What makes a cat rub its face?

How does this happen?

The fact is that cats have special odorous glands that secrete unique pheromones.
They are located in the cheek area, base of the tail, forehead, paw pads and anus. When a cat “rubs” against a person, thing or object, it literally turns on, uses its magic glands, and the unique smell remains for a long time where it was left. It’s interesting that the cat herself knows about this: you can notice how she moves her face with concentration and deep knowledge of the matter. This means that the message she left is long-lasting. We also advise you to take a closer look at how two cats who sympathize with each other behave. They “knock” their foreheads in the same way, and sometimes even intertwine their tails. At the same time, animals can purr sweetly and make other interesting sounds. When the cat leaves the room, its smell remains in the air for quite some time. So other pussies will quickly realize that the place is occupied or was occupied. Amy Shojai, a specialist whom we often refer to in our publications, regards “butting” as a way to consolidate territorial claims. With the small exception that with “territorial” marks, unique odors are usually applied to inanimate objects. And “butting” the owner is, rather, a great way to say: “You are only mine and no one else’s.”

Interesting facts about cats

Why do cats spend so much time licking their fur? For cats, licking, in addition to being a means of hygiene, is a way to maintain mental balance. Grooming calms and neutralizes incipient aggressiveness. By licking, the cat licks from the fur a certain amount of a substance containing vitamin B, which is necessary to regulate mental balance. If you deprive a cat of this opportunity, he will become nervous and may even die.

Why does a cat sometimes try to lick your face or hair? The first impression a kitten receives from its mother is care in the form of licking and washing. For him, this is an act of care and concern, so if the cat (or cat) tries to lick you, take it as an attempt to take care of you in a motherly way.

Why do cats sometimes lick and bite woolen clothes, balls, scarves? There are several theories, but scientists generally believe that the reason is the same as in the previous question.

Why are some people allergic to cat hair? Strictly speaking, the allergy is not caused by fur, but by the FEL D1 protein contained in cat saliva. When a cat washes itself and licks itself, it transfers saliva to its fur, after which it can end up on furniture and carpets. Different individuals have different amounts of protein secreted, but in general, cats are less allergenic than cats. There are two ways to prevent such an allergy - bathe the cat, rinsing the substances from the fur (which is not recommended to do often), or wipe the cat's fur with a special soft cloth.

Why does a cat, lying in your arms, move its paws, “beating” something? The reason again lies in childhood. A kitten feeding on mother's milk, massaging the cat's belly with its paws, stimulates the “supply” of milk. An adult animal uses this technique to show extreme comfort and satisfaction.

Why do cats usually go into the arms or lay on the legs of those who don’t like them? When one cat tries to scare another, it arches its back, raises its fur, and lets out a menacing hiss. If a person does not like cats, he tries to sit quietly so as not to attract the attention of the animal. And the cat considers this a sign of favor. Doesn't hiss, doesn't move - that means he's a friend.

Why does a cat try to hit its head on a person? It turns out that this is a way of expressing affection, and they can express this behavior in relation to other members of their tribe, not just people.

Why do cats scratch furniture and wallpaper? It is generally accepted that this is how cats sharpen their claws. But even if you offer your cat a convenient nail sharpener, he will still be happy to sharpen his claws on the corner of the wall or sofa (in your absence). This happens, among other things, because on the cat’s paws, between the toes, there are special glands with which the cat marks its territory.

Why do cats rub against furniture, table legs, legs? Cats have special glands on the tail, on the sides of the head, on the lips, on the tongue, near the genitals and between the front legs. They use them to mark their territory. When a cat rubs against your leg, he is marking you, indicating that you are “his.” For the same reason, cats rub against furniture and corners of rooms.

Why immediately after you pet your cat does he begin to lick himself? There are two theories, according to one, the cat is trying to get rid of your smell, according to the second, on the contrary, he tastes it with his tongue in order to “continue the pleasure.”

Why can a cat, if petted for a long time, suddenly scratch or bite? If a person accidentally touches sensitive areas for a cat - ears, nose, tail, the cat may make a sound that “enough is enough!”, but if the person does not stop, then the cat may bite or scratch. He just gets tired of affection.

Why does a cat, when passing another cat, slow down and move slowly? All cats are territorial animals. They distribute territory among themselves depending on the level of the internal hierarchy. Any encroachment leads to open conflict. Therefore, if a cat just wants to pass by, it tries to slow down and not look at the owner of the adjacent territory at all.

Why does a cat, when burying the “results” of its life activity, dig outside the box and not inside? This is due to the innate tendency of cats to cleanliness. The cat tries not to get his paws dirty. To do this, clean the cat litter area more often.

Why does a cat sometimes scratch the floor or “bury” a bowl of food? This can happen for two reasons - either the cat is trying to bury food “in reserve”, or by such an action it shows that he does not like the food.

Why do cats bite and lunge? Kitten games always include sitting in ambush, surprise attacks and throws. Therefore, cats at any age love such children's games. Draw their attention to laces with a bow, balloons and more.

Why do cats lightly bite your skin and hold you for a few seconds? Some cats, when they feel great, pinch a fold of human skin between their teeth and hold it for a short time. This is a kind of cat kiss.

Why does a cat turn his back to you if you don’t pay attention to him for a long time or leave? Cats, like other animals, recognize visual signals from your body, and in the case when you do not show obvious signs of aggression or calmly move away from its field of view, the cat loses interest in you and turns away.

Why do cats bring you dead mice? There are at least 4 theories: 1. The cat gives you a gift as a sign of his friendship or because you feed him. 2. The cat considers you a mediocre hunter, and is trying to teach you to hunt. 3. The cat takes the victim to a safe, warm place, where it can later eat it. 4. The cat is trying to save you from hunger in his own way.

Why does a cat play with a half-dead mouse? Cats are attracted to movement and if the prey continues to show signs of life and moves, the cat attacks, playing, again and again, until it ceases to be interested in it.

Why does a cat crouch when he sees a bird? When a cat catches prey, it squats several times. These movements indicate that the cat is about to attack. Another point of view is a gesture of dissatisfaction. When a cat hunts a bird in nature, it is quiet and unnoticeable. If the prey is unattainable, the cat makes such false movements. It’s something like “well, what is this?!” in people.

Why does a cat's jaw sometimes tremble and its teeth chatter when it sees its prey? This only happens if production is unattainable.

Why do cats often “hide” their toys in a bowl of food or water? Cats consider the territory in which they feed to be theirs. Therefore, they try to move all their toys to a place that is safe from their point of view, to their territory. Often this ends up being their bowl.

Why don't cats like to swim? In fact, most cats are comfortable with water and will fish if possible. But when a cat is held tightly by hand and dipped into a bowl of water, from his point of view this does not look very much like voluntary fishing, which causes legitimate indignation.

Why do cats love to drink water dripping from the tap? Cats, like other animals, prefer fresh food and water. From their point of view, running water looks fresher, so water coming out of a tap is more attractive to them than water sitting in a bowl. For the same reason, cats love to drink from large containers (my cat likes to drink exclusively from a bucket, and is very reluctant to drink from a bowl).

Why do cats lick photographs and plastic bags? In this way, cats “taste” a smell that humans do not notice, but animals can clearly distinguish.

Why do some cats love valerian and others not? Scientists say it's a matter of a special gene. Some cats love to roll on valerian leaves, licking themselves, some quickly eat it, some are absolutely indifferent. Another possible reason is that the smell of valerian is similar to the smell of a cat during certain periods.

Why does a cat “wince” when it smells something particularly interesting? Cats smell 14 times more powerfully than humans! In addition to the nose, cats can detect odors using the so-called Jacobson tube, located on the upper palate behind the front incisors. The cat uses it when she is completely focused on some particularly interesting smell, sucking in air, slightly raising her upper lip and nose.

Why does a cat wag its tail? Cats wag their tails when faced with a choice, with one desire blocking another. For example, if a cat is standing in a doorway and wants to go out, and it is raining outside, the tail will swing due to internal conflict. The cat wants to go out, but doesn't want to get wet. As soon as she makes a decision (stay at home or go out into the rain), the tail will immediately stop swinging. If a cat is near you and its tail is shaking, this is the greatest feeling of love that it can express. When the tail begins to droop, it means the mood has changed - you can move away, she won’t be offended.

Why do cats often “interject” into conversations on the phone? When a cat hears that you are talking to someone and does not see the other person, he believes that you are talking to him, so he begins to answer you. The more you talk to cats, the more they talk to you.

Why do cats purr? Cats make purring sounds for many reasons. Many experts believe that cats purr when experiencing intense emotion (pleasure or pain). Cats use more than a hundred different sounds when communicating, surpassing dogs, chimpanzees and gorilla in this.

Why doesn’t a cat like to eat from a bowl, but drags food onto the floor? Most cats do not like food to come into close contact with dishes. In addition, in a narrow container, some of the food may be inaccessible to the tongue. That’s why cats love to eat from a wide, low container, or even better, from the floor.

Why don't cats like sweets? It turns out that it's all about a defective taste receptor gene. Cats simply do not know what sweet is; they cannot taste it. Molecular analysis shows that big cats also have this defective gene, and it is likely that it helped shape the development of their carnivorous behavior.

Why don't cats hurt themselves when they fall even from great heights? Having studied the circumstances of many successful animal falls, scientists have found that cats are helped by the so-called “parachute effect”: their legs lengthen and their bodies expand, reducing the speed of their fall. At a minimum height, cats use, first of all, the elasticity of their paws. Another explanation: when falling from a great height, a cat presses its paws and tail to its body and flies, spinning - thereby slowing down its fall. And before landing he straightens his paws.

Why does a cat shake its paws? To show disgust for something, a cat raises its paws and shakes them. This may be due to the instinctive action of shaking off water, which is unpleasant for most cats.

Why do cats hide when they are sick? Instinct tells the cat that when he is weak, he is easy prey for a predator, so during periods of illness, cats try to hide from possible dangers.

Facts about cat vision. Cats need 1/6th the amount of light needed by humans to see. In the dark, a cat's eye even uses light reflected from the retina. Cats, unlike dogs, cannot focus their gaze on nearby objects, that is, cats are farsighted, and dogs are nearsighted. Cats can see up to 60 meters away. Their peripheral vision is approximately 285 degrees. In fact, a cat sees best at a distance of 75 cm to 2-6 meters. If the pupils are dilated despite bright lighting, the cat is very interested in something or is in a playful mood. Cats have round, slanted and almond-shaped eyes. A kitten's eye color may change as it ages.

Facts about cat hearing. Cats perceive sound frequencies in the range from 50 to 60 kHz. The dog reacts to a sound with a frequency of about 40 kHz. A person is able to detect sounds with a frequency of 20 kHz. A cat's sensitivity to sound volume is 3 times higher than that of a human. The cat's ear rotates 180 degrees. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear, and they use twelve or more muscles to control the ear.

Facts about cat whiskers (vibrissae). Vibrissae (lat. vibrissae, from vibro - oscillate, wriggle), large, protruding above the surface of the coat, sensitive (tactile) hair in mammals. A cat has an average of 12 movable whiskers on each side of its face. At the base of the whiskers there is a large number of nerve endings, so the cat uses them to receive information about everything that surrounds it - about objects, about wind, about temperature, etc. If a cat's whiskers are removed, it may have poor spatial orientation, for example, difficulty hunting and generally feel insecure. The whiskers help the cat determine whether it will fit through the hole. If a cat's whiskers point forward, it is very interested in something. Or in skirmishes he wants to scare his opponent. If the whiskers point back, the cat is scared and avoids touching. When the cat is calm, the whiskers are directed to the sides.

How old is your cat by human standards? If your cat is 3 years old, that is equivalent to a human being 21 years old. If 8 years, then in human terms - 40. If 14, then 70 human years. The average lifespan of a domestic cat is 15 years, while for wild cats it is from 3 to 5 years.

Do not pick up a kitten or cat by the scruff of the neck. Only cats can do this without harm, and only with their kittens.

Cats understand tone of voice. When talking to cats, be mindful of your tone of voice. Cats understand when you are angry with them (even though they may not show it).

Never feed your cat dog food. The protein requirement of cats is 5 times greater than that of dogs.

Do cats do this on purpose?

“I think so,” continues Marilyn Krieger.
– Let’s not forget that expressing love is one thing, but opening your face and making it vulnerable is completely different. By “butting,” the cat opens up almost completely, confirming that it has boundless trust in its owner. I note that only happy and confident cats do this.” What to add? All cat owners know that their pets love to get under their feet, rub their soft sides, and wrap their striped tails around them. The decoding of this behavior model is identical: it is a friendly greeting, an expression of joy, and a sign of trust. And sometimes a friendly request.

Do you like it when a cat cuddles up to you? Great - you can reinforce this behavior pattern. It's simple: pet your pet back. Help him convey your scent. Take in the smell. You can't think of a better way to strengthen friendship!

Original: Why Do Cats Rub Against You? Author: Kellie B. Gormly. Source: catster.com Photo: kupimzdes.ru (from open sources).

• The person has health problems.

When a person has problems with some organ, his temperature begins to rise. The cat immediately finds this place and tries to lie down on it, because it is warmest there. Some even believe that a cat heals a person with its positive energy or completely takes away his illness.

In any case, you should pay attention to your health if your pet is trying to climb onto a certain part of the body.

But no matter how much the owners love their cats, they should not constantly carry them in their arms, press them to their faces or kiss them on the face, especially if the animal often walks outside the house.

After all, cats are carriers of skin, parasitic and infectious diseases that are transmitted to humans. Therefore, people need to carefully monitor the health of their cats, and if suspicious symptoms occur, immediately take the animals to the veterinarian.

The kitten squeaks. Why is the little kitten screaming?

Your kitten is nursing, but squeaks loudly very often. There are several reasons why a small kitten screams.

— If a small kitten squeaks, then first you need to check the baby’s palate. Gently pick up the kitten in your hands and hold it firmly but gently. Insert the tip of your finger into his mouth (preferably from the side) and look inside to see if there is a cleft? If not, great. But if you notice a cleft palate in your baby, take him to the veterinary clinic; an experienced veterinarian will immediately tell you whether the kitten’s cleft palate is compatible with life. Unfortunately, most often these babies are euthanized.

— A newborn kitten needs to be weighed constantly. Immediately after birth and every day until 2 weeks of age. Then you can do it less often.

After checking the palate, cock the kitten and check if it is gaining weight (at least 7 grams per day). It's good if everything is fine with your weight. But if the baby is not gaining weight, the cat may have little or no milk and the kitten is hungry. Start feeding your baby. This should be done after he has sucked the cat's breast. And control your weight.

You can watch the process of feeding a newborn Maine Coon kitten in this video.

— A kitten can scream if it’s cold. Place him on a heating pad while the cat is not around. Due to a decrease in body temperature, the kitten's sucking reflex may disappear and a hungry kitten will squeak.

— The kitten squeaks if the cat doesn’t lick him (doesn’t “pee, poop”). This happens if the cat is not experienced (firstborn) or something is bothering her (mastitis, endometritis, retained placenta). If the cat is inexperienced, you will have to care for the newborn yourself and at the same time try to teach the cat how to properly care for the baby. Using cotton wool and warm water, gently stroke the kitten to stimulate defecation and urination every 3 hours (before feeding). Some people find it helpful to spread sour cream or butter on the kittens' butts, then the cat begins to lick them with pleasure.

But if something is bothering the cat and she gets sick, then you will have to simultaneously care for the kittens and treat the mother. After recovery, the cat will take care of her kittens herself.

As you can see, there are many reasons why a kitten squeaks. A small kitten screams from hunger, from hypothermia, and from a bloated tummy, and sometimes you come across just very talkative babies who gain weight well, but love to scream.

In most cases, you can easily help the kitten, but sometimes the help of a qualified specialist is required.

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Other interesting articles on our website:

• Weak newborn kitten

• First vaccination for a kitten

• Where can I buy a kitten

• Vaccination against shingles


Milena Rozhdestvenska 04/20/2015 19:37 Indeed, everyone remembers how little kittens squeak. No one wonders why they squeak.

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Why does my cat wake me up at night?

Some cats wake up their owners at night with loud meowing and even scratching, because they are simply bored. Character traits. For example, a cat may not like daytime noise - it is more comfortable for her to walk around the apartment (house) at night. This way she can walk anywhere without anyone bothering her.

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How to understand the language of cats?

It's not difficult at all, the main thing is to have a little observation. The main group of gestures is associated with a procedure such as licking. It means not only the desire to wash, it is a kind of language of cats, with the help of which they can demonstrate:

  • confusion - the cat begins to lick itself when it was scolded (this is the best time for communication with the animal and reconciliation!);
  • good mood - the cat begins to lick the owner’s hand;
  • search for affection - the cat carefully licks the owner’s hand and tries to climb onto his lap;
  • boredom - the cat licks itself with overly prolonged, deep and intense movements: in this way she asks to caress her or play with her;
  • readiness for training - the cat washes rationally and carefully and is able to accept several commands from the owner.

In addition to licking, a cat's tongue also involves all kinds of movements of the body and tail. The most common among them is friction against the owner’s legs. In this way, the cat expresses love and can also ask for something. If a cat rubs its muzzle against your face and nuzzles your cheeks or lips, this expresses the extreme degree of its love and appreciation.

As for the tail, it can be in several positions:

  • flies up - the cat is excited, but not angry or scared;
  • slightly lowered - the cat is slightly frightened or dissatisfied (for example, with its food), in this state it is better to leave it alone;
  • lowered low - the cat is very frightened or unhappy;
  • actively twitching - the cat wants to be alone (if only the tip of the tail is twitching, this is an extreme degree of concern for the animal);
  • fluffed up - the cat is preparing to attack;
  • squeezed between the paws - the cat is afraid.
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