A cat regurgitates food: normal or pathological
A cat often burps: causes, symptoms, what to do when vomiting after eating, prevention, what not to do
In cats and kittens, it can be difficult to differentiate between vomiting/vomiting, regurgitation, and coughing. All
What to do if a cat vomits water: causes, treatment methods
Cats with gastrointestinal problems are among the most common patients in veterinary clinics. This
Why does a cat shake its ears and head constantly, causes of itching, how to help and what to do
Head shaking in cats can occur for a variety of reasons, both simple and
Pneumonia in a cat - details about the disease
What is pneumonia? Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung parenchyma, i.e. functional fabric,
Why cats always love meat, but do not feel the sweet taste. Important facts about baleen beetles and their food
Sweet treats for cats Most pets' tongues contain taste buds on the cell surface that
A kitten has diarrhea with mucus: causes, diagnosis, treatment
Mucus is a thick, slippery substance that is produced in various human organs. It's in the intestines
What diseases do cats have?
The development of veterinary medicine for small animals in our country began relatively recently. Another 30–40
Why do cats hiccup?
Why does a kitten hiccup: causes and methods of elimination
We often love our cats so much that we tend to attribute human emotions and
What to do if your cat has a blue tongue? Possible reasons
The color of a cat's tongue can reveal a lot about your pet's health problems. If
How to plant grass for cats? 2 ways to grow at home
Green, juicy grass for cats is a complete, affordable food in a pet’s diet. IN
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