Cat with kittens (examining a picture). Outline of a lesson on speech development (middle group)

The general meaning of the image according to dream books

Pets with offspring are an unfavorable sign. For most peoples, a cat symbolizes troubles and the machinations of enemies. Her kids are enemy influence, hurtful words, obstacles, bad events.

It is advisable for the dreamer to keep his ears open. Any plot with furries prepares a person to face an unfavorable situation. They will try: colleagues, friends, neighbors, relatives. However, the problems will be local and not catastrophic. They will be able to be dealt with.

Pussy with small fry is a symbol of bad incidents. They won't cause any damage, but they will ruin your nerves.


The psychologist claims that the image of furry balls with a purring mother promises a series of minor troubles and big troubles:

  1. A woman is dishonored. The husband will find you with your gentleman and will be jealous. Children will no longer respect and recognize their relatives as their own.
  2. The girl must prepare to recognize the trap. A cunning suitor will try to charm her. The outcome of the event is unpredictable.
  3. The entrepreneur faces fraud, unjustified risk, and ruin.
  4. A worker - nagging from his superiors, a student - dissatisfaction with the teacher.
  5. Young people will face harsh criticism from friends, bullying, and parental anger.
  6. Housewives will feel the irritability of their household members.

It’s good to drive away and destroy animals. This is a harbinger of deliverance from suffering, nagging, unpleasant accidents and patterns.


Fully feel the unexpected anger, grumpiness, and unpredictable cruelty of your neighbors. For lovers, a fluffy picture promises jealousy and justified suspicions of a partner. For spouses - disputes, discontent. The ingratitude of acquaintances will follow a dream in which the sleeper fed the cat's babies.


The enemies are personified by the image of a purring woman with offspring. The darker the animals, the more obvious the attack will be. Snow-white fur prophesies secret intrigues, the bitterness of the one whom the sleeper considered a devoted friend. You should prepare for a fierce fight, protecting your own interests.


The psychoanalyst saw the following omens in the furry participants in midnight scenes:

  • to stroke - to have a young partner;
  • pussy is being petted - popularity;
  • scratches - a tendency to lovemaking with cruel games;
  • throwing away, hitting - sadistic inclinations.

A lot of kittens for a girl means a large number of fans who want to get her into bed.


The seer is definitely negative. You will encounter an authoritative person who is extremely hostile. Scratches indicate the infidelity of a loved one, with blood - a break in the relationship due to betrayal. Many pussycats are a sign of shame, loss of reputation through one’s own fault.

Black little animals of any age are enemies. They will show unprecedented activity. You should be especially wary of gossip.


Prophesies financial losses. The essence of the troubles will be revealed by the identity of the murka:

  • my favorite is the loss of money due to a mistake, a wrong decision;
  • someone else's - fraud, deception;
  • yard, stray - theft, robbery;
  • healthy, well-fed - friend’s infidelity;
  • skinny, dirty - a fatal mistake.

The picture personifies an overly trusting person. You don’t need to immediately trust strangers or follow their lead.


The situation in the family is characterized by midnight shots of fluffy animals. If they are well-groomed, then misunderstandings will arise at home. Close ones will begin to hide their innermost thoughts and desires from one another. The situation will become tense to the limit. Skinny, dead - betrayal, separation. Whites - secret infidelity, blacks - the machinations of ill-wishers. Believe the gossips and quarrel with your beloved spouse and children.

Other sources

Dream books repeat the negative omens of dreams about a striped family. The image does not bring anything good. The only exception is the Muslim Dream Book. In Islam, cats mean true friends, and her offspring mean cheerful communication, a family holiday, and the arrival of guests. Others say this:

  1. Meneghetti. The cunning of others will put you on the brink of ruin. Only black ones are losses of a financial nature, but reparable. Meowing loudly means bad news, unverified information that cannot be trusted. Exhibition - inappropriate behavior in society, condemnation. A basket with multi-colored pussies - a change of power, the emergence of a tough leader.
  2. American. Bad rumors, gossip, intrigue. The boys play - you will become a victim of a small dirty trick, if they eat - a thief. To feed the offspring yourself is to actively condemn an ​​innocent person. Scratched - revealing a shameful secret.
  3. Slavic. Little fluffy mischief-makers are the machinations of false friends. They play - small disagreements in the environment. If they eat, they will ask for a loan and will not give it back. Sleeping - children's problems, misunderstandings with offspring. They attack, bite - you will have to defend your good name. The dead - liberation from a dangerous situation, resolution of complex problems.
  4. Maly Velesov. Fears, suspicions. Playful kitties and a lot of - reasonable doubts about others. Suck your mother - traitors will deprive you of your income. Kisunya washes the offspring - the woman will set her up, she bears it - resentment. Meowing is flattery with the aim of getting you into trouble. Stroking fur means trusting a dishonest person, dark fur means revealing a secret to a gossip.
  5. Imperial. Feeds the fluffies - a rival in love will appear. Just gave birth - problems with relatives. Plays, licks - they will be lured into a trap. Attacks, protects offspring - obvious enmity. Motley skinny kittens foreshadow a girl with a cunning, flattering admirer from whom she will suffer.
  6. French. Seeing a family means suffering from your own selfish beliefs. Feed, care - underestimate the dangers. Multi-colored - moral suffering, material loss.
  7. Nostradamus. Bloodshed promises an image. If the animal sparkled with red eyes, then fighting is likely in the area where the sleeping person lives.

Toy cats are a symbol of far-fetched problems. With little ones, worries are in vain.

Interpretation by color of cats

The authors attach decisive importance to the color of animals when deciphering dreams. At the same time, the mustachioed mother herself and her children should be considered separately, comparing the transcripts


Dark wool is a harbinger of the activation of obvious, open enemies. There are intrigues and setups ahead. The more animals there are, the more the enemies will put pressure on the dreamer in reality. They are running after you - it will not be possible to get rid of the persecution of your enemies soon.

Feeding the coal brood means giving the initiative to people who do not wish you well. The image hints at your lack of restraint, thoughtless phrases, and actions. If she falls into your arms, you will become famous and achieve success. Luck will cause jealousy and envy.

To drive away a black animal is to turn a hater into a devoted friend. Killing babies or a dark-colored cat means winning a brutal confrontation. The scene prophesies to the girl the love of a guy who is claimed by many rivals. For a pregnant woman - the successful birth of a healthy baby.


This color of the little animals gives the scenario a particularly negative connotation. A gray kitty chasing a sleeping person, driving him away from his little ones, promises deliberate harm. Someone has already built a line of bad incidents and is trying to involve you in them. Gray kittens are a chain of unfavorable coincidences. You will try to escape from the negative flow, but in vain. To drive away the purr is to get rid of any misfortune.

The Assyrian dream book provides an alternative point of view. Catching a gray cat means fulfilling your cherished desire.


Women's deceit. The dreamer will soon encounter him in reality. A lady you know will bring harm: a colleague, a relative, a friend, a classmate, a fellow student. It will be very difficult to resist deceitful, selfish intentions. A man will be saddened by his beloved’s infidelity or slander. Red kittens are deceitful girlfriends.


Intrigue. The cunning friends are making plans and preparing traps. It’s easy to protect yourself from their intentions - stop listening to other people’s opinions. Act according to the dictates of your conscience. Little white kittens - uncertainty. The story will freeze, and reliable information will stop coming. We'll have to hide and wait.


Multi-colored little animals represent a change in circumstances. You will encounter strange incidents that do not fit into normal logic. Friends will show coldness and misunderstanding, bosses will show dissatisfaction with the work, loved ones will sadden them with secrecy. Each strip means a particular problem.


A cat with a spotted skin is a symbol of happiness. A character of this color has the same meaning. Her little ones, exactly like their mother, attract pleasant surprises, happy coincidences, and turns for the better. Sometimes three-colored animals prepare the dreamer for the activity of enemies. If you want, you can easily escape from danger.


Fantastic pictures of strangely colored droppings report:

  • yellow - about envy;
  • blue - suffering from stress;
  • orange - unexpected joy;
  • fiery - fire, rash decision;
  • dark rusty - subsidence of passion;
  • pink - an outpouring of tenderness on an unworthy partner;
  • lilac - spirituality;
  • purple - pious acquaintance, help;
  • smoky, blue - home harmony.

A luminous kitty with her offspring shows the importance of upcoming events.

Decoding of individual stories

Sometimes details change the forecast dramatically. The foreshadowing of enemies turns into a description of the future. If you use it wisely, then the intrigues of ill-wishers will fail, and you will emerge a complete winner in the struggle.

Cat birth

Okot says that with his words the sleeper can harm friends and relatives. People will not forget unpleasant moments and will take revenge. The more numerous the offspring, the more terrible the punishment will be. To give birth is to cause envy. Its sprouts will subsequently ruin good relationships. Simply observing from the sidelines means rash actions, an inability to correctly navigate a changing environment.


Watching a mother nurture her offspring is a sign of frivolity. He feeds one - don’t pay attention to the trick, which was deliberately set up. You will not be able to recognize the trick. You will suffer from this. If the kittens desperately fought for the nipple and pushed each other away, it means that the enemies’ plans will be confused and they will not be able to realize their criminal intentions.

Murka drove the kids away and doesn’t let them drink milk—an unnecessary waste. She did not have enough food - ill-wishers do not yet have the opportunity to let the dreamer down. The latter is completely safe.

Blind kittens

The scene characterizes the dreamer as a person who has not yet achieved wisdom. Judgments are immature, views require correction. So are actions. The character behaves frivolously, focuses on momentary desires.


A favorable image in every sense. The dead brood represents the time for solving all serious problems. Moreover, the dreamer does not need to do anything. They will resolve on their own. Drowning newborns is a decisive action. Throw it away - stop worrying about the enemy’s plans.


Lumps running around mean fuss. You will have to deal with several tasks at the same time. Spend a lot of time and effort on overcoming unforeseen obstacles and rectifying the situation. People around you will interfere. Help won't come. But be sure to cope on your own if you don’t give up.

Scratched, bitten

Unpleasant scene. Its meaning should be recognized by the affiliation of animals. If they have a real owner, then she is jealous and offended. If not, then the same feelings arose in a loved one. If there is blood, there will be a scandal. Someone will say everything they think about you. You will have to understand the intricacies of the thoughts of your touchy interlocutor, so as not to part forever.

Together with the snake

Both images are associated with real enemies. These people are up to something. The result of enemy activity:

  1. A snake crawls next to a family - the enemies will join forces.
  2. The reptile eats the kittens - one enemy places it on the other.
  3. Kitty drove away or killed the snake - the same meaning.

To a young woman, scenes with reptiles hint at an unplanned pregnancy.

Catches a mouse

Kisochka caught the bait - a harbinger of unprecedented profit. If the mouse managed to break free and run away, it means that luck will turn away from you at the most critical moment. An extremely profitable deal will fall through, the lottery ticket will turn out to be unwinning, and the boss will refuse to give out the bonus.

How to make friends between an old cat and a kitten

If you decide to take home a small kitten, already having an adult cat, the main thing is not to rush to introduce them. If you place animals nearby without preparation, you will definitely get a negative reaction from the old pet and fright from the baby. Both players need to be prepared for such a meeting.

Dating by smell

It is unsafe to place a kitten with an adult cat without preparation, so initially equip a separate room for the new “guest” with its own tray, bowl and house. For some time, the animals must live separately, feeling only the smell of each other. This is extremely important for the old cat to get used to the new “neighbor”. Ideally, you should place the cat and kitten in adjacent rooms, keeping the door closed. This will give them the opportunity to hear each other's meows and sniff through the door.

Sniffing is an important dating ritual.

Naturally, each animal must have its own toys, its own scratching post and other necessary accessories. But in order for an adult animal to get used to its “new home” as quickly as possible, you can replace the beds on which the animals sleep, or give the adult cat a toy with the smell of a kitten. Knowing how important smells are in the lives of cats, there is no doubt that thanks to this trick, the first real meeting will no longer be stressful for the animals.

First supervised meetings

The time will come when the first tension will subside and you will be able to introduce the animals in person. You should not throw your baby near the cat, especially near its house or bowl. Let them just sit in the same room, and you closely watch the developments. Don't let your older pet become aggressive, fight, or bite. But hissing and tense behavior is a completely normal reaction for the first acquaintance.

It will be better if, at the first meeting, the animals do not contact directly at all, it is enough that they see each other. But at the next meetings, you can let the cat near the baby, observing the reaction of both.

Attention - equally!

Of course, having got a kitten, you will be interested in spending more time with the baby and caring for it. But there is a serious risk of running into jealousy from an adult cat!

Now you have two pets, and so that they do not feel forgotten and abandoned, they need to give equal attention to them. An adult cat needs it even more, because the baby will not experience jealousy, and the adult animal will suffer from a lack of love. Therefore, try to pet and pick up an adult cat more often. Show care for her, and she will soon realize that the presence of a new pet in the house does not in any way affect the love of the owner.

Play games together

The best way to meet and make friends is, of course, a game. So pick up a ball and roll it towards your pets so that they can chase it together. As an option, dangle a treat, provoking the cat and kitten to jump and take possession of the prey. When playing together, you won’t even notice how quickly the animals become friends.

According to the dreamer's actions

Harm from enemies is sometimes caused by our wrong actions. It is these that the subconscious mind suggests, giving rise to a picture of the action. Having recognized their true meaning, you will be able to lay straws in reality, change your own behavior and worldview.


Caressing a fluffy is a personal miscalculation, offending a loved one. Petting a cat means welcoming your rival. Girls should take a closer look at the true intentions of their deceitful friends. Maybe one of them comes to visit with unseemly goals, trying to fight off her lover.

They wanted to pet him, but the dog ran away - the sincerity of friends.


The picture shows the dreamer's adventurous inclinations. You are capable of getting involved in a risky event. If the caught small fry turns out to be three-colored, then the win is guaranteed. It is permissible to disregard caution and act boldly.

Defend against attack

A rushing mother protecting her litter is a sign of an enemy attempt to ruin your reputation. Be able to drive her away - successfully defend yourself. If you suffered from the claws and teeth of the beast, you cannot cope with the situation. Enemies will be able to cause irreparable damage.

Unfavorable sleep for business people. The efforts spent on the development of the project will be in vain. Investments are unjustified. Profits will go to competitors.

To harm

A cruel scenario characterizes the actions of the dreamer. He himself will show cunning, behave cunningly, not according to his conscience. Interpretations differ for genders:

  1. A man will seduce a girl and then refuse further communication. He will follow his own ego.
  2. An entrepreneur will bypass competitors by using illegal methods.
  3. The financier will deceive investors.
  4. A woman will have an affair on the side and deceive her husband.
  5. The girl will take the guy away from her friend.

Choke small fry - get rid of troubles.

Feed the brood

Decryption depends on the nuances:

  1. Giving meat to animals means helping ungrateful relatives.
  2. Offering fish means being cunning with your competitors.
  3. Putting food on your own plate means indulging in forbidden pleasures.
  4. Drinking is a nuisance during a feast.
  5. The animals are choking, snorting - you are about to do something inappropriate, thoughtless.

Unusual food portends strange behavior in others. For example, feeding kittens with cucumbers, watermelon - giving in to the impulse to laugh unkindly at a great guy.


Dipping cuties in water means revealing a conspiracy. If they do not resist, it means that the evil of the enemies is small. Can't do any real harm. They're just needlessly angry. Animals fight back - enemies will try to shift the blame for what happened onto you. Stand to death. You will be able to clear your name.

Dipping the fluffies with force means realizing your own mistake. Probably someone will “pok” the dreamer into an unseemly act.

Hold in your arms

A harbinger of reconciliation. Relatives who have quarreled will be able to overcome bad feelings. Lovers will bypass barriers and unite. Colleagues will be guilty of unkind suspicions. The storyline promises the restoration of a just world.

For a married woman, holding fluffies in her palms means welcoming a gossip. This person needs to be identified and kept away from family secrets.


A good deed hints at the wisdom of the dreamer. Thanks to this commendable quality, you will be able to establish relationships with ill-wishers and turn enemies into friends. Competitors will stop annoying you and join in the overall activities. The plot is favorable for married couples. The wife will be able to get along with her mother-in-law, and her husband with his mother-in-law.

Receive as a gift

Prophecy of loneliness. There is a time of melancholy and suffering ahead.

How an adult cat will accept a kitten

It is even more dangerous to bring a small kitten into your home when an adult cat already lives there. In the depths of their souls, every cat has a maternal instinct, and therefore, even if they are angry at first, they accept the kitten much faster, or even take it under their care from the very first days.

With a cat everything is much more complicated. You need to understand that a cat, especially one that cannot satisfy its sexual needs, is more harsh and aggressive. He will attack the baby and is capable of strangling him if the owner leaves the little “newcomer” unattended for a long time. In this case, the owner will have to make much more effort to make friends of animals of different ages.

By the way, the behavior of an adult cat will largely depend on whether it is a breeding cat or neutered. Neutered cats are noticeably less aggressive and make contact faster. Therefore, before placing a small kitten with an adult cat, it is worth castrating it.

Important! In any case, it is better to mix an adult cat and a small kitten until the cat is three years old.

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