A cat shits in his slippers: what to do and how to deal with it

There's nothing worse than slipping your foot into a puddle of cat urine - while wearing your own shoes. If your cat has acquired the habit of peeing in your slippers, you are looking for solutions. But before you can solve the problem, you must find out why it is happening.

Sometimes it's difficult that we can't just ask our cats what's wrong. So, if your cat shits in your slippers and you're tired of cleaning your shoes, here are seven reasons why she might be doing it. And this problem also has solutions. I hope this is a one-stop tool for solving your urinary problem.

Why does a cat mark shoes?

Not always the unpleasant behavior of a pet can only be called hooliganism. As a rule, such an act has exactly a “cat” justification. After all, even if there is a tray that the cat uses for its intended purpose, the animal tries to leave its mark in your shoes.

Felinologists note several reasons for this behavior of the animal:

  • jealousy: the cat, leaving its smell in your shoes, seeks to show that you are exclusively its owner; This is how he marks you;
  • puberty or the desire to realize natural instincts: sometimes animals (especially unsterilized ones) begin to misbehave during the rut; with their smells they signal their readiness for procreation; if the animal does not “communicate” with others, then you receive the “signals”;

Important! It is not recommended to beat an animal or poke its nose into a puddle as punishment; some pets with a “harmful” character may repeat hooliganism out of spite.

  • reaction to someone else’s smell: your own smell remains in your shoes for a long time, which may seem like the enemy’s smell to your pet, so he clogs it with his “aroma”;
  • uncomfortable litter box: sometimes cats express their protest against an uncomfortable toilet; perhaps this is a signal that the tray is dirty;
  • urolithiasis: the cause of hooliganism may be a developing disease; the animal experiences discomfort and is looking for ways to get rid of it.

Important! Before punishing your pet, try to analyze the situation and eliminate the causes of his anxiety.

Why does a cat shit everywhere?

Let's omit the case when careless owners did not train the cat to use the litter box. It’s another matter if the animal suddenly began to gradually ignore the legal placement of the toilet. Let's look at the probable reasons for this behavior:

  • the pet has outgrown the litter tray, find out information about choosing a suitable toilet;
  • the animal does not like the situation in the owner’s toilet. Here it may turn out that the new washing machine irritates the animal during operation, or the owner purchased a pungent-smelling air freshener;
  • pet's vindictiveness: lack of attention, new people in the house, incorrect attitude of the owners towards the cat;
  • any stress associated with a change of home, a long absence of owners, the appearance of a new animal in the house;
  • If there is no obvious reason, then you should not postpone a visit to the veterinarian to check your cat's health.

Only by understanding the reasons can you choose the right solution to the problem.

We stop the cat from shitting anywhere

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//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> In fact, with a competent, patient approach, it will not be difficult to wean an adult cat from shitting anywhere.

The basic rule: the pussy should feel completely safe with the owner. Allow your pet to sleep as close to your bed as possible.

To stop a cat from shitting on the sofa, bed, or bed, they try this method: take a soft cloth, wipe the cat’s neck with it, and then move this cloth where the cat does a bad thing. This method works thanks to the animal’s pheromones, which “will not allow” the animal to commit a “toilet crime” in areas that smell of the purr itself.

Another good way: where the “fragrant” pile is left, the owner puts out bowls of delicious food. The animal does not go to the toilet where it feeds!

Did not help? This means we give the pet a new test: the cat is locked for 3-4 days in a separate small room with a tray that is completely suitable for the animal. Fresh food and water are brought into the room regularly. After a few days, a reflex to the correct place of the toilet is developed.

Remedies for weaning cats from shitting

All means can be divided into specialized, industrial and folk.

Chemical industrial products include preparations of the Antigadin format. Choose a convenient form of the product and treat unauthorized toilet areas.

If the new filler is to blame for the appearance of unpleasant piles and puddles, then you should just return the old one. Don't forget to change the filler regularly, this is very important!

stop your cat from crapping by purchasing a litter box in the shape of a house - this method has proven to be effective for many cats.

Sterilization is also an effective method: after the operation, the pussy loses the desire to take revenge and turn the owner’s house into a toilet.

Folk remedies for weaning cats off shit

The most common mistake when trying to stop a cat from pooping in the wrong place is to wash the area with bleach. She is more likely to lure the pet to do her dirty deed again.

But the idea of ​​aromatizing dirty areas has a basis: citrus peels laid out on the dirty area, lubricating the area with fir oil, garlic and even iodine really repel the cat.

Of course, such remedies will not help with a flower pot: stick toothpicks all over the soil, their sharp peaks will not make cats want to go to the toilet. Also, inventive people glue double-sided tape, which is very unpleasant for the animal to walk on.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from shoes at home

What to do if your cat has marked your shoes, how to get rid of the smell of urine while keeping your shoes or boots - these questions worry everyone who has encountered this cat problem. In addition to the unpleasant impression of a pet’s hooliganism, there remains a pungent odor, which, if you simply wash everything off with water, can accompany a fetid trail for a long time.

It is not always possible and time to take your shoes to the dry cleaner and entrust the treatment to specialists. There are suggested methods on how to get rid of cat smell in shoes at home:

  • table vinegar: after you wash your shoes, you can treat them with table vinegar, thoroughly wiping the entire stained surface; the smell of vinegar can remove the “aroma” of cat urine and scare away the pet from repeated mischief;
  • soap: choose soap with a strong smell (laundry or tar is best), treat your shoes; soap will not harm your shoes, but may leave marks on leather surfaces;

Important! During any treatment, it is recommended to keep the product in the shoes for some time so that the smell is absorbed and muffles the cat's hooliganism. In some cases, the procedure must be repeated several times.

  • potassium permanganate solution: shoes can be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate; but you should be careful: if the crystals are not dissolved, they can damage the appearance, it is not recommended to use on light-colored shoes, potassium permanganate can stain;
  • baking soda: will effectively get rid of the smell of cat urine, but this is not a very safe product for shoes, since baking soda can leave stains on a matte surface that will be quite difficult to remove;
  • hydrogen peroxide: you can treat the stained surface with ordinary hydrogen peroxide purchased at the pharmacy; the product removes biological substances, but after treatment it is recommended to wipe the shoes with plain water;
  • lemon juice: a product that is safe for the appearance of shoes; cats cannot tolerate the smell of citrus fruits, so lemon juice will also help avoid relapse;
  • vodka: effectively removes the smell of cat urine; The disadvantage of this product is its own persistent odor.

Important! After treating your shoes, first let them air out and then put them away so as not to provoke the animal.

Some experienced cat hooligan liquidators recommend that after treating shoes, put them in the freezer, preferably for several days. Low temperature, in their opinion, should remove the cat smell. This method can hardly be called safe for the condition of the shoes. Varnish surfaces and leather substitutes will definitely burst after such treatment, and not all leather can withstand prolonged low temperatures.

Video “How to stop a cat from shitting in the wrong place”

From this video you will learn how to stop a cat from shitting anywhere.

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Professional means to get rid of cat urine odor

You can buy special products at pet stores that will help remove the smell of cat urine from shoes. Sellers will offer you the following drugs:

  • OdorGone is a product consisting of natural ingredients that eliminates the persistent odor of cat urine; It can be used to treat not only shoes, but also the room, since it also has a bactericidal effect;
  • Odor kill is a vanilla scented product whose chemical composition is capable of breaking down urine crystals and effectively blocking odor;
  • Zoosan - products from this line help get rid of even the stagnant smell of cat urine.

Important! Before purchasing the product, read the instructions carefully. Not all chemical compounds are safe for shoes. By removing the smell of cat urine, you may leave behind stains or damage the integrity of your shoes.

Cats and bathroom etiquette

Cats start using the litter box incredibly early. You can start training a kitten to use the litter box only at three weeks of age. Cats naturally want to hide their urine and feces. So when they start going to the potty out of the box, it should be an automatic sign of concern.

Some things encourage you to urinate out of your designated area, and most of these problems are easily solved. There are many resources you can try or products you can buy to stop your cat from peeing, such as sprays and neutralizers to put an end to this unwanted behavior.

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Do not use chlorine-containing products!

It is not recommended to use chlorine-containing products to remove urine odor from shoes because:

  • they will leave light stains on your shoes that will be impossible to get rid of;
  • subsequent contact of the skin of the feet with such drugs is unsafe for humans;
  • Cats do not find the smell of bleach unpleasant, and some even find it a strong desire, so your pet may find it necessary to mark the shoes again.

To make problems with damaged shoes bother you less, try to put them in locked drawers or boxes.

Shoes hold familiar smells

For a cat, their sense of smell is probably the most important of their five senses. It is fourteen times stronger than humans, and they have twice as many receptors in their nasal tissues as humans.

Cats have a special organ located at the top of their mouth called Jacobson's organ, which humans do not have. This organ allows cats to essentially taste the scents and pheromones in the air, giving them a wealth of information about the animals and people in the area.

Cats are naturally inquisitive and will explore new smells, but they will also seek out the smells of things that are familiar to them and that make them feel safe.

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Cats themselves create and secrete their own unique scented pheromones in glands throughout their bodies, including their cheeks. When your cat rubs their face against you or an object, they leave their mark as a way of saying, “I've been here before. It belongs to my space and makes me feel safe.” Cats will be drawn to things that smell like them or like things they like.

Sleeping on your shoes is your cat's sign that she is comfortable in your company, comfortable in your presence, and loves you!

Methods to Avoid

Measures for raising an animal must be completely safe for its health.

  • beating;
  • poking your nose into a puddle or pile;
  • dousing with water;
  • rough pushing towards the tray;
  • shout.

All this will only frighten, provoke stress and ultimately have the opposite effect. The cat will become insecure and begin to look through all corners in search of something for which it will not be punished.

A little scolding is necessary, but only if the cat was caught “doing this.” Delayed punishment is pointless, because the cat will no longer understand what the owner’s aggression is connected with.

Sometimes it is advised to lock the cat in a cramped room with a litter tray: if it cannot find another place, it will begin to go there. But this method is also quite cruel. Such treatment can frighten, offend the animal and cause a persistent aversion to the toilet.

How to prevent cat misbehavior

You can never be sure of anything with a pet: it is a living creature that may have its own problems and its own views on how its living environment should be arranged. In order to protect your home as much as possible from surprises, the conditions for keeping the animal are thought out even before the mustachioed friend is brought into the house.

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The cat loves cleanliness, order and clear organization of space. It would be wise to position the toilet in a way that she likes. Then she will agree to do her business where it is convenient for the owner.

Misbehavior in a cat can be prevented if:

  • choose a toilet that your pet will like (even if you have to change several in a row);
  • When purchasing a tray, take into account the size of the animal;
  • place the tray in a secluded corner with 24-hour access to the room;
  • place the feeding area away from the toilet;
  • Do not place anything with a strong smell next door.

It is extremely important to clean your cat's litter box frequently:

  • every time you change the filler;
  • as soon as the smell appears;
  • Trays used without filler are washed after each cat’s visit to the toilet.

The litter you choose is the one that suits your cat. They change it without waiting for a strong smell to appear, which is individual for each animal.

Sometimes a cat shits in the room because of helminths: the pain and itching force her to look for a place where she can wipe off the remnants of the discharge. Often she looks for something soft - a carpet, a bed or a sofa. To prevent this from happening, even a healthy cat needs to be given anti-worm medication from time to time.

If your cat has urinary incontinence caused by illness or old age, you can only protect your floors and carpets by buying her diapers. This decision will be the only correct one; it will completely eliminate hassle and dirt in the house.

Protecting your home with special tools

The industry produces many products for correcting animal behavior. At the pet store you can choose them in the form of a spray, powder, or emulsion.

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There are drugs whose composition:

  • attracts to the tray;
  • scares away from the wrong place;
  • deodorizes, neutralizes odors;
  • disinfects;
  • calms during heat.

If in doubt, you can contact your veterinarian, who will advise the most suitable drug for a particular breed and age of the animal. The fact is that some of them act differently on young or old, healthy or sick, castrated or giving birth animals. Only a specialist can choose an effective and harmless remedy for a specific pet.

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