How long does it take to castrate a cat: each stage is minute by minute

During castration, the surgeon cuts the scrotum, ties the tail of the epididymis and removes the testis, after which the wound is sutured. From the description it is clear that castration of a cat is a fairly simple procedure and takes 15-20 minutes, but recovery from anesthesia can last up to 3-4 hours.

Why do you need to castrate cats?

When choosing between who to take into the house - a “boy” or a “girl”, many prefer male kittens. But by six months the cute kitten begins to show sexual activity. The result affects the furniture, carpets, and shoes of the owners. A cat living at home instinctively leaves odorous marks that cannot be eliminated.

Often, a cat’s natural instincts lead to tragedy. An animal can jump out of a window or from a balcony, or slip out of a slightly open door. If a cat has never been outside, he will not be able to withstand a fight with tailed street fighters. And the cat is unlikely to find his way home. Another "lost" one. Even if the cat was found and returned home, it is not a fact that he did not manage to become infected with the infection from street animals.

The other “side of the coin”: castration will help reduce the population of animals born on the streets. If a cat is free-range, he will definitely find a “girlfriend”. Weak and non-viable kittens are doomed to death or even more sickly offspring.

Castration of a cat changes not only its sexual habits, but also its character. The animal stops marking its territory and calmly treats the females living in the house. Owners note the gentler and calmer disposition of a neutered cat - he does not show aggression towards people or “rivals”.

The cat's toilet after the procedure

During the postoperative period, light-colored litter should be poured into the cat's litter box in order to notice possible bleeding in time. It is better to purchase a soft adsorbent to avoid irritation.

After castration, some owners put a small diaper on their pet, in which they have previously made a hole for the tail.

It may be that the cat does not have a toilet for a long time - neither big nor small, or the urine comes out little by little. This is quite normal.

Vaseline oil will help cope with constipation. It is poured into the animal’s mouth in a small amount; if after 20 minutes no negative reaction is observed, another 15-20 grams are given. After 3 hours, the animal's intestines should gently empty.

How is castration performed?

Any operation has positive and negative consequences. After castration, the cat will become more obedient and calm. Neutered cats live longer. However, owners will have to carefully monitor the cat's diet and maintain the health of the urinary system.

Positive aspects of castration:

  • aggression and nervousness are reduced;
  • the risk of injury and escaping from home is reduced;
  • the cat stops marking its territory.

The negative aspects of the operation include:

  • risk of obesity and development of urolithiasis;
  • risk (minimal) of complications after surgery;
  • allergy to anesthesia (and the danger of its effects on weakened animals, cats suffering from cardiovascular diseases).

Reaction to anesthesia

How do cats cope with castration and anesthesia during it? If the animal is diagnosed with heart failure, this may negatively affect the condition after administration of the drug. Also at risk are certain breeds of cats - British, Scottish fold and others.

Signs of complications include severe shortness of breath and heart failure. To prevent this condition, the animal’s heart should be examined before surgery using ultrasound and ECG. If the risk of complications is high, it makes sense to refuse the operation or perform it under local anesthesia.

At what age is it better to castrate a cat?

Veterinarians recommend castration of kittens at the age of 6-9 months. By this age, the animal has already formed, and the removal of the genital organs - the testes - will not affect the hormonal background of the body.

If the operation is performed on an adult animal, the animal’s sexual habits are often preserved - it can still mark its territory and fight with “rivals.” Sometimes castration is prescribed for adult animals and even elderly animals with certain diseases of the genitourinary system.

How long does it last?

Neutering cats will take a few minutes. First, the doctor injects medicine for anesthesia (Propofol, Xylazine). Afterwards the animal is placed on its back and its paws are spread apart. The hair is shaved in the right place, the skin is degreased with an antiseptic and the organs are cut out. In cats, the operation takes longer - 30-40 minutes. After the fur is trimmed, the doctor makes an incision in the skin. Next, he removes the uterus and ovaries. Then he stitches the wound. For this, 4-6 stitches are usually sufficient.

If the doctor performed the intervention through an incision on the animal’s side, then only an intradermal suture remains.

In addition, the method of castration through a side incision is common. This method is considered safer. It is also used to sterilize street animals, since afterward the doctor makes an intradermal suture, which does not require additional care. The laparoscopic option is common: the doctor removes the organs using an endoscope. But this method requires expensive equipment, so it is not used in all veterinary clinics.

It is worth considering the fact that cats do not close their eyes during anesthesia. That’s why doctors instill special drops to prevent the cornea from drying out. After surgery, cats need care. The seams should definitely be disinfected. A blanket is put on the pet, which does not allow licking or scratching of the wounds. At the first sign of complications, you should consult a doctor.

Types of castration

There are different surgical and chemical methods of castration of cats. The most popular and safest is surgery. Castration of a cat will prevent uncontrolled reproduction and uncontrollable behavior of the animal.

Surgical methods include:

  • sterilization (palliative method consisting in ligation of the spermatic cords);
  • Castration is a radical method in which the gonads are completely removed.

In the first case, the cat’s sexual desire does not decrease, sexual functions are not impaired, which does not cause changes in the animal’s behavior. The cat will mark its territory and scream to attract females. The character of the cat does not change either - he will defend his “male rights” to the bitter end. It is because of this that this method is unpopular.

A radical method is to remove the testes. It is carried out in two ways - open or closed. How is castration of cats carried out ?

  • With the open method, the cat is given general anesthesia, the doctor cuts the skin of the scrotum and opens the membrane of the testicle. The testis is removed, the vessels are tied into a knot. There are no stitches.
  • With the closed method, the tunica vaginalis of the testicle is not opened, and the testis along with it is removed from the scrotum. The whole operation takes no more than 5 minutes.

Chemical castration of a cat is a method of radiation exposure to the genitals of an animal. It has not yet become widespread, but specialists at the Lucky veterinary clinic in St. Petersburg recommend it as a safe, painless and reliable method.

Preparation for the procedure

Responsible owners should take care of vaccination before such an important procedure.
It should be remembered that it is better to carry out sterilization for cats that are older than 7 months. The optimal age is 10-12 m. During this period, the cat’s body is fully formed and the operation will not harm its health. Before surgery, all vaccinations should be completed and your pet should be dewormed. You should not give your cat food within 12 hours. 20 minutes before the procedure, the doctor gives the pet tablets that slow down its movements and prepare it for anesthesia. If the cat is over 5 years old, then before castration she needs to undergo additional examinations:

  • blood chemistry;
  • electrocardiography;
  • consultation with a cardiologist.

Postoperative period

Usually the animal quickly recovers from anesthesia, and the postoperative period passes without complications. During the first 24 hours, you should look after your pet and limit its mobility. The first hours after waking up the cat will stagger. After 3-4 hours you can give him water. Do not allow the operation site to be licked; monitor the hygiene of the tray. It is better not to use the filler for a few days.

After the operation, the wound will cause discomfort to your pet for several days. It may itch, then the cat will try to lick it. It is recommended to treat the wound with an antiseptic and put a protective collar on the cat.

You can feed the cat only the next day after surgery. The diet will have to be reconsidered - castrated cats are at risk of developing urolithiasis and kidney problems.

Some owners ask the veterinarian why the cat loses weight after castration . Short-term weight loss is the norm; after suffering stress, the body needs some time to recover. With the right food and proper nutrition management, appetite will return and metabolism will normalize.

If after a few weeks the weight has not returned to normal, you should contact a veterinarian. Reasons for losing weight may be:

  • the presence of worms;
  • disruption of internal organs.

About castration of male cats

Over time, every owner faces the question of castration or sterilization of his beloved pet. As a rule, this question arises when the first signs of heat appear in your pet. Every animal owner must approach this issue with due responsibility. Here are answers to some questions owners often ask.

How to determine the moment of puberty in your animal?

Puberty of cats

The age at which cats begin sexual activity depends on various factors: breed, feeding, living conditions. Typically, male cats reach sexual maturity at 5-6 months of age. During sexual hunting, cats become restless, aggressive, emit shrill screams, very unpleasant to the human ear, mark their territory, spraying furniture and walls with a secretion with a pungent odor.

Puberty and estrus in cats

Puberty in cats begins, as a rule, when they reach a weight of 2.0 -2.5 kg, no earlier than 4 months and no later than 18 months, on average it manifests itself at 6 - 9 months. Short-haired cat breeds (Siamese, Burmese, etc.) mature earlier, and long-haired breeds later (for example, Persians). Daylight hours are very important for the sexual activity of cats: the duration and intensity of daylight hours is the main factor determining the timing of puberty, therefore the achievement of sexual maturity depends on the time of year when the duration of daylight hours is increased. The duration of sexual heat (estrus) in a domestic cat reaches 10-12 days. The intervals between estrus are different, depending on the time of year, breed, environmental characteristics, communication with relatives, physiological characteristics of the animal and range from two weeks to several months. Unlike dogs, cats do not bleed during heat. You can determine whether a cat is in heat by the following signs: • by behavior: cats become more affectionate, they rub against objects, the owner’s legs, roll on the floor, raise the back of their body up, and emit piercing screams that are very unpleasant to the human ear; • by slight swelling of the genital mucosa.

Which way to solve the problem of puberty should I choose?

1. Hormonal contraception (use of hormonal drops, as well as injections to eliminate sexual desire).

Drops and tablets, sugar cubes against heat can be given at home, which is an undeniable advantage, but their effect is short-lived.

The injection is carried out in a clinical setting, but provides a longer period of absence of estrus in cats (up to 6-8 months). The injection should be given during the period of sexual rest (in the absence of estrus).

This method is suitable if you intend to get offspring from your animal in the future, since it interrupts the sexual cycle only for a while.

This method is unsafe! The use of hormonal contraception can lead to disruption of natural sexual cycles and cause dangerous diseases such as endometritis, ovarian and uterine cysts, as well as fibrocystic disease and breast cancer.

2. Use of special pheromones.

Cats are territorial animals for which it is very important to secure their territory. To indicate their possessions, cats use various signals: smells, visual marks, and pheromones.

Pheromones are naturally occurring chemical compounds that play an important role in communication between animals of the same species. Cats secrete pheromones in several parts of their bodies called scent glands. These pheromones are used to mark territory and communicate with other cats. Pheromones produced on a cat's face are called “friendly pheromones.” You've probably observed how cats rub their cheeks on all kinds of surfaces that leave a “good” or pleasant smell for themselves. However, you haven't observed cats rubbing their faces on their litter trays!

Cats also secrete pheromones in their urine. They are considered 'aggressive' or 'territorial' pheromones. Cats DO NOT urinate AT ALL or mark where there is a friendly odor.

Diffusers and sprays containing cat "friendly" pheromones (such as Feliway) mimic the "friendly" scent that a cat produces in the glands on its face. His theory is that if this friendly scent is sprayed on top of an aggressive one, the cat leaves a message not to urinate or mark in that area. However, using Feliway spray a couple of times will not solve the problem. The Abbott lab (developer of the method) found that repeated and systematic spraying in each location that was “marked” is the key to solving the problem

This method is suitable not only for eliminating marks, but also for correcting unwanted behavior of your cat.

3. Castration or sterilization

There are two types - surgical and chemical.

Surgery is the most common and requires preparation of the animal, a trip to the veterinary clinic and post-operative care. It involves removing the gonads (ovaries in cats and testes in cats). Unlike other methods, sexual behavior is eliminated once and for all and does not harm the health of the animal with proper post-operative care.

Chemical castration is not yet available in our city. It involves radiation exposure of the ovaries. At the same time, a special radiation dose is selected, corresponding to both the type of animal and its weight. Doctors confirm that radiation exposure is a reliable and completely safe procedure.

Castration What is it? Castration is a planned operation to surgically remove the gonads (testes) from cats in order to stop sexual activity and the production of male sex hormones.

At what age do they castrate?

This operation can be performed on a cat at any age. The best option for castrating a cat is the beginning of puberty, i.e. on average it is 8-10 months.

Can castration cause urolithiasis?

Castration itself does not cause diseases. In cats that were experimentally castrated at the age of 7 weeks (you must agree that no one castrates domestic cats at this age), the urethra was underdeveloped and of a very small diameter. Almost all of these animals had symptoms of blockage of the urethra - not only with sand and stones, but also with mucus, which also had difficulty passing through this opening. If you bring your pet for castration at the right age (about 8-9 months), the likelihood of developing urolithiasis is no greater than if you do not bring him. Obese animals move less, which creates favorable conditions for urine stagnation and the formation of salt crystals.

Urolithiasis is a metabolic disorder and depends on many factors. Both castrated and non-castrated cats can be susceptible to it. Castration only increases the risk of developing the disease

Is it worth castrating? If you do not plan to use the cat as a breeder, then the best way to prevent sexual activity is castration.

Pros ✔ Stop marking the territory. In the case when the cat has already had matings or the cat is more than 1.5 years old, there is still a small chance of marking the territory; ✔ Stopping “spring songs”; ✔ Less aggressive behavior; ✔ Castration also protects the cat from various feline diseases, such as prostatitis, prostate tumors, and perianal gland adenomas.

Cons ✔ Risk of developing urolithiasis

Is it worth castrating a cryptorchid cat who has only one testicle or whose testicles have not entered the scrotum at all?

Such cats need to be neutered. The testis(es) that remain in the abdominal cavity are exposed to increased temperature, since it is higher in the abdominal cavity than in the scrotum. Such a testis is usually smaller in size than a healthy one, and with age it can form tumors.

Should I operate in a clinic or at home?

The clinic has all the necessary conditions for safe surgical intervention, and for the animal owner it is less financially expensive. If you are unable to bring your pet to the clinic, the operation can be performed at home. When performing an operation at home, it is important to remember that any surgical intervention is best performed in a hospital setting, but castration does not apply to abdominal operations (like sterilization of a cat), and therefore does not require special sterility conditions.

What preparation is required before surgery?

6-8 hours before surgery, a “starvation diet” is carried out - the animal’s food is removed and only water is left. How long does castration last?

From the moment of administration of anesthesia to the operation, about 15 - 20 minutes pass (this depends on the animal’s “resistance” to anesthesia). The operation itself lasts 10 minutes.

Postoperative cat care

A cat after castration does not require any special care. The process of restoring an animal after anesthesia takes an average of 24 hours; during this period the animal should not be fed, as this can cause vomiting; only water is left. An hour after the operation, the cat will try to move from place to place. If the cat has not yet fully recovered, make sure that he does not climb onto the bed or chair to prevent the possibility of falling. During the rehabilitation period, open “glassy” eyes, vomiting, and urinating in inappropriate places are quite natural. Do not allow the cat to lick the wound and follow all necessary instructions from your veterinarian.

Is wound debridement required?

No, not required.

Is stitch removal necessary?

No. The incisions are so small that they do not overlap the wound.

What to feed a neutered cat?

After castration, there is a risk of developing urolithiasis and obesity. You can transfer the cat to specialized food designed specifically for castrates. But if you do not want your pet to receive ready-made food, but to eat natural products, you should exclude fish from the diet. Remember - a cat is a relative of a tiger, not a dolphin, and under natural conditions it is not capable of catching fish from reservoirs. It is necessary to ensure that the diet contains as little phosphorus, magnesium and calcium as possible. After castration, appetite increases significantly, and with it excess weight, so strictly follow the doses indicated on the packaging of ready-made diets according to the weight of the animal, or do not increase the daily volume of natural food.


Sterilization (or rather, castration of a cat) is an abdominal surgical operation to remove the uterus and ovaries. It is carried out either as planned to prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexual desire, or according to indications for various pathologies, such as pyometra (purulent inflammation) and other serious pathological processes in the uterus, neoplasms of the genital organs, ovarian cysts, etc.

What is the difference between oophorectomy, ovariohysterectomy and cat sterilization? In what cases which method is used?

• . In an oophorectomy, only the ovaries are removed. In this case, the production of sex hormones stops and, as a result, estrus stops. This operation is permissible only for young cats who have not given birth in the absence of pathology of the reproductive organs during the period of proestrus (absence of estrus). • Ovariohysterectomy - removal of the ovaries and uterus. This operation is indicated for animals older than one year, who have given birth or who have pathological processes in the uterus. • Tubal occlusion – tubal ligation. In fact, only this operation can be designated by the term “sterilization”, because it involves the artificial cessation of reproductive function without removal of the ovaries and uterus. In the article, the term “sterilization” is used for convenience, since it is familiar to owners. This method is quite unreliable, as it preserves sexual behavior and can lead to an unwanted unplanned pregnancy of the animal. • Ovariectomy and ovariohysterectomy are castration, i.e. removal of the gonads to exclude the possibility of subsequent reproduction. • Hysterectomy – removal of the uterus while preserving the ovaries

At what age is it better to sterilize?

The optimal age for sterilization of cats is 10 months, and it is best to carry out sterilization of cats at the age of one year, because... at a younger age, the horns of the uterus are so small that it is quite difficult to find them in the abdominal cavity through a small incision. This increases the operation time or often forces the incision to be enlarged to make searching easier.

Should an animal be allowed to give birth once before being spayed?

Not at all necessary.

How is the operation performed?

The most important thing you must remember is that this is a abdominal operation and must be performed by a veterinarian in a veterinary clinic under sterile conditions!!! You will be asked not to feed the animal for a certain time before the operation, namely: the last feeding should be no later than 6 - 12 hours before the operation. This is done to prevent vomiting after the effects of anesthesia. Immediately before the operation, the animal will be weighed to calculate the dose of anesthesia, medications will be administered that reduce the side effects of anesthesia (premedication), and an intravenous catheter will be placed on the front paw for the optimal dosage of anesthesia. Removal of the ovaries and uterus is carried out through an abdominal (on the abdomen) or lateral (not performed in our clinic due to the side effects of the method) incision, so immediately before the operation the cat’s fur will be shaved off on the surgical site. The animal will then be put under general anesthesia, an incision will be made, the ovaries will be removed and finally stitches will be placed.

What is laparoscopic sterilization? There are several methods for sterilizing cats: through a lateral incision in the abdominal wall, along the linea alba, and laparoscopically. Lateral access The main advantage is minimal trauma to soft tissues and minimal care of the postoperative suture. A prerequisite for performing a lateral approach is the absence of pregnancy and pathology of the reproductive system. Operative access is through a small lateral incision. A special hook is used as a manipulator, with the help of which the ovaries and uterus are removed through the surgical wound. Visual control here is very difficult due to the small size of the incision, which can lead to complications: injury to internal organs, mesentery, and increased operation time. Another significant drawback of this method is that at the end of the surgical intervention it is very difficult to conduct an inspection of the abdominal cavity in order to timely detect postoperative complications. The advantage of the lateral incision is the size of the postoperative suture - it is very small. Does not require the use of a postoperative blanket. We consider performing surgery through a lateral incision to be relevant for cats when postoperative care is difficult for some reason. Such surgical intervention may only be relevant in cases of extreme necessity, for example, in aggressive animals, since postoperative care is kept to a minimum.

Access along the linea alba We are proponents of performing ovariohysterectomy through a midline incision along the linea alba. The length of the incision is about 3 cm. With this access, the organs of interest to us are clearly visible. This method is less traumatic, since no effort is required to remove the uterus and ovaries. We consider the method of median laparotomy to be less traumatic; the possibility of visual control, in our opinion, reduces the possibility of postoperative complications. The length of the incision along the white line of the abdomen does not affect the healing process of the postoperative wound, provided that the sutures are applied correctly. To prevent postoperative complications, antibiotics and mandatory wearing of a blanket are prescribed.

Laparoscopic method Laparoscopy is a method of examining the patient’s abdominal organs. Sterilization of cats carried out by the laparoscopic method is carried out using laparoscopic technology; in this case, the surgeon’s hands do not enter the abdominal cavity of the animal. An instrument equipped with optics is inserted through a small puncture of the abdominal wall, and an additional needle is inserted to apply pneumoperitoneum (injection of air). In cases where the goal of laparoscopy is surgical intervention, one or two additional puncture incisions are made for special endosurgical instruments. The operation is performed under visual control of the surgeon. If various pathologies of the reproductive system organs (uterine fibroids, ovarian cyst, pyometra, etc.) are detected during laparoscopy, it may be necessary to switch to laparotomy. To avoid complications, during sterilization using laparoscopic techniques, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs. This method is not yet available in our clinic due to the lack of special equipment.

Each of the above methods of sterilizing cats has its own advantages and disadvantages. In our opinion, it is more advisable to use ovariohysterectomy using the midline laparotomy method for sterilization of cats.

How long does the operation take?

Sterilizing a cat will take from 40 to 60 minutes, including the time of entry into anesthesia. The time depends on how quickly the animal goes into anesthesia and how quickly the doctor manages to find the uterine horns in the abdominal cavity, sometimes this happens right away, sometimes you have to search a little.

Is it possible to sterilize during heat?

Can. Such operations have been performed many times, and, as practice shows, no complications have been observed. How is the rehabilitation period after anesthesia?

About the same as for cats after castration (see article castration of cats)

Is it possible to leave the animal in the clinic until it comes out of anesthesia?

Unfortunately, the postoperative hospital service is not yet available to us. The postoperative period passes without complications and home conditions are quite suitable for it.

Postoperative care

To prevent suture licking, which can lead to longer healing, a rougher scar, and premature suture removal, it is recommended that the cat be covered with a post-operative blanket for the entire period of suture healing. For particularly violent cats who are trying with all their might to free themselves from this accessory, we suggest additionally wearing a special protective collar, which can be purchased at any pet store, or a Cosmopor patch, which adheres well to the fur and is sold in medical pharmacies. The stitches are removed after 10-12 days; before that, it is advisable to treat them once a day. Perhaps the veterinarian will additionally prescribe a course of antibiotics or other necessary medications, but this is decided individually for each animal.

How to feed a sterilized cat?

After sterilization, hormonal levels change, appetite and the risk of obesity increase. Unlike cats, urolithiasis is much less common in cats, since their urethra is wider and shorter and salts and mucus clots are practically not retained in it. It is recommended to use special veterinary diets, taking into account the cat’s weight (the daily portion is selected according to weight and indicated on the package), or not to increase the portion of the diet prepared at home after surgery.

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Advantages of sterilization

This operation has practically no disadvantages, as it is useful for both owners and pets:

  • Sterilized animals do not shed or cry in the spring;
  • They do not suffer from inflammation, including pyometra, a common disease in unsterilized animals;
  • Their mammary glands almost never swell;
  • Pregnant animals need to be cared for, and this care often requires a visit to the veterinarian. In addition, the kittens that are born will have to be placed somewhere.

As you can see, this operation has a lot of advantages; it has almost no negative sides.

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