Removal of wisdom tooth due to caries
Age-related changes in bite: why do they appear and what to do?
Removal of wisdom teeth due to caries Why wisdom teeth are most often affected by caries Most often
Why does a kitten not let you sleep at night and what should you do about it?
Cats are natural nocturnal predators. Therefore, activity in the dark is important for them.
Subcutaneous abscess in dogs and cats (bite wound)
Lipoma (wen, steatoma, lipid cyst) is a benign limited tumor of the skin formed from adipose tissue.
The cat has hot paws - can this symptom be called alarming?
Body temperature in cats is one of the main indicators of the health of a pet. Any
Fat cat lies on the ground
All about obesity in cats: the insidiousness of excess weight
Many people make a lot of efforts to get rid of extra pounds, but for some reason
How many claws does a cat have on its front paws?
Everything about cat claws: structure, properties, possible pathologies
Owners of mustachioed pets often encounter damage to furniture. The whole point is that in
What to do if your cat doesn't have milk and how to help her
The mother cat provides everything for her newborn kittens. The newborn cannot regulate temperature, see, hear or
What to do if one cat’s eye is watery and won’t open?
What to do if a cat squints one eye, how dangerous can this be?
The owner must carefully look after the pet, and if the cat has one eye watering and
How to fatten a male cat: nuances and recommendations
Underweight is no less dangerous than obesity. Most often it is associated with bad
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