Why does a cat want a cat after castration: reasons for how to help your pet
Owners of mustachioed pets decide to castrate their cat for various reasons. For example, a cat constantly
An old cat doesn’t eat, only drinks water and sleeps, has lost a lot of weight - what to do, how can I help?
Why did the old cat lose so much weight?
Unfortunately, our pets do not last forever. The withering of the cat's body is accompanied by unpleasant phenomena. Old cat
sores on the cat's neck
Sores in a cat’s neck: description, possible causes and methods of treatment
Every owner wants his pet to live happily ever after. Therefore, any disease
First aid for injuries in cats
Plasmacytic pododermatitis in animals: signs, causes and treatment
Popular belief states that a cat has nine lives. True, this is just a belief. Specialists
khao mani
Can kittens from the same litter have different fathers?
Cats from the same litter can have different colors, patterns, sizes and even breeds. The only thing
Clinical case – complications after cesarean section in a cat
Surgical manipulation - caesarean section, performed in cats and dogs when problems arise in
Treatment of ear mites in cats: symptoms, treatment, prevention
12688Administration Otodectosis is a very unpleasant disease caused by the appearance of ear mites in an animal. It happens
What types of infections do cats have and how to treat them?
No matter how much we love our pets, alas, our love is not always able to protect
interpretation of urine test
Dark urine in a cat: causes and treatment of diseases that cause urine color change
When a pet has health problems, the first thing to do is send the cat to
In what cases is it necessary to clean the anal glands of cats and dogs?
The anal glands in cats are small organs located around the anus. Their main task is
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