of the uterus with fetuses through the inguinal canal;
  • bleeding - blood leaking from the uterus can cause placental abruption;
  • polyhydramnios - accumulation of fluid in the amniotic membranes, most often diagnosed in the last weeks of pregnancy;
  • torsion of the uterus - occurs due to an unsuccessful fall, blows to the stomach, jumping from a height, etc.;
  • Abortion is the death of fetuses followed by their expulsion from the uterus.

Important! Any deterioration in the condition of a pregnant female requires immediate intervention from a specialist.

An urgent visit to a veterinary clinic is necessary if your pet exhibits at least one of the following symptoms:

  • the presence of a protrusion between the last and penultimate pair of nipples, which was not there before;
  • discharge of blood or clots from the genital opening;
  • the animal is worried: gets up, lies down, gets up again;
  • weakness, apathy, poor appetite are observed;
  • the belly at the end of pregnancy suddenly grows rapidly, takes on a barrel-shaped shape, the genital loop is red and swollen;
  • the peritoneum is tense, the back is hunched, it is difficult for the cat to stand, it is difficult to lie down;
  • a miscarriage occurred.

In very rare cases, a “double” pregnancy is observed, when the animal, after fertilization, comes into heat again and fertilization occurs. The outcome depends on many factors: in one case, later offspring die during the birth of earlier offspring, in others, a few weeks after the first birth, the second will occur, and all kittens will be healthy.

Drowsiness during pregnancy

Diagnosis of pregnancy

Formally, ovulation occurs 24-30 hours after mating. For convenience, breeders calculate the total cycle length as the difference between the day of birth and the day of mating. On average, gestation of kittens lasts 62-68 days. The longest period is typical for the Siamese-Oriental group. These cats have offspring only 71 days after mating. How to determine if a cat is pregnant?

An earlier and more accurate diagnosis of a cat’s pregnancy can be done in the clinic using imaging studies:

  • ultrasonography
  • radiographic examination

Ultrasound can reliably diagnose a cat's pregnancy from the 20th day, and this method also allows you to monitor the development of the fetus throughout the pregnancy. The only parameter that is often impossible to determine using this type of study is the number of fetuses, especially in multiple pregnancies. The second method of visual diagnosis is radiography. This study is relevant no earlier than 4-5 weeks, since until this moment the bones of the fetus contain a small amount of minerals and are poorly visualized on an x-ray.

The most accurate method for determining pregnancy

X-ray allows you to confirm a cat’s pregnancy if it is not possible to conduct an ultrasound examination (there is no equipment in the clinics closest to you) and palpation is difficult (for example, the animal is aggressive or very obese). Also, using an x-ray, you can more accurately calculate the number of fetuses.

Pregnancy screening for cats

A veterinarian should check to see if your cat is pregnant. When examining cats, an assistant should hold the animal in a lying position. To do this, take the fold of skin near the back of the head with the right hand, and with the left hand grab both hind limbs in the metatarsal area, place the cat on the table and stretch it slightly so that it cannot squirm and scratch with the forelimbs or bite. The cat is held in a dorsal position and palpated through the abdominal wall with one hand.

For palpation, grasp the abdominal wall between the thumb and other fingers at the level of the lumbar vertebrae and gently squeeze the fingers. The rectum is often palpated here if it is filled with feces. Trying not to weaken the pressure of the fingers, move them down. At the same time, in non-pregnant cats, uterine horns are sometimes found, diverging in the form of elastic cords. In pregnant cats, uterine ampoules or fetuses are found.

Palpation by a veterinarian

Cat giving birth

Cats can give birth on their own; after the birth of the first kitten, they gnaw the umbilical cord and wash their baby. Kittens are born in a bubble, which is also successfully burst by the cat.

If for some reason the animal was unable to free its kitten from this dome, make a careful tear to free it, otherwise it may suffocate. After giving birth, the cat, like a caring mother, will feed her babies and monitor their hygiene.

Your task:

  • create a safe atmosphere in the home for newborns to live;
  • organize a healthy diet for the cat so that she can feed her babies good milk;
  • Do not handle newborn kittens for at least a couple of weeks after birth.

How many times a year can a cat give birth: for purebred animals, this norm is established - once every 10 months.

How to prepare for and deliver a baby

Scottish cats are an artificially bred breed of cat. The instincts of breeds with wild roots, which could completely cope with childbirth themselves, are weaker in this breed. Therefore, the cat may need help in this difficult matter.

First of all, take care of the place for childbirth. Make a soft, comfortable bed in a dark, quiet place. Place the woman in labor in this place. If the birth occurs in another unexpected place, then move the cat and kittens to a constructed crib.

Don't forget to keep clean towels, medical gloves, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine, pipette, thread and scissors, Vaseline, iodine nearby.

At the very beginning of labor, when the cat is clearly breathing heavily, a colorless discharge appears. Next you can see the kitten's head and shoulders. If the attempts are weak, help the baby get out by gently pulling the withers. The lump comes out in the amniotic sac, which bursts on its own. If the bubble does not burst, you need to break it, separate it from the kitten, shake the baby and remove the liquid remaining in the mouth with a pipette. Hands must be clean and lubricated.

Childbirth is performed with sterile gloves

Then the placenta comes out (if this does not happen, you need to extract it yourself). Usually the cat will chew the umbilical cord, but this may not happen. In this case, cut it yourself, after tying it with thread. Treat the incision with iodine. Place the first kitten near the cat's nipples. Dry the kitten with a clean towel. After about 25 minutes the next baby appears. Carry out the same procedures.

The kitten is placed on the mother's nipples

After giving birth, the cat eats the placenta; you cannot eat more than two pieces. Replace with food. All placentas are delivered about half a day after the birth of all kittens. If there are fewer of them than kittens, then you need to contact a veterinarian to avoid inflammation.

In case of a difficult birth, you should call a veterinarian.

The first litter can have 1 – 3 kittens. In subsequent births, more kittens appear and can reach eight lumps.

Over time, there are more kittens in the litter

How many months does a cat bear kittens?

How long do pregnant cats walk: the approximate period for adults is 9 weeks (2.5 months). This date can be easily calculated. This indicator may differ up or down by 5-7 days from the moment when the pet was able to become pregnant. This depends on many factors, including the living conditions of the animal.

Premature babies are born weak and may have diseases. In some cases they are not viable. If a pregnant cat postpones the term, this also adversely affects the growth and formation of the fetus. Hypoxia occurs, that is, lack of oxygen. As a result, brain defects may occur.

For reference: if the cat is a yard cat, the process of delivery may begin earlier, as it is affected by weather conditions (severe frosts) and stress.

In some cases, premature kittens are born completely healthy. This happens when the owner takes good care of his animal, feeds it properly and creates all the favorable conditions.

Nipple enlargement

Age when you can

A cat, while still a kitten at the age of 6 months (some earlier - at 4), can already demonstrate sexual behavior. But this does not mean that she is ready to get pregnant and become a mother. Her body still has to grow and develop until she is 1.5 years old. Therefore, it is undesirable for an animal to waste vitamins and microelements on the development of its offspring; it itself is still growing.

Of course, these terms, defined as 1.5 years, are average. They largely depend on the breed, living conditions, and feeding. After all, cats that eat well grow and mature faster. Or, for example, the Burmese breed is considered “early” - females begin to breed before 9 months, and Persian and Abyssinian breeds - after a year.

The first minimum period when a cat can be mated with a male is 1 year.

Characteristic signs and “surprises” of the first cat pregnancy

The optimal age for a cat to become pregnant for the first time is over a year. The veterinarian can determine the special position of the purr by visual examination approximately 20 days after fertilization has occurred, when the kittens are no larger than the size of a peanut. Using an ultrasound, he will establish pregnancy in the second week.

But there are signs by which owners may also suspect that the cat is soon expecting an addition to the family. In the third week from conception, her nipples turn pink and enlarge, which is especially noticeable if this is her first pregnancy.

During the first 3-4 weeks, her activity noticeably decreases. She may have nausea and vomiting in the morning (due to hormonal changes and stretching of the uterus), but this will soon pass. Then the expectant mother will begin to sleep and eat more. She will become slower and will often be in a state of thoughtfulness. Her food preferences may change.

Around the sixth week, pregnancy will already become obvious, and at 7 weeks, if you put your palm on her tummy, you will be able to feel the kittens moving.

On a note! These pets often have non-simultaneous births of cubs, when several of them are born within one day, and the rest after 24 - 48 hours.

How to distinguish a false pregnancy from a real one

False pregnancy is a special condition of a cat’s body when it exhibits characteristic symptoms without fertilization. There are several reasons for this. These include mating with an unproductive cat, disruptions in the reproductive system, proximity to animals bearing offspring, and severe psychological stress.

A cat may invent a pregnancy when it is around other cats that are already pregnant.

It will not be possible to determine on your own whether a replenishment is really expected, due to the presence of most of the characteristic signs. And this is another reason why it is worth visiting a veterinary clinic after mating. After all, serious illnesses can be hidden under a false pregnancy.

Stages of pregnancy

The process of bearing kittens is divided into three stages, each of which lasts an average of three weeks.


How many days does a cat walk: examples for the first time and how long in time

Fertilization is the fusion of a sperm with an egg. In a cat, fertilization occurs as a result of successful mating. The result is the formation of a zygote - an embryo. The zygote actively divides for the first few days, and then attaches to the uterine mucosa. After implantation, the embryo actively divides. This period is very important for the proper formation of the fetus, since all the main vital systems of the kitten’s body are formed. At this time, the cat is already showing the first visual signs of pregnancy, and by day 21 an experienced doctor can determine the presence of babies by palpation.


At the second stage, the active development of future kittens continues, tissues differentiate, and organs form. By the end of the fifth week, the fetus has fully formed body parts and reaches a size of 25-40 mm. The pet's appetite noticeably increases and she gains weight. The cat's belly grows and takes on a pear shape. At this time, she needs to be protected from stress, ensure that she does not jump from great heights, and create a pleasant psychological atmosphere. It is strictly forbidden to raise a hand to her.

Important! At this time, it is vital for the full development of the fetus to provide the expectant mother with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements.


At the final stage, the formation of the fetus is completed, the kitten’s body prepares for birth. The size reaches 60-90 mm, all organ systems begin to function, and hair forms. The naked eye can see the kittens moving in their stomachs. The cat's maternal instinct awakens. If there are children in the house, she prefers their company. In the last week before giving birth, the cat’s behavior changes: its appetite decreases, it becomes restless and irritable, and looks for a place in the house where it can safely calve.

Fetal development

To eliminate the possibility of childbirth in unsanitary conditions, it is better to temporarily isolate and close hard-to-reach places. It makes sense to arrange a separate place. A good option would be a chest of drawers or a cardboard box of impressive size, located in a dark and quiet place. At the bottom you need to lay woven material (an old sheet, a rug), which you won’t mind throwing away.

Features of keeping a pregnant pet: care and feeding

In order for your pet to successfully bear and give birth to kittens, you need to ensure that she does not jump from a height and does not bump into sharp objects with her stomach, especially in the later stages of pregnancy. You cannot force her to play actively. At the final stage of gestation, it is not recommended to walk the animal on the street. The room in which the cat is located should be quiet and deserted. The expectant mother is prohibited from vaccination and deworming.

During the period of gestation of kittens, the cat's nutrition should be adjusted. Information on how to do this is presented in the table:

Feeding methodsFood Selection GuidelinesFeeding rulesspecial instructions
Ready-made feedUse only food labeled “holistic” and “super premium”
  • stick to 4–5 times the power frequency;
  • in the second half of pregnancy, increase the diet by 40–50%;
  • Meat should account for at least 50% of the daily food intake.
  • use vitamin and mineral complexes agreed upon with your veterinarian;
  • in the second half of gestation, add crushed nettle leaves, previously scalded with boiling water, to food;
  • for constipation, give your cat vegetable oil or boiled beets;
  • Give your pet a decoction prepared from 1 tbsp. l. raspberry leaves and 250 ml of water.
Natural foodThe cat's diet should consist of boiled beef or veal, meat broth, sea fish, low-fat fermented milk products, rice, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, boiled or raw vegetables and fruits, jellied meat, boiled cartilage.

How to understand that labor will begin soon

The main harbingers of childbirth in a cat:

  1. Temperature drop. In most pregnant animals, their body temperature drops a day before giving birth. But to determine this, you need to know the normal indicators, and starting from day 55, take measurements 3-4 times a day and record them in a notebook. The most accurate way to measure a cat's temperature is rectal. Indicators may change gradually or drop sharply by 1-1.5 degrees immediately before birth. This means that the cat will lamb within 8-24 hours. A couple of hours before lambing, temperature readings return to normal.
  2. Sagging belly. 3 days before giving birth, the stomach drops. If you look from above, you will see a thin back, sunken sides and a round lower abdomen.
  3. Vaginal discharge appears. But if the belly is small and the animal takes care of itself, then the owner will not notice the mucus, because the cat will lick it off.
  4. Urination becomes more frequent. The fruits put pressure on the bladder, forcing the cat to visit the litter box more often.
  5. Behavior change. In 2-3 days the pet will begin to look for a place for lambing. This process is called nesting. It is important to keep an eye on the animal, because the nest can be built on a bed, in a closet, or in some hidden place.

Preparing for childbirth

If the animal owner notices the signs described above, then he needs to prepare some tools in advance. The biggest thing an owner can do to ensure that a cat gives birth to healthy offspring is to prepare the birthing area and consult with a veterinarian about their obligations.

During the delivery, the following accessories may be required:

  • a sturdy box (it should be warm and draft-free, as kittens cannot regulate their body temperature on their own and can be very vulnerable to cold);
  • clean paper and cloth towels;
  • several pairs of sterile surgical gloves;
  • antiseptic;
  • scissors;
  • pipette for suctioning excess fluid from the nose and mouth;
  • thread, etc.

Cat birth: course and assistance

You can deliver a cat yourself without the help of a veterinarian. In rare cases, difficult births may occur; pathologies are even less common. To avoid unnecessary hassle, you need to prepare the items needed for childbirth . To do this, you will need a heating pad with hot water, a towel and sterilized scissors.

When born, kittens are surrounded by amniotic sac and connected by an umbilical cord and placenta. The umbilical cord is chewed by the cat, she also eats the afterbirth and licks them with her tongue to clean newborns of mucus. The interval between the birth of kittens is 30-50 minutes, however, temporary changes are possible depending on the physiological structure of the animal and the number of offspring. The longest labor can last over 20 hours. It is recommended to call a veterinarian if prolonged and strong contractions are observed, but labor does not occur; or there was a delay in time between the birth of kittens.

There are several signs that indicate that the birth process may be difficult. This may be bleeding before labor begins. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor to avoid possible complications. The cat may be restless and refuse its maternal duties after the end of labor (cessation of contractions). In this case, one of the kittens could remain in the pet's stomach. Timely assistance from a specialist will help avoid an unfortunate outcome.

How to help a cat give birth

If a person has even a slight understanding of veterinary medicine, he can ease the birth pangs of an animal.

  • For example, in a situation where the intensity of contractions decreases, you should give the cat a massage in the abdomen and back.
  • In a situation where the cat has not chewed the umbilical cord, you should tie the canal connecting mother and child with thread at a distance of 1 cm from the kitten’s body, then cut the umbilical cord, stepping back from the tied place by a centimeter.
  • If the kitten is stuck in the birth canal and is only half visible, you can wrap it in a towel or thick cloth and try to pull it out. This manipulation should be carried out with extreme care and caution.
  • After removing the baby from the womb, it is necessary to get rid of the amniotic sac, clean the mouth and stimulate the process of breathing and blood circulation by rubbing.
  • When the contractions end, labor will also end. To be completely sure that labor is over, the owner must feel the cat’s belly and make sure that there are no more kittens in the womb.
  • After giving birth, the cat can be given the required dose of oxytocin. This remedy will eliminate the possibility of adverse consequences, including inflammatory processes.

After the birth of kittens, the owner may be puzzled by the question of how to find out the gender of the kittens . The answer can be obtained during the examination of the babies. At birth, kittens are deaf and blind. After approximately 1.5 weeks, the eyes begin to open, and over the next seven days it becomes possible to see normally. The rumor appears a little earlier.

From birth, kittens have senses of smell and touch. This is what helps them find their mother and navigate space. The mother cat communicates with her babies through her voice. The kittens move by crawling on their stomachs, pushing off with their paws. The cat is separated from the kittens only when natural needs arise.

Behavior of a new mother

Immediately after the birth, the cat collects the kittens under her tummy and feeds them. In the first few days after birth, it is not milk that is released from the mother cat's nipples, but colostrum , as in all mammals. It differs from milk in composition, contains immunoglobulins and antitoxins that protect the newborn, and also normalizes the activity of the digestive tract. It is very important that babies eat well and receive enough colostrum in the first days after birth.

As soon as the kittens have eaten, the cat begins to tidy up the nest and herself. You can help her with this and re-lay the bedding. The cat warms the kittens with her warmth; she gathers the kittens under her tummy and head, so that everyone is warm. In the first days, it is also advisable to control that the new mother does not accidentally run over anyone. In the first days after birth, the cat practically does not leave the kittens; she constantly feeds them and warms them, leaving only in cases of extreme necessity, when the babies have eaten and released their nipples.

It often happens that a few days after giving birth, a cat decides to change the nest and looks for a more comfortable place for the kittens, so at night she can bring the kittens to the owners under the blanket to help protect the babies.

This is an instinctive feature left over from wild ancestors who changed the nest: after all, the smell of blood and amniotic fluid can give the nest away to predators. In this case, you can change the bedding to clean ones, change the configuration of the nest, make it more like a mink, with a small entrance, cramped and dark, or even re-equip the nest in a new place. It is not advisable to make a nest at a height, on your bed, because at 3 weeks the kittens will begin to crawl out of it and may fall from a height.

Too much nervousness and fussiness in a cat may indicate eclampsia , so pay close attention to the cat’s behavior. If remodeling the nest doesn't help and your cat is fussing too much, consult your veterinarian.

While the kittens feed only on milk, the mother cat licks them thoroughly, thereby stimulating the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory organs. Once the cubs begin to eat solid food, be it meat or special cat food, they can be trained to go to the litter box. Mom will wash them only to maintain cleanliness.

Preparing cats for pregnancy

The owner must decide for himself whether the pet really needs to give birth. The common belief that it is advisable for a cat to lamb once is completely wrong. Pregnancy is a colossal burden on the immune system and internal organs. And it cannot in any way be a measure for the prevention of diseases of the mammary glands and uterus. But sterilization, on the contrary, is such a measure.

Interesting information for thought: a cat can give birth to 3 to 7 kittens every 4 months. And have more than 100 kittens in your life. The maximum recorded number of kittens in a litter is 19!

If we are talking about purebred animals, then before breeding it is important for the owner to make sure that his pet is not a carrier of genetic diseases characteristic of the breed.
Here are some breeds and the most common gene mutations for them:

  • Maine Coons – hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), spinal muscular atrophy.
  • Bengal, Abyssinian, Somali breeds - pyruvate kinase deficiency, retinal degeneration.
  • Ragdolls - HCM.
  • Persian, British shorthair, Scottish varieties, exotics, Siberian - polycystic kidney disease.

Genetic tests are taken once in a lifetime. If mutant genes are found, the animal should not be used for breeding.

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