A cat bleeds after castration: causes, dangers, first aid
Every day, in all veterinary clinics, more than one thousand operations to castrate pets are performed.
Red cat lies
Polycystic kidney disease in cats: treatment and life prognosis
Polycystic disease (from Latin polycystosis, where poly - many, cystis - cyst - hollow
flea bite
What is flea dermatitis in cats, symptoms and treatment methods for allergies
Timely destruction of fleas will help avoid trouble for humans from constantly itchy flea bites. Not uncommon
Ringworm (microsporia, trichophytosis) in cats and kittens
How is cat lichen treated in humans? If, through negligence or ignorance, one of the owners
What is infectious anemia in cats?
Hemobartonellosis in cats: what is it, causes, symptoms and methods of treatment, prevention
Feline hemobartenellosis (or infectious anemia) is a blood-parasitic disease, similar in its clinical manifestations to piroplasmosis
A cat has a white tongue: all possible causes and their dangers
Cats always give the impression of being extremely clean animals, as they spend long periods of time in order to maintain hygiene.
Ozena or foul runny nose. Causes, symptoms and treatment
Hello everyone! “First aid” for our own “harmless” runny nose is droplets. And you can run
The cat's fur falls out and bald spots form.
Alopecia in cats: table of symptoms and treatment methods
Cat owners know that from time to time they have to pick up cat hair around the house, so...
apathy in a cat
Is it possible to deworm a nursing cat: acceptable treatment methods
(c) Office of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare
albino cat
Albino cats: features of appearance, health and character
Albino animals often attract human attention. Their snow-white coat makes them stand out from others.
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