The best bowls for cats: how to make the right choice

This seemingly elementary thing is a cat bowl. But there are pitfalls here too! Choosing the right bowl for your cat can help prevent many nutritional and even health problems.

Pet stores are filled to the ceiling with various cat paraphernalia: this bowl, that bowl, and with pictures, and multi-colored, and expensive, and cheap - however, the owner of the animal is usually guided by his own preferences in the choice. You can’t ask a cat which plate it would be more pleasant to eat from, and what method of serving it prefers. In order to save you as much as possible from the agony of choice, we wrote this article.

Types of bowls based on material of manufacture - their pros and cons

Let's look at three types of bowls for pets:

Plastic bowls - cheap and cheerful

Plastic bowls are sold in almost every store, including regular grocery chains.

Their cost starts from 10 rubles, but there are also expensive options made of high-quality plastic.

When I first got a kitten, I immediately bought a plastic bowl from the nearest pet store. But after a short period of time, I gave up such bowls.

Let's start with the advantages of plastic:

However, in my opinion, there are more disadvantages.

As soon as the first bowls I bought became unusable, I threw them away and refused to use such dishes.

Metal bowls – loud and light

After getting rid of plastic, I decided to try metal bowls.

Metal bowls are often sold with rubberized bases to prevent them from sliding around on the floor. By the way, if you decide to choose this option, I recommend that it have rubberized legs. Without them, a metal bowl will slide even more than a plastic one.

Pros of metal bowls:

Over time, I also gave up such bowls.

Glass, porcelain, ceramic bowls

I combined them into one group, since in general the properties of the materials are similar.

For many years now my cat has been eating only from ceramic bowls. I have a set of four bowls. I have never had to change such dishes before.

Pros of ceramic, porcelain and glass bowls:

Personally, I am for ceramics and against plastic. The metal option is also acceptable.

By the way, by not buying plastic bowls, you harm the environment less, since you do not throw away excess garbage. And also protect the health of your pet.

For a cat to successfully consume food, it needs to purchase the right bowl. One that she will enjoy. And from which she will be pleased and comfortable to eat. At the same time, keep in mind that you will need to purchase two bowls at once. One will be used for food. The second is for water.

There are a huge number of different types of bowls sold in stores. We will tell you which ones you can purchase. And what aspects to pay attention to during selection.

What types of bowls are there for cats?


Bowls of this type are light in weight. When they come into contact with surrounding objects, they make small sounds. And their very bottom part has rubber in the body. They can last quite a long time. Despite the fact that during this process they will not be deformed.


The advantages of products made from this material are the following:

  1. They have high levels of hygiene.
  2. Can be used by animals without compromising its safety. They are not dangerous to the body even if they somehow get into the cat’s interior.
  3. They are easy to wash off food. For example, from liquid food.
  4. During operation, you do not have to worry that scratches may appear on the outer part of the product.


The disadvantages of metal options are the following:

  1. The design of all products is the same. The only way they may differ is the color in which the metal is painted.
  2. If you are using dry food, be prepared for a loud sound when you pour out the food.
  3. If you decide to heat up food, you won’t be able to do it in a bowl like this.

In stores you can find metal options that have different prices. If you buy a model that was created using stainless steel, it will cost quite a lot. Because the option itself is of high quality.

Bowls made from porcelain, as well as glass and ceramics

Bowls that are made using ceramics, as well as porcelain and glass, may vary in design. They look quite beautiful and stylish.

Some people use various standard objects, like a bowl. For example, a traditional plate that stands in the kitchen cabinet. However, if you buy a bowl at a pet store, it will still be much more convenient.

Advantages of bowls made from these materials

The advantages are the following:

  1. Bowls made from these materials are absolutely safe for cats.
  2. It is easy to wash off various types of dirt that remain after feeding.
  3. You can clean dishes of this type even in a special dishwasher.
  4. The mass of such a bowl is quite large. Consequently, it will be tightly fixed in one place. And the cat will not be able to move it from side to side.

Disadvantages of bowls made from similar materials

The disadvantages are the following:

  1. Fragility. A bowl made of such material can become deformed quite easily. Therefore, we recommend using this product with extreme caution.
  2. If you decide to heat your cat's food in the microwave in such a container, this may have negative consequences. To the point where the material heats up significantly.
  3. They have a fairly high cost compared to other materials from which bowls for cats are made.

Typically, bowls made from such materials perform excellently during use. They can last for a very long time. The main thing is to make sure that they do not fall to the floor or break.


Bowls of this type are especially popular. They're pretty cheap. And they have excellent quality.

In specialized stores you can look at dishes that have different types of shapes. And also colors.

Disadvantages of such bowl options

The disadvantages are the following:

  1. The plastic that is usually added to such products is not safe to use. It can have a negative effect on your pet's body.
  2. The bowls can have a very unpleasant odor. As a result, the bowl must be washed regularly during use.
  3. Sometimes they absorb odors emanating from the food that was on the plate. And which the cat ate.
  4. As you use the bowl, it may become unusable. In particular, bending. Also, it may develop cracks. The product may become deformed for various reasons.
  5. Plastic has a porous surface. As a result, various types of bacteria can begin to actively spread in it.
  6. The mass of such items is low. As a result, the cat may begin to negatively affect the product. Roll it from side to side.

Give preference to products that are made from high-quality plastic. The so-called food. The cost of this type of plastic is very high. But the bowl will not have a negative effect on the cat’s body.

About double and triple bowls

Bowls that are deep are considered traditional. Round. And on the sides there are special raised sides.

One pet will need no more than two types of plates. One in particular is used for liquid. The second is used for feed.

You will have the opportunity to pay once and get a container for all types of food. The bowl can be either double or triple. It has a special one-piece design. That is, it is connected to other containers with a special fastening.

To what extent is a design with several bowls fastened together more comfortable and easy to use?

Some cat owners are negative about this idea. They believe that triple bowls are not very convenient to use. This is because your pet may start dropping food into the water.

Also, keep in mind that you cannot heat anything in a bowl like this in the microwave, since other types of food in the next container will also become hot. As a result, the situation will end in a negative way.

It is better to purchase double and triple options if you have more than one cat. And several.

Sippy bowl

Bowls of this type are recommended for purchase by those types of cats whose faces are slightly flattened. They have a special sticker in their structure that prevents the product from slipping. The sides on this item are wide. They are bent inward. As a result, water does not spill during use. And the wool does not get wet.

Bowl on a stand

Bowls of this type have high stability. They make sure that the food does not fall on the floor. You can choose any model of such a bowl. The one that will suit your design. And one that you will enjoy using.

There are bowls that can even be fixed to the wall. There are also some models that can be moved. You can install them anywhere.

This type of bowl is recommended for purchase for cats that are large in size.

What are the risks of buying a cheap bowl?

Do not skimp on your cat under any circumstances. Don't buy him cheap bowls. Remember: the less an item costs, the worse the materials used in it. In inexpensive models the quality is very poor. The materials used in their creation can have a bad effect on the cat. Because they will be toxic.

Where to buy a quality bowl?

High-quality bowls are sold in all pet stores. Both on the Internet and in life. You can buy a bowl anywhere. The most important thing is from trusted brands. And those options that have positive reviews.

What should be the height of the bowl?

We recommend purchasing a bowl that has a standard height. It should not be too low or high. The cat should be able to comfortably consume food.

That is, for example, it is not recommended for a kitten to purchase a high bowl. He will not reach food or water. An adult cat that is tall and large should not buy “childish bowls”. They will be inconvenient to use. And the cat will not be able to feel comfortable during the process of eating food. We recommend that you pay close attention to the bowls. They must fit the cat. Give him pleasure. And always make sure that he feels comfortable while consuming food.

Are the bowls separate or double?

Many owners, including to save space, buy double bowls or stands for bowls.

If your pet doesn’t have any problems with this, then why not.

However, many pets, including mine, have some problems.

I experimented with double bowls, but ultimately decided on separate bowls that are a short distance apart. So my cat drinks much more willingly and more often. And food doesn't get into the water.

What to choose?

As you can see, the choice of specialized dishes for feeding purring pets is very large, but it is quite difficult to say exactly which model you should choose, because everything depends solely on the preferences of your pet.

Generally speaking, it is better to purchase a set of two ceramic plates of different depths and complement them with a non-slip mat. Well, for pets who need a diet or small meals, an automatic feeder will be the best choice. It can also be installed for those who do not allow their owners to get enough sleep on a weekend morning.

Do you need a mat under the bowl?

I use a mat under the bowl because it's more hygienic. The floor will always be clean.

If the food falls out of the bowl, the cat will eat it from a clean mat.

It's the same with water - if it spilled, it spilled on the rug, not on the laminate.

Buy a matte non-slip mat. A glossy, slippery rug is uncomfortable in every way. Bowls ride on it, and water flows from it freely onto the floor.

Do you need coasters and mats?

Examples of stands - wooden, metal and plastic
The range of cat gadgets is full of different stands, ranging from plastic to wooden. Their purpose is to give the bowls stability, to please the owner's eye aesthetically, and to prevent food and crumbs from spilling on the floor. Some of them are attached to the wall, leaving space on the floor free. But as practice shows, many cats don’t like them. Why?

  • Metal stands again prevent the cat from adopting a “half-bent” position; even if they are adjustable in height, they will still have to be lowered to the floor as much as possible - why not just do without them?
  • Wide stands in the form of a tray or stands with niches into which bowls are inserted are also not liked by everyone, since they either raise the bowls higher or have a fairly large area, but limited by the sides, which makes it difficult for the animal to access the bowl from different sides.
  • Rugs can have an unpleasant odor or scare the cat away from the bowl, since for the animal it is an incomprehensible substance that does not want to get its paws dirty. Although the item itself is useful - rugs can also absorb spilled water, some of them even have sensors that will prevent the robot vacuum cleaner from crawling into the bowls.

Silicone bowl mats
are suitable for your pet if he prefers to eat while sitting or standing. If you want to keep the floor clean, but the cat does not perceive a beautiful stand or rug, you will have to accept it or use regular paper towels, changing them from time to time. Cheap and cheerful!

Automatic feeders

If you do not have the opportunity to feed your cat twice a day and are often away, it makes sense to purchase an automatic feeder.

Automatic feeders are different:

The use of automatic feeders has a number of features:

That's probably all. The instructions for choosing bowls turned out to be voluminous. All you have to do is choose which bowl is best for your cat.


Types of bowls


Suitable for temporary use, but not permanent. Convenient to take on trips: they are light and do not break. After about a year, plastic bowls need to be changed, because the smell of food remains in them, scratches in which bacteria accumulate. The water leaves a residue that cannot be washed off with anything. If you buy this option, the plastic should be food grade and dense. Thin plastic can cause allergies in cats (lumps and spots on the face).

Metal bowls for cats

Which cat bowl is better: ceramic or metal? Metal is the most durable option. If it is made of stainless steel, then it does not deteriorate, does not break, and is easy to wash. However, it is very noisy and rings every time you pour food. We advise you to choose a metal bowl for cats with a rubberized bottom or on a stand with rubberized legs so that the cat cannot knock it over.


Durable and heavy, will not ride on the floor while eating. Ceramics are easy to clean and can be put in the dishwasher and microwave. Ceramics are hypoallergenic and safe for cats. These bowls come in a wide variety of designs, and you can even order a bowl with your pet's name on it. Disadvantages: difficult to transport, can break and costs more than metal and plastic ones.


The properties are similar to ceramics. They are heavy and will not move on the floor. Easy to clean. There is a possibility of accidentally breaking them. You also need to watch for chips and throw them away at the first chip so that your pet doesn’t get hurt.

On a stand

The stand gives additional stability to the bowl and is suitable for those cats who tend to roll the bowl before eating. You can also offer a bowl on a stand to cats that refuse to eat from a bowl on the floor. Perhaps the cat is simply uncomfortable bending down so low.


Typically, owners buy such bowls to use one part for food and the other for water. However, washing such bowls is very inconvenient: the water needs to be changed regularly, and the dry food may not yet be eaten. You will have to empty the food and wash the bowls. If you choose this option, we recommend using one part for dry food and the other part for wet food.

Choosing the best bowl for a cat

Eating food is a need for every living being.

In the wild, cats eat wherever they can. However, feeding a pet must be organized correctly, so that it is convenient for both the animal and its owner.

An important aspect is the choice of model. How to do everything right?

Number of bowls

The cat should have at least two containers - one for food, the other for water. But if you feed your pet both dry and wet food, then it is better to take different dishes for them. Therefore, you will need not two, but three bowls


IMPORTANT! If your pet has not finished eating wet food, there is no need to leave it at room temperature, because it becomes an environment for pathogenic bacteria. Place leftovers in the refrigerator, but no more than 6 hours.

Volume and depth

The size of the dishes depends on the weight of the dog and the type of food. When feeding wet food, dogs require 5–7% of their live weight. If the dog eats dry food, the serving size is indicated on the package.

The depth of the bowl is selected based on what the dog eats and its anatomical features. Short-faced dogs will not lower their entire muzzle to reach the bottom. From shallow dishes, pets spill soup or scatter granules. Long-haired dogs, especially bearded ones, tend to get dirty and drag leftover food all over the floor and furniture. To find out what size and depth of dish is comfortable for your dog, purchase an inexpensive trial dish.

If the animal eats willingly, does not move the feeder with its paw, or does not try to scoop food out of it, then you need to buy high-quality dishes of the same type. For untidy or mischievous pets, a sippy bowl is needed. If the dog turns the dish over, its contents will not leak out. Water is poured into the largest part of the bowl. Insert the membrane and secure with the wide edge.

A small portion of liquid is available to the pet. After lapping, the water flows into the free zone.

Sippy bowl

Bowl selection

When choosing, it is recommended to consider:

1. Size. It will be uncomfortable for the kitten to eat from a deep bowl. And vice versa, a large cat will not like dishes for a baby - he will have to keep adding food all the time.

2. Breed. For example, deep models will not be suitable for representatives of brachycephalic breeds.

3. Length of wool. Does your cat have long hair? She needs a model with high sides - to stay clean.

4. Quality of material. Buy certified products intended for food.

5. Sustainability. The pet will constantly move the lightweight model. This is inconvenient for both the animal and you, as there is a high chance that food will be scattered on the floor.

6. Method of feed consumption. Does your cat like to eat on half-bent legs? She needs a bowl with high sides.

7. Type of feed

. A model with high sides is also suitable for dry food, and lower sides for wet food.

Gadget bowls

Automatic feeders should be selected according to the following principle:

  • not very high sides;
  • wide base;
  • high-quality plastic (after all, as a rule, such feeders are made of plastic).

There are different types of automatic feeders:

  • Some work on the principle of communicating vessels - as soon as the bowl is empty, the container throws out a portion of food.
  • More advanced models run on batteries - recently one of our subscribers shared her experience of purchasing such an automatic feeder for six feedings.

There are also interactive feeders, or food puzzles. They are great for animals with eating disorders:

  • swallowing food too quickly without biting the croquettes;
  • aerophagia;
  • vomiting of undigested food and so on.

Classification of bowls by material

It is important to choose the right material. Products are made from plastic, metal, glass, ceramics, porcelain. Let's look at the main pros and cons of different materials.


1. Fragility. Gradually, scratches appear on such models.

2. Unhygienic. These very scratches accumulate pathogenic bacteria that can cause health problems for your mustachioed friend. If you notice that a plastic product is damaged, replace it immediately.

3. They don’t wash well. As you know, fat does not come off easily from plastic. And if you don't wash the dishes thoroughly, your cat may develop acne on its chin and around its face.

4. They release harmful substances. Do not buy bowls from unverified places. Only in the pet store! Poor quality or non-food grade plastic releases toxins. Which will lead, at a minimum, to food poisoning.

5. Instability. These bowls are light enough so your cat can easily move them across the floor. This can lead to frequent contamination of the floor covering.


Metal bowls are durable and wear-resistant.

But they also have disadvantages:

Metal bowls from Petmax

equipped with a rubberized bottom, which makes the model stable. The brand’s assortment also includes models with a ribbed bottom, which makes the structure heavier.

The properties of these materials are almost identical - they are heavy and therefore stable. Easy to clean.

Another plus is the variety of design solutions: you can choose dishes for a four-legged animal so that it becomes an original element of room decor.

There is, perhaps, only one minus - the dishes can break if handled carelessly. If a crack appears on the bowl, renew the dishes. The splinter may get into food or injure your pet.


The cost of bowls depends on the material and the presence of additional elements, such as a tripod or tray. So, for example, metal products with a tripod cost from 500 to 3000 rubles, the cost of ceramic ones varies between 200-1000 rubles, plastic containers are the cheapest - about 300 rubles. Automatic feeders are the most expensive; their cost starts from 2000 rubles and depends on the set of functions and the complexity of the design.

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Cat bowl shapes

Round and oval

The most popular and convenient form. Such products are easy to clean.

In the assortment of the Petmax brand

There are bowls designed specifically for short-faced breeds - they are shallow, which allows the pet not to experience inconvenience when eating food.

Rectangular and square

Ceramic rectangular and square bowls do not absorb foreign odors and do not affect the taste of food.


You will definitely like the products of various shapes presented in the assortment. Consider these models if you want to emphasize the uniqueness of your pet.


They don't take up much space. The compartments can be used for either food and water, or two types of food.

Ceramic bowls with a divider are easy to clean without losing their color saturation.

On a stand

The bowls on the stand are stable and heavy. In the assortment of you can find products on a ceramic or wooden stand.

On a leg

A tall bowl on a leg will make it more comfortable for your cat to eat food. This model saves space.


Road option. Silicone models fold easily, so they fit in any luggage or carrier without any problems. The material does not absorb foreign odors, and fat is easily washed off.

Mats for bowls

They provide additional stability to the dishes and cleanliness, since food and water particles can be easily washed off.

Rugs from Rurri

They are easy to wash and dry very quickly. They do not absorb foreign odors and do not stain dishes.

What to do if your cat buries the bowl

If you often leave your pet alone, you should consider buying a bowl with a dispenser. The large compartment is filled with the daily amount of food, and then it is poured out in small portions throughout the day.

There are 2 types of automatic bowls: mechanical and electronic. Mechanical ones pour out food when the bowl is empty. You can set the exact feeding time in the electronic feed. The only drawback of such dishes is the high price.

  • Follow the daily feeding allowance. Cats bury food both when there is too much of it (hiding) and when there is not enough (looking for it).
  • Keep bowls and feeding area clean.
  • Check expiration dates on food.
  • If there are several pets, separate feeding areas.
  • Take your cat to the vet if she refuses to eat for several days in a row.

Automatic feeders and automatic drinkers

Relevant if you need to leave your pet alone for several hours. Also, using an automatic feeder, you can control the daily amount of feed.

Automatic feeders

Automatic feeder

is a device equipped with a timer. At the appointed time, the lid rises and the cat receives a portion of food.

There are three types of automatic feeders - segmental, with a hinged lid, and with a dispenser. Each device is designed for 1 to 5 feedings.

Segmented automatic feeders are a container with several compartments for food, closed with a lid. At a predetermined time, the lid rotates, opening one of the compartments.

The device with a hinged lid is designed for one feeding.

Automatic feeders with a dispenser are a kind of cooler: a large amount of feed is poured into the tank. At the required time, the device delivers the desired size of food into the food tray.

The range of automatic feeders is represented by various models, from the simplest to the ultra-modern, with a large number of additional functions. These include:

Many automatic feeders have a synchronization function with a smartphone and are equipped with a remote control.

Automatic drinking bowls

The animal must always have access to clean drinking water. However, bowls often get dirty, because not only food debris gets into them, but also pet hair. If you cannot change the water often (and this must be done at least once a day), an automatic drinker


The devices are available as:

1. Tray on which the water bottle is installed. The amount of liquid is replenished as it runs out in the compartment intended for it.

2. Fontana. This automatic drinker ensures a constant supply of water. Especially suitable for pets who like to drink from the tap.

3. Bowls. An uninterrupted water supply device is ideal for representatives of long-haired breeds.


For those who work 10 or more hours or periodically leave for 1-2 days, automatic feeders and waterers can help keep their pets.

There are two types of feeders: a round plate with a lid or a small tower with a jar for storing food.

In the first case, there is a slot in the lid, and the plate itself is divided into sectors. At certain intervals, the lid rotates several degrees, opening access to the next portion of food. This is quite convenient if the period of absence is not too long, since there are few portions, and uneaten food becomes inaccessible.

The second option is more universal. The jar on top is filled with dry food and closed with a lid so that its aroma does not erode. Periodically the lid is lifted and the portion is poured into the tray. Automatic drinking bowls look similar, but instead of food, the container is filled with fresh water. Such devices are much more convenient, as they can accommodate a larger supply of food and do not interfere with the eating of previous portions.

Where to put

Cats prefer to eat in a calm environment, so try to arrange the dishes so that your pet is comfortable. For example, away from doors, as well as places where you are most often.

Most cat owners choose the kitchen as their place to eat. This is understandable, because it is easier to ensure cleanliness there. However, place food containers away from the sink and stove, where dirt, food debris and cleaning products can get into them.

Some cats like to take food out of the bowl and eat it on the floor. Sometimes there is no reason for this - the pet just likes it that way. To ensure the cleanliness of the floor covering, place a special mat under the cat's dishes.

Another important point: containers for food and water should be located far enough from the tray. Cats don't like to eat near the toilet.

Size and shape

  • Bowls should be large enough to hold an entire serving of cat food for one meal.
  • The dishes must be stable so as not to tip over, stain or scare your pet.
  • A cat's whiskers are very sensitive, so most cats prefer shallow but wide bowls that they can completely bury their face into.
  • The bowl should be positioned so that the pet's mouth is higher than the stomach when eating. It helps digestion. Sometimes, in addition to the dishes, special coasters are sold.
  • For water, it is better to choose a large bowl or mug made of glass or ceramics.

If there are several pets in the house

Do you have several cats? Then the problem of eating can become quite serious for you, because one animal can eat from the dishes of another.

If cats eat the same food, then there is no problem. However, what to do in a situation where the diet of four-legged animals should be different?

For example, you have an adult cat and a kitten, or one of the pets has been prescribed therapeutic food.

Place dishes away from each other. An older cat's containers can be placed on a raised platform or stand - where the kitten cannot reach them.

If two adult cats are prescribed different diets, and they eat from each other’s bowls, there is only one option - carefully monitor your pets during meals and prevent them from stealing food from each other. Containers should be removed after eating.

The same advice is relevant when you have a cat and a dog at home. If you are unable to keep an eye on your four-legged dogs every time they eat, purchase bowls for your dog on a stand whose height can be adjusted.

IMPORTANT! Each pet should strictly consume only the type of food that is intended specifically for it. You can’t feed a kitten with food for adult pets, and a dog with food for cats!

How many dishes and what size should I buy?

For a pet, 3-4 bowls will be enough. For water, for dry food, for liquid food, for dairy products and always a spare one. Select a sippy cup for your dog separately. If the puppy eats mainly dry food, it is advisable to purchase a large water bowl, or even better, a drinking bowl. After all, dogs that eat dry food drink a lot of water. The automatic drinking bowl will be a godsend for owners who often leave the dog alone in the house. The pet will always have access to water.

Why doesn't the cat eat from the bowl?

Sometimes the owner may encounter the fact that the cat does not eat food from the intended containers. The reasons can be very different.

1. The dishes are dirty. Cats are real clean people! Dirty dishes that smell of leftover food can cause a tailed friend to have an aversion to food. For this reason, it is recommended to wash containers every time after a meal.

2. The bowl is located next to the tray. Your pet will not eat where his “toilet” is located.

3. The pet is being disturbed. As already mentioned, the animal needs calm while eating. And who would like to eat food if children are running around or the door is slamming?

4. Inconvenient shape. Surprisingly, but true: cats don’t like it when whiskers touch the edges of dishes! For this reason, they may drag food onto the floor. If you observe this picture, try replacing the product with a wider one.

5. Health problems. Sometimes refusal to eat indicates that something is wrong with your mustachioed friend’s body. If he suddenly stops eating from the dishes provided, you may want to consult a veterinarian. And the bowl has nothing to do with it.

6. Not satisfied with the quality of food. Such food smells and tastes bad, which causes disgust towards it. Choose food from the holistic, premium and super-premium classes. They are not only tasty, but also healthy, as they contain the necessary set of nutrients and nutrients.


The most common form of cat bowl is a more or less deep plate of small diameter with high sides. Sometimes it is wider at the base and seems to taper at the top.

Often two bowls - for food and water - are combined into one. And so the owner, satisfied and proud of himself, having acquired such a bowl, puts delicious food into it with a generous owner’s hand and... watches in disappointment as the cat pulls a piece out of the bowl and eats it on the floor. Why is this happening?

  • Many cats prefer to eat as if reclining or sitting on half-bent legs (squatting), and high sides make it difficult to take their favorite position.
  • Cats don't like it when the edges of the bowl... touch their whiskers! Vibrissae - tactile organs - are very sensitive, and excessive rough touches irritate the animal and can even provoke a stressful state.
  • Flat-faced cat breeds, such as Persians and exotics, experience all of the above difficulties at once: the whiskers, you know, get hurt, and you have to put your whole head into the bowl.

A plastic bowl especially for Persian and British cats has low sides and a ribbed bottom.
Thus, we conclude: the lower the sides and the wider the “mouth” of the bowl, the better. Ideally, this is the most common flat plate or saucer familiar to all of us. The box just opened! However, such a bowl also has a drawback - food can periodically end up “overboard”, so a bowl that is too flat is also bad. But that's not all!

Brief conclusions

1. When choosing, consider several factors: the breed of the cat, the size and length of the coat, as well as the quality of the product itself.

2. Pet dishes are made of plastic, metal, glass, porcelain and ceramics.

3. Shapes also come in both square and curly shapes. There are models with a leg and a stand. To prevent them from sliding on the floor, place a rug under them.

4. Do you need to leave your pet alone for a while? Buy an automatic feeder and an automatic drinking bowl for him.

5. Place dishes where the cat will be comfortable. For example, away from noise or litter.

6. Do you have several pets in the house? Everyone should have their own food bowl. But for water you can use general water.

7. Sometimes the pet refuses to eat from the dishes intended for it. Often this is an alarming signal that indicates health problems. Do not forget about routine vaccination, as well as annual medical examination of your four-legged friend.



Typically, cat bowls are represented by the following materials:

  • plastic;
  • metal (stainless steel);
  • glass;
  • porcelain;
  • ceramics.


The most common and inexpensive material for cat bowls. The quality of plastic varies from product to product:

  • Cheap material can have an unpleasant odor, and also absorb the smell of food, bend, crack, and even release dangerous toxic substances - phthalates.
  • More expensive and high-quality plastic does not have these flaws, and its service life is much longer.

However, be that as it may, in most cases this material has a porous structure in which pathogenic bacteria can multiply, even if you wash the bowl regularly. In particular, the occurrence of acne in cats is associated with plastic bowls. Plastic, especially cheap plastic, is not our option.

Metal bowls

Much more durable than all the others. They usually have a rubberized base that prevents the bowl from sliding on the floor. Stainless steel utensils are absolutely safe for health and easy to clean, but they are also much more expensive than plastic ones.

There is, however, one aspect - dry food can rustle and ring in a metal bowl, which the animal may not like.

Glass, porcelain, ceramics

They have no porous texture, are safe for health, and are easy to clean both by hand and in the dishwasher. In addition, such dishes are available to everyone - probably every house has a couple of saucers or small plates lying around. However:

  • such bowls can be accidentally broken (unlike plastic and metal ones);
  • they can slide on the floor (as they are usually not equipped with rubberized legs or a base);
  • If you preheat food in such a container, you or your pet may accidentally get burned.

Glass bowl
We conclude - plastic is bad, glass, ceramics and porcelain are acceptable, metal is good, but expensive. But material is not everything! The shape of the bowl is of great importance.

Cat bowls: pros and cons of different types

What will you learn from the article?

One of the most significant aspects of caring for a cat is the correct selection of its nutrition. It affects not only the animal’s mood, but also its health and longevity. But many people forget that proper nutrition, in addition to quality food, also includes a good bowl.

There are three main types of these products:

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages , which a caring owner should be aware of in order to purchase the best product for a pet.

Metal bowls for cats are the most practical because they are quite heavy and it will be difficult for the animal to turn it over. In addition, they do not accumulate static voltage, so they are well suited for long-haired breeds.

The disadvantages of the product include the noise that the bowl can make when it collides with other objects or when it tips over. And this can frighten some particularly nervous pets. When purchasing this item, you should also pay attention to the metal: stainless steel will serve the animal for a long time, but iron steel can quickly rust.

The most common are plastic cat bowls. They have the widest range of shapes, sizes and colors, so everyone will find what they need. In addition, they are the cheapest, therefore, you can purchase several products at once, put the main food in one, and treats for cats in the other. But if such dishes are made of low-quality plastic, they can cause allergies in the cat.

Another disadvantage is the accumulation of static voltage. This is especially noticeable in animals with long hair. Also, plastic bowls retain heat much worse than dishes made from other materials.

Ceramic and porcelain products are perhaps the most versatile. They last a long time without wearing out, and pets really like them. They are also quite heavy and stable, making them almost impossible to topple over. Ceramic and porcelain dishes for cats are more expensive than metal and plastic, but not so expensive as to completely abandon such a product.


Regardless of which type you prefer, you should pay attention to the depth of the bowl. It should not be too deep so that the cat does not have to take an uncomfortable position. Shape also matters. Some pets do not like their whiskers to touch the sides of the dishes when eating. Choose a rectangular model or a product with a larger diameter for them - and your pet will be grateful to you.

Flamingo ceramic bowl - the best bowl for cats

Ceramic is an ideal option for cat bowls. Heavy and stable white ceramic bowl with a designer pattern. The cat will not be able to move it while eating. The bottom depicts a cat surrounded by fish skeletons. The same drawings of skeletons are on the outer sides.

The bowl has a sufficient diameter - 12 cm. The height of the sides is 3.5 cm. Ceramics does not absorb foreign odors and does not oxidize. The bowl is easy to clean.

Water bowl

The shape of the water bowl is very important, because getting a cat to drink water again is not an easy task. But in reality it's simple:

  • The water bowl should have a very wide mouth and low sides.
  • The container itself should not be very small - focus on a soup plate or small basin.
  • It is better to purchase several of these “basins” and place them in accessible places (but away from electrical appliances).

You can also pay attention to automatic fountains - constantly circulating water attracts cats more than just a bowl of water. A variety of shapes and materials will allow you to purchase a fountain to suit every taste and budget.

Bowl rating - list of popular models with characteristics

Savic "Cibo"

Modern design bowls from a Belgian manufacturer are suitable for water and food. The feeders are made of high-quality non-toxic plastic – melamine. They are easy to wash and clean.

Bowls without a pattern are made in white and black. The original shape with sides of uneven height is the only decoration of the model. The bowls have a rubberized base, making them very stable and non-slip even on smooth surfaces.

Trixie with rubberized bottom

The metal bowl made of high-quality stainless steel is particularly durable. The bottom of the bowl is rubberized, the bowl does not tilt or slide on the floor. The bowl has a volume of 450 ml, this volume is enough for an adult large cat. Designed for water and food.

Ferplast IZAR

Double ceramic bowl made of stoneware with a fun design – “with ears”. Suitable for simultaneous supply of water and cat food. It has rounded outlines and cute “ears”. The vessel is decorated with images of smiling kittens. The volume of each compartment is 230 ml. Easy to clean. Dimensions: 21.5x12x2.5 cm.

Dezzie "Arc"

Stainless steel bowl on a plastic stand. Volume – 150 ml. The raised shape of the dish allows the animal to eat and drink water without straining the neck muscles. The bowl is easy to clean and dries quickly. The stand has an anti-slip bottom so that the cat cannot move the feeder from its place. Product dimensions: 17x13x5 cm.

Savic bowl “Whisker Water”

The Whisker Water plastic bowl has a convenient oval shape. Best suited for flat-faced cats and kittens. The bottom of the bowl is embossed - specifically so that the food does not scatter. The bowl has dimensions: 19x15x5 cm.

Dezzie "fish-shaped"

An original designer stainless steel bowl on an artificial nubuck stand will become a real interior decoration. In addition to the aesthetic component, the bowl is distinguished by antibacterial properties. The nubuck stand does not fade in the sun and is resistant to mechanical damage.

The dishes are easy to care for; just wash the bowl under running water and wipe the nubuck cover with a damp sponge. Product dimensions: 22×16.6×6.5 cm. Vessel volume – 200 ml.

Hello Kitty with two sections

A ceramic bowl from a Japanese manufacturer has two sections. Suitable for food and water. The product is made in bright red color, decorated with a logo in the form of a cat's face with a bow and a company inscription.

The bowl is heavy and very stable. The sections are located at a distance from each other, so the food cannot get into the water. Easy to clean, does not oxidize. Product dimensions: 27×13 cm.

Karlie Flamingo "Ring"

The metal bowl "Ring" has a perfect round shape. Product material – high quality stainless steel. Dishes capacity – 250 ml. The diameter of the bowl for water and food is 10 cm. The bottom of the bowl is made of anti-slip material. Easy to wash and clean.

ROGZ Fishcake with anti-slip bottom

An ergonomically shaped green plastic bowl has an original design. The special shape of the vessel ensures the safety of the cat's whiskers, and additional internal sides prevent splashing of water and food.

The model is made of modern plastic – melamine. Melamine is a non-toxic, durable material with anti-corrosion properties. The bottom of the product is made of non-slip silicone. Volume – 200 ml.

TOP 8 double bowls for cats and dogs

The rating of the most popular double bowls is compiled taking into account all the main parameters, such as price, volume of each container, material used, characteristics of the stand, design and construction of the base.

1) Tenberg Double Bowls

Tenberg Double Bowls

A comfortable bowl with a thoughtful design from the famous brand Tenberg.

Volume: 390 ml. Price: 1550 rub.


  • removable stainless steel bowls;
  • matte anti-scratch surface;
  • adjustable bowl tilt 0/15°;
  • anti-slip feet;
  • optimal stand height;
  • nice design.


  • price.

Expert comment: “One of the most comfortable bowls for cats and small dogs. It is pleasant and convenient for animals to eat from it. Stainless steel does not absorb odors, does not allow bacteria to multiply and has a neutral matte surface. It has the optimal height of the stand and adjustable tilt of the bowls.”

2) Petkit Fresh Nano Stainless Steel food bowl

Petkit Fresh Nano Stainless Steel Bowl

Convenient and comfortable bowl from the famous brand Petkit.

Volume: 480 ml. Price: 2290 rub.


  • removable stainless steel bowls;
  • adjustable bowl tilt 0/15°;
  • anti-slip feet;
  • optimal stand height;
  • nice design.


  • price;
  • glossy surface of the bowl.

Expert comment: “The Petkit Fresh Nano Stainless Steel Double Bowl has the same benefits as the previous model, but uses high-gloss steel with glare that can scare animals.”

3) Double bowl Super Design Elegance for cats and dogs 2 x 160 ml

Super Design Double Bowl

A fairly popular model of bowls on a melamine stand, which is suitable for very small cats and miniature dogs. The stainless steel bowls are removable and easy to clean.

Volume: 160 ml x 2. Price: 1313 rub.


  • removable stainless steel bowls;
  • anti-slip feet.


  • glossy surface;
  • small volume of bowls;
  • unregulated tilt of bowls.

Expert comment: “Super Design Elegance, in general, is a good double bowl with an affordable price, but is only suitable for small cats, since the volume of each bowl is only 160 ml. Again, due to the small volume of the bowl, it cannot be used as a water reservoir.”

4) Petkit Fresh Nano Double Bowl

Petkit Fresh Nano

Popular double bowl with a nice design from the famous brand Petkit.

Volume: 480 ml. Price: 1790 rub.


  • removable bowls;
  • adjustable bowl tilt 0/15°;
  • anti-slip feet;
  • optimal stand height;
  • nice design.


  • the use of plastic with all the ensuing consequences.

Expert comment: “Everything about this bowl is good - design, stand, tilt adjustment, except for one thing - the plastic bowl with all its shortcomings.”

5) Triol Double Bowl

Triol double bowl

Double bowl with all steel construction and classic design.

Volume: 400 ml. Price: 433 rub.


  • removable stainless steel bowls;
  • rubberized legs.


  • unregulated tilt of bowls;
  • lack of significant height for raising bowls;
  • simple design.

Expert comment: “Triol steel bowls are just ordinary bowls with no significant benefits in feeding convenience. Durable, practical, but without frills.”

6) Savic Butler Double Pet Bowl

Savic Butler bowl

Plastic double bowl Savic Butler with removable bowls and a large tray for collecting leftover food.

Volume: 300 ml. Price: 727 rub.


  • spilled food remains on the stand;
  • removable bowls;
  • stable design.


  • the use of plastic with all the ensuing consequences;
  • the small height of the stand does not add convenience to feeding;
  • unregulated tilt of bowls;
  • impressive dimensions.

Expert comment: “The Savic Butler double bowl has the advantage of its huge dimensions - it is stable. The bowls are removable, but plastic with all the attendant disadvantages. Otherwise, the model does not have any serious advantages.”

7) Double bowl Darell

Darell bowl

The Darell bowl is the cheapest plastic double bowl available.

Volume: 250 ml. Price: 99 rubles.


  • price.


  • the use of plastic with all the ensuing consequences;
  • lack of stand for bowls;
  • non-adjustable tilt;
  • non-removable bowls;
  • no anti-slip base.

Expert comment: “The Darell double bowl has only one plus - the price. It makes no sense to comment on anything else, since such a product can only be used temporarily, for example, when traveling or in the absence of any alternatives.”

8) Double bowl Gamma

Bowl Gamma

Twin brother of the previous model of bowls. Cheap, cheerful and not environmentally friendly.

Volume: 200 ml. Price: 109 rubles.


  • price;


  • the use of plastic with all the ensuing consequences;
  • lack of stand for bowls;
  • non-adjustable tilt;
  • non-removable bowls;
  • no anti-slip base.

Expert comment: “An analogue of the previous model of bowls with the same advantage – price.”

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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