How to get rid of cat smell: freshness simply and for a long time
Do you have a smelly cat? Cats are generally known for being clean. Most of them are
Why don’t cats eat or drink after spaying or castration surgery, what can I do about it?
Sterilization and castration are popular surgical procedures among cat owners that can solve many problems.
Read also how to care for an old cat
How to care for an old cat: useful tips for experienced and new owners
Every pet unfortunately ages over time. Over time, the cat cannot normally
cancer in cats
Neoplasms, what to do? — all about veterinary oncology!
Cancers in cats are quite rare. It is very important to undergo various tests periodically. This
Helping a cat give birth
Childbirth in a cat: preparation for childbirth, signs, care after birth
Pregnancy of a pet is a joyful and important event. Cats become sexually mature at 6-8 months and,
Scabies mites under a microscope
Pruritic scabies (notoedrosis): helping your cat stop itching
Home » Useful Information The sight of a furiously itching cat should alert the owner, as the animal
Kitten whiskers
How many whiskers do cats have on each side - types and quantities
Cats are quite graceful and perfect creatures. Can you imagine the face of a homely beauty?
Common diseases of the nervous system in cats, their treatment
Causes of cerebellar ataxia The main cause of impaired motor coordination in cats is infections that affect
The cat's fur falls out and bald spots form.
Bald patches in a cat: how to distinguish normal from pathology?
(Be the first to vote!) 5589564 12/14/2021 owner reviews We all know that cats shed, and that
Viral and infectious peritonitis in cats: deadly coronavirus, how long do they live with FIP
Forms of peritonitis Cats under two years of age and older than ten are at risk.
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