Why does a cat crawl under the blanket: everything is very simple and clear

Cats are playful, but they can also be unpredictable. They have strange habits: for example, they bring gifts in the form of caught prey or hide under blankets.

Why do cats do this? Perhaps they are looking for warmth, want to engage you in a game, or because they feel safe there. It's adorable, although sometimes cats can be a little intrusive.


Let's find out the common reasons why they do this strange habit of hiding under blankets.

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  1. Cats feel safe under a blanket . Burying them under blankets makes cats safe. It is also a manifestation of their instincts as both prey and predator. Even though they are already domesticated, cats instinctively look for safe and dark places where they can hide, or a place from which they can “attack” their prey.
  2. They want to keep warm . Cats naturally look for a warm place to burrow and snuggle, especially in cold weather. This may be more noticeable among breeds with fine coats or hairless breeds. However, some cats may hide under blankets regardless of the room temperature.
  3. Your pet doesn't want to be disturbed . Just like people, your indoor cat can get hysterical and burying herself in the blanket is her excuse to hide everything. Although it may depend on the cat's breed or general temperament and personality, some cats hide under blankets and ignore any interaction at certain times of the day.
  4. They want to captivate you with the game . The exact opposite of point #3 above, your indoor cat might just want to play with you, so she's rummaging around under the covers. This usually happens if she sees you lying in bed in the morning or before bed. Typically, your pet will burrow under the blanket to get your attention, either to invite you to play or to snuggle with you.
  5. Your cat may have bush instinct . Cats prefer three types of environments: trees, the beach, or bush dwellers. Cats that prefer to sit in high places are tree-dwellers, while cats that like to sit in open spaces are beach-dwellers. If you have an indoor cat that likes to hide under the covers, then she is a bush cat. This type of cat likes to stay in places below ground level, such as under the bed, among potted plants, or under blankets.
  6. She may be worried and stressed . A cat that hides under the covers may also be feeling anxious or stressed. Have you recently moved to a new home? Have you added another pet or perhaps a new addition to the family, such as a new baby? These types of household changes can cause stress and anxiety for your pet.
  7. Cats may do this out of routine . Some indoor cats just hide under the sheets out of routine, that's all. That's how random these furry felines can be! They may do this just to see how you react, and some days they won't come near the bed at all.
  8. Perhaps she doesn't feel well . When your cat burrows under the covers, she may also be telling you that something is wrong with her. She may want to hide and bury herself under the covers to rest and recover because she doesn't feel well. If she looks pale, lethargic, and shows other signs, such as not eating or drinking water, you should take her to the vet immediately.

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Ambush hunting

Representatives of the cat family are not physiologically adapted to long, exhausting running and prolonged pursuit of prey, preferring hiding to catching up. Even the legendary cheetah sprinter sneaks as close to its prey as possible for a short, quick lunge.

Ambush hunting is common to all cats, and a domestic cat may suddenly imagine itself as a lion, jumping out from under the blanket after some moving object. Young active animals are especially prone to hunting games, loving to arrange a safari on a vacuum cleaner brush or the ankles of the mistress.

Sometimes cats can hide food in secret places, stocking up for a “rainy day,” so finding a dried piece of raw meat in their bed is a common occurrence for a cat owner.

How to correct a cat's behavior?

If you're an indoor parent but you don't like your indoor cat burrowing under your blankets because you're afraid she might suffocate, then here are a few tricks you can try.

  • Close or lock your bedroom to prevent your indoor cat from getting inside . This is the best thing you can do to prevent your kitten from getting inside and burrowing under the blanket. Not only will you eliminate the worry that your cat might suffocate, but you will also eliminate the hassle of disheveled or, worse, dirty blankets.
  • Stack pillows or recreate a stash using cardboard boxes . You can still give her the feeling of burrowing under the blankets and sheets by stacking the pillows so that there is enough room for her to crawl and hide. You can also make “hides” for her by collecting cardboard boxes.
  • Place comfy blankets in her cat's bed . Your kitty will no longer have a reason to come into your bedroom if she discovers that you have comfy blankets just for her. Hopefully this will stop her from burying herself under your blankets.
  • Help your cat calm down with sedatives . If the behavior is caused by anxiety or stress, you may want to try calming cat foods.

Cats will always be cats, and burrowing under the covers is an instinct they usually do to feel safe, to start playing and bonding with you, and to keep warm in the winter. However, if your pet is hiding under the sheets for other reasons, such as stress or illness, seek professional help immediately and take her to the vet.

Search for peace and comfort

Sometimes hiding under a blanket, cats are looking for a calm and comfortable place to sleep. Considering that an animal's body temperature is a couple of degrees higher than a person's, the desire to take shelter under a woolen blanket or duvet is not surprising.

A person's bed is soft and pleasant to the touch. The furry inhabitant of the apartment is comfortable in such conditions, so he happily climbs under the blanket. In addition, for a small kitten, a soft bed is reminiscent of the company of the mother and brothers and sisters with whom he grew up for some time. If the cat is already old, it may suffer from pain in the joints, which subside on a warm and soft bed.

Sitting down under the blanket, cats are looking for an opportunity to fall asleep deeply and restore the strength they wasted during the day. It is also common for pregnant cats to climb into the owner’s bed. Instinctively, they look under the blanket for the warmth necessary for future kittens.

If a cat sleeps at the head of the owner, what does this mean?

Experts have conducted a number of studies and found that a cat can sleep near its owner's head for several reasons.

According to physiological

The human head is always warm, and therefore the animal is very comfortable there. The location of the cat near another part of the body may indicate that it is hot there and perhaps there is an inflammatory process leading to this. The cat will experience the same comfort when lying on a battery or on a laptop.

In a dream, a person does not swing his head, but a cat has most likely already gotten his foot or hand accidentally, so the animal could remember that he can sleep peacefully near his owner’s head.


An emotional connection between the owner and the cat can occur if they are very attached to each other. Then the location of the cat in the area of ​​the owner’s head indicates that she adores him.

According to energy

As for human energy, a cat is able to detect the slightest fluctuation. It is for this reason that it will settle down in the place where the most negativity has accumulated. The animal will take on the entire burden of problems (although no - only part of the load, which the cat must then process and then return again for the rest of the negativity).

According to popular belief, the place where the cat lies down is not just that. If the place is always the same, this signals the development of pathology in the area where the cat is located. Constantly settling above the head is a signal of the owner’s chronic fatigue, increased nervousness, frequent headaches and disruptions in cerebral circulation.

The desire to help a person

There are many examples of cats crawling into a person’s bed to cure him or improve his well-being.

If an animal behaves too intrusively, crawls under the blanket, trying to wake up a person, then you should pay attention to its behavior. Perhaps the cat is feeling restless or it’s time to go for a walk. Most likely, she wants to warn her beloved owner about something. Owners tell many stories about how cats saved them from accidents, warned them of heart attacks, and even brought medicine in their teeth.

Pets perfectly sense the human condition, have a good sense of smell and hearing, so they can notice what the owner himself is not able to see. Listen to your cat and you will learn many useful things.


If your furry pet begins to spend too much time under the blanket, you should take a closer look at the animal. Perhaps some kind of disease is hiding behind the harmless behavior. Along with the desire to hide in secluded places, the following symptoms may occur:

  • the animal sleeps more than usual;
  • no appetite;
  • strong thirst;
  • vomiting began, stool changed;
  • the fur falls out in clumps;
  • aggression appears or, on the contrary, lethargy;
  • discharge from the eyes and nose.

If these symptoms appear, you should take your cat to the veterinarian.

The cat is hiding under the blanket. Normal or cause for concern?

Sometimes an attentive owner may notice one strange thing behind his meowing pet - a periodic desire to crawl under the blanket.

I am sure that all domestic cats have chosen this place for their holiday at least once.

And if it seems to us that sitting in absolute darkness and without access to fresh air is not very comfortable, then purrs do not think so at all.

Why does a cat sometimes hide under the blanket?

The answer to this question is obvious if the pet does not have its own secluded corner in the house, its own place where it will be comfortable and safe to sleep.

Perhaps the space of the apartment does not allow for a playground for the animal, or the owners simply do not consider it necessary to provide their pet with its own place to relax. So the cat has to look for suitable nooks and crannies.

If your cat has a sufficient number of houses and beds, but she still constantly crawls under the blanket, then you should pay attention to her physical health. Perhaps the purr is not feeling well, which is why she is looking for such strange places for solitude, where no one will disturb or disturb her.

In most cases, a cat crawls under the covers on the bed in a position that should give birth to kittens in the near future.

Often, owners find a cat and several small lumps in their bed in the morning. A cat turns out to be more comfortable under a warm blanket than in a comfortable (in human opinion) box with soft bedding.

It is likely that you will find your tailed pet under a blanket or bedspread if it gets colder outside and, accordingly, in the apartment. The cat is a heat-loving animal, so it is always close to a heat source - a radiator, a table lamp, a soft blanket, or a person in the end.

A purr may also hide on the bed in case of fear or stress.

Hearing a loud sound or being frightened by strangers in the house, the cat may well dive under the blanket and wait there until the danger has passed.

The animal believes that in such a shelter, which is closed on all sides, it is impossible to find it and cause any harm.

And a cat may simply miss its person and climb into his bed, as it stores the owner’s favorite and familiar smells.

It is no coincidence that our little ones often wake us up in the morning, climbing onto the pillows or under the blanket and purring with the joy of being together. It’s so warm, calm and safe with the owner. He will also pet you and say something nice.

Don't forget about the hunting instincts of cats. They cannot run after their prey for a long time, so they prefer to stalk it from ambush, hiding in secluded corners.

Why is a blanket not a place for such hide and seek? You can perfectly disguise yourself in it, and then suddenly make a decisive attack on your victim.


Feeling safe

In addition to warmth, an animal may seek banal solitude under a blanket. This often happens if there are children in the house who are persistent in showing their feelings and wanting to play. For a cat, the space under the blanket becomes a truly safe and tranquil place in which to rest, relax and recuperate, especially if she does not have her own house or other secluded corner where she can hide.

Is it possible for a cat to sleep between spouses?

Cats have been near humans and have lived in their homes for a long time. They keep the home. These animals must not be beaten, offended, or pulled by their whiskers or tail.

Whether to allow a cat to sleep between husband and wife depends on various factors:

  • A cat is capable of marking its territory with a liquid with an unpleasant, pungent odor, especially in cases where it is offended by one of the spouses or feels jealous.
  • Couples can quarrel over a cat. If one of the spouses does not like the pet, then she will commit unseemly actions to take revenge.
  • A cat that sleeps between a husband and wife interferes with their exchange of energies. When spouses sleep together, they exchange energy. The cat appropriates a particle of energy for itself, and the spouses end up with a disadvantage.

Signs sometimes contradict each other. According to some, a cat can separate, while according to others, on the contrary, it strengthens the union.

Why does your cat hide under the blanket? Should I worry?

My beauty got into the habit of hiding under the blanket. And not just under the blanket. A carpet in the bathtub, a bag, a yoga mat, a sheet, basically anything you can crawl under. As soon as he sees it, she’s already there. In addition to the fear of stepping on it, I thought about the reasons for this behavior. Should I start worrying? Or maybe it's time to lure her out of there? Let's try to figure it out.

Why is the cat hiding?

When we bring a kitten home, he lacks warmth, and also experiences feelings of fear and loneliness. That is why many babies try to take a comfortable place near the owner under the blanket. Also, cats are repeaters, and seeing how a person covers himself with a blanket and puts his head on a pillow, they can do the same thing, imitating their person. My little furry often comes to me during cold nights and asks to be under the blanket, and when I let her in there, she curls up comfortably there and falls asleep. Your pet may also bury itself in a blanket if something frightens it, or if a new animal has appeared in the house. Also, during the game, the fluffy can thus sit in an impromptu ambush. Conclusion: under a blanket, cats feel comfort, warmth and protection, which is generally logical.

When should you worry?

Perhaps “hiding under the blanket” is one of the signs of your cat’s illness. In this case, you should take a closer look at other symptoms, namely:

  • lack of appetite;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, apathy;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • a significant change in the cat's usual behavior;
  • bad breath.

In general, if there are any deviations, you should contact your veterinarian for an examination. In fact, we will only find out the true reasons why cats love dark corners if they talk to us :) Without such an opportunity, we can only speculate. And in one case, the reasons may be harmless, but in another, they may signal some health problems.

What NOT to do if your cat loves hide and seek

  • You should not drag the cat by force from the shelter. Scolding a fluffy for this is also contraindicated. This will not lead to anything good. You will only ruin the relationship with your pet;
  • You should not give your cat access to dangerous corners. Those where the baby can fall through, get hurt, etc.;
  • When traveling somewhere, you shouldn’t let your cat out into the street; he can hide in such a way that you will have to look for him for a long time, and perhaps you won’t find him at all.

Is your pet hiding under the blanket? Share in the comments :)

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Seclusion due to illness

Sick and wounded animals instinctively hide, because they are unable to actively resist and withstand danger. Domestic cats who feel depressed do the same thing, shutting themselves off from the world and immersing themselves in their pain. They may avoid human company, but go to the hospital under a blanket, especially with chills and elevated body temperature.

Refusal of food, lethargy and reluctance to leave the shelter should alert the owner, since the stronger the disease, the weaker and more apathetic the animal becomes.

Birth in the den

The desire to find a secluded, safe place and build a “nest” there is typical for pregnant females preparing to give birth to babies.

They are guided by the strongest maternal instinct, since in nature a weakened mother in labor and her defenseless cubs are easy prey for other predators.

The bedroom, in which human owners sleep so peacefully, is regarded by domestic cats as the safest area of ​​the apartment and therefore can make a den for childbirth in the closet with clothes or directly in the bed.

Behavioral precursors to lambing are:

  • animal anxiety;
  • refusal of food;
  • alarming meow.

Some cats refuse to give birth in their house, demanding the presence and help of a person they trust. Sometimes a cat can bring newborn kittens into the owner's bed that she gave birth to in another place.

Why does a cat need to hide?

Some cats prefer to sleep next to their owner from childhood, and then it becomes a habit for them. A little kitten is scared and cold alone, but under the blanket it is cozy and pleasant. Many pets like to sleep with a blanket on top, leaving only their nose and ears outside. They consider this quite convenient, because the owner also sleeps like this. You can also put your head on the pillow.

If the cat does not have his own house, then you should not ask why he chooses a bed or sofa. The need to find a safe hiding place can arise in a cat for various reasons.

The cat crawls under the blanket because:

Since a cat's body temperature is slightly higher than a person's, it is more acceptable for her to sleep in a warm place, for example, under a woolen blanket or rug. The blanket itself cannot provide warmth, but it effectively reduces heat loss and helps the animal maintain a constant body temperature.

Pregnant cats look for a secluded, quiet place. They understand that kittens also need warmth, so they choose a comfortable place.

Another important reason is the desire to feel comfortable. The bed and blanket are soft and pleasant. Every second cat usually prefers a hard surface to a soft one. It is much more comfortable for a small kitten to sleep on a soft one; it reminds him of his mother, the company of brothers and sisters with whom he grew up. Elderly cats may be bothered by joint pain, which subsides a little in a warm place. It is much more comfortable for them to lie on a soft bed.

All living creatures strive for peace, and reliable shelter allows them not just to doze off, but to fall asleep deeply. It is the deep sleep phase that allows you to truly restore the strength lost during the day. It is during this period that the animals’ immunity works in full force, the processes of cell division in the body are activated, and tissue renewal occurs. So you shouldn’t be surprised that the cat tries to crawl under the covers or blankets on its own. This behavior of a pet is quite understandable and understandable.

Sometimes you can notice that the cat is moving its paws over the blanket.

This could be due to several reasons:

Scientists have found that constant stress and the inability to get enough sleep lead to premature aging of animals and various diseases.

Usually a cat hides in a dark place for its own safety. Life is filled with fears and stressful situations. Climbing into a closet with clothes or under a blanket, he feels the familiar smell of the owner and finds peace.

Not all animals can be alone for a long time and really don’t like it when the owner goes to work during the day and returns home late. Lack of communication and the need to be alone for a long time force cats to climb into those places that store a familiar smell.

Pets can be attracted not only by affection for their owner, but also by the smell of their sweat. This is especially true for situations where the cat’s owner is a man. She may like the way his shaving cream or shower gel smells, especially if it has notes of mint or valerian.

For young animals, a blanket can act as an ambush during playtime. From under it, the cat can quietly stalk prey, and at an opportune moment suddenly attack and grab it.

Why do cats climb into a person's bed and sleep with people?

Not all people like to find a sleeping cat in their bed. Many people think that she wants to be there because she likes it. The behavior of the animal is explained by a number of reasons:

  • The cat is comfortable and calm near the owner. The person is resting, and the animal is looking for a secluded place. So it goes to bed.
  • The owner's bed attracts the animal. The cat is a selfish and intelligent creature. He believes that the owner will not choose an uncomfortable place for himself. Therefore, the furry pet is ready to get there while the person is sleeping.
  • Association with mother's warmth. In the subconscious, animals remember maternal warmth.
  • A cat's body temperature is higher than a human's. The cat has sensitive temperature receptors, and this explains the desire to receive more warmth. The place of attraction in the apartment is the bed, and the cat constantly needs an additional portion of warmth.

Surprisingly, the cat tries to climb on top of its owner. He won't be content with a spot on the edge of the bed.

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