Red British: description of the cat's color with photo and its character

Plush cats attract people with their cute round shapes and naively wide eyes. The red monochromatic color is rare and it is usually the males that are red. Therefore, the red British cat is deservedly on the list of one of the most desirable pets. He will become his master's best friend, patiently waiting for him to get home from work and not bothering him.

Briefly about the British

The British cat breed was first introduced in the second half of the 19th century, although images of animals visually very similar to the British can be found in manuscript books from the 7th and 8th centuries. Officially, breed standards were approved much later, in 1980. The breed is recognized by all world phenological organizations.
British cats were popular back in the 19th century

The British are characterized by a large, massive and muscular build. Males weigh on average about 6–8 kg, but some individuals reach 10 kg. Females are more graceful and smaller. The body is powerful, slightly squat, well molded, with a wide chest and massive shoulders, strong, slightly short legs.

A large round head with a wide skull, set on a strongly developed and short neck. The cheeks are convex and thick, the chin is strong and firm. Short ears with slightly rounded tips are set wide apart. Not too long, but quite proportionate, the tail thickened at the base, slightly tapering to a rounded tip.

All British cats have a massive, large build.

The British breed is famous for its short, plush and very thick coat with a high-quality dense undercoat. It is extremely pleasant to the touch, silky and tender.

Description of the appearance of the fluffy handsome man

A ginger British cat should have a solid red color. The coat should be free of marks, patterns and white hairs. The villi should be the same color from root to tip. Solid color is rare, often in males. The coat of red British kittens can be short or long. Soft and dense to the touch, it resembles plush toys. The body of cats is strong and muscular, with a wide chest. The limbs are short, the color of the pads and nose can be from brick to bright red, but pink can also be found.

As for the head, it is large, round, with thick cheeks. The British cat has small ears with rounded ends. Her eyes are large, round and wide-set. Their color is gold and orange with a characteristic brick-colored eyeliner. The tail of these pets is short, but thick, with a rounded tip. British sizes range from medium to large. Weight can reach 10 kg. Life expectancy is about 15 years, depending on living conditions and care.

Sometimes kittens of the Scottish and British breeds are confused, since both are born with erect ears. However, the British Fold cat of red color does not exist in nature.

Breed standards for the color of British Reds

The structure of the coat of red cats of the British breed should be the same as that of all its other varieties. The standard allows both a short, elastic, soft coat with a densely padded undercoat, and a long, flowing coat. The bright fiery red color inherent in these cats is more correctly called red (according to genetics).

Fur color, ideally, according to standard requirements, should be uniform and even (solid). Each hair is completely dyed in the same tone, from the base to the very tip. The color of the undercoat is only red, without tan or highlights. No white spots or even hairs are desirable.

The wool should be evenly colored

The brighter, richer and more intense the red hue of the fur, the more valuable that particular individual is.

The skin, pads on the paws, as well as the nose mirror are according to the standard slightly darker than the main tone (close to brick or terracotta color), but lighter shades are also acceptable. Stains and inclusions are considered defective. The color of the iris is exclusively yellow (orange, copper, golden), without the greenish edging characteristic of many cats.

Table: EMS encodings according to WCF and FIFe standards

Coat colordRed (orange)solid red, orange, gold or tan
Iris color62yellow, goldenorange
Ears set71straight earsstraight ears
Tail length54longynormal

Visually, red British cats will seem like ordinary yard saffron milk caps to an uninitiated person, but meanwhile they are very rare specimens in the cat world.

British Reds should have red or yellow eyes.

Features of the red color of the British

The British ginger cat is a representative of the “red” color, which is characterized by a deep and uniform dark color along the entire length of the coat. Some animals have slightly lighter or, on the contrary, darker hairs in the paws, tail or forehead - this is normal. The eye color of quadrupeds is copper or bright yellow. The standard breed is usually monochromatic. If there are deviations, then the cat’s color has a different name.

Animals are unusual and original. Some note that these British cats resemble foxes.

Video “Ginger cat of Scottish breed”

A video about a funny Scottish cat who can sit on its tail and play funny will give you a moment of positivity.

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Genetics of the red (red) color of the British

The British Shorthair breed allows for approximately 250 different color combinations, with solid colors playing a major role. Ginger cats are not unique here, they are often found in litters and were once even quantitatively ahead of the blue-gray color that is considered traditional for the British.

All the tools of the genotype take part in the process of color formation: chromosomes and genes, alleles, loci and pigmentation.

  1. The main role in the formation of the red color in the British is played by the pigment pheomelanin - elongated ellipsoidal granules that reflect light in the range of red, yellow and orange shades.
  2. Genes are a library of hereditary data that is passed on from parents to offspring and continues the chain of ancestral connections ad infinitum.
  3. Alleles come in different forms that genes can take on. They are located on certain parts of the chromosomes - in the example of red British cats, this is a very important point.
  4. Locus is the location of a gene (allele) in an ordered list of chromosomal compounds.

There are 19 pairs of chromosomes in a cat's set. They store the hereditary instructions, and any deviation from the norm ends in an uncontrolled mutation. British redheads are not subject to this risk, as they are an ancient breed with an established genotype.

Genes and chromosomes that influence the formation of red color are distributed as follows:

  1. The O (orange) gene is responsible for the production of the red pigment pheomelanin in the British (and not only in them). It has only one permanent locus attached to the X chromosome, which determines the sex of the future kitten.
  2. The O gene exists in 3 alleles: OO (natural red), Oo (red and black tortoiseshell British), oo (red is blocked and does not cause pheomelanin pigmentation). The final example in practice means only one thing - the cat will be black.
  3. For ginger cats, there are 3 color combination options: OO, oo and Oo. For red British cats, only 2 options are possible - O and O, since they have one X chromosome.
  4. According to the laws of genetics, a British cat inherits the orange gene from its mother. Therefore, in a pair with a red mother and a blue-gray father, male kittens will definitely receive the properties of the red gene, and the female cats will be tortoiseshell, cream or blue.

This is interesting! There are many more ginger British cats than cats, because boys receive the color gene only from their mother, and girls inherit the properties of both parents.

All British red coats have a tabby pattern on their coats. It is formed under the influence of the A gene (agouti) and exists in two alleles: dominant A and paired homozygous aa. In the second case, agouti suppresses another important component of the genotype - the T (tabby) gene, which is responsible for the ornamentation on the fur coat.

The unique property of the red color is that aa (not agouti) has no effect on it. Therefore, all red British cats are always tabby.

The L gene is also involved in the formation of red color. Thanks to him, purebred British cats have short and thick hair.

Important! The birth of a red or cream female kitten suggests the presence of a dominant O gene in the genotype of two British parents. Only direct pedigree lines influence the external characteristics of the offspring.

How to get color

The genetic feature of the fiery color is the impossibility of obtaining a cat of a single color. The tabby pattern is always present, although not pronounced.

Red (cream) color is usually denoted by the letter “O”, meaning red (orange). The "O" mutation is found on the female "X" chromosome. Such a gene is called sex-dependent.

The brightness of the color depends on the “D” gene: with the dominant gene (D), the pigment lies evenly, the kittens are bright red; with recessive (gene d) - vice versa: cream.

It is possible to determine whether a carrier has the gene for the required color using genetic tests.

Red color gene

Like humans, females have two X chromosomes (XX), while males have one (XY). It turns out that a fiery-colored cat is much less common.

Color of kittens

The most stringent requirements apply to red British kittens, which are “orange” in color. To get the desired result, breeders had to change the gene line of the presented breed, which became possible thanks to the red chromosomes of the Persians.

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Babies' fur can be either long or short - stuffed. The coloring is solid, although some have tortoiseshell tabby markings. Some quadrupeds have white hairs. If they do not disappear with age, then such animals will not be allowed to exhibit, because they will be considered “spoiled.”

Particular attention is paid to the eyes. They should be orange or gold. There can be no talk of any green halo. As for the mirror of the nose, its color is either brick or red.

Red-haired lop-eared British

British ginger kittens should have a rich and even shade. The eyes are only copper or bright red in color. The red tone is a solid one, so it should be beautiful and deep. Usually males can boast of this shade. In females, the tortoiseshell color predominates. This is due to the orange gene with chromosome X. In cats, everything is different, if chromosome 1X contains the red gene, then the quadruped will be orange-copper. At the same time, if a female has a similar combination, she will turn out to be a tortoiseshell. The red tint is only possible if there is chromosome 2X with the red gene.

Breeders note that red British Shorthair cats are not only bright representatives of their breed, but also original with their own individuality. They are called real aristocrats - reserved, calm and independent. Although from time to time cats can give vent to their feelings - play, cuddle.

Due to the fact that the animal has short hair, there are no problems with caring for the four-legged animals. It is enough to brush your pet twice a week with a special brush so that the coat shines and always looks flawless.

Important! To ensure that the golden color is always bright and shimmering, you need to bathe the kitten with special shampoos several times a month, and then comb it thoroughly.

Many people like their babies to have soft, silky fur, but this is a drawback. According to standards, children should have a thick undercoat and moderately hard. The same applies to the main coat. If kittens have long hair, then the babies may be considered “rejected” and will not be allowed to participate in exhibitions in the future.

Description of the breed

The appearance of a white British cat is the ideal of feline beauty for many people. Only the Scottish Fold cat can compete. A special representative of this breed is the British Shorthair cat. You can read more about her in the article “British Shorthair”.

The peculiarity of white British cats is that at birth some kittens develop the following defects:

  • blindness;
  • deafness;
  • loss of smell;
  • non-absolute white color.

These defects occur due to genetic problems. Unfortunately, the white color carries a large number of mutations. For this reason, cats cannot boast of good health. Their immunity is weaker than that of their brothers.

The W gene, responsible for the “snowy” color, is unusual. It does not dye the wool white, but only masks other shades. In addition, this gene is also responsible for eye color. Cats with heterochromia have one iris that is blue and one that is orange. A white British cat with blue eyes is an incredible rarity, and these kittens sell for two to three times more than their regular brothers and sisters. There is a belief that cats with different colored eyes bring good luck.

Some kittens are born with gray stripes, but this does not last long. In a year the cat will become completely white, that is, an albino. The presence of spots in newborn British dogs is due to the fact that when breeding pets, individuals of different colors are involved. This condition is mandatory because it reduces the risk of developing defects (usually deafness).

The spots on the body of little British cats can tell what color their parents were. If a kitten has black marks, then its mom or dad is black. If one of the individuals is blue, then the spots will be bluish-gray.

Character and who is suitable for

Some believe that color does not affect character, but breeders do not agree with this. Ryzhikov are rightly compared to the patient and self-possessed Englishmen. Representatives of the breed will never get in the way or spend a long time begging for something from their owners. For them, this is akin to humiliation, which they will never reach.

Four-legged animals are very smart, many people note this. It is enough to show kids just once where to go to the toilet, and they will never change this place.

Babies are clean from childhood, so they do not require any special care. Fold kittens quickly become attached to those with whom they live, but at the same time they will not be affectionate with their owners. The British rarely sit on their hands, and if they do it, it is only because they themselves decided so. Cats, like true coquettes, sometimes like to lie on their backs, exposing their tummy to be smelled. Animals believe that they are equal members of the family, so they want to be taken into account. This concerns the choice of place - the British will sleep and lie only where they want. This cat breed should be fed strictly according to the clock.

Some people worry that if you have such a pet at home, you won’t have anyone else, but this is not so. The British get along well with other animals, be it cats or even dogs. Many representatives of the breed even love children; they feel that babies are weak, so they protect them and are always nearby. British ginger cats are not the ones who will suddenly jump on children or show aggression towards them. If the animals don’t like something, they will simply turn around and leave.

Four-legged animals can play only when they are in the mood. If they want to be alone, then not a single toy or not a single animal living nearby will force them to abandon their plans.

The red-haired Briton doesn't need to pay much attention. When a feline representative wants to make himself known, he will come and make himself known. Although animals prefer solitude and silence. If you want to teach kids something: to go to the litter box, to scratch their claws in one place, then this needs to be done from a young age. It will no longer be possible to teach anything to mature four-legged animals.

Character traits

British cats are distinguished by their reserved, easy-going character. They lead a sedentary and quiet lifestyle, trying to demonstrate their independence to their owner.

Pets love attention. Cats often lazily and distantly observe what is happening, rarely showing playfulness and affection

Despite their cold disposition, the British quickly adapt to living next to people. They are easy to accustom to the tray, place, method and time of feeding. At the level of intuition, cats understand what is prohibited. To avoid unpleasant surprises from an ill-mannered pet, it is recommended to buy kittens and train them from childhood. Adult cats are difficult to train to do anything.

Animals do not show aggression towards humans or other pets, so they easily live next to dogs and are patient with children. If they are in a good mood, the British can play with a small child. At the same time, they do not like loud noise and turmoil and prefer loneliness in an empty room. Like all other cats, Britons are clean and spend a quarter of their time washing themselves.

Pros and cons of British redheads

All British cats, regardless of coat color, are distinguished by their independence and even a certain amount of unhealthy selfishness. At home, they prefer privacy and communicate with the owners only when they themselves want to. The expression “a cat walks on its own” applies to the British breed in the best possible way.

It has been noticed that ginger cats are more loyal to family members than their blue-gray or black “relatives”.

Interestingly, homebodies and introverted people rarely choose Britons as pets. This cat is ideal for those who work a lot and are often away from home.

The animal easily tolerates loneliness, so after enjoying the solitude to the fullest, in the evening the Briton kindly greets the owner and even sits on his lap with pleasure. And this is enough to make your vacation cozy and comfortable - a good home, a strong family and a ginger cat that greets the owner with a quiet purr.

Character of the breed

Unlike the Scots, British cats are distinguished by their independence. These animals have their own opinion on any thing, so they often act contrary to the owner.

The British cat calmly tolerates loneliness and does not require constant attention or extra care. It has been noticed that a pet, whose owners do not forbid him to do what he wants, but is given freedom and choice, lives longer than usual.

British cats really do not like warm hugs, cuddling and constant affection. They will not cuddle at your feet, demanding care, will not ask to be held, and will refuse to spend the night with their owner in the same bed. However, they love people and miss them very much, so they always eagerly await their return from work. The owner is simply obliged to greet the kitten, chat with him, and tell him about his day, like a true friend - an English lord.

British cats are not aggressive, despite their freedom-loving nature. If your pet does not like your actions, then there will be no scratches or bites. The cat will simply wait until you finish, or move away from you, wanting to get rid of the irritants. This animal does not like strangers, tries to keep a distance from them, and will never allow strangers to pet it.

This amazing breed has an affectionate disposition that wants to be cuddled and given time. The cat is intelligent by origin, rarely shows its claws, is clean and incredibly smart. The animal has its own attitude towards stress: it prefers not to be nervous, to behave calmly and restrained, and not to worry too much.

The British are incredibly playful, they love to run around the house, deftly overcome obstacles, and masterly somersault without causing damage to furniture. On the other hand, the animal will not cause mischief, secretly tear your clothes, hang on the curtains, or knock over flower pots. The British animal does not like to meow; its voice is quiet, but when the owner begins to talk to it, louder sounds in response are possible.

The owners of this breed never tire of praising the beast to all their friends. But they can only tell their friends that the cat has a unique character, does not tolerate orders, and feels like an English aristocrat in their home. Life with such a pet is not always sweet, because the person often has to make concessions.

Rules for caring for your pet's appearance

British cat grooming includes:

  1. Regular brushing of fur. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week using a special comb.
  2. Ear cleaning. To do this, you will need cotton swabs, disks, and an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine or a special liquid for ear care. You need to clean it once every 2-3 weeks.
  3. Wiping the eyes with a cotton pad with boiled water or special solutions. You can buy wet wipes for animals at the pet store. Small kittens' eyes are treated daily; adults can do this less often.
  4. Brushing your teeth once a week. You will need a brush and animal paste. It does not need to be washed off after completing the procedure.
  5. Trimming nails with a special device. It is also advisable to provide your pet with a scratching post.
  6. Bath 2-3 times a year using cat shampoo and conditioner. When washing, you need to make sure that no water gets into the animal’s ears or eyes. To avoid this, hold the cat by the base of its neck with one hand. Do not dry the fur with a hair dryer.

Many animals swallow hairballs when licking. This can negatively affect digestion. To ensure that the hair ball easily leaves the animal’s body, a special malt paste is used. It coats the walls of the stomach and intestines and helps remove hair. Instead of paste, you can give your pet fresh cat grass.

The appearance of the animal depends not only on compliance with hygiene rules, but also on its state of health. General care includes:

  1. Prevention and treatment of helminthic infestations. If your pet does not leave the house, you need to give special medications every 6 to 8 months. Animals that roam freely on the street require the procedure more often - once every 3 months.
  2. Fight against skin parasites - fleas, ticks. For this purpose, special shampoos, drops, and collars are used.
  3. Regular vaccination against viral and fungal diseases. 10 days before vaccination, deworming is carried out.
  4. Replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and microelements with the help of special supplements for animals.

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Conditions of detention

A British kitten requires special care and constant care, but an adult pet can live independently. The first household items will be a tray, as well as a bowl and a scratching post. Your pet should be toilet trained as a child. It is recommended to purchase a large tray to make it easier for your cat to adapt. It is important to remember that the British actively dig out litter, so the container for the pet’s natural needs should be quite deep.

If the scratching post does not cause any interest in your pet, you should trim the claws with special scissors once every 2 weeks. The procedure must be carried out before mating or before an exhibition. To comb and remove excess hair, you will need a rubber or hard bristle brush.

You cannot care for the British dog’s skin with a hard metal tool, so as not to damage the skin and undercoat of your pet.

The cat will need a place to sleep and toys. Moreover, after purchasing various things, you need to constantly use them. A cat quickly gets bored of playing with objects without another animal or person. You need to constantly communicate with a Briton and spend a lot of time.

The most significant drawback of the British cat is excessive shedding at least 2 times a year. Because of this, the pet requires careful grooming. Cats need to be brushed once a week. The number of procedures increases with the arrival of winter, as in cold weather the cat's fur begins to grow quickly. It is recommended to comb the animal every day.

The British do not like bathing, but to maintain the health of the coat it is necessary to wash it at least 2 times every 6 months . During the bath, you need to make sure that water does not get into your pet's ears or eyes. To do this, hold your pet by the base of its neck. You will need to buy special shampoos for animals with soft fur. It is strictly forbidden to use a hair dryer for drying.

To prevent a hairball that gets inside your pet during self-washing from leading to digestive upset, you can use special pastes. The product easily removes hair from the body without harm to the pet. Plaques in the ears and around the eyes should be wiped with cotton swabs or napkins previously moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Kittens need to wipe their eyes every day - small pets are characterized by increased tear production.

It is necessary to regularly inspect your pet's claws for fungal infections. To reduce the risk of developing diseases, you should take your cat for vaccination every year. Deworming needs to be done every 3 months. One of the procedures to eliminate parasites should be done 10 days before vaccination.

Vaccination and deworming are carried out only for healthy pets.

Buying a British Fold kitten

Since the breed is very common, despite its unrecognized status, there will be no difficulties in finding a pet.

British Fold kittens are sold by many private breeders

The main thing in this matter is the cost for which breeders are willing to give a plush purr. Since it is prohibited to breed and send such cats to exhibitions, British “Fold cats” are sold exclusively in the pet category. Accordingly, the price should not exceed 2–5 thousand rubles. per individual. If the seller insists on a significantly higher price and provides a pedigree marked BRI (breeding permission), then you should think about fraud. Or that a blue Scottish Fold cat is being sold under the guise of a British cat. However, the color of the fur coat can be any, which aggravates problems with breed identification.

In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you need to keep in mind the following differences between British Fold cats and Scottish ones:

  • “British” are massive and stocky, while “Scots” are graceful and flexible;
  • British purrs have a straight nose and without a sharp transition from the bridge of the nose to the tip (there is also no pit);
  • The tail of the unrecognized breed is thick and rounded at the end, while the “Scots” have a cone-shaped end to the tail of the body.

You should buy a kitten no earlier than the baby is 1–1.5 months old. This is due to the physiology of the ears. After all, all kittens in a litter are born with straight ears, and the latter begin to droop only on the 21st day of life.

In addition, when choosing a kitten, you need to pay attention to the animal’s appearance and behavior:

  • the eyes and ears of the fluffy must be clean, without pus and mucus;
  • the tummy does not have pathological bloating (evidence of helminth damage);
  • The fur is evenly distributed over the body, without tufts or bald patches.

It is mandatory to request from the breeder the pet’s veterinary passport and pedigree to identify a tendency to hereditary diseases.

Video: blue British Fold kittens

The right approach to feeding

Having given preference to natural nutrition, it is necessary to include raw lean meat in the animal’s diet.
An important aspect of keeping British cats at home is a healthy diet. Tawny British kittens up to six months of age should receive food at least 5 times a day. Older pets are fed twice a day: morning and evening. Description of the basic rules of proper nutrition for the British:

  • fresh food;
  • food at room temperature;
  • feeding at the same time;
  • removing leftover food from the bowl;
  • the presence of a cup of clean water next to the food plate.

As for the products for feeding the British, it is allowed to feed the pet with store-bought food, but many owners prefer to pamper their cats with natural food. An unbalanced diet can harm the animal. The menu of British cats includes lean raw meat. The product is pre-frozen for 2 days to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms. Preference is given to beef, which is cut into small cubes along with films and veins. It is permissible to give such meat daily. This food improves chewing reflexes and protects teeth from the formation of tartar deposits.

It is allowed to include turkey, chicken, and rabbit in food. The British also love offal, especially liver. Boiled fish and fermented milk products are allowed in limited quantities. This food will provide the body with the required nutrients and vitamins. It is useful to add porridge, eggs and fresh vegetables to the menu.

Subtleties of content: how to deal with the red-haired beast?

In order for the furniture to remain intact, it is recommended to equip the cat with her resting place, and install a scratching post there.

Having decided to get a British kitten, it is important to prepare. You need to decide on a place for your pet to sleep and rest, purchase a cat house or bed. Decide where feeding and toileting will take place. Accordingly, you should buy bowls for food and water, and a tray. It is worth considering carrying. You will need it for trips and trips to the vet. To keep the household things in place, you need to purchase toys. Small kittens will especially need them. A scratching post will ensure the safety of the furniture. A brush with a massage effect, which is used to comb your pet, will help prevent hair from appearing on carpets.

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British cats do not require special care, but it is important for the owner to remember the following rules:

  • Wash your Briton's eyes every day with boiled water or tea leaves.
  • Treat the ears with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. Carry out the procedure twice a week.
  • Brush the cat with a special brush once every 7 days.
  • Trim nails monthly.

If you follow these nuances, the pet will grow up healthy and delight its owners.

Unofficial breed

Everyone knows the Scots precisely because of their characteristic feature - forward-curved ears, slightly hanging down in the direction of their gaze. They add incredible charm and recognition to the pet, and also cause affection among the owners.

The first mentions of such pets were found in China, and in Scotland they became popular only in 1959 thanks to William Ross and his farmer neighbor. It was they who decided to give rise to a new breed, but further research showed that the lop-eared gene weakens the animal’s cartilage.

Therefore, breeders began to combine fold-eared cats with straight-eared cats, for which the British and Americans with short hair were excellent. This made it possible to almost completely eliminate the defect and obtain Scottish Folds with hanging ears and Scottish Straights with straight ones. Mating them together produces a varied but healthy litter, which breeders use to this day. This breed spread to Russia at the end of the last century.

Straight-eared British cat, not to be confused with fold ears

After breeding the Scottish Fold, experiments were carried out to cross the British with them, and as a result the British Fold was obtained. This is a conditional name, since they were bred not so long ago and were not registered by the International Felinological Association. Due to this origin, there can be no talk about the purity of the blood or pedigree of the pets.


Puberty in British cats occurs at the age of 10 months. The pet's increased excitability indicates its readiness to reproduce: the animal often screams, begins to scratch furniture, and may bite. During this period, the owner is faced with a difficult choice: to sterilize the pet or give him the opportunity to continue his family. In some cases, sedatives in the form of drops help. Sedatives can be given to a 1-year-old pet 7-14 days before mating season.

The first copulation should take place no earlier than the pet turns 1.5 years old. Until this time, the cat’s body continues to develop. Mating before reaching 1.5 years of age can lead to difficult pregnancy and childbirth in females, the birth of weak kittens, and in males to erectile dysfunction.

Mating is carried out on average for 2-3 years of a pet’s life:

  • the cat must be brought to the territory of a domestic cat and given time to adapt to new conditions within 3-4 days;
  • after getting used to it, the cat will let the cat come to her and give him the opportunity to sniff her;
  • It is more effective to arrange mating 2-3 days after the start of estrus.

The pet's potential partner must be vaccinated and healthy. It is not recommended to allow cats near young cats, as they can harm them. It is important to remember that unneutered cats actively mark their territory. Because of this feature, the apartment begins to smell unpleasantly of urine.

You can sterilize your pet no earlier than 10 months. During this period, the reproductive system is fully formed, and the presence of sex hormones in the blood is no longer required. Castration or sterilization should be carried out before the first mating so that the animal does not succumb to instinct, otherwise the cat will continue to scream and go for walks to look for a potential sexual partner.


Despite a strong immune system, if not properly maintained, a cat may encounter some diseases.

  1. Obesity. Excess weight appears in conditions of physical inactivity against the background of abundant nutrition, excess consumption of fatty and protein foods. To get rid of fat deposits, you should play with the cat more, let your pet go for walks, and adjust the diet.
  2. Nail fungus. Timely trimming of nails and constant care for their condition will help prevent the disease.
  3. Hair loss. Shedding can be triggered by allergies or damage to internal organs.
  4. Tartar. As a preventative measure, you can periodically give your pet dry food. It is necessary to monitor your cat’s oral hygiene: brush its teeth. If symptoms of tartar appear (bleeding gums, increased salivation, putrid odor from the mouth), the help of a veterinarian will be required. If left untreated, your pet's teeth will begin to fall out.
  5. Eye irritation. Redness of the proteins indicates the development of an allergic reaction, injury or the appearance of conjunctivitis. For this reason, the cat needs the help of a veterinarian - a specialist will prescribe eye drops.
  6. Gastrointestinal disorders. It is necessary to monitor the quality of food and the condition of the cat. If your pet is lethargic, you should pay attention to his stool. There may be blood clots in the feces, which indicate the development of internal bleeding. Various parasites can enter a cat's body along with food.

Among the inherited diseases, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy stands out. In such a situation, it is recommended to sterilize the cat to reduce the risk of developing this pathology in kittens. Elderly individuals may develop urolithiasis, plague, and calcivirosis.

Most diseases can be cured with medication or surgery.

Exhibition activities of red British cats

Any red British cat can participate in cat shows if it meets the required breed standards, is completely healthy, vaccinated and has no clearly visible physical defects or defects. It is necessary to have the necessary set of documents (veterinary record, pedigree, etc.).

The following individuals are rejected (disqualified):

  • with a lighter fuzzy undercoat;
  • having any white or light spots, inclusions, stripes, etc.;
  • the pads on the paws and nose are not brick-red in color or have spotting on them;
  • eyes that are not yellow or have a green rim around the iris;
  • jaw defect (overshot or underbite over 2 mm);
  • creases or bends in the tail;
  • insufficient or excessive number of toes;
  • problems with the coat (sparse, weak undercoat, too soft and fluffy, etc.).

The show animal must meet all breed standards

It is necessary to prepare for such public events in advance:

  • The pet is bathed 2-3 days before the exhibition. It is better to use a special shampoo and conditioner (to give the coat a healthy shine).
  • Carefully trim and file the claws on the paws.
  • Rub the eyes and ears.
  • The day before, brush your teeth with a special paste and brush.

You cannot tint or tint an animal's fur; the owner will be punished for this (disqualification). Experts are very loyal to red-haired British dogs and allow some errors in their coat.

To prevent cats from getting nervous and panicking at shows due to the large number of strangers scurrying around and trying to touch them, it is recommended to give your pets a special sedative. When I attend such events, I sometimes see bottles in the hands of the owners. But gradually the animals get used to it, and then the need for this disappears.

Video: Golden Briton at an exhibition

Red-haired British dogs are very rare, especially bright ones, and therefore cannot be cheap. You should purchase such a kitten only from a specialized nursery or from a reliable, trusted breeder with good recommendations. In this case, it is necessary not only to check the documents for both parents, but also to look at them personally. Otherwise, you can get an ordinary outbred saffron milk saffron, passed off as a purebred animal.

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