If a cat sleeps on the owner’s bed: what does the sign say?

Cats are mysterious, unique creatures. Their behavior is not always explainable. Furry animals have long been credited with unusual abilities: to cleanse the biofield, relieve pain, and soothe. Careful observation of your pet's habits allows you to understand what it means when a cat goes to sleep in your bed. Is this related to the state of human health or the animal just likes to be close to the owner. There are several assumptions to explain the strange behavior of the animal. Most of the hypotheses depend on the location of the cat.

Why do cats climb into a person's bed?

Many pets choose a human bed as their place to sleep. Moreover, they climb there after the owner goes to bed. Scientists and popular rumor explain this behavior of the animal in different ways.

The table shows the scientific point of view and centuries-old observations of animals by ancestors, explaining the reason for the desire of cats to sleep with their owners.

Folk signsScientific explanation
Cat treats manThe diseased organ heats up due to the increased temperature of the inflamed tissues. Having chosen the warmest place near the person, the cat lies down near the sore spot. The warm body of a pet warms a person, calming, lulling, and reducing the intensity of pain.
Control the owner. Before lying down, the animal may stomp its paws on the person and poke its muzzle. This is how the pet tries to mark its territory, showing other animals that the owner is busy. Scientists explain in their own way why cats, when lying on a person’s chest, begin to trample with their paws. They consider it an instinctive reaction left over from infancy. Kittens, accustomed to sleeping with their mother, when they get to a person, look for safety and warmth from him. And they stomp on the breasts with their paws, trying to stimulate milk.
Demonstration of love, affection.Finding a safe place.
They take away negative energy and charge a person with positive energy.In an effort to get more warmth, the cat chooses the warmest place - the human bed.

The cat loves attention. If the owner is absent all day, the animal lacks communication and attention. Cats feel abandoned and may become depressed. At night, furry animals climb into bed with their owner, trying to compensate for the lack of attention.

Why does the animal wash itself?

Cats are unusually clean people, so their habit of constantly washing themselves does not surprise anyone. And when she begins to lick her owner or other pets, this indicates boundless love and trust on her part.

It is believed that when a cat takes a bath, it invites guests. In fact, if:

  • washing occurs on the threshold or windowsill with movements from the street inward, then this is for the arrival of guests; if this is done slowly, guests may appear within a few days;
  • the paw moves towards the exit - towards a long trip or an unpleasant meeting;
  • the right ear is lathered - wait for a man, the left - for a woman;
  • warm paws predict good people, cold paws predict unwanted and unkind visitors;
  • licking the paws and head means good sunny weather;
  • the tail and back, especially against the coat, are washed to indicate bad weather, and behind the ear - to rain or snow;
  • According to Eastern traditions, a cat washes itself when there is an influx of buyers, and scratches behind the ear when visiting important guests.

Where cats sleep: energy

Many people come and go to a house or apartment. Some are positive, others are negative. Both positive and negative energy gather in the room.

Places where biofields intersect attract cats. They try to choose similar points for sleep. The reason for the strange behavior of the animals is as follows:

  1. The animal senses negative energy and tries to normalize it.
  2. A negative biofield has a detrimental effect on a person. Cats try to draw out bad energy.
  3. Cats convert negative waves into positive ones.

The animal often changes its sleeping place, following the sources of negative waves. Sometimes furry pets go to sleep on the table. According to the superstition, a cat lying down to sleep on the table after the guests have left means these people wish bad things to the inhabitants of the house. The pet tries to protect its owners by expelling negative energy.

Important! According to superstition, a cat sleeps on the table if someone in the household is at risk of illness.

If the owners spend a lot of time at the computer, the cat may choose a computer desk as a sleeping place, trying to attract the owner’s attention. Electrical devices emit electromagnetic fields. The pet chooses where magnetic fields intersect, warning the owner about the risk posed by the computer.

A cat sleeping on the table is not always a bad omen. Often the animal climbs higher for better visibility and control of the territory. To understand exactly why the cat sleeps on the table, moving the table to a different place will help. If the animal stops climbing onto the table, then the table was in a bad place.

Signs about the disappearance of a pet

If the cat has left the house, this is an alarming sign. Old cats sometimes leave their home to meet death in a secluded corner, but if the animal disappears for no reason, it may be due to impending misfortune.

If a purebred pet is stolen, something in life is going wrong, this is a reason to think and figure out where exactly the mistake is being made. Sometimes cats leave, sensing trouble. A sign of serious problems is a negative atmosphere in the home, aggression and, as a result, mistreatment of the animal.

It also happens that a cat ran away from home, but returned after a while. This means that the atmosphere in the home has “lightened” and the pet is drawn back. Sometimes missing cats return to the house when their owners are looking for them and miss them: sincere regrets can change fate and return lost luck.

Why do cats love to sleep on humans?

Cats not only climb into a person’s bed, but also try to lie down on him. Often, for some reason, a cat lies down on its chest. The animal may feel unwell while trying to help its owner. For many people, pets helped them avoid a hypertensive crisis or heart attack.

Another reason why a cat lies on the owner’s chest is the desire to show its superiority.

In addition to the chest, cats love to lie on other parts of the human body:

  • back;
  • stomach;
  • head;
  • in the legs.

Many household members feel better after sleeping together with their pet. They are sure that the animal took on their pain.

Important! If a girl who recently got married lives in the house, according to superstition, the cat lies down on the table out of jealousy, trying to drive the man out of the house.

In the legs or on the stomach

Sometimes cats go to sleep on their owner's stomach or feet. The reason may lie in a simple desire to get warmer.

Sometimes this can signal existing health problems. There is no need to worry if your cat lies down on his stomach once or twice. If your pet persistently continues to curl up on its stomach, you need to pay attention. Perhaps the cat feels the beginning of an inflammatory process in the abdominal area.

The same goes for the legs. If a cat stubbornly goes to sleep at his feet, you need to try to understand why. The animal can warn of incipient joint problems. If there are no special problems, then the pet is simply trying to help the owner, relieving fatigue from the legs.

On the owner's head

One of the places the furry creature often chooses to sleep is the human head. According to the superstition, a cat goes to sleep next to a person’s head, sensing an approaching illness. The desire of a cat to sleep on a pillow near its head may not be a sign and can be easily explained, especially if it concerns a woman. An animal may simply like the scent of a woman's shampoo.

Important! One of the reasons why a cat sleeps on its owner’s head is the desire to show love and devotion. If the animal is in the way, you need to carefully move the cat to another place. Otherwise the cat will be offended.

From the point of view of scientists, the fact that a cat sleeps on a pillow near the owner’s head has nothing to do with signs. This is explained by the maximum blood supply to the head area during sleep. The animal chooses the warmest place, settling on a pillow.

The cat sleeps under the bed

Cats rarely sleep under the bed. If your pet has chosen this place, you should monitor your well-being. Cats choose places with negative energy flows; the location of the bed can emit negative waves.

If a person often suffers from insomnia, feels overwhelmed and tired in the morning, perhaps the bed should be moved to another place.

Signs of a cat's rest

Recently, more and more different signs about representatives of the feline family in the bed of their owner have been popping up on the Internet. Until now, experts continue to argue about why pets do this, but there are several plausible assumptions:

  • Pets are designed in such a way that they have very strong energy, so they can easily find pain points on the human body and begin to heal them. If the owner has a headache, then for this reason the animal can lie down in the area of ​​the head and try to “cure it.”
  • an independent cat who has chosen a certain person as her owner believes that this person is a stronghold of security for her, so she lies down on his pillow or head and finds a calm place;
  • if a pet sleeps in its owner’s bed, it shows its love and devotion;
  • cats are extremely heat-loving animals; they are constantly looking for a warm place in the house. One of the sources of heat is a person, so it is logical that a pet is looking for a place near its owner.

Is it possible for a cat to sleep between spouses?

The cat is the keeper of the hearth. If one of the household members offends her, the animal will begin to take revenge by pouring urine on the shoes of the offender. If the offender is one of the spouses, the cat will try to force him out by sleeping between the husband and wife. Being between spouses in bed, cats interfere with their energetic unity.

Folk signs are quite contradictory. According to some beliefs, the pet tries to reconcile the spouses in case of a quarrel. She goes to bed between spouses, trying to attract negative emotions to herself.

The cat is licking or scratching

The habit of cats to lick and comb themselves from morning to evening is reflected in folk signs and, as a rule, promises the arrival of guests or a change in the weather. In fact, the reason for this behavior is not climatic conditions, but a natural desire for cleanliness. A cat will lick anything that seems dirty to it, including its own owner.

Moreover, her concepts of cleanliness do not coincide at all with human ones: hands washed with soap will be licked just as mercilessly as dirty ones. This habit also extends to open wounds, surgical sutures, and bedsores, so veterinarians hinder the process by putting a special collar on the animal.

The second reason for this behavior is the maternal instinct, the pet shows love and care, and the person acts as a child.

How to get your pet to sleep longer with you

Many people like cats to sleep with them. You can train your pet to stay in bed at night as follows:

  1. Cover the windows with thick curtains that do not allow light to pass through.
  2. Do not feed the animal immediately after waking up. Otherwise, the cat will demand food at night, preventing you from sleeping.
  3. Do not respond to morning attempts to wake up the cat. Otherwise, he will constantly wake up his owner whenever he wants.

If you want your cat to be with you at night, you need to make sure that your pet is clean and healthy. Otherwise, instead of a restful sleep, you can get a lot of problems in the form of infectious diseases. The cat must be vaccinated and treated against fleas and worms.

Cats can sleep during the day in the absence of their owners. In order for your pets to sleep soundly at night, you need to try to pay them more attention, walk, and play with them. A tired animal will sleep on its own and let its owner sleep.

The reason for the cat's location in the owner's head can be aromatic and territorial


Oddly enough, cats have their own scent preferences. And if the pet likes the smell of the owner’s new shampoo, he will, without hesitation, lie down right next to her head to enjoy the smell he likes all night long.


The cat's nature requires that in the house where he lives, everything should be marked with him - so that everyone knows “who is boss.” For this reason, the cat may constantly rub itself next to its owner so that its scent can be found everywhere it can. That is why, and not out of harm, as some housewives believe, the cat needs to lie on things in the closet, and preferably on all the shelves. Therefore, the linen closet must have a reliable latch against a furry pet.

Experts say that a cat’s preference for sleeping at the owner’s head should be a signal that it would not hurt to undergo a medical examination. After all, a cat can sense trouble at its very beginning. And if the diagnosis is made on time and treatment is started on time, everything can end quite well.

The cat will climb onto the owner’s chest if it senses his tension or bad mood. The pet will try to calm you down and convey its positive mood.

How to stop a cat from climbing onto the bed at night? otherwise I'll kill you soon

At night there is no rest from this beast. He constantly crawls out onto the bed, I wake up 7 times a night to get him out of bed. This is not normal for health. And out of anger I hit you in the ass, sometimes throwing it. What should I do?

  • Thank you 1

drip citrus oil around the perimeter - lemon, grapefruit

and the story is so funny :)

  • Thank you 2
  • Thank you 11
  • Thank you 2
  • Thank you 1
  • Thank you 1

Dear Ruketovites, I come to you for advice.

There is a cat. The cat has ten kilograms. There is a bed. The bed has a high soft backrest 10-15 centimeters wide. And there are cat owners who sleep on this bed.

At night the cat jumps on the headboard and walks on it. The cat has a night promenade. But since the cat was a cow in a past life and transferred some of its features to its current incarnation, on the fourth or fifth walk it loses its balance and falls down. If I'm lucky, the cat falls nearby. If I'm unlucky, ten kilograms of a cat will land on my head, and for some reason always with its butt.

Question: how to wean a cat from this habit?

We tried: - adhesive tapes placed on the headboard. (As a result, they spent half the night tearing them away from the crazy cat, almost leaving him without a scalp). - the aroma of ylang-ylang that is unloved by cats. (The cat didn’t care that he didn’t like the scent). - tangerine peel in large quantities (The cat disdainfully knocked the skins onto my head, and in the process fell over them himself).

What else can you do? I was already sleeping with the sprinkler under my pillow. The cat runs away, then returns. .. two days ago I posted a cry from the heart in the community. Received a lot of feedback. The two went into action right away. As promised, I report.

I love simple and easy to implement ideas. Therefore, proposals to nail a shelf to the bed, to the cat, to your head, so that it would be convenient for him to fall on it, were postponed until later.

To begin with, I took six balloons from the child, inflated them and pressed them between the wall and the bed. It turned out very beautiful. My husband and I admired them and went to bed.

In the middle of the night a shot rang out. Woke up, I decided that my husband had shot the cat (even though the only weapon in our house was a water pistol). When the lights were turned on, the cat was sitting on the floor surrounded by scraps of a blue ball and squinting with displeasure. They gave him a kick, moved the balls and went back to sleep. This was our strategic mistake, proving how little we know about cats.

He blew up the second and third balloons about twenty minutes later and galloped off, laughing mockingly. My husband persistently asked me to put everything away and finish the experiments for today. While I was hiding the balls in the closet, the cat crept up to the largest one and hit it with its paw.

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