All about obesity in cats
How to help a cat lose weight: diet and feeding habits
To help your pet get rid of obesity, it is important to understand the reason for its development. Sometimes extra
The cat raised his paw
The cat's paw is swollen and he is limping: what to do, main causes, first aid, treatment methods
Cats are very graceful and flexible animals. Their ability to deftly overcome even very high
cat with open mouth photo
The cat is choking, wheezing and coughing: causes of difficulty breathing
Sometimes cats breathe with their mouths open, just like dogs. Seeing this “trick” performed at home
Kidney disease in cats
Acute and chronic nephritis in cats: symptoms and treatment
Kidney disease in cats is a serious and dangerous pathology that can lead to death.
Argasid and Ixodid ticks
How to remove a tick from a cat - procedure rules and recommendations  
Veterinarians are often faced with the fact that owners do not know how to remove a tick from a cat, and are forced
Sad cat
Bald spots in cats: causes of baldness on the back, head, paws and ears
Most often, a cat goes bald during the period of molting, which occurs seasonally. The process is natural, associated with regular
How and with what to wash the eyes of a kitten or adult cat
Maria Aleksandrovna Sazhko veterinary therapist Veterinarians are often asked to tell us how to wash the eyes of kittens and
Cat walking in the garden
Salmonellosis in cats: symptoms and treatment, danger to humans
The danger of contracting infectious diseases awaits pets everywhere. Due to behavioral characteristics - for
Why does a cat bite its claws: physiological or psychological problems. How to help your pet?
When people bite their nails, it is usually considered nervousness or just a bad habit. At worst
Why does a cat want a cat after castration: reasons for how to help your pet
Owners of mustachioed pets decide to castrate their cat for various reasons. For example, a cat constantly
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