How does a cat behave before giving birth: first signs and symptoms

A pregnant cat is very cute and scary at the same time. It’s scary because owners often don’t know how to prepare for childbirth and how to help their pet. Therefore, it is worth clarifying this issue.

For most people, cats are not just pets, but family members, and that is why owners constantly worry about their pets.

A very exciting and important moment for any owner is the birth of a cat. A cat is a wild animal by nature, so cats generally give birth without problems, but it is still necessary to prepare and be aware of possible difficulties and what needs to be prepared before this event.

How to prepare for the birth of a cat?

A cat does not need a birthing room like a human, but a special place will have to be arranged. A special box, which you can make yourself or buy at a pet store, is suitable as a “maternity box”. A cardboard box lined with newspapers or an old blanket will do just fine.

If the cat has access to the street, then in the last stages it is better not to let her out in order to prevent birth on the street. Also in the last days it is worth ensuring peace, absence of noise and other irritants and monitoring whether the animal’s condition changes.

In case complications arise during childbirth, it is better to prepare some supplies in advance; here is the necessary list:

  • Any antiseptic
  • Towels
  • Treated scissors
  • Pipette
  • Sterile medical gloves
  • Veterinarian phone number

The veterinarian should be chosen taking into account the possibility of a house call and preferably around the clock, because labor can begin at any moment. If it is not possible to call a veterinarian in a given locality, you can consult by telephone and follow the doctor’s instructions.

Let's sum it up

A cat is a social animal that requires attention and will not tolerate separation from its owner or the pet to which it has become attached. To prevent fear, make your pet’s life as rich, interesting and filled with care as possible.

Signs about cats are very popular among people, because they have lived next to humans for centuries. Superstitions are often associated with the colors and behavior of animals. Some are considered lucky, bringing profit, luck or happiness. Other signs are dangerous, promising trouble and even a funeral in a cemetery. Whether or not to believe in superstitions is up to everyone to decide for themselves. We will tell you what folk rumors have told us over the centuries.

Signs about cats

Cat behavior before giving birth: signs, symptoms, temperature

When the final stage of pregnancy approaches, the cat feels the approach of labor and special signs appear in its behavior.

The behavior of a cat before giving birth has the following signs, and the onset of labor is predicted by symptoms:

  • The cat begins to look for a place to make a “nest” for itself.
  • Immediately a couple of days before giving birth, the cat’s appetite begins to decrease, sometimes even to the point of losing it completely.
  • Unusual character traits and habits may appear: for example, if a cat has always been independent and not very sociable, then before giving birth she may not leave the owner’s hands. Such sudden changes in habits and behavior are harbingers of an imminent birth.
  • The cat becomes restless.
  • The cat's mammary glands swell and increase in size.

If such signs of an approaching birth become noticeable, you should prepare and pay more attention to your pet, monitor how the cat behaves, what it does and how it feels.

It will be useful to read specialized literature or watch videos of cat births.

How to determine late pregnancy

It also happens that owners are not immediately able to find out whether a cat is pregnant at home. This applies to the first weeks of an interesting situation, when changes are not so obvious. And the signs of a cat’s pregnancy in the later stages will definitely tell you everything about her condition:

  • Increased appetite and weight changes. Even if before pregnancy your pet did not eat much, then, in preparation for motherhood, her appetite will increase significantly and much more food will be required at this time. When taking care of the health of future offspring, it is worth finding out how and what to feed the animal.
  • The belly is enlarged . Within a few weeks after the start of pregnancy, your pet’s belly will begin to rapidly increase. The kittens are actively growing inside, and soon it will be possible to identify them by touch. It should be remembered that this must be done with great care so as not to harm the babies or cause a miscarriage.
  • Swelling of the nipples . In the first trimester of pregnancy, the animal’s nipples reveal its position only by a change in color, but after 2-3 weeks an increase in size is noted. This is explained by the fact that the expectant mother will feed her offspring with milk and her body prepares for this in advance.
  • Change in behavior . The usual behavior of a pregnant pet may change from day to day. This is due to hormonal instability. It happens that a previously affectionate animal turns into an unsociable and aggressive one. Don't be angry with her now, as it will pass very quickly. So, she protects unborn babies from an imaginary enemy. But sometimes it happens the other way around: an unsociable pet suddenly begins to fawn on its owners and other inhabitants of the house.
  • Nesting . In the later stages, you can notice how a pregnant pet worries about a place for kittens. A suitable “nest” should be warm, cozy and protected from drafts. Thus, the expectant mother ensures safety and comfort for her babies. There are many stories of pets giving birth in their owner's bed. To avoid such a surprise, you can place several drawers around the house with blankets or towels at the bottom. The expectant mother herself will choose a suitable house for her children.
  • Already in the seventh week of pregnancy, by carefully holding your palm on your stomach, you can quite clearly determine the movements of the babies.
  • In recent weeks, the sight of a pregnant cat makes it clear that very soon she will become a mother.
  • Literally a day or two before giving birth, the pet begins to meow loudly. At the same time, a decrease in her body temperature may be observed, and milk gradually begins to ooze from the nipples. It's time to put it in the prepared box. If she doesn’t want to be there, she needs to be understood, there is no need to force her. The animal can independently determine where it is best to give birth.
  • If, however, at any time you doubt whether the cat is pregnant, only a veterinarian will tell you for sure after an examination.

    © shutterstock

    Correct birth process

    The first stage of labor begins with contractions as the uterus begins to open. After some time, the plug comes off, and gradually the contractions become more frequent and stronger.

    At the second stage, the uterus is fully dilated and the first kitten begins to move along the birth canal. Kittens may be born with or without amniotic sacs. When a cat gives birth, it ruptures the amniotic sac and licks the kitten. After the kitten is born, the placenta comes out, and cats usually eat it.

    It is important to remember the number of placentas delivered, and if there are fewer placentas delivered than kittens, you need to seek help from a veterinarian. Placenta remaining in the birth canal can lead to infections that are dangerous to the health and life of the cat.

    A pregnant cat has diarrhea before giving birth, what should I do?

    If a pregnant cat has any health problems, this will definitely worry the owner. Thus, pregnant cats often experience loose stools. But you should know that diarrhea in a pregnant cat a couple of days before giving birth is absolutely normal and natural. But you should not worry only if the animal has no other signs of illness.

    Why do kittens scream?

    It is difficult for small children to explain what they want, and all demands result in screaming and crying. The same thing happens in the world of cats. Kittens express their feelings by meowing. There may be no reason for this, but most often there are several reasons why a little murka screams. Note that as long as the kittens are close to the mother cat, they are calm . Problems may arise after moving to another family.

    1. First of all, there is hunger. Kittens grow and develop quite quickly and their bodies require nutrition. It has been noticed that kittens are constantly hungry. Therefore, it is necessary to leave a sufficient amount of food in the bowl and place it in a permanent place so that the baby learns to eat there. Another important point is to always have a bowl of clean water. It should never be empty.
    2. The second reason for a cat’s cry is a change of environment. Adaptation is a mandatory stage after a kitten arrives in a new home. Even an adult needs to get used to a new place. Everything around is unfamiliar: the atmosphere, the smells. Show more attention to your pet during this period and soon he will stop screaming. Young kittens get used to it faster than adults.
    3. A kitten may scream, simply asking for attention and affection. Take him in your arms, sit him on your lap and stroke his back. He will calm down and his mood will improve. If he keeps you from sleeping with his screams, then this may be a simple whim; let him go to bed with you and you will sleep peacefully. The kitten can be awakened by hunger. Leave some food in the bowl in the evening.
    4. The kitten may get scared and scream if it is trapped. Curiosity often leads him to the most secluded places, for example, to a sofa, a duvet cover, or a dark corner. Help him get out and calm him down by picking him up, petting him and talking gently. Believe me, he will understand you.

    If your cat is shaking before giving birth, what should you do?

    There are two options to consider here:

    • Before giving birth, cats breathe faster. Sometimes it becomes so frequent that the pregnant cat appears to be trembling or shaking.
    • The cat is really shaking. This may be a banal reaction to a stressful situation, as well as a reaction to changes in body temperature. Therefore, if there are no other warning signs, there is no need to worry. However, if your cat has a high fever, loses consciousness, and also has unpleasant discharge from the genitals, you should immediately call a veterinarian, as this is a characteristic sign of complications during childbirth.

    Cat colors

    Many folk signs and superstitions are associated with colored cats. These pets boast a variety of colors. Color is often associated with the influence of cats on a person and his fate. Signs may differ in different countries and among different peoples.

    Calico cat

    It is quite rare to find a three-colored or four-colored cat. She has a combination of white, black and red tones on her coat, and there may also be inclusions of gray shades. Sometimes the color even resembles embroidery patterns. It is believed that a pet with such flowers brings happiness to its owners. Each shade has its own meaning:

    • White is purity and innocence
    • Black – reliable protection from dark forces and evil demons
    • Red – attracts wealth and wards off illnesses

    The Japanese believe that a cat with three colors is the most reliable talisman that brings prosperity and material wealth to the house. In Islam, tricolored pussycats are considered reliable protectors from fire. And the British are happy to bring even stray colorful cats into their homes, and believe that such animals will protect the home from all troubles.

    White cat

    Snow-white pets are able to absorb negative energy, relieve stress, prevent diseases and other troubles, and protect against the evil eye. When a white cat crosses the path of a woman or man, it is good luck. If she lambed at home and brought the same snow-white kittens, it means that luck will never leave them.

    There is a belief that the white pussy can arrange the personal life of its owners. Unmarried girls must adopt 7 white female kittens, and boys must adopt 7 male kittens. If the newlyweds met a white animal at a wedding, it means their life will be happy and their marriage will be successful.

    Black cat

    Folk signs have endowed the black cat with many negative traits. It seems to me that such prejudices arose in the distant Middle Ages. After all, at night the black beauty hunts completely silently, and in the dark her eyes sparkle frighteningly. At the same time, there are also positive signs for animals with the following colors:

    • The black cat must be allowed into the house first so that he can “agree” with the brownie living there
    • During a thunderstorm, a black pet should be expelled from the room, it attracts lightning
    • Black pussy - reliable protection against thieves
    • The British believe that a black animal attracts lovers
    • Crossing the road is not good, and if you meet a person on the way to the cemetery, it means death
    • Sneezes near the bride at a wedding - fortunately
    • Hit a black cat with a car - expect serious trouble

    In some countries, they believe that a black pet is reliable protection against the evil eye, evil spirits and other troubles. It's up to you to decide what you can believe and what you can't.

    Positive signs are associated with ginger cats. Their fur shines like the sun, which cannot bring evil. So, here's what our ancestors believed:

    • When the owner is sick, a saffron milk cap perched next to him can bring him recovery
    • The ginger cat is a peacemaker, he can reduce quarrels between spouses
    • Ryzhik protects newlyweds from damage and envy of strangers
    • Rubbing against a person’s legs – takes away all the negative energy and bad mood
    • Golden wool attracts money and other wealth to the family

    Many people experiencing financial difficulties are advised to take a ginger kitten or puppy into their home. After this, you can forget about your problems. In addition to the above-mentioned colors of cats, there are smoky, brindle, Siamese, and a two-color range is often found. They are not remembered so vividly, which is why the superstitions associated with them are little known.

    Normal pregnancy process, stages and timing

    In a healthy animal, the process of pregnancy and childbirth occurs without the need for intervention or assistance. In purebred, small, problem cats, childbirth may occur with complications. In more developed countries, there is a special profession - zooobstetrician, a specialist responsible for the favorable course of childbirth, preserving the life and health of the mother and offspring. In “our realities,” all responsibility falls on the shoulders of the owners and general veterinarians.

    On average, a normal cat pregnancy lasts 60–65 days, but the period can vary by 7–10 days depending on the breed and body composition of the expectant mother. Conventionally, pregnancy is divided into 3 stages:

    • Mating – 3 weeks: after mating, the cat experiences swelling of the mucous membranes of the genital tract, but this does not guarantee pregnancy. Clear signs are observed from the third week: Drowsiness, decreased appetite and activity.
    • Requires affection and attention.
    • Vomiting (no more than 3 times a day, no longer than 2-3 days).
    • Distinct pigmentation of the mammary glands - from light to bright pink.
    • An enlarged uterus, which can be detected by a veterinarian by palpation.
    • 4-6 weeks: Rapid growth of the “babies” and “rounding” of the cat. By week 6, the amount of fluid in the uterus increases, and the kittens begin to make their first movements.
    • Kittens can be “felt” when gently palpated.
    • The cat eats and sleeps more, otherwise behaves as usual.
    • 7–9 weeks: Kittens are actively moving. The movements are clearly visible to the naked eye, especially if the cat is sleeping.
    • Swelling of the mammary glands, release of colostrum.
    • Some cats have a whitish vaginal discharge, which is normal.
    • Increased anxiety and making a “den”.

    Cats and weather

    Many beliefs are associated with cats and the weather. Since ancient times, people have tried to guess the vagaries of nature, focusing on the behavior of their pets. The following signs are associated with the weather:

    • Sleeps soundly with his stomach turned up - for warm and hot weather
    • Hiding his muzzle between his paws while sleeping means bad weather
    • Curled up in a ball on my lap - it will be bitterly cold
    • Sitting on the stove or radiator - to the cold
    • Unfolds or licks its tail - wait for a snowstorm
    • Hides his head - you can wait for a thunderstorm or rain
    • He washes himself, licks his paws, strokes his head - there will be sunshine
    • Licking the skin - most likely the day will be rainy
    • If your ear scratches, it means it will snow or rain
    • Scraping on glass, on a wall or floor - wait for the wind or blizzard
    • Sharpening his claws on a table leg means a change in weather
    • Sneezes - wait for precipitation

    Of course, many of these signs are simple superstitions. But sometimes the behavior of animals is due to the fact that they better sense changes in the atmosphere that precede certain weather phenomena. For example, before a thunderstorm, a cat may become nervous. In the heat it tries to open up as much as possible, and in the cold it curls up into a ball to keep warm. Even scientists talk about predicting earthquakes based on animal behavior.

    Night concerts

    Why does a cat meow for no reason at night? This often occurs in animals during estrus. Continuous screams at night may also indicate illness.

    However, most often a cat screams at night because it cannot sleep. It is possible that her sleep-wake pattern is disrupted. Night meowing greatly disturbs the peace of the owners. In this case, you need to make sure that the cat sleeps as little as possible during the daytime. It is also useful to arrange active games with the animal more often during the day. This will ensure your pet sleeps soundly at night.

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