What to feed homeless cats and dogs and which organization to turn to for help? Instructions for those who want to help homeless animals survive the cold

Feeding homeless dogs, cats, and birds is possible and necessary.

Let's start by dispelling the authority of the opinions of people who claim that they are dog handlers and therefore their opinion about the dangers of feeding stray animals is authoritative and scientifically substantiated.
Only a few purported dog handlers speak about the dangers of feeding stray animals, and their involvement in this profession is often questionable.

A dog trainer is a specialist in the breeding (selection) and training of dogs and is not a specialist in the field of behavioral factors of homeless animals.

Zoologists specializing in Ethology and Animal Psychology study the influence of internal and external factors on the behavior of animals, and their opinion on feeding stray animals is exactly the opposite.

Let us also dispel several common myths about the dangers of feeding stray dogs and cats.

Myth one.

“Because they feed stray dogs and cats, mice and rats are breeding.”

Such a statement in itself, especially from a dog handler with extensive experience, casts doubt on his qualifications - even children know that cats are the main enemies of mice and rats.

And stray dogs not only hunt rats and mice, but also prevent their free migration through the streets.

And not a single mouse, much less a rat, will go to the feeder of a dog or cat.

Myth two.

“If homeless animals are deprived of food supply in cities, their numbers will decrease.”

So-called real animal rights activists constantly take similar initiatives to deprive homeless animals of food, and impose fines on people who feed animals.

In other words, such “real animal defenders” consider it normal to simply starve homeless animals.

However, this cruel initiative of theirs makes no sense in urban conditions and will not in any way affect the number of stray animals.

Because it is impossible to block access to food in cities, but even if it works, it will force dogs to first obtain food by hunting.

In essence, “zoorealists” are trying to turn stray dogs, but relatively socialized animals, into wild ones.

Which will be forced to unite in packs and obtain food for themselves through violence, both against other animals and people.

Myth three

“Due to feeding stray dogs, they unite in packs and become aggressive, as they guard the feeding area, considering it their territory.”

This kind of fantasy is comparable to the first myth, that mice get into cats’ dishes and breed terribly.

The reasons for the aggressive behavior of stray dogs, although these are isolated manifestations, are due to fear of humans and the threat posed by them.

Why feed stray cats?

Everywhere there are compassionate people who cannot indifferently pass by feral cats living near entrances and on the streets. At best, they bring them food in plastic trays, at worst...

Let's discuss the current problem. Should stray cats be fed? Are trays of sour soup a manifestation of humanism towards these animals?

These questions did not arise by chance. Our readers contacted BP with a request: “In the courtyard of an apartment building in the Zhukovsky microdistrict, one grandmother feeds stray cats, and some residents do not like this. Please conduct a survey to find out the opinion of the townspeople.”

We could not ignore this appeal, because in fact, many good people in different parts of our big country are faced with a similar problem. Conducted a survey on the BP pages on the Instagram social network

. As always, our readers began to actively discuss another topical topic. Of course, there were different statements - both for and against. Some people consider cats to be our friends and even our smaller brothers. Some people, for example, avid dog lovers, do not see any benefit from them.

BP asked experts for their opinion on this issue

Veterinary clinic paramedic Marina Ibragimova commented:

– Caring for animals is voluntary! If there are hungry cats and people want to feed them, that's great! The entrance is warm and more or less safe for them. But for many residents, the presence of cats in the entrance can be annoying, because there will still be a smell. The likelihood of diseases occurring in domestic cats increases. Infection or fleas can be carried on shoes. Therefore, if you are going to feed stray cats at the entrance, you must have the consent of all residents of the house, and also treat the animals against fleas, worms and vaccinate them once a year.

They also need to be sterilized so that the cats do not mark the territory and there is no need to house the kittens or get rid of them. By the way, now there is a promotion for low-income groups of citizens: pensioners, large families and disabled people - preferential sterilization of animals. The operation can be performed in our clinic “Zoovetcenter” on Shlakova Street, building 33. All you need is copies of documents and an appointment in advance. Telephone 3-44-10

8(950) 625-67-50
. Cats are not dangerous for people; they cannot infect them with terrible diseases. If we only deprive it, but it can be easily treated. Vaccination will protect against rabies.

Managing Director Inna Lysova:

– Mostly compassionate residents of our sponsored houses feed the cats near the entrances. Conflicts in such situations arose, but then everything was resolved by itself. Now we have more problems with stray and aggressive dogs. Recently they attacked people. We contacted various authorities asking for help. The matter was brought under control. They promised that the capture of these dogs would begin soon, and they would then be sent to specialized shelters.

The situation that we are vigorously discussing on social networks has developed in Vyksa, but here is how the problem is being solved in other cities. Our columnist Aigul Izmailova visited Crimea. She learned that about 100 (!) cats now live on the territory of the cultural heritage of Chersonesos. Two grandmothers have been feeding, sterilizing, treating and, accordingly, burying them at their own expense for 14 years. Local residents support them, help them (buy food and transfer money for treatment). It turns out that in cultural cities, feeding stray cats is the norm.

Of course, whether to do good deeds or not is the choice of each person. But the editors of BP are always for good... We agree with Exupery: “We are responsible for those we have tamed”!

Breed overview

WEIGHT : from 3.5 to 4.5 kg

LENGTH : about 45cm in length

COAT : varies: short, medium or long

COAT COLOR : wide choice. The most common colors include: black, white, gray and red (orange) with color patterns of tabby, calico, tortoiseshell and piebald.

EYE COLOR : wide variety, although chartreuse to gold is most common

How long do yard cats live: from 14 to 20 years

Population is growing

Today there are more than 20 thousand stray cats in St. Petersburg. They are trying to control the number. For example, in 2022, tailed animals were included in a free sterilization program. Only the project does not involve catching. “This is a pilot contract, a trial one. To see what we will encounter during the work. Therefore, the volume is small,” explains Elena Mezentseva, deputy general director of the veterinary hospital. “Hunting” for four-legged animals is still left to compassionate citizens. And this really slows down the process. Before being taken to a homeless animal shelter, cats undergo a full examination. The four-legged animals receive all necessary vaccinations. The procedures are not cheap - the average Murka or Barsik costs 20 thousand rubles. In the fall, tailed animals begin to be brought here en masse from the streets, from the basements of houses; there is absolutely not enough space. “It’s almost impossible to surrender an animal; no one is waiting for you with open arms. The shelters are overcrowded,” explains Olga Titovich, a representative of the institution.

What diseases do mixed-breed cats suffer from?

If you do not intend to breed your cat, have your pet spayed or neutered by 5 months of age. Be sure to stay up to date with vet visits and vaccinations to prevent common and serious problems.

Mixed breeds generally have a healthier appearance because they are not susceptible to breed-specific diseases. Although no cat is 100% free from health problems.

The following diseases can be listed as the most common among all cats:

  • Cancer : Common in older cats, be on the lookout for any tumors or unusual skin changes. Lymphoma is a common cancer in cats.
  • Diabetes : Obese male and older cats are at greatest risk.
  • Feline Immunodeficiency Virus : Spread from cat to cat when they fight and receive deep bites. To prevent this, keep your cat indoors and away from territorial or aggressive cats.
  • Feline leukemia virus damages the immune system and makes cats more susceptible to developing blood cancer. To reduce the risk of infection, cats can receive the feline leukemia virus vaccine.

Dangerous plants according to the degree of impact on the body of cats

Plants that contain toxins that cause nausea and vomiting: arum, belladonna, datura, sweet tobacco, petunia, tansy, celandine, potato shoots, eggplant, tomatoes and other nightshades. This effect is caused by the high content of alkaloids, glycosides and organic acids, which are extremely dangerous for cats. Drowsiness, cramps, increased salivation and diarrhea may occur.

Swelling of the larynx, burns of the oral mucosa and the entire esophagus can occur if a cat eats shoots or leaves of begonia, trifoliate arizema, azalea, oriental thuja, honeysuckle, dogwood, tobacco or maiden grapes. Often these plants cause impaired coordination of movements and acute heart failure.

Diarrhea and vomiting in cats occurs when eating castor beans, wisteria, crocuses, clematis, laconosa, American lysichiton, ferns, rhododendron and yew berry.

Heart and kidney failure can be caused by mistletoe, black locust, spring white flower, hydrangea, delphinium, horse chestnut, foxglove, orange tree, physalis, hellebore.

Symptoms after eating these plants can also manifest themselves in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, and difficulty breathing. In some cases, this can result in death for the cat.

Particular attention should be paid to hellebore , as some pet owners still treat their cats for fleas with hellebore water from the pharmacy. Unfortunately, such treatments have killed more than one cat, because the toxins contained in the plant are poisonous not only for parasites, but also for the animal itself.

Nowadays, there are many harmless drugs for treating cats against ectoparasites, so you should not use such dangerous methods that risk the life of your pet.

Aconite (fighter), henbane, wolf's bast, gloriosa, jasmine, lupine, buttercup, oleander, rhubarb, and evergreen boxwood have a systemic toxic effect, including death

Common causes of allergic dermatitis are all primroses or primroses, chlorophytum, autumn colchicum, spurge, and spring whiteflower. Primroses cause skin burns along with hogweed and fragrant rue.

Pros and cons of a mixed-breed barn cat


  • As a mixed breed, a cat has a lower risk of developing breed-specific diseases.
  • Most mixed breeds have a longer than average life expectancy.
  • These cats usually have no special diet or care requirements.


  • If you have a mixed breed, you usually don't know the cat's pedigree and may not be aware of any history of health problems.
  • Unlike pedigree cats, which share common traits, you won't know your cat's characteristics until she's grown.
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