Cat skull
Cat anatomy: structure of the body and organs, interesting facts
Whiskered pets captivated the ancient Egyptians with their grace and majesty, so they have been around for a long time
how to help a giving birth cat
How to help a cat during childbirth - the owner’s actions in difficult situations
You still don’t know how to help a giving birth cat? In this article we will try in detail
Why a kitten can’t poop – 4 reasons for baby constipation
If a one-month-old kitten does not poop for several days, the owner should be concerned about the baby’s condition, because
The cat is coughing and wheezing - the causes of the cough, and what to do?
Danil Ignatievich Safronov veterinarian Petstory When a cat coughs, owners often ask - is
Cat licks fur
The cat is vomiting white foam: how dangerous is it and what needs to be done
Vomiting is a physiological process that develops if a cat has eaten something wrong and
Symptoms of pharyngitis
12 Main Reasons Why Your Cat's Mouth Drools
Cats normally produce saliva in small doses. Excessive salivation occurs before eating,
How many kittens does a cat give birth to - 4 factors influencing the number
A female's fertility is influenced by various factors, such as breed, age, weight, and health. However
What is immunodeficiency in cats?
Feline immunodeficiency virus, or FIV: all about feline AIDS
What is FIV Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is an infectious disease that depletes the immune system.
Do-it-yourself blanket for a cat: what it’s for, what it’s made of, what to make, step-by-step instructions on how to tie it
Post-operative cat blanket A cat blanket is a soft, elastic fabric that protects
Increased salivation in a cat: why it occurs and what measures to take
Home » Useful Information Increased salivation in cats can appear for completely harmless reasons,
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