Eggs for cats: rules for consumption and inclusion in the diet, daily intake, restrictions, beneficial properties and harm


A cat's diet should mostly consist of animal proteins .
For them, eggs are an additional source of protein, which is on par with meat and fish. Methionine, lysine, tryptophan are amino acids that are part of protein and are of great benefit to pets. Shiny coat, prolongation of the active period of life, good immunity, good mood, prevention of heart disease - this is all the merit of eggs. Any food must include a whole egg. In addition to proteins, they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, which ensure normal functioning of the entire body. Eggs are rich in phosphorus, calcium, iron and magnesium. Thanks to them, cats’ blood vessels and joints will be healthy, bones will be strong, and hormones will remain in balance.

Harm and benefit

A chicken egg contains protein, potassium, magnesium, vitamin D, phosphorus, sodium, iron and other useful microelements that promote healthy growth and proper development of the pet.

Benefits of eggs in a kitten's diet:

  • an easily digestible product ensures a good mood and healthy sleep;
  • strengthens the immune system, skeletal system and muscles;
  • ensures normal functioning of the whole body;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • restores nerve cells;
  • normalizes brain activity;
  • helps cleanse blood vessels;
  • improves acid-base and hormonal balance;
  • improves the condition of teeth and gums;
  • increases the activity of kittens;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the coat, which acquires shine and silkiness.

Considering the list of beneficial properties, the question - can cats have boiled eggs becomes irrelevant, because the answer to it is quite obvious!

However, there are some disadvantages of this product. For example, egg white can cause allergic reactions in a pet, which is manifested by severe itching of the skin, upset stool and vomiting.

If such symptoms are detected, exclude protein from the cat’s diet! You can only leave the yolk on the menu, which is quite healthy and completely safe for animals prone to allergic reactions.

How often?

Although a food product is very healthy, this does not mean that it should be given to the animal often; variety is very important in nutrition. It is enough to give your cat eggs 2-3 times a week , but not whole eggs, but in fractions. That is, one egg should be divided into three meals. An adult cat can be offered one egg per week, but small kittens should not be given it until they get used to cottage cheese and meat, that is, it is necessary to try it for the first time when the animals are 3 months old. You can also offer quail eggs to animals; they contain less cholesterol and are therefore considered more healthy.

Folk recipes

Ready-made products based on such medicinal raw materials today can hardly be found even in herbal pharmacies. But at home you can prepare almost any medicine. For example, antennaria can help treat gynecological problems (such as heavy periods or bleeding after childbirth). In such cases, you need to brew 1 tbsp. l. herbal raw materials in 0.5 cups of boiling water, leave for half an hour, then strain. And take the product 1 tsp. for an hour until the bleeding stops. When it comes to menstruation, therapists do not advise rushing. It is advisable to wait a couple of days rather than subject the body to additional stress.

There is another recipe that will be effective for too heavy periods. It involves the use of chicken egg whites. For 7 proteins take 0.5 tsp. citric acid, 10 g of dried flower powder, and mix it all. Take this remedy 1 tsp. 20 minutes before meals. The finished product is kept in the refrigerator, so there is no need to store more of it than required by the recipe - you still have to throw it away.

The listed remedies have also proven themselves to be effective against frequent nosebleeds. In gynecology, antennaria is also used to treat thrush, vaginitis and colpitis. Only in this case is a solution made without the use of eggs and in a weaker concentration. It is advisable to consult your doctor first.

Antennaria is also used in the treatment of pulmonary diseases: for this, an infusion of flowers and leaves is used. For gallbladder disease, this herb helps remove stones. In this case, when other drugs fail, an infusion is prepared. And this is truly a striking tool, universal and very effective.

Sometimes you can come across frivolous calls to give them daily and avoid boiled eggs. Not only is this untrue, it is also unsafe for your cat. Let's find out whether it is possible to feed a cat eggs. Eggs are recommended for feeding cats, but in doses. Both raw and boiled eggs are useful for their nutrition, the main thing is not to overuse this product.

Chicken or quail

Quail eggs are better than chicken eggs only in that they are digested better and faster and contain a little more nutrients . A quail egg will bring much less benefit to a cat than a domestic chicken egg. Chicken and quail eggs can equally contain bacteria that lead to salmonellosis.

They can also cause allergic reactions and intolerance. Quail eggs can be fed to pregnant cats. If she is reluctant to eat them, then you should mix them into her main food. Cats that are preparing to become mothers need vitamins more than others, so you can feed them quail eggs two to three times a week.

Do you need to cook?

A good option is to offer your pet boiled eggs . They can be mixed with meat or cottage cheese if he refuses the product in its “pure” form. It is not recommended to give fried eggs in oil to cats. The best option would be to pamper your cat with a steamed omelette without adding salt. To make it fluffy and tasty, add warmed milk while whipping.

Under no circumstances should cats be offered raw eggs! They may contain E. coli, which will lead to inflammation of the pancreas. In their raw form, they are very poorly digestible. Crude protein can remove a number of vitamins from the body, and leads to their deficiency, even if the cat’s nutrition is complete. Raw yolk is considered healthy, but only from homemade and fresh eggs.

Important! Quails should also not be offered raw to cats, because there may be bacteria on the shell and inside that can lead to very dangerous diseases.

Boiled eggs are no less dangerous for animals than raw eggs. They need to be cooked for at least four minutes, because the causative agents of salmonellosis die only at high temperatures. In this case, you can be sure that your pet will eat a safe product that will not cause any harm.

Precautions and possible harm

Do not add salt to eggs or give your pet a product with uncrushed shells.
The latter injures the delicate mucous membranes of the animal’s gastrointestinal tract. There is a risk of bleeding. Excess salt in the diet will make the blood thicker and increase the load on the kidneys and heart. Eggs can harm an animal if abused. If daily norms are not observed, cholesterol levels increase and sclerotic plaques form in the vessels. Blood circulation becomes difficult. This leads to deterioration in the functioning of all internal organs and systems. The likelihood of developing chronic pathologies increases.

In what form can you give eggs to a kitten?

You can give kittens both chicken and quail eggs. The latter are considered more useful because they contain less cholesterol, are more nutritious and are easier to digest by the body. Pregnant and lactating females should be given any eggs with caution, as they can negatively affect the offspring.

To avoid harm to the kittens, giving raw eggs is strictly prohibited! The raw product may contain salmonella. Kittens aged 1-2 months are especially susceptible to salmonellosis. This dangerous intestinal infection can be fatal.

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Raw egg whites contain advidin, a substance that is dangerous for cats and leads to a lack of biotin. A deficiency of this vitamin manifests itself in kittens in the form of skin lesions, exhaustion, nausea, and hypertension.

Raw quail eggs should also not be given to pets, as they may contain pathogens of dangerous diseases, to which young individuals are especially susceptible. You should not offer your kitten fried eggs; a large amount of fat will lead to digestive problems.

To be sure that the product will not harm the baby, it needs to be boiled for about 5 minutes. The quantity should also be limited - 1/4 of a chicken yolk or 1 whole quail, no more than 1-2 times a week.


Contraindications mainly include allergies, but an allergic reaction to eggs is extremely rare. Signs of egg protein intolerance include vomiting and diarrhea. It is not worth giving raw eggs to kittens until they are six months old, since in this form the protein is not very well absorbed; it is better to cook them before giving them to them.

Protein is contraindicated in case of urate and oxalate kidney stones, but in this case the pet can be fed the yolk. With phosphates and struvite, on the contrary, the yolk is allowed, but the protein must be excluded from the diet. Of course, measures can be taken after establishing the acidity of urine and the nature of urinary stones.

Egg dishes

Pets enjoy eating steamed omelettes. You need to add a little milk to the egg. Spices are not added to the dish. Fat is also contraindicated.

Boiled eggs are healthy, nutritious, and desirable on a cat’s menu. They can be served along with porridges and vegetable purees. But you should avoid fried eggs. They do not benefit the animal's body.


You can add a pinch in ground form.

But if the cat suffers from urolithiasis, then the shells should not be consumed. Also, it is better for miniature breeds to avoid this product altogether.

How to teach your pet to eat eggs

Sometimes the cat starts to eat and eats the product itself. But some animals turn their faces away. The product is odorless, so it is better to gently poke the purr with your nose. Then he understands that he needs to eat it, and starts eating.

If a cat constantly rejects eggs, then you should not force him. This product just doesn’t suit him for some reason.

If the cat turns up his nose

Just like people, cats have their own food preferences. And if you can’t pull some people away from this dish by the ears, others turn their noses up at it. The thing is that eggs have virtually no odor, so the cat may not pay much attention to them. You can help your pet recognize it by gently poking its nose at the product, thus showing that this food is completely safe and edible.

If this fails to convince the cat, then there is no need to insist. This means that the pet simply does not like eggs and it is worth looking for another way out of this situation. For example, a new product can be “camouflaged” by taking advantage of the fact that animals react to the aromas of the dish rather than its appearance. The egg can be grated and added to your usual dishes.

Some cats have a weakness for fried eggs. Of course, this is not the healthiest dish, since the presence of overcooked butter will not improve the health of the animal, and the owners are unlikely to prepare it separately for their purring gourmet, however, occasionally the pet can still be pampered.

In addition, you can give eggs with your favorite treats; your pet will hardly be able to resist. They can be mixed with minced meat, pieces of fish, liver or other product that the cat is partial to.

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