How to accustom a cat to hands and affection and tame a wild kitten from the street

The pedigree of a pet is not important for everyone. Many are ready to adopt a wild kitten - and even an adult street cat or tomcat - but do not know how to tame them, because homeless animals are very careful about handling and affection. The most typical reaction is fear or aggression. They are explained by a lack of experience interacting with people or negative memories (loss of owner, cruel treatment).

Despite the possible problems, it is quite possible to catch and re-educate a timid “mustache” from the street using a number of tricks. Support at the stage of adaptation to new conditions is also important.

Problems with taming cats: what you have to face

Before you take the first cat you come across to your home, assess the risks. Taming is a noble cause, but it is important to understand that if for some reason you fail, the “mustache” will have to be returned to the street again.

The main problems associated with taming include:

  1. Strong wildness of the cat (there was no experience of communicating with a person or there was, but negative)

    . Observe the behavior of the one you like. If a cat lives near a residential building, accepts food from people, but tries not to have too much contact with them, then it is semi-wild. Such “mustaches” have a positive experience of communicating with humans, so it is quite possible to tame them. Adaptation is even easier for abandoned or lost pets.

  2. Great age

    . The longer an animal lives on the street, the more difficult it is to adapt it to life next to a person. The opposite situation is typical for kittens up to 3 months old.

  3. Time

    . Many kittens are tamed in just 2-6 weeks, while adults can be tamed in several months or even more than a year. To avoid a rollback, you will have to spend several hours every day taming during this time, so be sure to make sure you are prepared for such sacrifices.

If the above does not scare you, then start arranging a personal corner for your new pet and move on to the next stage.


Do not take your baby off the street from his mother if he is still breastfeeding.

How long will it take?

The timing of taming depends very much on the age of the animal, as well as on how long it has lived on the street and whether it has ever lived among people. A small kitten can make contact within a day. But an adult animal that has lived on the street for a long time can take a week or several months to get used to it. In addition, adult pets, even after a long stay at home, often retain fear of other people or the habit of hiding at the slightest noise. Sometimes it is not possible to get rid of these features, despite all the efforts of the owners.

Catching an animal that is afraid to be handled

Feral cats that were once domestic cats calmly approach any people, associating them with warmth and food. The only exception is the presence of negative experience. If the unfortunate cat managed to get into trouble with the participation of a flayer, then his trust will be much lower than before.

In all other cases, there will simply be no chance to take the animal under your arm and go home with it. With them you will have to show all your cunning and ingenuity. To do this you will need food, a carrier and special traps.

Food and carry

Carrying is the most convenient option, because after catching the “mustache” you will have to take it to the veterinarian. In this case, food will act as bait, so choose something with a strong smell: fish, canned cat food or budget economy-class food.

Place the carrier in the kitten's area and place a portion of food inside. Then either wait for the baby to go there himself, or lure him with a rustling candy wrapper. Once it is inside, the carrier door can be closed.


If you have enough free time and patience, then simply feed the cat every day until he gains confidence in you and allows you to pick him up of his own free will.

Special traps

Adults are less gullible, so to catch them it is recommended to use a cat catcher - a special trap that is a durable folding cage made of steel with a slamming door. You can buy it in almost any online store or take it from your hands.


You can rent a cathouse from volunteers or an animal shelter.

The principle here is the same as with carrying. The bait is placed inside the catcher, and immediately after eating it, the door closes on its own. A thick blanket is placed on top of the cage so that the cat can calm down and come to his senses.

Another possible option is a fishing landing net, but it has too many disadvantages. It is very difficult to catch a nimble animal with it the first time. Because of this, you risk losing the trust of the “mustachioer” at the very beginning.

Transferring into a carrier is also quite problematic. Any careless movement and the cat will run away again.

“ Do not use a regular blanket or bag for catching. Such thin materials will not hold back the claws, and a frightened animal will easily hurt you.

How to catch a thief cat?

Otherwise, you would have to spend a long time and methodically interviewing people, posting advertisements... And, by the way, about advertisements: it’s good if your cat has special features, at least one that can be indicated. Otherwise, all searches may be fruitless: for most people, all cats within the same breed and color look the same.

Take a string with a bow and carry it in her field of vision, as if not with her. At some point, the cat itself will enter the game. At first she will rush and run away, and then she will get involved and play like her own. We took our cat to the dacha for the first time, and she was blown away there. Last summer, my husband caught an absolutely wild street cat with a large fishing net on a stick (the net is made of fine mesh).

Getting your pet used to the house

Even before you are ready to bring your new pet home, you should set up a separate place for it. A separate room is best suited for this, and if it is not available, a spacious cage or an insulated balcony. In the chosen place you need to place a soft blanket, a lounger, bowls of food and water, a tray, several toys and any things with your scent.

Getting to know the home

When you return home, place the carrier or catsuit in a pre-prepared room. Open the lid and let the animal take the first step into unfamiliar territory.

If you choose a cage, cover it with some fabric, and if you choose a whole room, close the curtains. Dim lighting will make it easier for your cat to relax. After this, leave the room for 2-3 hours, leaving the animal alone.

To be safe, be sure to remove fragile or heavy items from shelves and be sure to cover any holes that could be crawled into. Pay special attention to the wires. They need to be lifted off the floor and isolated so that the cat cannot be injured.

Feeding and litter box

After the time indicated above, return to the room and try to offer something tasty by extending your hand. If the cat stubbornly refuses to contact you, put the food you brought in her bowl.

When further feeding, be sure to adhere to the regimen. Give food at the same time in small portions so as not to overload the stomach of a hungry animal on the street.

During feedings, stay in the room, but do not try to get close. The best option is the corner opposite from the cat, where she can clearly see you. You can try hand feeding again as soon as she stops hiding in your presence.

“ Pay special attention to water. Outdoor animals often become dehydrated, so be sure to monitor the amount of water in the bowl and remember to change it for a new one.

It is better to get acquainted with the tray using ordinary soil. Unlike the filler, it has a familiar smell, and at the adaptation stage it is important for you to get accustomed to a certain place. Over time, the land can be replaced with something else.

Gradual socialization

To avoid stress, don't try to make too many contacts in one day. First, let your cat get used to you and the new place. Feed her, communicate and try to engage her in play. As soon as she begins to trust you, expand your social circle with the help of other adults in the household.

At the next stage, you can move on to meeting the children. Explain to them that the new pet cannot be touched against its will, and also ask them not to make noise.

At the very end, get accustomed to other animals living in your home. At an earlier stage, a conflict over territory may arise between them, so you should not strain the frightened “mustache” before it gets comfortable.

Security measures

It is recommended to immediately take a cat caught in a trap to a veterinary clinic. There she will be examined for external injuries, given an anti-worm tablet and vaccinated against the most common infections. Thanks to this check, you will exclude infection of other pets and yourself.

When you get home, do not rush to pick up your pet. At the stage of getting used to the house, it is better not to provoke the animal, as fear and stress can develop into defensive aggression. For the first 14 days, it is recommended to isolate him in a separate room to allow him to get acquainted with new smells and make sure there are no hidden pathologies.


Don't forget about washing. The easiest option is to pay for this service at a veterinary clinic or grooming salon.

If fleas or other parasites are confirmed, be sure to disinfect the room and wash your hands after each contact with the “whisker” until recovery. At the stage of accustoming to hands and affection, wear thick clothes with long sleeves and wear gloves to protect yourself from parasites and attacks from the cat itself.

Say "hello" like a cat

You've probably seen how cats greet each other. No, they don’t sniff their partners’ bottoms. A cat's friendly attitude can be recognized when it touches the other cat's nose with its nose. Why don't you try it too? Just don’t need to get on all fours and nuzzle your fluffy one now. It will be enough to raise your finger. Simply reach in and extend your index finger. The kitty will certainly come closer to you to smell it. As soon as she wipes her muzzle on her finger, you can consider the greeting complete.

Such a ritual will not only bring you closer to your cat, but will also add a few points of respect from her.

How to accustom a kitten or cat to hands and affection

After a couple of days of quarantine, you can be puzzled by accustoming to hands and affection. There is no need to wait the entire 14 days - after all, you will still have to interact during feeding and cleaning the tray.

To get your baby's favor, use the following recommendations:

  1. Let your new pet get used to you. During quarantine, enter the room at the same time, remembering to knock. Do not make sudden movements and talk to the animal in a quiet and calm voice. If he has stopped hiding in your presence, try sitting in the room with a book, laptop or phone, preferably right on the floor.
  2. Assess the situation. If there are no signs of aggression or fear (hissing, flattening of ears, attempts to attack, thumping of the tail), you can move on to the next stage.
  3. Start training your hand. Place your hand on the floor, palm down, and freeze in that position. The kitten must understand that this part of the body is not dangerous, so do not allow it to be stroked under any circumstances. Do this exercise until the animal initiates the first contact and rubs against your hand.
  4. Try petting the animal. Wait for the next contact, and then slowly raise your hand up to the level of the kitten's eyes. Hold it in this position for a few seconds and gently touch the top of the mustache. If he tenses up and wags his tail, move your hand back.
  5. Organize a joint game. Use a teaser rod or mouse and praise your pet when he catches them. In addition to verbal praise, try to use stroking, but only if the animal does not mind.
  6. Take the “mustachio” in your hands. Gently lift the baby by the scruff of the neck and place him on your lap, with his head away from you. After this, gently stroke the kitten from the top of the head to the back, saying something gentle and soothing.
  7. Use a comb. Take a soft massage brush and brush your pet to give him a pleasant feeling. This way you will not only extend the time of sitting in your arms, but also teach your baby to comb.
  8. Don't forget about the treat. Give an incentive treat after each successful contact. Be sure to choose something that is not on the main menu. This will help reinforce the correct behavior.

The algorithm for training adults is similar. The only important thing to note is that they require more time.


Do not hold the cat if he tries to escape or jump to the floor.

Editor's story:

Once I had the opportunity to tame one cat, already an adult. He lived with neighbors. Every day I went to the coffee shop for 5-10 minutes. At first he hid, and I just sat in the room.

Then he would come out and look at me. I talked to him, tried to call him over with a tasty treat, but he didn’t react to it.

A little later, he finally decided to accept food from my hands. But he still didn’t give in to petting - he shuddered timidly when touched and looked around.

One day I took him by surprise: I walked in while he was sleeping. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I slowly approached the cat, but he didn’t run away... And I stroked him. He was perplexed, but not afraid. I stroked him until he purred...

Of course, he did not stop being afraid of sudden movements. But he boldly approached me, did not flinch when stroked, played with pleasure and accepted food from me. In the end, I even took him in my arms and stroked him, kissed him on the nose - he didn’t mind.

The whole process took me 5 months. Perhaps everything would be faster if we lived together... But the fact remains: daily meetings and a very smooth adjustment are needed.

Why is the cat not affectionate?

If a cat scratches and bites as an adult, the owners themselves are to blame. While still playing with her, they allowed her to “claw” in excitement. At first it's funny, then the adult:

  • bites legs;
  • does not allow himself to be combed;
  • spoils things, marks territory.

The simplest veterinary examination and medical procedures (injections, enemas) turn into a nightmare for the owner.

The independence and aggressiveness of a mustachioed cohabitant should not be shown towards family members. If the owners are afraid, the pet will become impudent. It is recommended to hold the cat in your arms more often and show affection. After taming, release it for further exploration of the area, praise and treat it with something tasty for good behavior.

Gradually the cat will understand: nothing bad is happening. If you do this regularly, at the same time talk affectionately, give a piece of “yummy” - after a while you can add short-term combing, examining the ears and other manipulations.

An irrepressible desire to “cuddle” can also be the reason why a cat becomes less affectionate. Small children will happily play with the kitty and pull its ear or tail.

Adults sometimes don’t lag behind (especially if the cat is not their property): they shamelessly shove pieces from the table, try to stroke them and pick them up against their will. It's not the cat that needs to be blamed, but the owner:

  1. If the cat is not the highlight of the program, it is better to isolate it in another room. Or warn the guest about correct behavior.
  2. For children, it is better to find other fun, otherwise the simplest scratch on the hand of an uncontrollable child will ruin the evening.
  3. When neither the person nor the cat is particularly anxious, let them interact as they wish.

Advice. It is advisable to wash your hands not only after interacting with an animal, but also before. Precautionary measures apply to small unvaccinated kittens.

Rules and errors

For faster and more comfortable taming of a wild animal, as well as for your own safety, try to avoid the most common mistakes. These include:

  1. Direct contact with the caught animal before examination by a veterinarian

    . Try not to pick up the mustache directly until you are sure it is healthy - or wear thick gloves.

  2. Direct look into the eyes

    . In the wild, such a gesture always means a challenge and a threat. Instead, try to look to the side or at the floor.

  3. Overfeeding

    . If you notice severe thinness and a brutal appetite, do not rush to feed the cat everything that is in your house. Otherwise, the existing stress will be complemented by problems with the stomach and intestines.

  4. Caress against your will

    . Wait until the new pet takes the initiative so as not to frighten him with your pressure.

  5. Display of aggression

    . Avoid punishment even if you are scratched very deeply and painfully. This reaction is defensive, so screaming and assault will only further intensify the existing fear.

If you follow all the basic rules, but don’t see even the tiniest changes, don’t rush to blame yourself. Some animals cannot be tamed because they are wild, so the only option in this situation is to release them into the wild.

Despite this fact, in most cases the situation is resolved successfully, so do not be afraid to shelter a mustachioed baby found on the street. After all, by your action you will give him a chance for a new carefree life.

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History of the breed

The continuation of the Far Eastern cat family happened thanks to the American biologist and geneticist Jean Mill. She literally saved this species from extinction.

While on a business trip to Bangkok in 1961, Mill noticed Bengal kittens at the market. They were sold as souvenirs, and older cats were destroyed for their valuable fur, which was very similar to a leopard coat.

The biologist was very inspired by the difficult fate of these defenseless individuals, which is why she decided to buy herself a Bengal cat. An experienced breeder decided not to waste the opportunity and try to create a new breed with the appearance of a wild Bengal and the character of a domestic animal.

Arriving home, Mill actively began breeding a new species and crossed a wild cat with a simple domestic cat. The first attempt was unsuccessful. The kitten inherited the external characteristics of its mother, as well as her wild character. But the biologist did not give up and turned to American scientists she knew for help. The final solution was to cross the Bengal with the Egyptian Mau and the Burmese cat.

Owner reviews

There are already many reviews on the Internet from people who are owners of Bengals:

“Such a cat appeared in our family quite recently. I initiated the purchase of the Bengal breed. I was really inspired by the history of the appearance of this species. I got a female. She is very calm and tries to always be in our sight. He gets along well with his son and allows himself to be petted and tormented. The pet is absolutely not aggressive. But it is advisable that the apartment be spacious, as the cat loves to run around.”

“The breed is not picky about grooming, but I still try to pay maximum attention to my pet’s fur coat, because this is its highlight. I brush it several times a week, and she washes herself very often. Sometimes you have to kick her out of the bathroom. My pupil is very obedient, she quickly got used to me as to a new mistress. Let me note that I bought her from a breeder when she was no longer a small kitten. Satisfied. This cat is my home comforter.”

Conditions of keeping: how to arrange a comfortable stay for a Bengal cat in the house

Household items that are truly vital for Bengal cats include:

- separate bowls for food and water;

- a lounger-bedding or a box - a house, you can use a spacious basket;

- a toilet in the form of an open tray or a closed structure, with filler in it (it happens that a cat does not go to the tray, preferring the toilet);

- toys in a wide range of sets - sticks, balls, artificial rodents, a running wheel, ideally a play complex is desirable, various houses - Bengals have an increased need for active games;

- scratching posts preferably of two types - with hard and soft structures (wood, cork, rope, bark).

Also, from time to time a special carrying box or bag for transportation is required.

Special devices

Scratching posts help save the decor and interior of the house from the claws of domestic predators. Even if the pet is walking outside, in the apartment he will sharpen his claws several times a day. When choosing an accessory, pay attention to:

— stability, structural strength;

— quality of materials, functionality;

— a height sufficient for an adult animal: a Bengal cat actively stretches its body to grasp with its claws.

Since Bengal cats like to scratch surfaces at different angles, it is more rational to install several scratching posts - vertical (this one can have a resting area at the top), wall-mounted, horizontal.

What types of harnesses and collars are there?

Collars are purchased for different purposes - therapeutic and prophylactic and for walking, decorative for aesthetic purposes, and informational - so that a lost animal finds its home again. Nowadays special harnesses are produced for walking.

Walking harnesses are leashes of a special design that are preferable to a collar due to their safety for the animal. The cat's neck will not slip out of such a leash, and the danger of getting caught on anything is eliminated. Various designs distribute the load and do not put pressure on the pet's throat. Walking harnesses are:

— V-shaped, when the connecting bar of the loops falls on the cat’s chest;

- H-shaped, in which the bar rests on the back;

- in the form of two loops connected by a figure eight;

- in the form of a vest - such designs also allow you to protect the cat’s fur coat from dust, precipitation and dirt in some places.

Owners can choose soft leather, light cotton, durable, practical nylon harnesses.

What kind of Bengal breed is this?

Although there are no special difficulties in caring for and maintaining a Bengal cat, it must be taken into account that it will not simply be a beautiful, prestigious piece of furniture. The unusual habits, physiological qualities, and distinctive character traits of cats of the Bengal breed are determined by its origin. When planning to purchase a Bengal, a person must weigh, in addition to the argument of attractive appearance, the following features of the animal:

- by nature has a strong, often large body, sinewy paws with powerful jaws, strong claws of a forest predator;

- has well-developed hunter instincts, so it will not get along in the same space with rodents and birds;

- can be unsociable - hide, get scared, but, like her Asian ancestors, she is capable of aggression only in very rare exceptional cases;

- refers to very talkative pets - when expressing emotions, during communication, especially while eating, Bengals use a wide range and range of sounds, sometimes turning into a menacing growl, even screams;

- has an extremely active temperament, prefers high places to spend time.

In felinology, it is believed that Bengal cats are more suitable for experienced owners, since their disposition and behavioral characteristics cannot be called simple.

Only if the owner is ready to raise a Bengal from a very early age will the pet become understanding, flexible, sociable, and even affectionate. That is why it is advisable to have experience and at least minimal knowledge in animal psychology.

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