Why does a kitten's whiskers break: the main reasons and what to do
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Types of fleas in cats: what do pets suffer from?
Fleas are blood-sucking parasites that are quite common even in domestic cats. Infestation by these insects
A cat with short hair is an ideal pet
Cat fur serves as an insulating layer between the skin and the external environment. The coat protects against
Coronavirus infection in cats: symptoms and treatment
Against the backdrop of information frenzy on the topic of Chinese coronavirus transmitted from animals, I would like to finally contribute
International Veterinary Center for Reproduction and Artificial Insemination of Small Animals
Just like humans, pets often suffer from diseases that affect the visual organ. Having noticed
vibrissae function
Why do representatives of the cat breed need whiskers (vibrissae)? What are the consequences of vibrissae loss?
Main functions The cat's whiskers, otherwise called vibrissae, are the most important organ of touch. Through
A lump on the nipple is a serious threat to the life of a cat!
8196Administration Any signs of diseases in cats should be examined, both serious and minor, at first
The science and art of alleviating the suffering of the patient in the last days of life
A cat is a predatory animal and this causes many physiological characteristics of its body and food intake.
Cat sitting on the lawn
Where do lice eaters come from in cats and how to deal with them?
If your cat often itches, chews itself, and has poor sleep, then this is probably
Miliary dermatitis in a cat, photo photo
Finding out the causes of acne in cats: correct diagnosis and treatment
The Murkoshi team has long been asking questions: “Why can kittens develop acne on their bodies?”, “To what extent?
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