A cat shits on the bed: reasons, what to do, signs

In this article we will look at the question of why a cat shits on the bed and how to correct this situation.

Cats are considered willful animals, with a temperament, feelings of revenge and jealousy. You can usually hear this version if a cat shits on its owners’ bed, shoes, clothes, or other inappropriate places. This means that the animal was wronged and he decided to take revenge. We will not deny that they also have feelings, but very often the reason for such incidents lies in something completely different. Therefore, we will tell you in this material how to prevent this and how to deal with this behavior.

Reasons why a cat shits on its owner's bed

  • In the first place is a signal about health problems. Cystitis, diarrhea, urolithiasis and even just a bruise. All this causes pain and discomfort. And on the bed you can take a comfortable position, it’s warm and soft there. This is why the cat shits on the bed.
  • An equally popular problem is a dirty litter tray. Cats are very clean and even harmful in this matter: they changed the litter at the wrong time - the cat will not go into it, and the bed was nearby. Especially if the animal endured “until the last”;
  • I didn’t like the new filler - expect surprises not only on the bed, but also in the corners;
  • if you change the tray or move it to another place, it’s your own fault, because cats are big conservatives;
  • closed the door to the toilet - kick only at yourself;
  • if you have more than one cat, there should be separate trays for them. Sometimes if another pet goes into the wrong litter box, the animal may stop going in it, marking the clothes and bed of the owners.

It’s trivial, but a common cause is an inconvenient tray!

  • But often this happens due to stress. The animal has recently been in your home, there has been a change of scenery, a new pet or family member has appeared. The same bad treatment of a pet or even scandals in the family can shake the psycho-emotional state of the animal.
  • Sometimes this happens during periods of hormonal surge, when the animal wants to mark the territory with its smell.
  • Sometimes this happens in old animals, which can lose their skills with age and acquire chronic diseases.

Important: Most often, small kittens and unsterilized pets go to the wrong place due to their inexperience. The latter are more susceptible to the influence of sex hormones, trying by all means to attract a partner. Older cats may poop due to incontinence.

Rational explanation

Sometimes pet behavior can be explained logically. The cause may be stress, illness, or mistreatment by the owner.

This reaction can also be caused by the arrival of a new family member or a new pet, or moving.

Inadequate maintenance of the tray, its dirtiness or poor-quality filler is another logical reason for the animal’s incorrect behavior. Kittens often “miss the mark” during litter training; this is normal. You need to be patient and restrained, explaining again and again to your pet where you can go to the toilet and where you can’t.

In general, before looking for mystical reasons, you need to analyze the living conditions of the animal and consult a veterinarian. Under no circumstances should you scold or punish a cat.

How to stop a cat from shitting

If it's not a matter of signs, you can use special products with a repellent odor (sold in pet stores).

They will help to wean the animal from going to the toilet in the wrong place. In addition, it is worth changing the filler in the toilet or the location of the tray. It is better to consult a veterinarian for advice.

  1. If the pet marks the territory due to the play of hormones, then it is recommended to castrate the cat and sterilize the cat.
  2. If an animal is used to going outside and suddenly starts shitting in the house, then you need to look for other reasons.
  3. If a cat shits because of a bad psychological situation, frequent quarrels between family members, then they need to reconsider their behavior.

It would not be a bad idea to visit the veterinarian, since systematic defecation in the wrong place may be a symptom of stress or some disease, for example, urolithiasis. At the same time, it is important to ensure that there is a healthy and positive atmosphere in the house.

What to do if a cat shits on the bed: tips on how to wean

  • You should never shout, punish or be an animal. This will only cause additional stress. But it is also unacceptable not to pay attention to this. You need to make it clear to your pet in a stern voice that his behavior is unacceptable and you are very upset.

We punish correctly!

  • In this case, the bed must be changed and washed immediately. The blanket and mattress should be dry cleaned, or at least treated at home to kill the smell (we'll talk about this below).
  • Treat the bed with Antigadin, Dezosan, Emix, Zoosan, Faithful Friend, etc. Or place citrus-scented sachets around the perimeter.

Tip: You can treat the mattress and even wash the bed with the addition of vinegar, lemon, orange or lavender essential oil.

  • Additionally, the toilet area can be treated with enticing preparations: “BioVax”, “Miss Kiss”, “Smart Spray”, “Mr. Fresh”, etc.

Wash the tray thoroughly

  • If a cat shits on the bed due to a hormonal surge, the best option is to stop it - spaying/castration or special tablets. And in general, a sterilized animal is more affectionate and creates fewer problems.
  • If the cause is a new pet or family member, try to pay more attention to the cat for a while, pick it up and stroke it more often. Let the animal know that you have not forgotten about him and that he is loved just as much.
  • If the pet has not been in your home for long or you have recently moved, wait a while, taking all preventive measures for cleanliness.
  • Sometimes it’s worth looking at the atmosphere in your family - frequent quarrels can push your cat to do bad things. This is not revenge or punishment, this is how the animal tries to point out the problem to its owners.

Important: If a cat began to shit on the bed systematically and spontaneously, no changes or stress could help this, be sure to show the animal to the veterinarian. Your pet may have health problems. Therefore, for timely treatment, you need to get tested and undergo an examination.

Be careful!

How to remove the smell of urine and traces if a cat shits on the bed?

Algorithm of the site, if the cat shits on the bed or sofa:

  • Immediately blot the area well with a dry cloth so that the urine does not soak into the upholstery of the sofa or deep into the mattress;
  • Fill with absorbent powder - talc, starch, soda;
  • Let sit for 5-10 minutes and carefully remove all particles using a vacuum cleaner or brush. Then apply cleanser.

Store-bought drugs:

  • DuftaPet
  • Zoosan
  • Nature's Miracle
  • BioVax
  • Odor Kill & Stain Remover
  • Pet Stain&Odor
  • OdorGone, etc.

Important: Do not treat the bed with cologne or perfume - this is a useless remedy! And bleach can ruin the upholstery or mattress.

The best drugs that remove urine odor well
To remove the odor, use:

  • Soda and vinegar. These are affordable and effective means to combat odors - sprinkle with baking soda, spray with vinegar from a spray bottle and wipe with a damp cloth after 20-30 minutes. You can use them separately. To do this, mix soda with water until it becomes mushy, and dilute vinegar in equal proportions with water. Wet the area generously and wipe with a damp cloth after 10-30 minutes (depending on the freshness of the stain).
  • A solution of laundry soap. Lather it well in a small amount of water until it forms a thick foam, thoroughly treat the area, wipe it several times with a damp cloth and dry.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Suitable for light-colored fabrics only! The easiest way is to sprinkle with baking soda and spray with peroxide, leaving it to react for a while.
      Second recipe: Make a paste from 2 tbsp. l. soap shavings and soda, 3 tbsp. l. peroxide. Apply until completely dry.

  • Algorithm

    • Alcohol eliminates any odor well. Wet a cloth generously with it and leave it on the area for 1 hour, then wipe with a damp towel.
    • Glycerin and glycerin soap. Apply the product liberally to the cleaned stain until completely dry. Glycerin soap is rubbed in with a sponge and wiped well with a damp cloth.
    • Iodine or potassium permanganate - suitable only for dark surfaces. Dilute the product in a glass of water (3 drops of iodine or 2 g of potassium permanganate is enough), wipe the fresh stain with a damp sponge, rinse after 3-5 minutes.
    • Lemon juice not only cleanses, but also scares away further dirty tricks. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon directly onto the stain, wait a few minutes and wipe well with a damp cloth. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

    Important: Citric acid lightens the fabric!

    Folk remedies

    How to get rid of stains and odor

    A dog chews its paws: why and what the owner should do

    The smell of cat feces is quite corrosive, and therefore you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. For these purposes, you can use many products that are available in every kitchen and medicine cabinet. Unpleasant odor can be eliminated with alcohol, citric acid, vodka, vinegar or glycerin.

    Important! Treatment with the above means should be carried out as soon as possible. But you should choose them depending on the material of the bed linen. After processing, you need to send the items to the washing machine to fix the result.

    You can remove cat urine stains using laundry soap. It will also help get rid of unpleasant odors. To remove yellow stains, many people try a combination of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

    Bed linen cannot be removed from urine in a washing machine all at once.

    Preventative measures to stop your cat shitting on the bed

    If a cat shits on the bed, you need to find out the reason to take the necessary measures. And regular prevention will help with this. By the way, it will also protect you from further incidents.

    • Always keep the door to the toilet or room where the tray is located open.
    • Keep the tray clean at all times.
    • Do not suddenly change one type of filler to another. And try to experiment less in this matter.
    • The tray itself should also not be changed to a radically different model - ideally, even take the same color.
    • Sometimes the tray can be small in size (if the kitten has grown) or, on the contrary, too large (for example, high sides make it difficult to relieve oneself). Choose a tray by size.
    • Regularly treat your pet for parasites (they often cause health problems) and take your pet to the veterinarian.
    • Maintain a balanced diet and ensure that the animal is properly entertained while its owners are away.
    • If you have had a move or other stress on your animal, you should take a course of sedatives. But only after consulting a doctor!

    In any case, pay attention to your pet. His behavior will tell you what he is missing. And this will help avoid such troubles.

    Create clean and suitable conditions

    Why does a cat shit on the bed: signs

    There is no unambiguous interpretation of why a cat shits on the bed. Much depends on the details.

    • If a cat soils a pillow, this portends financial gain or career advancement, with a subsequent improvement in your financial situation.
    • A cat pooping on a blanket is a signal of a possible serious illness in the “victim of the cat’s attention.”
    • If a cat poops on a patient’s bed , this is a sign of an inevitable complication of the situation.
    • If the sheet is dirty, then this foreshadows a quarrel between sleeping people or close relatives.
    • Excrement on the bed or sofa can also signal an upcoming turn of fate, both positive and negative. Or about unexpected guests whom you are not very happy to see.
    • If a cat shits in the area near the feet, then this indicates hard work and wasted labor. You need to rest.

    Different countries have their own superstitions:

    • In Bulgaria , it was previously believed that a cat pooping on a bed warns of possible damage to a sleeping person. Nowadays, the sign has transformed into a big financial waste.
    • In Spain , this is a hint that you need to look after your significant other. Perhaps your partner is cheating on you or someone is leading you by the nose in an important matter.
    • In European countries they still believe that the cat protects its owners from evil spirits in this way.
    • But in England , you should expect bad news.
    • The Chinese see this as a joyful event in the near future.

    Important: But we can definitely say that the cat feels an accumulation of strong energy in this place. And rather, negative. Therefore, it is worth moving the bed to another place. Sometimes this indicates a bad atmosphere in the house or the negative energy of the person whom the pet has “marked”.

    Cats sense any energy well

    What should superstitious people do if a cat shits on the bed?

    • Let us repeat that sometimes a cat shits on the bed to indicate negative energy in that place. Therefore, if possible, rearrange.
    • If this is not possible or does not help, place amethyst or quartz stones - they absorb negative energy.
    • Walk through the house with a lit church candle, carefully crossing all corners and reading a prayer.
    • Place Tibetan bowls and bells on doorways in your home - they will help energy flows circulate better.

    But in any case, common sense should prevail. If your pet poops on the bed and in the corners of the room, and no methods help, you should still take your pet to the veterinarian. In most cases, this indicates a malfunction in the body.

    Animals that get dirty most often

    Depending on their age, animals begin to mark more often. This depends on their hormonal levels, as well as their memory state. It is worth understanding the problem of pets and not swearing at them, as this will only aggravate the situation.

    Old animals

    The dog pees on the bed: why and how to stop it

    Older cats may forget about going to the litter box or where it is located. It will no longer be possible to retrain them, since it is useless.

    Important! You just need to observe and when you notice the appropriate posture in the animal, move it to the toilet.

    Unsterilized animals

    Unsterilized animals pee on the bed and all places available to them to attract the opposite sex. This cannot be stopped without the use of auxiliary tools. If there are plans to continue the pet’s family, it is recommended to purchase special medications that will control the sexual activity of animals.

    A cat comes into heat several times a year.

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